Sách Mềm lớp 4 Tập 2 Unit 11 Lesson 1

3. Listen and tick.

  • Tell pupils that they are going to listen to three dialogues about times and tick the correct pictures.
  • Have them look at the pictures to identify the time [1a. Five o’clock. 1b. Six o’clock. 1c. Seven o’clock. 2a. Seven fifteen. 2b. Seven thirty. 2c. Seven forty-five. 3a. Eight fifteen. 3b. Seven forty-five. 3c. Eight fifty.] Have them say the times aloud. Check understanding.
  • Play the recording more than once, if necessary. Ask pupils to listen to the recording and tick the correct pictures. Tell them that they should focus on the times.
  • Get pupils to swap their answers before you check as a class. Monitor the activity and offer help, if necessary.

         Key:   1 b               2 b               3 a

Audio script

       1. Mother:   Mai, it’s time for breakfast now.

           Mai:        What time is it, Mum?

          Mother:    It’s six o’clock.

          Mai:        OK, Mum.     

      2. Phong:    What time is it, Tony?

          Tony:      It’s seven thirty.

          Phong:   Seven thirteen or seven thirty?

          Tony:      Seven thirty.

          Phong:   Thank  you.

         Tony:      You’re welcome.

       3. Nam:      What time is it, Mai?

Mai:        It’s eight fifteen.

Nam:      Eight fifteen or eight fifty?

Mai:        Eight fifteen.

Nam:      Thank you.

Mai:        You’re welcome.

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