Sửa lỗi account suspended trong mortal kombat x ios năm 2024

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  3. Account suspended out of the blue

acowsik 7 years ago


When I tried to login for the new FW season after I got my rewards, I got a message stating that my account had been suspended...

I have never cheated in the game and everything has been earned legit..

I always grind hard and have made Legend tier every season and have ended up finishing

1 on WL faction for the last 1 1/2 to 2 months.

I have been playing since launch day and I have a feeling that someone has reported me for cheating my way to the top of the leaderboards as there is no way I would be banned otherwise.. I have not hacked any rubies and had earned the maximum amount possible through legit grinding. All I did spend rubies on was to max out 2 FW gear cards and was saving up for the last one..

I have raised a ticket and have also spoken to WB Support on phone.. hopefully the ban can be overturned as I feel its unfair to suddenly suspend my account when I have been playing normally for so long


Gingeman75 7 years ago


acowsik posted...

When I tried to login for the new FW season after I got my rewards, I got a message stating that my account had been suspended...

I have never cheated in the game and everything has been earned legit..

I always grind hard and have made Legend tier every season and have ended up finishing

1 on WL faction for the last 1 1/2 to 2 months.

I have been playing since launch day and I have a feeling that someone has reported me for cheating my way to the top of the leaderboards as there is no way I would be banned otherwise.. I have not hacked any rubies and had earned the maximum amount possible through legit grinding. All I did spend rubies on was to max out 2 FW gear cards and was saving up for the last one..

I have raised a ticket and have also spoken to WB Support on phone.. hopefully the ban can be overturned as I feel its unfair to suddenly suspend my account when I have been playing normally for so long

If what you say is true..I feel for you..especially when I have glitched and cheated my way to an obscene amount of souls and never been banned[yet]...

"By the power of grayskull...I am....*low battery*..."

acowsik [Topic Creator]7 years ago


Those who have clearly hacked blood rubies are being allowed to defend in FW which is downright ridiculous. Clearly its impossible to have any maxed out characters and they get away with it while a legit player like me suffers for no fault of mine.


acornwafer 7 years ago


acowsik posted...

When I tried to login for the new FW season after I got my rewards, I got a message stating that my account had been suspended...

I have never cheated in the game and everything has been earned legit..

I always grind hard and have made Legend tier every season and have ended up finishing

1 on WL faction for the last 1 1/2 to 2 months.

I have been playing since launch day and I have a feeling that someone has reported me for cheating my way to the top of the leaderboards as there is no way I would be banned otherwise.. I have not hacked any rubies and had earned the maximum amount possible through legit grinding. All I did spend rubies on was to max out 2 FW gear cards and was saving up for the last one..

I have raised a ticket and have also spoken to WB Support on phone.. hopefully the ban can be overturned as I feel its unfair to suddenly suspend my account when I have been playing normally for so long

That is really messed up man. I have followed your posts here and on the official site. I hope you can get this resolved because it is really discouraging.

Great suggestions for what we would like to see in the next update.

acowsik [Topic Creator]7 years ago


acornwafer posted...

That is really messed up man. I have followed your posts here and on the official site. I hope you can get this resolved because it is really discouraging.

Great suggestions for what we would like to see in the next update.

Thx bro.. I am a very passionate player of the game and I am one of the most highly respected members of the official forums [was a former senior mod there] so I am not one to cheat and look for cheap shortcuts as its just not going to help me in any way.

Another thing is due to my hardcore grinding I have amassed a potload of koins [around 50 mil in total] and 35 mil of that is purely from grinding FW like mad for the last 3 months as well as earning additional amounts from FW rewards, daily DO rewards and challenges. I hardly spend any koins on the gear pack as I got most of the gear fusions from the season rewards so my koin amount cannot and should not be a trigger for a ban.. its not my fault for earning over 35 mil in 3 months over what I had before.


acornwafer 7 years ago


acowsik posted...

acornwafer posted...

That is really messed up man. I have followed your posts here and on the official site. I hope you can get this resolved because it is really discouraging.

Great suggestions for what we would like to see in the next update.

Thx bro.. I am a very passionate player of the game and I am one of the most highly respected members of the official forums [was a former senior mod there] so I am not one to cheat and look for cheap shortcuts as its just not going to help me in any way.

Another thing is due to my hardcore grinding I have amassed a potload of koins [around 50 mil in total] and 35 mil of that is purely from grinding FW like mad for the last 3 months as well as earning additional amounts from FW rewards, daily DO rewards and challenges. I hardly spend any koins on the gear pack as I got most of the gear fusions from the season rewards so my koin amount cannot and should not be a trigger for a ban.. its not my fault for earning over 35 mil in 3 months over what I had before.

I believe you. Your passion for the game is reflected in the things you say and your knowledge of the game. It's a shame that this had to happen to you. I really hope NRS does something about this really quickly, otherwise it would send a really negative message to others who are watching and to you who invested so much time and effort into this game. It's truly remarkable that you have made it to Legend at the end of every FW season lol. It's hard enough for me to make it to Grandmaster.

acowsik [Topic Creator]7 years ago


Got a response saying my ban appeal has been rejected.. this is shocking


acornwafer 7 years ago


acowsik posted...

Got a response saying my ban appeal has been rejected.. this is shocking

That is just...truly...deplorable. After all the time and effort invested into the game. This is why there will always be hackers. The honest players are punished while I increasingly have to fend off E7/L50 DELK and KJT teams.

acowsik [Topic Creator]7 years ago


It looks like its bcos of my koin amount reaching 50 mil... I mean if I am not allowed to save koins as I please, what is the point in grinding hard


acornwafer 7 years ago


acowsik posted...

It looks like its bcos of my koin amount reaching 50 mil... I mean if I am not allowed to save koins as I please, what is the point in grinding hard

If you grind hard for it and earn that amount, why get punished for it? That is really despicable and I am sure you explained it to them in detail. I have reached 25 mil and gone all the way back down to 11 mil because I was trying to upgrade some rare equipment. Then I am ground away and found myself back at 15 mil only to go back down to 13 because I was trying to stack up on upgrade cards. What's the point of doing it legitimately if you are going to get banned for your hard work? So extremely annoying.

I think you should reach out to them again. If I were banned for that, after investing so much time, effort and resources into the game, I would be so done with the game. Damn.

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