vitaliy là gì - Nghĩa của từ vitaliy

vitaliy có nghĩa là

A sexy, smart, and strong man who is generally very smooth with women.


Girl 1: Did you see that hot guy at the gym? He is at the top of our accounting class. Girl 2: He is such a vitaliy!

vitaliy có nghĩa là

The smartest computer programmer in the world. Vitaliy is sometimes used as a noun to mean great luck and success in life. It also describes nerds who have lots of girlfriends.


1. Jeef used vitaliy's help to solve all of computer problems in the visual basic code.
2. Aysel had lost of vitaliy when she went with a cool computer guy on the prom.
3. Bill Gates issued a vitaliy patch to improve defence from hackers.

vitaliy có nghĩa là

Words cannot begin to define Vitaliy, Vitaliy is the sexiest, bravest, smartest, strongest, and all around most awesome. Vitaliy is derived from the russian language. Vitaliy is possibly the most perfect human. Vitaliy has an ability to consume extreme amounts of food that is not explained by science. Vitaliy is adored by all women secretly and is the meaning of success. Vitaliy also has the ability to make all other humans look inferior because he is a professional in everything and can do anything.


Vitaliy is the most incredible human

vitaliy có nghĩa là

A somewhat deaf Russian who likes to rave to techno music in his mazda. At times, he may act rather clumsy, and walk into a truck. When bored in class, this guy either texts away on his blackberry or he plays pokemon on his game boy. He tends to eat way too much at every restaraunt that he goes to. Also, for some odd reason, scientists have observed his strange eating habits of burritos with carrots dunked in ketchup. Overall, having a vitaliy is a good thing to have around because he is rather tall and can reach things most people cannot.


That guy over there who just walked into that truck is such a vitaliy!

vitaliy có nghĩa là

A Russian male who is usually very attractive and sexy. All girls want him.


Girl 1:Wow look at Vitalii he’s so hot! Girl 2: I know right .

vitaliy có nghĩa là

Professional Ukranian heavyweight boxer which was a Ring and WBC champion
The guy with the highest knockout percentage 35 wins out of 37 [34 of them knockouts], he is a fighting machine

Fights in order of appearance
[kickbox] Vitaliy Klychko vs. Rushi Yanagisava

[kickbox] Vitaliy Klychko vs. Varring

Vitaliy Klychko vs. Atilla Levin [1996]

Vitaliy Klychko vs. Richard Kennedy [11-08-1998]

Vitaliy Klychko vs. Zorah Bujekika [13-02-1999]
Vitaliy Klychko vs. Herbi Hide [26-06-1999]

Vitaliy Klychko vs. Axel Schultz [25-09-2000]

Vitaliy Klychko vs. Paea Wolfgram [18-03-2000]

Vitaliy Klychko vs. David Bostis [29-04-2000]

Vitaliy Klychko vs. Chris Berd [14-10-2000]

Vitaliy Klychko vs. Orlin Norris [27-01-2008]

Vitaliy Klychko vs. Rosa Puritti [08-12-2001]

Vitaliy Klychko vs. Vaugne Bina [08-02-2002]

Vitaliy Klychko vs. Fransua Boza [16-03-2002]

Vitaliy Klychko vs. Larry Donald [23-1-2002]

Vitaliy Klychko vs. Jamiel Mclain [07-12-2002]

Vitaliy Klychko vs. S. Sanders [08-03-2003]

Vitaliy Klychko vs. Lennox Lewis [21-06-2003]

Vitaliy Klychko vs. Fabio Molly [30-08-2003]

Vitaliy Klychko vs. Kirk Johnson [06-12-2003]

Vitaliy Klychko vs. Daniel Nicholson [20-12-2003]

Vitaliy Klychko vs. Lemon Brewster [10-02-2004]

Vitaliy Klychko vs. Corey Sanders [24-04-2004]

Vitaliy Klychko vs. Davarila [02-10-2004]

Vitaliy Klychko vs. Danny Williams [11-12-2004]

Vitaliy Klychko vs. Elima [23-04-2005]

Vitaliy Klychko vs. Samuel Peter [24-09-2005]

Vitaliy Klychko vs. Chris Berd [23-04-2006]

Vitaliy Klychko vs. Calvin Broke [unknown]

Vitaliy Klychko vs. Lamon Brewster [unknown]

Vitaliy Klychko vs. Troy Roberts [unknown]

Vitaliy Klychko vs. Ray Austin [unknown]

Vitaliy Klychko vs. Sultan Ibragimov [2008]

Only 33 are listed here i'm not sure about the others


Announcer: VITALIY KLYCHKO!!!!
*crowd goes wild*
Lennox Lewis: pshh, i can fight him whenever i want, i just got too much stuff to do *picks up paper* yeah, like doodling

vitaliy có nghĩa là

The guy who made the original CSGO R8.


Vitaliy is an idiot.

vitaliy có nghĩa là

Vitalii is a SEXY charming light skin Russian nigga with money. He has tongue game with ladies pussy. Vitalii knows how to treat a lady with respect but the problem is that Vitalii fucks with too many girls so, he is known as a user. He will Netflix and chill with u anytime. He will make u feel good about youself when down , he will with always be there when u need him for comfort , he will cuddle with u all times. Vitalii is a real nigga. He's not like dem other fuck niggas. He knows how to make u feel good. Vitalii is always funny and sometmimes annoying but always a good friend . He is sometimes rude but only on a bad day. Vitalli will always be that Russian nigga.


"😍 omg I just saw my future husband Vitalii" "Awww Vitalii is so caring I love him so much 😘😍"

vitaliy có nghĩa là

One who can fuck a goat with style and get at least 7 STDs.


I did an dirty vitaliy last night with ol beasty

vitaliy có nghĩa là

The meanest person in the world. The most annoying person in the world. Built like a horse with the attitude of Gordon Ramsay. Definitely an alcoholic and always skips leg day.


Did you see that guy Vitaliy? I saw him hit the gym, take a pic and leave.

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