Overcooked special edition nintendo switch review năm 2024

Overcooked is one of the freshest couch co-op games I've ever played. It's a perfect blend of strategy and chaos, asking you and your teammates to think on your feet as its smart and strange levels do everything they possibly can to make sure you are shouting at each other. The Switch port has some framerate and rumble issues that keep it from matching the best versions available, but for local multiplayer fun it's hard to beat.

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As fun as the original version of the game but with more levels and some added flaws that makes this Special Edition good but not better.

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The core premise and style of Overcooked is a perfect fit for Nintendo's portable console, but its technical performance ruins the experience. There aren't many issues that couldn't be fixed with a patch, but as it stands, Overcooked offers an exciting cooperative experience which is quickly hampered by performance issues.

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At a time when couch co-op games are an endangered species, Overcooked doubles down on the game mode by serving up one of the more fun cooperative gaming experiences I’ve played. The emphasis on couch co-op, combined with lack of online play, admittedly makes the solo experience feel lackluster. Little glitches and control niggles can also make the more hectic stages frustrating. Overall, however, Overcooked Special Edition is a great multiplayer experience that is a great fit with Nintendo’s hybrid home and portable game console.

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Overcooked: Special Edition is a great co-op game that takes advantage of the Switch portability and Joy-Cons. Sadly its framerate issues prevent from getting a higher score.

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All in all, Overcooked is an absolute must-buy for anybody looking for a fantastic party game to play with friends. The wacky visuals and chaotic gameplay make it an ideal game for local co-op, and there's plenty of content to work through. Although there are some disappointing launch issues with the framerate (reflected in our scoring), we still give this one a strong recommendation overall; it's a title that perfectly nails what makes local multiplayer games so fun.

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Anyone looking for a fun party game or a fun cooperative Switch experience should pick up Overcooked immediately. Unfortunately, the exciting nature of the game will wear off for those who don't have others to play with, which should surely be a consideration for anyone thinking of picking the game up.

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Overcooked Special Edition on the Nintendo Switch is a fantastic slice of old school local player co-operative fun.

Technobubble covers games, gadgets, technology and all things geek. Follow Technobubble poobah Jason Hidalgo’s shenanigans on Twitter @jasonhidalgo or his Tabiasobi Youtube channel.

Overcooked special edition nintendo switch review năm 2024

Never come between a giant spaghetti meatball monster and his food.

At least that’s the first lesson you learn in Overcooked after spectacularly failing your first go-around against the game’s gluttonous big baddie.

Fortunately, you’re friends with an onion with temporal powers so you get a do-over. No, I am not making this stuff up. Anyway, this buys you enough time to sharpen and hone those kitchen skills so you get another crack at your voracious nemesis.

As someone who never played the game when it first came out, I was excited to see the game announced for the Nintendo Switch. I’ve been having a blast with Nintendo’s hybrid console since its release and the ability to play home console-quality games solo or with another player on the go is a boon for someone who travels frequently like I do.

I was looking forward to playing Overcooked Special Edition in particular with my niece, who became genuinely interested in the game when I mentioned it to her. Issues at launch regarding frame rate and wonky rumble, however, made me hold off on buying it until the first patch was released.

The good news is that I didn’t notice the aforementioned issues when playing the game post-patch so it appears that the major issues surrounding the game have at least been addressed. As such, I was able to focus more on the actual gameplay instead of frame rate woes, which is a good thing.

Overcooked special edition nintendo switch review năm 2024

For folks who never played the game before, the Switch version serves up not just the base campaign but The Lost Morsel and Festive Seasoning DLC add-ons. Then again, I recommend going through the original campaign first as you’ll get your lunch handed to you if you try the more challenging DLC portions first.

Overcooked certainly does a great job in easing you into the game. The first time you play, it’ll feel like you’ve got two left feet and 10 thumbs as you try to make sense of what’s going on and get used to the game’s mechanics. The farther you get into the game, however, those early stages will start to look laughably easy. Overcooked reminds me of old-school games I used to play during the 8-bit and 16-bit eras where I find myself playing a particular difficult portion and tell myself, “This is impossible.” Then things click and what was once impossible becomes possible and I move on to the next impossible challenge.

For the most part, getting the minimum one-star rating to clear a stage or challenge isn't particularly tough, at least with two players. In order to be able to play the next stages, however, you’ll need to reach the minimum total points required, which you won’t get to if you’re just one-starring every stage. Instead, you’ll need to consistently reach two stars and even the max three-star rating for a bunch of stages in order to get the points you need.

This will require working quickly and efficiently in order to successfully serve the number of orders needed before a stage’s timer runs out. You will definitely need to be able to pay attention and multitask as you juggle multiple roles. This includes chopping ingredients, cooking the food, washing dishes and making sure you don’t leave food on the fire too long lest they burn and start a fire in your kitchen that you’ll have to extinguish. You will also need to keep track not just of recipes but which orders need to be filled first. Fill an order quickly and you get more bonus points. Miss an order, however, and you’ll get points deducted from your score instead. This is important to think about as a few bonus points or one missed order can spell the difference between getting two stars vs. three stars or even passing a test altogether.

To make your life even tougher, Overcooked likes to throw stage hazards at you like moving workstations, icy floors and lava. The more ludicrous parts of each stage notwithstanding, we actually had one relative who watched us while we played the game and she laughed at how well the game simulates the stress inside a restaurant kitchen when it gets busy.

Overcooked special edition nintendo switch review năm 2024

Then again, this is a game and it does take liberties with reality, such as serving food after it gets touched by a thieving rat — something that would have the health department breathing down your neck faster than you can say leptospirosis in real life. To prevent rats from taking your ingredients or to knock out filched items from their filthy paws, by the way, make sure you get close to them and hit the X button to give them a good smack. Regardless, it’s the kind of stuff that would turn Gordon Ramsey’s face beet red.

Later on, as you start dealing with stages that move or separate (e.g. the moving trucks or the space stages with switching rooms) you’ll learn little tricks like gathering extra ingredients quickly and just throwing them on the floor before separation. It’s like discovering the deep dark secrets of making sausage.

As you finish more stages and rack up points, you will start to unlock various chefs to serve as your in-game avatar, which is also a nice touch. I appreciate the inclusiveness of the roster, which includes not just animals but characters of different color and even one in a wheelchair. I’m also used to this kind of stuff being gated behind microtransactions these days so it's refreshing to see a developer hew more closely to the traditional way of having gameplay unlock extra goodies. As someone who grew up gaming in the 8-bit and 16-bit eras, by the way, I also appreciate Overcooked’s emphasis on couch co-op. The advent of online gaming has sadly made couch co-op more the exception than the rule these days so any game that brings it back but in a way that’s also executed well is always welcome in my book.

For its part, Overcooked lets you play each stage with one to four players. One player works by having you switch between two different chefs. This is a bit more challenging and things like chopping take longer to do but your points goal is lower. The key to success is to be able to get one chef started at a task like chopping or cooking then switch to the other chef, get that person going until you need to switch back again. This is also how versus mode works with two players, by the way, where each player controls two chefs.

Two players, meanwhile, provides a nice balance between fun and challenge, and is the mode I played the most while visiting my niece over the weekend. This requires excellent communication and synergy as you’ll need to bark what materials you need or who will need to do which tasks, for example, as the game likes to limit access to ingredients and equipment for one player while making them available to another. As you get used to how the game works, you’ll find yourself stepping in and switching spots or tasks with another player, sometimes without even saying anything, for the sake of efficiency. For the most part, you’ll want to be always doing something as opposed to twiddling your thumbs and waiting. Once you’ve mastered the game’s mechanics and get a good partner, that’s when the game truly shines.

Then again, while the game is solid overall, it does suffer from its fair share of issues. At the top of the list is a poor one-player experience. Playing the game by yourself feels more like a chore instead of a fun challenge, which essentially kills it for solo players. The lack of an online mode to find other players to play with when you can’t scrounge up other people to play by your side does not help either. Now that I’m back home, I can’t play the game with my niece, for example, which is a bummer.

Overcooked special edition nintendo switch review năm 2024

Also, while the frame rate issue has been patched, the game still suffers from some random glitches. While dashing to cross a moving ice floe while carrying an order, for example, my character got flung over one of the counters at the opposite end and got stuck at a spot where I couldn’t re-enter the kitchen. Normally, I could just kill myself when this happens by falling off the edge of a stage, The spot I got stuck in, however, was boxed in so I was essentially stuck there with no recourse. As a result, we had to replay a tough stage that we could have three-starred that round, which was frustrating as we’ve re-tried the stage several times already before that.

It can also be tough to accurately target a particular square quickly and we found ourselves doing things like picking the wrong item from the ingredient box multiple times. That or accidentally chucking an item into the trash instead of setting it down the counter. This, combined with how cumbersome it can be to pick stuff off the floor (sometimes, I end up kicking stuff off the edge instead of picking them up) can make the more hectic stages frustrating to go through given how the game requires precision and speed. This is exactly the kind of game where you don’t want to feel like you’re fighting with the controls. Lastly, I found the inability to skip the cutscene against the last boss annoying as it took us about four tries to finish it.

The niggles are a shame as they detract from an otherwise solid game.


At a time when couch co-op games are an endangered species, Overcooked doubles down on the game mode by serving up one of the more fun cooperative gaming experiences I’ve ever played. The emphasis on couch co-op, combined with lack of online play, admittedly makes the solo experience feel lackluster. Little glitches and control niggles can also make the more hectic stages frustrating. Overall, however, Overcooked Special Edition is a great multiplayer experience that is a great fit with Nintendo’s hybrid home and portable game console.

Is Overcooked special edition worth it?

Overcooked is one of the freshest couch co-op games I've ever played. It's a perfect blend of strategy and chaos, asking you and your teammates to think on your feet as its smart and strange levels do everything they possibly can to make sure you are shouting at each other.

What is the difference between Overcooked and overcooked special edition?

Overcooked Special Edition features all the exhilarating (and enraging) kitchens from the main game, as well as both expansions, 'The Lost Morsel' and 'Festive Seasoning'. A CULINARY QUEST The Onion Kingdom is a rich world full of cruel and unusual kitchens for you to conquer.

What is the best Overcooked version on switch?

All in all if you're looking for a great co-op game or you loved Overcooked 1, Overcooked 2 is definitely for you.

Is overcooked special edition single player?

The game also has a single player mode where the player can control two chefs, switching between them at any time, or by selecting a specific control scheme, can attempt to control them both at the same time. There are no present plans for online multiplayer for the game.