west linn là gì - Nghĩa của từ west linn

west linn có nghĩa là

A suburb outside of Portland, Oregon.

You might be from West Linn if....

-You see Escalades, Hummers, Range Rovers, and Mercedes everywhere
-Your McDonald's has a plasma flat screen TV in it
-Some of the Portland TrailBlazers live in your city
-The highschool has an ATM in it
-The only crime that happens is teenagers egging cars....and it makes the local paper
-The majority of students at the high school drink and/or do drugs, yet they are academically one of the best schools in the state
-The cops have nothing better to do than pulling over people for no real reason
-Everyone asks "Are you rich?" or something along these lines when you say you are from West Linn
-There are hardly any minorities in your city

This is a generalization of WL, but it is pretty true.


West Linn is very similar to Lake Oswego

I am from West Linn, I am so cool.

west linn có nghĩa là

A suburb of Portland, OR with excessively high land value, oppressive police, and more ways to get lost than any other place.


West Linn

west linn có nghĩa là

The local high school for West Linn, Oregon.
While a lot of the students are particularly wealthy, very few of them actually brag about it, as everybody seems to exaggerate. The people who usually write these definitions are usually the rich snobby types who get arrested for doing extremely stupid things and then wondering why.
The teachers are actually very good, but some students [see above] dislike them simply because they openly oppose them.
There are some really cool people at this school, though, amid the crowds of students. Though there are quite a few people who do/have done drugs, they generally are cool people, once you get past that. This usually has to do with the fact that these people do have a lot of money, with parents who have full time jobs meaning they're never at home, so the kids get bored with having everything and being good. Thus, they go do drugs.
There are a good chunk of students that are about middle class, but since people only come on here to rant because they got picked on, you never hear about them. There are some snobby people in this group, but for the most part they're pretty cool, down-to-Earth people.
tl;dr, WLHS is actually a pretty good school to go to. People just complain constantly because they do bad things and can't figure out why they're in trouble.


Kid 1: West Linn High School seriously sucks, man. I kicked over a trash can and a teacher actually had the NERVE to reprimand me! [This is an unrealistic representation since the people who usually do these things probably can't even define 'reprimand'] Kid 2: Yeah, I know, right? It's like they actually expect us to be GOOD and stuff! or Kid 1: I got this awesome new laptop for Christmas, and I'm super excited about it! Snob: Oh you rich people always go on about all your nice fancy stuff because you're all rich and stuff. Kid 1: Actually, my family had to scrape together the money for this. Snob: You're a jerk for even trying to talk back to me. Not worth MY time! *goes off to smoke something*

west linn có nghĩa là

A boring-ass, little town nobody's ever heard of near Portland, Oregon. It consists of mostly upper-class Christian white people. A huge method of entertainment [besides getting wasted] is hanging out near Safeway, Starbucks, and other places of that nature.


West Linn Idiot: I have a stick up my ass!

Person: Must be from West Linn.

west linn có nghĩa là

New money Portland suburb. Huge bronze statue of batteling stallions. Women have fake orange tans and acrylic nails. Tasteless and trashy wannabe Lake Oswego. 105 lb housewives rolln the leased escalade, completely environmentaly unconcious. Women with no secondary education, very insecure, and yet try to lord their precieved wealth over others. MIDDLE MANAGEMENT! These people are so cheesy, all they talk about is money, but West Linn aint the West Hills!!! People with very little imagination. Rolling Hills Community Super Church, Jesus needs your buck. Hummers!!!!!


West Linn people are as beige as their McMansions.

west linn có nghĩa là

A small town in Oregon filled with 38% rich, backstabbing, drinking, mean, gossiping, crowd-following white kids, 13% wierd kids trying to be emo and different but all wear black, 17% people who just complain all the time about the first two groups that make up 51%, 33% of people who do their own thing and hang out in their little cliques that are very exclusive, and 9% of people who actually have substance, aren't materialistic, nice, and genuine. It's hard to find them though.


West Linn is stupid.

west linn có nghĩa là

a suburb right outside of portland, Oregon


you might be from west linn if you see..

1]stretched hummer limos, range rovers, bentlys, Escalades

2]we have a starbucks on every block

3]you either see a kid with an iphone, or a juicy

4]when people hear westlinn, they ask if you rich and you try and avoid the question

5]academically, our schools are best in state

6]the most crime that happens is kids sneaking out past curfew and makes the local paper under the police calls

7]our best hang out spot is safeway and we try to make the most fun out of it

8]even though kids do drugs no one seems to find out

and the scary part is, this is all true..

west linn có nghĩa là

1] A town in which is located in oregon, next to Lake Oswego. One of the most yuppie filled people in the state. Their highschool has the best public school rating, but everyone there is evil.

2] A way of saying something is so rich looking it's ugly.


1] Man, I dont want to go to west linn today... Im not in the mood to deal with all the preppies.

2] I would never wear that abercromie shirt! its so west linn!

west linn có nghĩa là

A city outside of Portland,OR.
This place obviously has a lot of whiny bitches that cry about everybody being fake, when really they are just kidding themselves. You just have to make the best of things and take your anger out by fucking around in random stores and throwing shit out of your cars at people and at starbucks. And don't forget to get fucking wasted. climbing the rooftops and getting the cops called on you for doing awesome shit that most of those losers are never gonna get to experience. The cops have nothing to do except cruise around and steal peoples wheel chairs that they bought fair and square. and it has so many people that say everybody around them are douchebags and fakie preps and don't realize that its fun being a douchebag.


Nerds: everybody here is fake and i cry and masturbate myself to sleep everynight cause i can't get any. True West Linnian: *kicks in balls* LOSER

west linn có nghĩa là

The greatest.
Chael Sonnen is known for a dominant and undefeated career spanning over a decade without suffering a single defeat.


‘I was so in awe of the the biggest arms in West Linn.’

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