Simple topic for public speaking

Impromptu Speech Topics - 150+ Interesting Ideas

An impromptu speech is considered one of the most difficult speeches. For that reason, it is also one of the most useful speeches to master.

Preparing and delivering a speech on different Impromptu speech topics is a great way to practice quick thinking and speaking.

Usually, you have less preparation time, or you can say a few couple of minutes to prepare a speech that lasts around 5 minutes.


  • What is Impromptu Speech?
  • Tips to Choose an Impromptu Speech Topic
  • Good Impromptu Speech Topics for Students
  • Speech and Debate Impromptu Topics
  • Impromptu Persuasive Speech Topics
  • Funny Impromptu Speech Topics
  • Impromptu Public Speaking Topics
  • Creative Informative Speech Topics
  • Entertaining Speech Topics

Even for this short duration speech, you will be required to follow a structure on what you are going to say. It is very important to ensure that what you are saying is clearly understood by others.

You can also explore our detailed guide on how to write a speech to clearly understand the speech structure.

If you are not good at public speaking, choosing a good topic for your speech can boost your confidence. You should also be aware of some impromptu speech topics and ideas that will help you build confidence for all types of speeches or even conversations.

What is Impromptu Speech?

An impromptu speech is a type of speech that you have to prepare in a certain amount of time. You will generally have 1-3 minutes to prepare a speech that will last 5-7 minutes. Different speech events can even reduce the preparation time down to 1 minute and also require you to prepare your speech in mind without any paper to write points on.

These types of speeches are most commonly found in public speaking courses, debate competitions, etc. These kinds of speeches are becoming a popular way to test and practice public speaking and communication skills.

Tips to Choose an Impromptu Speech Topic

The following are some of the quick tips you can keep in mind while choosing a topic for your speech.

  • Try to choose something you know about or are already familiar with or something you eagerly want to talk about.
  • Choose a topic or idea where the scope is limited so you can cover all its important aspects.
  • Keep in mind that the goal here is to inform or persuade your audience. So, choose a topic that meets this criterion.

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Good Impromptu Speech Topics for Students

Here are some of the topics for impromptu speech for students to improve their communication skills. Simply know your audience and focus on the way you are delivering the speech.

Impromptu Speech Topics for Middle School

  • My Role model and Best friend
  • Celebrity you would like to meet and why
  • Three things everyone should do well
  • Why do I buy too many things
  • If I were president, I would
  • My favorite book
  • My last dream
  • My worst job personal experience
  • My favorite movie
  • If I were invisible for a day
  • An important lesson I learned after a mistake
  • What is the best time for a kid to get a phone?
  • Animals are stress relievers
  • Online communication can never be as good as real-life friendship
  • How to enjoy your weekends more?
  • How to have a productive summer?
  • If I were the president, I would
  • How to avoid getting grounded?
  • If I could be a famous person, I would choose to be?
  • Things you cant learn at school or college
  • Real learning does not occur in the classroom
  • Pets are for the people who dont have children
  • In which scenario, lying is a good idea?
  • Violent games contribute to the youth violence
  • Children should not watch television
Simple topic for public speaking
Paper Due? Why suffer? Thats our job! Click here to learn more.

Impromptu Speech Topics for High School

  • How to start a blog?
  • How to protect the Amazon rainforests?
  • How to ace interviews?
  • How to become a professional writer?
  • How to learn new skills?
  • How to differentiate between colors?
  • How to prepare your favorite meal?
  • How to remember things?
  • How to rent a house?
  • How to be happy all the time?
  • How to become a singer?
  • How to not lose friends?
  • My future career choice is
  • How can we prevent bullying?
  • How to help teenagers who dont know what to do with their lives?
  • Peer pressure is a good motivator
  • Creativity cannot be taught
  • A ghost you want to meet
  • Five things you are the best at
  • What is your morning routine?
  • How do you deal with loss?
  • Why is a failure the greatest teacher?
  • Social customs are a waste of time
  • Climate change is a natural occurrence
  • Going to university is not necessary anymore

Impromptu Speech Topics for College

  • How does ROI (Return on Investment) improve?
  • Social media marketing and its importance
  • Management strategies to increase productivity
  • Ways to decrease production costs
  • Best small business ideas
  • How to avoid financial scams?
  • Importance of dress code policy for a professional workplace
  • Students should have the option of choosing their own roommates
  • Why are on-campus crimes on the rise?
  • Scholarships are not always fair
  • Most professors have a biased attitude
  • Should you do something about students who seem depressed?
  • How to look for good internships while studying?
  • The death penalty shouldnt be legal
  • Should students learn how to code from a young age?
  • How can we make the internet a safer place?
  • How to save money in college?
  • How to choose a college major?
  • Are professional athletes paid too much?
  • Why do earthquakes happen?
  • The minimum age must be doubled
  • Fast foods popularity relies on marketing
  • Snooker is a boring sport
  • Being a vegetarian is healthier than eating meat
  • Renting a house is better than buying

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Speech and Debate Impromptu Topics

  • What is it to be young?
  • Effects of climate change and global warming
  • Why do teenagers start smoking?
  • Why should every citizen vote?
  • When is it ok to lie?
  • What is the difference between intelligence and wisdom?
  • Why is humor an important life skill?
  • How are self-driving cars the future of transportation?
  • What is the role of CCTV cameras?
  • Use of the Internet without any geographical restrictions
  • Importance of medication
  • Why do good grades matter?
  • Everyone should become a vegetarian
  • Will technology save or destroy the world?
  • Social media has done more damage than good
  • Parents should be able to pick the gender of their child
  • Women have always been smarter than men
  • People should live on Mars
  • Euthanasia is justified
  • Effects of Peer-to-peer technology
  • Intelligence is not enough
  • Goals are good for you
  • When I grow up
  • If I ruled the world
  • Laughter is the best medicine

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Impromptu Persuasive Speech Topics

  • Importance of Manners
  • Why should the government cut all the foreign aid?
  • Why should girls be allowed in the football teams?
  • The need for Calorie counts on the fast-food menu list
  • How is the current tax system harming the working middle class?
  • Need for cybersecurity protocols
  • Is it true that uniforms take away individuality?
  • Introverts or extroverts
  • Real learning occurs outside the classroom
  • Social media destroys a person's self-esteem
  • Paying more taxes is a good thing
  • Humans should have had control over the weather
  • Immigration laws should be less rigid
  • Nonsmokers should be at the top when receiving organs
  • It is impossible to go back to living without technology
  • The use of painkillers should be limited
  • Child abuse turns people into psychopaths
  • Can thriller movies increase your stress levels?
  • Children should have the freedom to pick their own religion
  • Motherhood is still valued in todays society
  • Colors affect the way how we feel
  • Discipline is not a dirty word
  • Team sports build strong individuals
  • Children learn what they live with
  • How can money make the world go round?

For more ideas, you can explore our article on persuasive speech topics. It has 100+ unique topic ideas to help you choose a topic that can engage and persuade your audience.

Simple topic for public speaking
Paper Due? Why suffer? Thats our job! Click here to learn more.

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Funny Impromptu Speech Topics

  • Your favorite nickname and how you got it
  • Three things you are scared of
  • Favorite cartoon character
  • How to impress your boss?
  • Ways to overcome phobias
  • Procrastinating is beneficial for psychological health
  • Why do people hate Monday?
  • How to make your parents proud?
  • Important reasons to laugh
  • How love differs from romantic movies?
  • If I could time travel...
  • The worst household chore
  • There is no such thing as normal
  • Famous people who have been fashion victims.
  • Fools are always broke
  • Laughter is the best medicine
  • Plants have feelings just like us
  • Things cartoon characters taught us
  • My most profitable mistake
  • How to deny reality?
  • Cities are for people, not cars
  • A good sense of humor is essential
  • Tell us how to become a millionaire
  • If cats/dogs ruled the world
  • If I could design a school

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Impromptu Public Speaking Topics

  • Peace is possible
  • Art is essential to life
  • Tips to prevent fraud
  • Uniforms stifle individuality
  • Victims of the fashion industry
  • Being young is overrated
  • Plants have feelings too
  • Conservation is survival
  • Funny terms and phrases
  • Beauty is in the eye of the beholder
  • Summer is the best of times. Why?
  • Children should not watch television
  • Who is an average person?
  • The most important lesson of my life
  • Explain the best way to teach an old dog a new trick
  • Describe the life cycle of a frog or butterfly
  • My three favorite animals
  • What would you find in my closet?
  • Three things that scare me
  • Great things about snow days
  • Things you can make out of the snow
  • How to spend a rainy day?
  • How to walk a dog?
  • Great things about the sea
  • The best parts of a parade
Simple topic for public speaking
Paper Due? Why suffer? Thats our job! Click here to learn more.

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Creative Informative Speech Topics

  • The economic growth of China
  • Role of market research before starting a business
  • How to handle dissatisfied customers?
  • How to start a conversation?
  • Deaf people use emotions to communicate
  • Enlist famous parliamentary debates
  • Global leadership is an unrealistic dream
  • Progressive taxation in social services
  • Disastrous economic crisis
  • Tax saving knows it all
  • Buying a house? A complete process
  • Effective strategies for smart investments
  • Tips and tricks to save money in college
  • How to deal with money problems?
  • History of currency
  • Insomnia and its types
  • Is the media biased to the left-wing?
  • What is Photojournalism?
  • Role of artificial intelligence in rehabilitation
  • Role of the family during the process of rehabilitation
  • The morality of zoos
  • Three keys to a happy life
  • You are what you eat
  • Why is it important to meditate?
  • What are you grateful for?

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Entertaining Speech Topics

  • How to confuse someone?
  • The story of the perfect husband
  • How to irritate someone?
  • Inappropriate gifts by a stranger
  • Ten things you better not say in court
  • The biggest lie on the work floor
  • Fun games to play at the beach
  • Short girl problems
  • Eating things you dont like
  • How to escape from trouble?
  • Five ways to annoy your parents
  • Three bad business slogans
  • Strange New Year resolutions
  • Fun houseplants in your home
  • Funny facts about women
  • Funny facts about men
  • Why I could never be a doctor
  • The ugliest fashions of today
  • If women had mute buttons
  • The advantages of being a man
  • Love is a choice
  • Ghosts I'd like to meet
  • Real love is not the stuff of pop songs
  • If I were an animal, I'd be a...
  • How to annoy an older sister?

We hope that these easy impromptu speech topics can help you find a topic idea of your interest. Start preparation once you are done with the topic selection.

If you have selected the topic and realized that you have no time or not enough skills to write it, don't worry.

We can help you out with that.

We at provide high-quality write my essay services if you are looking to buy speeches online. Our expert writers can help you craft your speech on your selected topic.

Simply contact us and place your order with the required details and sit back. We will do all the research and write an effective speech for you.

Simple topic for public speaking
Paper Due? Why suffer? Thats our job! Click here to learn more.