Tiếng Anh 9 trang 16 listen

Unit 2 : Clothing


I/Objectives:By the end of the lesson, students will be able to liste for specific information, describe what people are wearing and know use the present perfect with FOR and SINCE.

II/ Language contents:

-Vocabulary: announcement, missing, an entrance, fair , a doll.

Grammar structure: The present perfect

The passive form ( review)

You will hear a public announcement about a lost little girl called Mary. Listen and check (v) the letter of the correct picture to show what Mary is wearing. (Bạn sẽ nghe thấy một thông báo công khai về một cô bé bị lạc gọi là Mary. Lắng nghe và đánh dấu (v) vào hình ảnh chính xác để hiển thị những gì Mary đang mặc.)

Click tại đây để nghe

Attention please. Here is a special announcement. A little girl is reported missing. She was last seen 20 minutes ago near the main entrance to the Car Fair. Her names Mary and she is 3 years old. She has short dark hair. Shes wearing shorts blue short and a long sleeved blouse. Shes wearing a pair of shose brown shoes. She may be carrying a large doll.

If you see Mary, please bring her to the Information Desk. Her fathers waiting for her there. Thank you.

Tiếng Anh 9 trang 16 listen

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