To have a filling là gì

Không đi nữa đâu! Photo courtesy: Sara Melhuish

"Have your fill" có từ "fill" là đầy, nhồi -> thỏa mãn hay chán ngấy thứ gì đó hoặc ai đó vì đã có quá nhiều.

Ví dụ
Ive had my fill of screaming kids for one day.

Is it really Christmas if you dont watch at least one ultra-cringey [ngượng ngùng] festive film? Well, Netflix has certainly made sure that you have your fill of them - and were only exaggerating [phóng đại] a little when we say that Vanessa Hudgens [yes, of High School Musical fame] stars in most of them.

Gujarat is perhaps one of the richest states when it comes to architecture. It is home to some of the most ancient and prominent [nổi bật] architectural wonders that one must visit while on a trip to the state. You can, of course, have your fill of the rich cuisine of the state as a tour of these sites will keep you on your toes [phấn khích] long enough to have you work up an appetite.

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