Pork fat ranked among top 10 most nutritious foods năm 2024

Imagine going to your next reunion dinner and loading up on that crispy, delicious roast pork belly. Your annoying relative notices this and places their annoying face right next to yours and says: “Ah di ah, you not fat enough ah?”

Pork fat ranked among top 10 most nutritious foods năm 2024

What you might really want to do at that point is lecture them about the apparent nutritional benefits of pork fat, and to tell them not to be rude, but I’m here to tell you to control yourself.

“Ya I want to store energy for the long night mah” is what you should probably say as you continue loading up on the pork belly that your annoying relative is totally missing out on.


Pork fat ranked among top 10 most nutritious foods năm 2024

They really don’t know what they’re missing. You should hide this article from them.

It’s surprisingly true though.

According to the BBC, pork fat is rated number 8 in a list of 100.

To put this into perspective, broccoli ranked 94 on the same exact list. I told you mom; broccoli sucks.

Pork fat ranked among top 10 most nutritious foods năm 2024

Why on earth is this so?

Well, according to the report, pork fat is a bloody good source of B vitamins and minerals. Its fat content is also more unsaturated than saturated as compared to lamb or beef fat, which makes it healthier than them.

Pork fat ranked among top 10 most nutritious foods năm 2024

We’ve always heard that fat clogs up your heart and arteries, but that’s not entirely true. Unsaturated fats actually benefit the heart, blood vessels and skin.

I actually learnt this from my Home Economics class in Secondary School way back; hated the teacher, but somehow this particular piece of knowledge stuck with me. OKAY, in reality, I got this piece of information from the Dietitians Association of Australia.

But hold up, before you pick up more of that 烧肉, or crispy roast pork belly, also consider the fact that too much of a good thing may not necessarily be a great thing.

Pork fat ranked among top 10 most nutritious foods năm 2024

Chill out piggy. Pork belly contains a sizeable portion of calories and fat, and of course, we shouldn’t eat more than our personal daily recommended amounts, right? You definitely don’t want to exceed that daily limit and store more energy than required for the long night.

Pork fat ranked among top 10 most nutritious foods năm 2024

Moderation is key; unless of course, if it concerns that annoying relative.

Maybe you should let them read the first half of this article after all, huh?

Always quarrel with your bae? Then you need to watch this video and learn this trick on how to resolve arguments without any compromise or apology (and also subscribe to Goody Feed YouTube channel):

This article was first published on goodyfeed.com

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Pork belly is considered the holy grail for most pork lovers; after all, who can resist its juicy fat content that oozes with so much flavour the moment we sink our teeth into it! Having said that, we do know that excessive consumption of this particular meat can lead to health problems due to its high fat content.

However, in a study published by BBC recently, pork fat has been crowned the eighth most nutritious food on the planet! No, it’s true!

“After analysing more than 1,000 raw foods, researchers ranked the ingredients that provide the best balance of your daily nutritional requirements – and they found a few surprises.”

Needless to say, pork fat is one of the pleasant surprises as it is more unsaturated and healthier than lamb or beef fat. Also, it is a good source of B vitamins and minerals, which are vital for our human body.

Meanwhile, here are the other items that made it to the list of top 10 most nutritious food:

  1. Almonds
  2. Cherimoya
  3. Ocean perch
  4. Flat fish
  5. Chia seeds
  6. Pumpkin seeds
  7. Swiss chard
  8. Pork fat
  9. Beet greens
  10. Snapper

Although many find this discovery hard to believe, a nutritionist from Singapore concurred with the result and said that pork fat is actually rich in oleic acid and contains 60 per cent monounsaturated fat.

“Monounsaturated fat and oleic acid are beneficial to our heart, arteries and skin. It can regulate our hormones as well.” “However, excessive consumption of fatty pork will lead to obesity, so it’s best to eat it with vegetables. Boiling or stir frying it is recommended,” she said.

She added that as long as the meat is not processed and doesn’t contain processed lard, the meat should be beneficial to our health with moderate consumption. Everything in moderation guys!

Is pork fat the healthiest fat?

According to a 2018 BBC report, researchers who analysed more than 1,000 raw foods, ranked pork fat as the 8th-most nutritious food and gave it a nutritional score of 74.

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