oakwood là gì - Nghĩa của từ oakwood

oakwood có nghĩa là

Some people view Oakwood negatively, they say we are a school full of ugly girls and hippies. People say that our school sucks, that we dont learn anything and are too busy doing drugs. Sadly enough this is all true. Oakwood does suck, it blows my huge gaping asshole. It is void of any intelligent life outside of this years senior class. It hurts me, it pains me to say I attend this school. Let me warn anyone interested in coming here, to stay far away. Let me also give a shoutout to Ellen Peters, our wonderful drunk dean. Three headed monster. Also let me add a big hello to mario. I hope he dies and someone steals his jacket off his corpse. I LOVE SUSPENSION


"dude getting your balls chopped off sucks"
"yeah but not as much as going to oakwood"

Id rather have someone take a large dump on my face for 6 days than go to oakwood

i feel bad for anyone cool who goes to oakwood ( like micah davis)

Would you rather...

Eat out ellen peters
go to oakwood

unfortunately for oakwood students we are forced to do both every day when we are on campus

oakwood có nghĩa là

Oakwood is as discribed by Martini, But, I attend Oakwood, and it is also a really good acidemic school with no sports, jappy girls, annoying pricks that want to be mexican for some reason. A whole bunch of fucked up teachers.... Oh man I hate this school


-Hey look, Oakwood is loosing again.
-WHOA THAT GIRL IS A BITCH.. where does she go? Oh right, Oakwood.
-Yeah essay... Jordan ur not Mexican.
-Hey look kids, I tried to kill myself and now im a drug addict.
-Kids, do 300 pages of reading and write me an essay, you have 10 minutes, begin...

oakwood có nghĩa là

A school where all of the "hot" girls are actually ugly. And really JAP-y.


Damn, did you see those Oakwood sluts? They ugly. I'ma go check out those Harvard-Westlake chicks...now those are some fine ass girls.

oakwood có nghĩa là

Also known as Cokeweed. A hippie-dippy private school in Los Angeles where students are more inclined to doing drugs than schoolwork.

See coke and weed.


Hey man, do you want to stop by that Oakwood party? I heard there's going to be a table full of weed!

oakwood có nghĩa là

t's artsy fartsy and although filled with druggies, Oakwood is quite academic. Compared to fancy private schools in the area, people judge it as the least academic forward. This is quite untrue. Oakwood has some aweeessooome teachers *cough* steve isoardi*cough* and many more. Ivan makes the music program rawkk. It's probably pretty hard to get kicked out because of weed or drank. The kids party non-stop. The girls are skinny. The guys, indie. So stop by and see some art and buy some overpriced school food that comes with hair in it from the people who work there and massage each others' backs! p.s. the girls aren't as ugly as they used to be, we've got some younger grades goin to bl00m!


"Hahaha l00k! He's lurking! LOL!" "I go to Oakwood School and i smoke weed every day, but i got a perfect score on my SAT's!" "I'm a math teacher and i'm going to hit on 8th graders!"

oakwood có nghĩa là

a private school in los angleles, that is saldy more know for there hippy past rather then academics. yes it true oakwood had a smoking section in the 70's but it is a totally different school now. Unlike harvard westlake, there has never been a drug problem on campus. Oakwood is a wonderful school were kids are encouraged to be themselves and express their feelings and thoughts. There are obviously druggies at the school but we have never had a situation of drugs found in a locker or cheating on test. Oakwood does have alot of extremely wealthy kids/families but Oakwood makes sure that the students arent sheltered from the real world. there are many celebrities parents and Oakwood is very "hollywood". Oakwood is a wonderful school and not to mention we get into all of the Ivy's and top colleges too.


Do you go to oakwood yah it is really hard but i love it there oh cool! yah its the best school, and im going to Brown!

oakwood có nghĩa là

A school in Studio City
were it's not unusual to see a joint in someone's locker.

Kids there care more about smoking weed than anything else.
And if anyone gets kicked out, their parents can just pay their way back in.


"hey i went to this party last night, there was so much weed"
"was it an oakwood party?"

oakwood có nghĩa là

A theme park in South-West Wales (UK).


Im going to Oakwood this saturday, its going to be amazing.

oakwood có nghĩa là

A great school in Hollywood. It has a *FALSE* reputation for being a hippie, drug addict sanctuary. Oakwood hasn't had a single drug related issue in decades. Many filthy rich/celeb kids attend the school, which gives it a bit of a "stuck up" reputation. However, Oakwood has many volunteer opportunities as well as many community service options. This is a wildly accepting school, with a diverse community (whether it be race, sexual orientation, etc...) a safe haven with great kids and faculty alike :)


"my school is so diverse & accepting!" "oakwood?" "obviously."

oakwood có nghĩa là

A whore who a rat has a crush on who is also known as Karina Hunt/Mackwood


Did you hear a rat wanted to have sex with The Joker Oakwood?