What is the most important reason business communication should be complete quizlet?

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Chapter 6 - Improving Readability with Style and Design

Terms in this set (33)

To be complete, a business communication should

be accurate.
provide all relevant information.
be specific.

Which of the following are good principles for determining the amount of information to include in a business communication?

Too much information is distracting and makes the message harder to comprehend.
The reader might not know how to respond to a message that has too little information.

The important principle in business writing is

to say what needs to be said in as few words as possible.

In general, for complex or analytical business communications, the average written sentence length should be ______ or fewer words.


When your writing style is similar to the way your readers think and talk,

they will understand the message despite the many distractions in a work environment.
they will process the information more easily.

What is the most important reason business communication should be complete?

It allows people to effectively act on the message right away.

Which sentence demonstrates the most effective use of action verbs?
Multiple choice question.

At our learning center, teachers nurture each child and monitor individual progress.

What is the key to ensuring that a message will include the right amount of information?
Multiple choice question.

Keep asking yourself what information will be necessary to achieve the purpose of the message.

A sentence written in active voice specifies the doer of the action. This is important because

accountability and coordination are vital in business.

Business writing should be concise in order to

make the message easier to comprehend.

Why should business writers avoid using buzzwords? (Choose every correct answer.)

They can distract or annoy readers.
They have become trite through overuse.
They make your writing less engaging.

For routine business communications, how many words per sentence should writers aim for?

15 words

Headings and subheadings within a document should
Multiple choice question.

describe the contents of each section.

To make business writing easier to read and comprehend, you should

write the way the reader thinks and talks.

Which of the following would best serve as a heading?

choosing a location for your store

Which two of the following can often be changed into action verbs in an effort to make your writing more dynamic?

forms of the verb to be

Bullets and numbering

makes items easier to remember.
help readers notice each item on a list.

What are some of the benefits of using the active voice? (Choose every correct answer.)

The reader can understand it more quickly.
Usually the sentence will be shorter.
It emphasizes action, which is a key element in business.

When composing a document, expert business writers spend most of their time
Multiple choice question.

thinking about how the message will affect readers.

Writers should avoid buzzwords because they

can cause negative feelings.
are trite.

When a document is complex or full of information, headings help readers do which of the following? (Choose every correct answer.)

find their way through the document and locate areas of interest
identify key concepts

What are good characteristics of headings for navigational design? (Choose every correct answer.)

being concise
accurately describing what is in each section

The purpose of the FAIR test is to ensure that

that business communication be conducted ethically

Which two of the following kinds of lists would benefit most from being formatted with bullets or numbering?


Compared to average business writers, expert business writers spend more time doing which three of the following?

thinking about the effect of the message.
planning the document.
reviewing the text.

When you proofread a document, you are looking for all of the following except

evaluate whether the document is likely to influence readers.
check for accuracy.

Why should business writers avoid using buzzwords?

They have become trite through overuse.
They can distract or annoy readers.
They make your writing less engaging

What are readers who provide feedback expected to do? (Choose every correct answer.).

offer suggestions for improving the text
imagine how the intended reader will respond to the text

What are readers who provide feedback expected to do? (Choose every correct answer.

offer suggestions for improving the text
imagine how the intended reader will respond to the text



Bullets and numbering


Which of the following are recommended steps in proofreading? (Choose every correct answer.)

Read sentences from the viewpoint of the audience.
Read each sentence more than once.
Correct problems with the writing style, spelling, and grammar.

When you proofread a document, you are looking for all of the following except


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Verified questions


The Severn Company plans to raise a net amount of $270 million to finance new equipment in early 2017. Two alternatives are being considered: Common stock may be sold to net$60 per share, or bonds yielding 12% may be issued. The balance sheet and income statement of the Severn Company prior to financing are as follows: $$ \begin{matrix} \text{The Severn Company: Balance Sheet as of December 31, 2016 (Millions of Dollars)}\\ \text{Current assets} & \text{\$ 900.00} & \text{Notes payable} & \text{\$ 255.00}\\ \text{Net fixed assets} & \text{450.000} & \text{Long-term deb(10\\%)} & \text{697.50}\\ \text{ } & \text{ } & \text{Common stock, \$ par} & \text{60.00}\\ \text{ } & \text{ } & \text{Retained earnings} & \text{337.50}\\ \text{Total assets} & \text{\$ 1.350.00} & \text{Total liabilities and equity} & \text{\$ 1.350.00}\\ \end{matrix} $$ $$ \begin{matrix} \text{The Severn Company: Income Statement for Year Ended December 31, 2016 (Millions of Dollars)}\\ \text{Sales} & \text{\$ 2.475.00}\\ \text{Operating costs} & \text{2.227.50}\\ \text{Earnings before interest and taxes (10\\%)} & \text{\$ 247.50}\\ \text{Interest on short-term debt} & \text{15.00}\\ \text{Interest on long-term debt} & \text{69.75}\\ \text{Earnings before taxes} & \text{\$ 162.75}\\ \text{Federal-plus-state taxes (40\\%)} & \text{65.10}\\ \text{Net income} & \text{\$ 97.65}\\ \end{matrix} $$ The probability distribution for annual sales is as follows: $$ \begin{matrix} \text{Probability} & \text{Annual Sales (Millions of Dollars)}\\ \text{0.30} & \text{\$ 2.250}\\ \text{0.40} & \text{2.700}\\ \text{0.30} & \text{3.150}\\ \end{matrix} $$ Assuming that EBIT equals 10% of sales, calculate earnings per share (EPS) under the debt financing and the stock financing alternatives at each possible sales level. Then calculate expected EPS and $\sigma_{\mathrm{EPS}}$ under both debt and stock financing alternatives. Also calculate the debt-to-capital ratio and the times-interest-earned (TIE) ratio at the expected sales level under each alternative. The old debt will remain outstanding. Which financing method do you recommend?

Verified answer


Allison and Leslie, who are twins, just received $10,000 each for their 25th birthday. They both have aspirations to become millionaires. Each plans to make a$5,000 annual contribution to her “early retirement fund” on her birthday, beginning a year from today.Allison opened an account with the Safety First Bond Fund, a mutual fund that invests in high-quality bonds whose investors have earned 8% per year in the past. Leslie invested in the high-quality bonds whose investors have earned 8% per year in the past. Leslie invested in the investors have earned an average of 13% per year in the fund’s relatively short history. a. If the two women’s funds earn the same returns in the future as in the past, how old will each be when she becomes a millionaire? b. How large would Allison’s annual contributions have to be for her to become a millionaire at the same age as Leslie, assuming their expected returns are realized? c. Is it rational or irrational for Allison to invest in the bond fund rather than in stocks?

Verified answer


Morrissey Technologies Inc.’s 2016 financial statements are shown here. $$ \begin{matrix} \text{Morrissey Technologies Inc.: Balance Sheet as of December 31, 2016}\\ \text{Cash} & \text{\$ 180.000} & \text{Accounts payable} & \text{\$ 360.000}\\ \text{Receivables} & \text{360.000} & \text{Accrued liabilities} & \text{180.000}\\ \text{Inventories} & \text{720.000} & \text{Notes payable} & \text{56.000}\\ \text{Total current assets} & \text{\$ 1.260.000} & \text{Total current liabilities} & \text{\$ 596.000}\\ \text{ } & \text{ } & \text{Long-term debt} & \text{100.000}\\ \text{Fixed assets} & \text{1.440.000} & \text{Common stock} & \text{1.800.000}\\ \text{ } & \text{ } & \text{Retained earnings} & \text{204.000}\\ \text{Total assets} & \text{\$ 2.700.000} & \text{Total liabilities and equity} & \text{\$ 2.700.000}\\ \end{matrix} $$ $$ \begin{matrix} \text{Morrissey Technologies Inc.: Income Statement for December 31, 2016}\\ \text{Sales} & \text{\$ 3.600.000}\\ \text{Operating costs including depreciation} & \text{3.279.720}\\ \text{EBIT} & \text{\$ 320.280}\\ \text{Interest} & \text{20.280}\\ \text{EBT} & \text{\$ 300.000}\\ \text{Taxes (40\\%)} & \text{120.000}\\ \text{Net income} & \text{\$ 180.000}\\ \text{Per Share Data:}\\ \text{Common stock price} & \text{\$ 45.00}\\ \text{Earnings per share (EPS)} & \text{\$ 1.80}\\ \text{Dividends per share (DPS)} & \text{\$ 1.08}\\ \end{matrix} $$ Suppose that in 2017, sales increase by 10% over 2016 sales. The firm currently has 100,000 shares outstanding. It expects to maintain its 2016 dividend payout ratio and believes that its assets should grow at the same rate as sales. The firm has no excess capacity. However, the firm would like to reduce its operating costs/sales ratio to 87.5% and increase its total liabilities-to-assets ratio to 30%. (It believes its liabilities-to-assets ratio currently is too low relative to the industry average.) The firm will raise 30% of the 2017 forecasted interest-bearing debt as notes payable, and it will issue long-term bonds for the remainder. The firm forecasts that its before-tax cost of debt (which includes both short- and long-term debt) is 12.5%. Assume that any common stock issuances or repurchases can be made at the firm’s current stock price of $45. a. Construct the forecasted financial statements assuming that these changes are made. What are the firm’s forecasted notes payable and long-term debt balances? What is the forecasted addition to retained earnings? b. If the profit margin remains at 5% and the dividend payout ratio remains at 60%, at what growth rate in sales will the additional financing requirements be exactly zero? In other words, what is the firm’s sustainable growth rate? (Hint: Set AFN equal to zero and solve for g.)

Verified answer


Earley Corporation issued perpetual preferred stock with an 8% annual dividend. The stock currently yields 7%, and its par value is $100. a. What is the stock’s value? b. Suppose interest rates rise and pull the preferred stock’s yield up to 9%. What is its new market value?

Verified answer

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Which of the following is the most widely used form of business communication?

Verbal communication is one of the most commonly used forms of communication in business—and it makes sense.

Is it best to highlight words or phrases?

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Only highlight after you've reached the end of a paragraph or a section. ... .
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What should the length of a paragraph in business communication usually be?

Shorter sentences and paragraphs are easier to understand and likely to contain fewer errors. Unnecessary words that add nothing to the meaning and the impact of the sentence or paragraph should be omitted. Most business communication experts recommend writing with an average sentence length of between 20 to 25 words.

What is the purpose of writing in business?

The primary goal of business writing is to convey valuable information. Inaccurate or irrelevant content affects the purpose of the document. For effective business writing, information must be value-additive and complete.