Mua steam controller ở đâu

Khi tay cầm chơi game Steam Controller được giới thiệu lần đầu tiên vào tháng 11 năm 2015, cùng với sự ra mắt của máy chơi game Steam Machines, nó đã được hình dung sẽ trở thành một tay cầm lý tưởng cho việc chơi game PC.

Nhưng, sự thật ở thời điểm hiện tại, game thủ dường như ủng hộ tay cầm Xbox One cho lựa chọn hàng đầu khi nói đến chơi game PC, cùng với DualShock 4 cũng đã thấy sự phổ biến ngày càng tăng do thực tế bây giờ đã được hỗ trợ đầy đủ bởi Steam.

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Vậy, vị trí của Steam Controller hiện đang ở đâu? Trong bài viết này, chúng ta sẽ xem xét kỹ hơn sản phẩm này, xem nó khác với các tay cầm chơi game thông thường như thế nào, và cuối cùng, quyết định xem nó có đáng mua ở thời điểm cuối năm 2018 đầu 2019 này hay không.

Bố cục nút bấm

Như bạn thấy, Steam Controller đã vay mượn rất nhiều từ tay cầm Xbox One khi nói đến thiết kế, mặc dù bố cục có một số thay đổi đáng chú ý. Đầu tiên và quan trọng nhất, vị trí của analog stick đã được thay thế bằng một trackpad mới. Trong khi analog stick và face button giờ đã được đặt ở giữa - vị trí vốn là của D-pad và right stick trên tay cầm Xbox One.

Hơn nữa, giống như trên tay cầm Xbox One, nó cũng có nút trigger và shoulder kích thước lớn, mang lại trải nghiệm bấm dễ dàng và thoải mái hơn, và có thêm hai paddle có thể lập trình ở mặt sau.


Sự khác biệt có thể nhìn thấy nổi bật nhất của Steam Controller so với các tay cầm tiêu chuẩn là hai trackpad khổng lồ của nó, và tất nhiên đó là thứ khiến chúng ta quan tâm nhiều hơn.

Mặc dù trackpad bên trái có thiết kế khá giống với một D-pad, nhưng nó cũng có chức năng hoàn toàn tương tự như cái ở bên phải. Cả hai trackpad này đều có độ chính xác cao, có thể tùy chỉnh, và dựa trên phản hồi xúc giác tuyệt vời để bù đắp cho việc thiếu sự cảm giác chân thật như trên các analog stick.

Phản hồi xúc giác này rất quan trọng đối với các trò chơi hành động vì nó thể hiện một cách thuận tiện để tạo cảm giác về việc bạn di chuyển stick ảo của mình đến mức nào, khi mà không có sự trợ giúp của các chỉ báo trên màn hình.

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Vậy Steam Controller mang lại những gì?

Bạn có thể thích nó hoặc bạn có thể ghét nó, nhưng không thể phủ nhận rằng Steam Controller là một thứ lập dị. Dường như không có một vị trí thực thụ nào cho nó trong số các thiết bị ngoại vi chơi game của bạn, đặc biệt nếu bạn đang sở hữu một máy console và bạn có thể sử dụng tay cầm của nó trên PC của mình.

Vậy nếu bạn không sở hữu một máy chơi game console, thì Steam Controller có cung cấp bất kỳ thứ gì đáng kể hơn so với tay cầm Xbox One hoặc DualShock 4 không?

Vâng, sức mạnh lớn nhất của Steam Controller (và trớ trêu thay, cũng chính là điểm yếu lớn nhất của nó) là các trackpad. Cụ thể, mặc dù nhà sản xuất đã rất cố gắng để làm cho nó hoạt động tốt hơn nhiều nhằm thay thế cho việc điều khiển bằng bàn phím và chuột, nhưng chúng cũng kém chính xác và ít thoải mái hơn khi sử dụng trong các trò chơi hành động. Phản hồi xúc giác được trang bị mang lại cảm giác sử dụng không giống như stick ảo trên màn hình cảm ứng điện thoại hay máy tính bảng. Nhưng trải nghiệm cũng không thể so sánh với việc điều khiển xoay xoay các analog stick vật lý dưới ngón tay cái.

Và tiếp theo là cách bố trí nút bấm. Đương nhiên, Valve đã phải di chuyển các face button và analog stick vào vị trí giữa của tay cẩm để nhường chỗ cho các trackpad lớn. Cách bố trí này có thể khiến bạn mất một thời gian để làm quen, vì nó khá khác với bố trí nút của các tay cầm thông thường, nhưng nó cũng không phải là một vấn đề thực sự đáng ngại.

Tuy nhiên, chúng ta nên lưu ý rằng Steam Controller cũng có khả năng tùy chỉnh cao, kết hợp với trackpad, điều này sẽ là làm cho bộ điều khiển "lập dị" này trở thành sự thay thế tốt nhất cho bàn phím và chuột - đặc biệt nếu chúng ta đang nói về những game không thực sự hỗ trợ bởi tay cầm.

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Kết luận

Và câu hỏi cần được đặt ra là: nó có tốt hơn một bộ tay cầm Xbox One hay DualShock 4 không?

Thực sự câu hỏi này hơi khó để có được câu trả lời xác đáng. Về cơ bản, nó tốt hơn khi nói đến các trò chơi chiến lược hoặc các trò chơi khác mà nếu không cẩn sử dụng nhiều điều khiển bàn phím và chuột, nhưng nó không phải là tốt cho các trò chơi hành động do thiết kế tập trung vào trackpad và các face button cũng không thực sự dễ để tiếp cận.

Tóm lại, Steam Controller là một tay cầm chơi game PC rất tốt - có chức năng cao cấp, được thiết kế và được hoàn thiện tốt, nó hoàn toàn có giá trị xứng đáng với số tiền bỏ ra. Nhưng nhược điểm, là có rất ít động lực để sử dụng nó thay vì một trong các tay cầm máy controle, trừ khi bạn đang tìm kiếm một thứ cụ thể thay thế cho bàn phím và chuột.

Ưu điểm

Phản hồi xúc giác tuyệt vời

Thiết kế gọn nhẹ

Tùy biến cao

Hai paddle có thể lập trình thêm ở mặt sau

Hạn chế

Trackpad không mang lại cảm giác tốt như analog stick thực

Cách bố trí nút có thể khiến một số người cần làm quen

Vẫn không chính xác như các điều khiển bàn phím và chuột

Link bài gốc Lấy link

Sau khi giảm giá còn 5 USD, tay cầm Steam Controller đã bán cháy hàng

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Vừa rồi Valve công bố dừng sản xuất chiếc tay cầm Steam Controller, và âm thầm giảm giá “dọn kho” tay cầm này với giá 5 USD. Bất chấp việc Valve không quảng bá rầm rộ, anh em trên toàn thế giới vẫn mua Steam Controller cháy hàng, tới mức Valve phải trả lại tiền cho những người đặt mua muộn vì không còn hàng để bán. Vài người phàn nàn rằng việc trả lại tiền của Valve không diễn ra như mong muốn, khi 5 USD đó được trả về Steam Wallet trong tài khoản game bản quyền của họ, thay vì trả về thẻ tín dụng mà họ nhập thông tin để mua hàng. Không loại trừ khả năng ít lâu nữa, trên eBay hay các trang web thương mại điện tử, Steam Controller sẽ xuất hiện ồ ạt với mức giá bị đội lên, vì giờ Valve không còn sản xuất chiếc tay cầm với hai touchpad haptic feedback rất lạ này nữa.

Theo Slashgear​

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Cập nhật Steam Controller
Tháng 12, 2015

Một trong những khám phá lớn nhất của cộng đồng là thấy được việc ngắm bắn trong FPS hoạt động hiệu quả như thế nào khi kết hợp bàm cảm ứng với hệ thống gyro. Dùng bàn chạm cho các góc xoay lớn, và gyro cho việc điều chỉnh mượt hơn, các thành viên cộng đồng đã phát hiện ra mình trở nên giỏi hơn cả kỳ vọng.

Chức năng tựa của Gyro giúp bạn ngó xung quanh một cách tự nhiên, dễ dàng chỉ bằng việc nghiêng tay cầm của bạn.

Kiểm thử một số ví dụ của Gyro với các thao tác sau:

Mua steam controller ở đâu

by ConstableBento

Mua steam controller ở đâu

by GamerMuscle

Rất nhiều trò chơi hỗ trợ tay cầm thường dựa vào cần trỏ để điều khiển camera, nhưng người chơi trên PC thích chuột ví lý do rất chính đáng. Chúng tôi đã tung sản phẩm với một phương pháp giả lập cần trỏ điều khiển camera, nhưng nhờ có gợi ý của thành viên NEOGAF mntorankusu, chúng tôi giờ có một phương thức siêu việt hơn, đến mức bạn cảm thấy như mình đang ngắm bằng chuột khi chơi các trò chơi góc nhìn thứ nhất hay thứ ba vậy.

Một số trò chơi không hỗ trợ sử dụng cùng lúc cả chuột lẫn tay cầm. Với chức năng cần trỏ như chuột bạn có thể chơi bằng tay cầm mà vẫn tận hưởng sự chính xác như dùng chuột.

Rất nhiều trò chơi PC chiến thuật thời gian thực và nhập vai có các giao diện trên màn hình phức tạp cho bản đồ, thanh phép, ô thùng đồ và các thức khác. Để đơn giản hóa việc sử dụng, chúng tôi thêm chức năng Vùng chuột, một cách tùy chỉnh được trong việc gán toàn bộ bàn chạm lên một vùng trên màn hình.

Ví dụ, khi giữ phím nắm, bạn có thể gán bàn cảm ứng trái lên bản đồ nhỏ, khiến cho việc xoay chuyển camera quanh toàn bản đồ trở nên dễ dàng hơn.

Xem ví dụ này để xem cách chúng được ứng dụng trong một trò chơi nhập vai để điều khiển chuyển động.

Bạn muốn chơi trò chơi phối hợp tại nhà bạn bè? Chúng tôi muốn bạn có thể mang theo tay cầm một cách thoải mái, thế nên chúng tôi đang chuẩn bị sẵn sàng để tung ra một tính năng mới, nhằm đảm bảo thiết lập tay cầm của bạn cùng đi theo với bạn, kể cả khi bạn đang chơi trò chơi phối hợp trên một tài khoản Steam của bạn bè.

Đăng ký tay cầm để nó lấy thiết lập từ tài khoản của bạn, và tiện thể tinh chỉnh theo sở thích của mình.

* Khả dụng tại bản thử nghiệm Steam tiếp theo

Một trong những điều chúng tôi không ngờ tới là rất nhiều người sử dụng Steam Controller của họ một cách thành thục để điều khiển HTPC ngoài việc chơi trò chơi. Những người dùng này đã đóng góp một lượng lớn sáng kiến, và chúng tôi đã kịp thời phát hành một số chúng rồi.

Tạo một thiết lập để sử dụng Steam Controller với máy bàn. Đừng quên gán các phím đa phương tiện như chơi/tạm dừng và điều khiển âm lượng/bài nhạc.

Mở bàn phím màn hình bất cứ khi nào bạn muốn nhập chữ.

Một điểm khác mà cộng đồng đã yêu cầu là khả năng chia sẻ thiết lập cho trò chơi mua ngoài Steam. Phiên bản Steam thử nghiệm tiếp theo sẽ bổ sung tính năng này, vậy nên hãy thêm trò chơi ngoài Steam yêu thích của bạn vào thư viện, và chúng tôi sẽ tự động tìm thiết lập mà người dùng khác đã đăng tải.

* Khả dụng tại bản thử nghiệm Steam tiếp theo

Với việc cộng đồng nhanh chóng tạo và chia sẻ nhiều cách khác nhau để dùng Steam Controller, chúng tôi muốn việc hiểu được cơ chế vận hành của tay cầm của bạn trở nên dễ dàng hơn nữa. Giao diện HUD tay cầm mới này cho phép bạn dễ dàng nhận diện chính xác những tương tác mà tay cầm của bạn đang thực hiện.

Điều này rất tuyệt cho việc hình dung vài cách phức tạp mà bàn cảm ứng có thể mô phỏng chuyển động của cần trỏ và chuột.

Thiết kế Steam Controller

Khi chúng tôi mới bắt đầu thiết kế phần cứng tại Valve, chúng tôi quyết định muốn thử nhận luôn cả khâu sản xuất. Để đạt được mục tiêu đa nhiệm linh hoạt của tay cầm, chúng tôi cảm thấy việc có một độ linh hoạt tương tự trong khâu sản xuất của mình cũng rất quan trọng, và điều đó có nghĩa là nghiên cứu dây chuyền lắp ráp tự động. Kết quả là hóa ra hấu hết phần cứng phổ thông dạng này vẫn phụ thuộc nhiều vào yếu tố con người trong quá trình sản xuất, nhưng chúng tôi đã đi xa hơn thế, và dựng lên một trong những dây chuyền lắp ráp hoàn toàn tự động lớn nhất tại Mỹ. Đội ngũ làm phim của chúng tôi gần đây đã biên tập một đoạn video về dây chuyền sản xuất này, minh chứng cho việc tại sao rô bô lại tuyệt cú mèo đến thế.

Đây là minh chứng, bạn sẽ thấy tay cầm hoàn toàn lắp ráp bởi rô bô. Chúng tôi cũng không khùng đâu, nên đã đưa con người vào giám sát để dè chứng rô bô tự dưng có tri giác.

Page 2

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Flower girl 2

Casual, Sexual Content, Visual Novel, Nudity

Mua steam controller ở đâu


Simulation, Historical, Singleplayer, Strategy

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Realms of Magic

RPG, Open World Survival Craft, Adventure, Indie

Mua steam controller ở đâu


VR Only

Action, Roguelite, Indie, VR

Mua steam controller ở đâu

As Dusk Falls

Story Rich, Adventure, Co-op, Choices Matter

Mua steam controller ở đâu


Cats, Adventure, Cyberpunk, Cute

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Climber: Sky is the Limit - Free Trial

Action, Sports, Simulation, Walking Simulator

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Kanjozoku Game レーサー

Racing, Sports, Combat Racing, Driving

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Warframe: Khora Prime Access - Whipclaw Pack

Action, Free to Play, RPG, Gore

Mua steam controller ở đâu

House Party

Sexual Content, Mature, Life Sim, Sandbox

Mua steam controller ở đâu

PowerWash Simulator

Simulation, Indie, Relaxing, Singleplayer

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Rune Factory 5

RPG, Adventure, Farming Sim, Simulation

Mua steam controller ở đâu


Tactical, 2D, Pixel Graphics, Deckbuilding

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Urbek City Builder

City Builder, Building, Management, Simulation

Mua steam controller ở đâu

WARRIORS OROCHI 3 Ultimate Definitive Edition

Action, Strategy, Adventure, Hack and Slash

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Kayak VR: Mirage

VR Only

VR, Racing, Simulation, Realistic

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Circadian Dice

Roguelike Deckbuilder, Deckbuilding, Turn-Based Tactics, Singleplayer

Mua steam controller ở đâu

The Jackbox Party Starter

Casual, Trivia, 2D, Cartoon

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak

Action, Multiplayer, Co-op, Character Customization

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Tiny Tina's Wonderlands

Adventure, Loot, Shooter, Fantasy

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Good Company

Multiplayer, Management, Automation, Simulation

Mua steam controller ở đâu


Survival, Open World Survival Craft, Multiplayer, Co-op

Mua steam controller ở đâu

The Looker

Puzzle, Parody , Comedy, Funny

Mua steam controller ở đâu


3D Platformer, First-Person, Character Customization, Tutorial

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Starship Troopers: Terran Command

Strategy, Singleplayer, RTS, Military

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder's Revenge

Beat 'em up, Multiplayer, Pixel Graphics, Side Scroller

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak Demo

Action, Hunting, Co-op, Multiplayer

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Shinobi Warfare

RPG, 2D Fighter, Turn-Based Tactics, 2D

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Chivalry 2

Medieval, Multiplayer, Action, Swordplay

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Symphony of War: The Nephilim Saga

RPG, Story Rich, Tactical RPG, Fantasy

Mua steam controller ở đâu


Cats, Adventure, Cyberpunk, Cute

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Red Dead Redemption 2

Open World, Adventure, Story Rich, Western

Mua steam controller ở đâu


VR Supported

Horror, Online Co-Op, Multiplayer, Psychological Horror

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Marvel’s Spider-Man Remastered

Action, Superhero, Open World, Adventure

Mua steam controller ở đâu


Early Access, Adventure, Online Co-Op, Co-op

Mua steam controller ở đâu


Souls-like, Relaxing, Dark Fantasy, RPG

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Football Manager 2022

Sports, Management, Soccer, Simulation

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Call of Duty®: Black Ops III

Multiplayer, FPS, Zombies, Shooter

Mua steam controller ở đâu

No Man's Sky

VR Supported

Open World, Open World Survival Craft, Space, Exploration

Mua steam controller ở đâu


Action, JRPG, Action-Adventure, Hack and Slash

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Substance 3D Painter 2022

Game Development, Animation & Modeling

Mua steam controller ở đâu


Survival, Open World Survival Craft, Multiplayer, Co-op

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Warframe: Khora Prime Access - Venari

Action, Free to Play, RPG, Gore

Mua steam controller ở đâu

V Rising + DLC Bundle

Adventure, Action, Massively Multiplayer, Vampire

Mua steam controller ở đâu

STAR WARS Jedi: Fallen Order Deluxe Edition

Action-Adventure, Souls-like, Third Person, Swordplay

Mua steam controller ở đâu

DMC4SE Demon Hunter Bundle + DmC Complete Pack

Action, Hack and Slash, Great Soundtrack, Spectacle fighter

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Divinity: Original Sin 2 - Eternal Edition

RPG, Fantasy, Adventure, Singleplayer

Mua steam controller ở đâu

DCS: F-16C Viper

Simulation, Military, Realistic, VR

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak

Action, Multiplayer, Co-op, Character Customization

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Gang Beasts

Funny, Physics, Multiplayer, Colorful

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Baldur's Gate 3

Early Access, RPG, Choices Matter, Character Customization

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Titan Quest Bundle

RPG, Action, Hack and Slash, Action RPG

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak Deluxe Edition

Action, Multiplayer, Co-op, Character Customization

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Stardew Valley

Farming Sim, Life Sim, Pixel Graphics, RPG

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Warframe: Khora Prime Access - Whipclaw Pack

Action, Free to Play, RPG, Gore

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Dying Light 2 Stay Human

Open World, Zombies, Parkour, Co-op

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Overcooked! 2

Multiplayer, Online Co-Op, Local Co-Op, Casual

Mua steam controller ở đâu

CS:GO Prime Status Upgrade

FPS, Shooter, Multiplayer, Competitive

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Left 4 Dead 2

Zombies, Co-op, FPS, Multiplayer

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Divinity: Original Sin - The Source Saga

RPG, Fantasy, Tactical RPG, Turn-Based

See more: Top Sellers or Global Top Sellers

Mua steam controller ở đâu

The Manga Works

Choose Your Own Adventure, 2D Platformer, Education, Management

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Chaos Galaxy 2

Grand Strategy, Mechs, Turn-Based Strategy, War

Mua steam controller ở đâu


FPS, Retro, Medieval, Lovecraftian

Mua steam controller ở đâu

The Tarnishing of Juxtia

Action, RPG, Dark Fantasy, Souls-like

Mua steam controller ở đâu


Early Access, Level Editor, Racing, Multiplayer

Mua steam controller ở đâu


Early Access, City Builder, Colony Sim, God Game

Mua steam controller ở đâu

The Legend of Heroes: Kuro no Kiseki

RPG, JRPG, Interactive Fiction, Party-Based RPG

Mua steam controller ở đâu


Early Access, Sandbox, Exploration, Mining

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Captain Bones

Early Access, Survival, Crafting, Pirates

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Beasties - Monster Trainer Puzzle RPG

Indie, Creature Collector, Turn-Based Combat, Strategy

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Junkyard Truck

Simulation, Automobile Sim, Open World, Driving

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Fire Commander

Strategy, Simulation, Real Time Tactics, Singleplayer

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Richman 4

Casual, Tabletop, Trading, Family Friendly

Mua steam controller ở đâu


Early Access, RPG, Simulation, Life Sim

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Koumajou Remilia: Scarlet Symphony

Action, Adventure, Soundtrack, JRPG

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Autonauts vs Piratebots

Simulation, Strategy, Automation, Casual

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Vestaria Saga II: The Sacred Sword of Silvanister

Tactical RPG, Turn-Based Tactics, Strategy RPG, Wargame

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Yacht Mechanic Simulator

Sailing, Simulation, Naval, Relaxing

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Lord Winklebottom Investigates

Point & Click, Adventure, Detective, Narrative

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Bear and Breakfast

Cartoon, Economy, Life Sim, RPG

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Sweet Transit

Early Access, City Builder, Trains, Strategy

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Ghost Watchers

Co-op, Horror, Adventure, Survival Horror

Mua steam controller ở đâu

AI Dungeon

Adventure, RPG, Experimental, Character Action Game

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Tree of Life: Oddria!

Open World Survival Craft, Online Co-Op, Open World, Survival

Mua steam controller ở đâu


Racing, Combat Racing, PvP, Arcade

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Nyaruru Fishy Fight

Metroidvania, Anime, Exploration, 2D Platformer

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Shumi Come Home

Adventure, Exploration, Cute, Open World

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Spells & Secrets

Indie, Action, Action Roguelike, 3D

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Blind Fate: Edo no Yami

Souls-like, Roguelike, Cyberpunk, Hack and Slash

Mua steam controller ở đâu


Story Rich, Action-Adventure, Archery, Mythology

See more: Upcoming Releases

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Red Dead Redemption 2

Open World, Adventure, Story Rich, Western

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Call of Duty®: Black Ops III

Multiplayer, FPS, Zombies, Shooter

Mua steam controller ở đâu

No Man's Sky

VR Supported

Open World, Open World Survival Craft, Space, Exploration

Mua steam controller ở đâu


VR Supported

Horror, Online Co-Op, Multiplayer, Psychological Horror

Mua steam controller ở đâu

STAR WARS Jedi: Fallen Order Deluxe Edition

Action-Adventure, Souls-like, Third Person, Swordplay

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Left 4 Dead 2

Zombies, Co-op, FPS, Multiplayer

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Dying Light 2 Stay Human

Open World, Zombies, Parkour, Co-op

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Overcooked! 2

Multiplayer, Online Co-Op, Local Co-Op, Casual

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Dead by Daylight

Horror, Survival Horror, Multiplayer, Online Co-Op

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Gang Beasts

Funny, Physics, Multiplayer, Colorful

Mua steam controller ở đâu


Base Building, Automation, Open World, Crafting

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Human: Fall Flat

Co-op, Funny, Puzzle, Adventure

Mua steam controller ở đâu


Online Co-Op, Horror, Co-op, FPS

Mua steam controller ở đâu

DCS: F-16C Viper

Simulation, Military, Realistic, VR

Mua steam controller ở đâu


VR Only

VR, Physics, Action, Sandbox

Mua steam controller ở đâu

The Riftbreaker

Base Building, Strategy, Tower Defense, Survival

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Battlefield™ 2042

Shooter, Multiplayer, Action, FPS

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Going Under

Action Roguelike, Dungeon Crawler, Beat 'em up, Roguelite

Mua steam controller ở đâu

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim VR

VR Only

Open World, RPG, VR, Singleplayer

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Hell Let Loose

Action, Shooter, FPS, World War II

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Hardspace: Shipbreaker

Space, Sci-fi, Simulation, Physics

Mua steam controller ở đâu


RPG, Open World, Turn-Based Strategy, Adventure

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Nobody Saves the World

RPG, Action RPG, Hack and Slash, Action

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Battlefield 1 ™

FPS, Multiplayer, World War I, War

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Insurgency: Sandstorm

FPS, Realistic, Shooter, Military

Mua steam controller ở đâu

The Tenants

Design & Illustration, Management, City Builder, Life Sim

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Half-Life: Alyx

VR Only

VR, FPS, Story Rich, Horror

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Grand Theft Auto IV: The Complete Edition

Open World, Action, Automobile Sim, Multiplayer

Mua steam controller ở đâu


Mua steam controller ở đâu

Into the Radius VR

VR Only

VR, Survival, Atmospheric, Singleplayer

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Resident Evil 2

Zombies, Survival Horror, Horror, Remake

Mua steam controller ở đâu


VR Supported

Horror, Online Co-Op, Survival Horror, Co-op

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Golf Gang

Mini Golf, PvP, Multiplayer, Racing

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Call of Duty®: Black Ops III

Multiplayer, FPS, Zombies, Shooter

Mua steam controller ở đâu


Sports, Simulation, Local Multiplayer, Golf

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Pavlov VR

VR Only

VR, Shooter, Action, Multiplayer

Mua steam controller ở đâu


VR Supported

Adventure, Action, Time Travel, Puzzle

Mua steam controller ở đâu

WWE 2K22

Simulation, Sports, Wrestling, PvP

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Red Dead Online

Action, Multiplayer, Open World, Western

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Call of Duty®: Advanced Warfare - Gold Edition

Dog, FPS, Action, Multiplayer

Page 3

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Flower girl 2

Casual, Sexual Content, Visual Novel, Nudity

Mua steam controller ở đâu


Simulation, Historical, Singleplayer, Strategy

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Realms of Magic

RPG, Open World Survival Craft, Adventure, Indie

Mua steam controller ở đâu


VR Only

Action, Roguelite, Indie, VR

Mua steam controller ở đâu

As Dusk Falls

Story Rich, Adventure, Co-op, Choices Matter

Mua steam controller ở đâu


Cats, Adventure, Cyberpunk, Cute

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Climber: Sky is the Limit - Free Trial

Action, Sports, Simulation, Walking Simulator

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Kanjozoku Game レーサー

Racing, Sports, Combat Racing, Driving

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Warframe: Khora Prime Access - Whipclaw Pack

Action, Free to Play, RPG, Gore

Mua steam controller ở đâu

House Party

Sexual Content, Mature, Life Sim, Sandbox

Mua steam controller ở đâu

PowerWash Simulator

Simulation, Indie, Relaxing, Singleplayer

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Rune Factory 5

RPG, Adventure, Farming Sim, Simulation

Mua steam controller ở đâu


Tactical, 2D, Pixel Graphics, Deckbuilding

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Urbek City Builder

City Builder, Building, Management, Simulation

Mua steam controller ở đâu

WARRIORS OROCHI 3 Ultimate Definitive Edition

Action, Strategy, Adventure, Hack and Slash

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Kayak VR: Mirage

VR Only

VR, Racing, Simulation, Realistic

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Circadian Dice

Roguelike Deckbuilder, Deckbuilding, Turn-Based Tactics, Singleplayer

Mua steam controller ở đâu

The Jackbox Party Starter

Casual, Trivia, 2D, Cartoon

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak

Action, Multiplayer, Co-op, Character Customization

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Tiny Tina's Wonderlands

Adventure, Loot, Shooter, Fantasy

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Good Company

Multiplayer, Management, Automation, Simulation

Mua steam controller ở đâu


Survival, Open World Survival Craft, Multiplayer, Co-op

Mua steam controller ở đâu

The Looker

Puzzle, Parody , Comedy, Funny

Mua steam controller ở đâu


3D Platformer, First-Person, Character Customization, Tutorial

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Starship Troopers: Terran Command

Strategy, Singleplayer, RTS, Military

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder's Revenge

Beat 'em up, Multiplayer, Pixel Graphics, Side Scroller

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak Demo

Action, Hunting, Co-op, Multiplayer

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Shinobi Warfare

RPG, 2D Fighter, Turn-Based Tactics, 2D

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Chivalry 2

Medieval, Multiplayer, Action, Swordplay

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Symphony of War: The Nephilim Saga

RPG, Story Rich, Tactical RPG, Fantasy

Mua steam controller ở đâu


Cats, Adventure, Cyberpunk, Cute

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Red Dead Redemption 2

Open World, Adventure, Story Rich, Western

Mua steam controller ở đâu


VR Supported

Horror, Online Co-Op, Multiplayer, Psychological Horror

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Marvel’s Spider-Man Remastered

Action, Superhero, Open World, Adventure

Mua steam controller ở đâu


Early Access, Adventure, Online Co-Op, Co-op

Mua steam controller ở đâu


Souls-like, Relaxing, Dark Fantasy, RPG

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Football Manager 2022

Sports, Management, Soccer, Simulation

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Call of Duty®: Black Ops III

Multiplayer, FPS, Zombies, Shooter

Mua steam controller ở đâu

No Man's Sky

VR Supported

Open World, Open World Survival Craft, Space, Exploration

Mua steam controller ở đâu


Action, JRPG, Action-Adventure, Hack and Slash

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Substance 3D Painter 2022

Game Development, Animation & Modeling

Mua steam controller ở đâu


Survival, Open World Survival Craft, Multiplayer, Co-op

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Warframe: Khora Prime Access - Venari

Action, Free to Play, RPG, Gore

Mua steam controller ở đâu

V Rising + DLC Bundle

Adventure, Action, Massively Multiplayer, Vampire

Mua steam controller ở đâu

STAR WARS Jedi: Fallen Order Deluxe Edition

Action-Adventure, Souls-like, Third Person, Swordplay

Mua steam controller ở đâu

DMC4SE Demon Hunter Bundle + DmC Complete Pack

Action, Hack and Slash, Great Soundtrack, Spectacle fighter

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Divinity: Original Sin 2 - Eternal Edition

RPG, Fantasy, Adventure, Singleplayer

Mua steam controller ở đâu

DCS: F-16C Viper

Simulation, Military, Realistic, VR

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak

Action, Multiplayer, Co-op, Character Customization

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Gang Beasts

Funny, Physics, Multiplayer, Colorful

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Baldur's Gate 3

Early Access, RPG, Choices Matter, Character Customization

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Titan Quest Bundle

RPG, Action, Hack and Slash, Action RPG

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak Deluxe Edition

Action, Multiplayer, Co-op, Character Customization

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Stardew Valley

Farming Sim, Life Sim, Pixel Graphics, RPG

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Warframe: Khora Prime Access - Whipclaw Pack

Action, Free to Play, RPG, Gore

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Dying Light 2 Stay Human

Open World, Zombies, Parkour, Co-op

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Overcooked! 2

Multiplayer, Online Co-Op, Local Co-Op, Casual

Mua steam controller ở đâu

CS:GO Prime Status Upgrade

FPS, Shooter, Multiplayer, Competitive

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Left 4 Dead 2

Zombies, Co-op, FPS, Multiplayer

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Divinity: Original Sin - The Source Saga

RPG, Fantasy, Tactical RPG, Turn-Based

See more: Top Sellers or Global Top Sellers

Mua steam controller ở đâu

The Manga Works

Choose Your Own Adventure, 2D Platformer, Education, Management

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Chaos Galaxy 2

Grand Strategy, Mechs, Turn-Based Strategy, War

Mua steam controller ở đâu


FPS, Retro, Medieval, Lovecraftian

Mua steam controller ở đâu

The Tarnishing of Juxtia

Action, RPG, Dark Fantasy, Souls-like

Mua steam controller ở đâu


Early Access, Level Editor, Racing, Multiplayer

Mua steam controller ở đâu


Early Access, City Builder, Colony Sim, God Game

Mua steam controller ở đâu

The Legend of Heroes: Kuro no Kiseki

RPG, JRPG, Interactive Fiction, Party-Based RPG

Mua steam controller ở đâu


Early Access, Sandbox, Exploration, Mining

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Captain Bones

Early Access, Survival, Crafting, Pirates

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Beasties - Monster Trainer Puzzle RPG

Indie, Creature Collector, Turn-Based Combat, Strategy

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Junkyard Truck

Simulation, Automobile Sim, Open World, Driving

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Fire Commander

Strategy, Simulation, Real Time Tactics, Singleplayer

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Richman 4

Casual, Tabletop, Trading, Family Friendly

Mua steam controller ở đâu


Early Access, RPG, Simulation, Life Sim

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Koumajou Remilia: Scarlet Symphony

Action, Adventure, Soundtrack, JRPG

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Autonauts vs Piratebots

Simulation, Strategy, Automation, Casual

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Vestaria Saga II: The Sacred Sword of Silvanister

Tactical RPG, Turn-Based Tactics, Strategy RPG, Wargame

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Yacht Mechanic Simulator

Sailing, Simulation, Naval, Relaxing

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Lord Winklebottom Investigates

Point & Click, Adventure, Detective, Narrative

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Bear and Breakfast

Cartoon, Economy, Life Sim, RPG

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Sweet Transit

Early Access, City Builder, Trains, Strategy

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Ghost Watchers

Co-op, Horror, Adventure, Survival Horror

Mua steam controller ở đâu

AI Dungeon

Adventure, RPG, Experimental, Character Action Game

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Tree of Life: Oddria!

Open World Survival Craft, Online Co-Op, Open World, Survival

Mua steam controller ở đâu


Racing, Combat Racing, PvP, Arcade

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Nyaruru Fishy Fight

Metroidvania, Anime, Exploration, 2D Platformer

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Shumi Come Home

Adventure, Exploration, Cute, Open World

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Spells & Secrets

Indie, Action, Action Roguelike, 3D

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Blind Fate: Edo no Yami

Souls-like, Roguelike, Cyberpunk, Hack and Slash

Mua steam controller ở đâu


Story Rich, Action-Adventure, Archery, Mythology

See more: Upcoming Releases

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Red Dead Redemption 2

Open World, Adventure, Story Rich, Western

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Call of Duty®: Black Ops III

Multiplayer, FPS, Zombies, Shooter

Mua steam controller ở đâu

No Man's Sky

VR Supported

Open World, Open World Survival Craft, Space, Exploration

Mua steam controller ở đâu


VR Supported

Horror, Online Co-Op, Multiplayer, Psychological Horror

Mua steam controller ở đâu

STAR WARS Jedi: Fallen Order Deluxe Edition

Action-Adventure, Souls-like, Third Person, Swordplay

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Left 4 Dead 2

Zombies, Co-op, FPS, Multiplayer

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Dying Light 2 Stay Human

Open World, Zombies, Parkour, Co-op

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Overcooked! 2

Multiplayer, Online Co-Op, Local Co-Op, Casual

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Dead by Daylight

Horror, Survival Horror, Multiplayer, Online Co-Op

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Gang Beasts

Funny, Physics, Multiplayer, Colorful

Mua steam controller ở đâu


Base Building, Automation, Open World, Crafting

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Human: Fall Flat

Co-op, Funny, Puzzle, Adventure

Mua steam controller ở đâu


Online Co-Op, Horror, Co-op, FPS

Mua steam controller ở đâu

DCS: F-16C Viper

Simulation, Military, Realistic, VR

Mua steam controller ở đâu


VR Only

VR, Physics, Action, Sandbox

Mua steam controller ở đâu

The Riftbreaker

Base Building, Strategy, Tower Defense, Survival

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Battlefield™ 2042

Shooter, Multiplayer, Action, FPS

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Going Under

Action Roguelike, Dungeon Crawler, Beat 'em up, Roguelite

Mua steam controller ở đâu

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim VR

VR Only

Open World, RPG, VR, Singleplayer

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Hell Let Loose

Action, Shooter, FPS, World War II

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Hardspace: Shipbreaker

Space, Sci-fi, Simulation, Physics

Mua steam controller ở đâu


RPG, Open World, Turn-Based Strategy, Adventure

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Nobody Saves the World

RPG, Action RPG, Hack and Slash, Action

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Battlefield 1 ™

FPS, Multiplayer, World War I, War

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Insurgency: Sandstorm

FPS, Realistic, Shooter, Military

Mua steam controller ở đâu

The Tenants

Design & Illustration, Management, City Builder, Life Sim

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Half-Life: Alyx

VR Only

VR, FPS, Story Rich, Horror

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Grand Theft Auto IV: The Complete Edition

Open World, Action, Automobile Sim, Multiplayer

Mua steam controller ở đâu


Mua steam controller ở đâu

Into the Radius VR

VR Only

VR, Survival, Atmospheric, Singleplayer

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Resident Evil 2

Zombies, Survival Horror, Horror, Remake

Mua steam controller ở đâu


VR Supported

Horror, Online Co-Op, Survival Horror, Co-op

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Golf Gang

Mini Golf, PvP, Multiplayer, Racing

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Call of Duty®: Black Ops III

Multiplayer, FPS, Zombies, Shooter

Mua steam controller ở đâu


Sports, Simulation, Local Multiplayer, Golf

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Pavlov VR

VR Only

VR, Shooter, Action, Multiplayer

Mua steam controller ở đâu


VR Supported

Adventure, Action, Time Travel, Puzzle

Mua steam controller ở đâu

WWE 2K22

Simulation, Sports, Wrestling, PvP

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Red Dead Online

Action, Multiplayer, Open World, Western

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Call of Duty®: Advanced Warfare - Gold Edition

Dog, FPS, Action, Multiplayer

Page 4

You can request a refund for nearly any purchase on Steam—for any reason. Maybe your PC doesn't meet the hardware requirements; maybe you bought a game by mistake; maybe you played the title for an hour and just didn't like it.

It doesn't matter. Valve will, upon request via, issue a refund for any reason, if the request is made within the required return period, and, in the case of games, if the title has been played for less than two hours. There are more details below, but even if you fall outside of the refund rules we’ve described, you can ask for a refund anyway and we’ll take a look.

You will be issued a full refund of your purchase within a week of approval. You will receive the refund in Steam Wallet funds or through the same payment method you used to make the purchase. If, for any reason, Steam is unable to issue a refund via your initial payment method, your Steam Wallet will be credited the full amount. (Some payment methods available through Steam in your country may not support refunding a purchase back to the original payment method. Click here for a full list.)

The Steam refund offer, within two weeks of purchase and with less than two hours of playtime, applies to games and software applications on the Steam store. Here is an overview of how refunds work with other types of purchases.

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Refunds are designed to remove the risk from purchasing titles on Steam—not as a way to get free games. If it appears to us that you are abusing refunds, we may stop offering them to you. We do not consider it abuse to request a refund on a title that was purchased just before a sale and then immediately rebuying that title for the sale price.

You can request a refund or get other assistance with your Steam purchases at

Last updated 10 November, 2020

Page 5

You can request a refund for nearly any purchase on Steam—for any reason. Maybe your PC doesn't meet the hardware requirements; maybe you bought a game by mistake; maybe you played the title for an hour and just didn't like it.

It doesn't matter. Valve will, upon request via, issue a refund for any reason, if the request is made within the required return period, and, in the case of games, if the title has been played for less than two hours. There are more details below, but even if you fall outside of the refund rules we’ve described, you can ask for a refund anyway and we’ll take a look.

You will be issued a full refund of your purchase within a week of approval. You will receive the refund in Steam Wallet funds or through the same payment method you used to make the purchase. If, for any reason, Steam is unable to issue a refund via your initial payment method, your Steam Wallet will be credited the full amount. (Some payment methods available through Steam in your country may not support refunding a purchase back to the original payment method. Click here for a full list.)

The Steam refund offer, within two weeks of purchase and with less than two hours of playtime, applies to games and software applications on the Steam store. Here is an overview of how refunds work with other types of purchases.

Refunds on Downloadable Content(Steam store content usable within another game or software application, "DLC")

DLC purchased from the Steam store is refundable within fourteen days of purchase, and if the underlying title has been played for less than two hours since the DLC was purchased, so long as the DLC has not been consumed, modified or transferred. Please note that in some cases, Steam will be unable to give refunds for some third party DLC (for example, if the DLC irreversibly levels up a game character). These exceptions will be clearly marked as nonrefundable on the Store page prior to purchase.

Refunds on In-game Purchases

Steam will offer refund for in-game purchases within any Valve-developed games within forty-eight hours of purchase, so long as the in-game item has not been consumed, modified or transferred. Third-party developers will have the option to enable refunds for in-game items on these terms. Steam will tell you at the time of purchase if the game developer has opted to offer refunds on the in-game item you are buying. Otherwise, in-game purchases in non-Valve games are not refundable through Steam.

Refunds on Pre-Purchased Titles

When you pre-purchase a title on Steam (and have paid for the title in advance), you can request a refund at any time prior to release of that title. The standard 14-day/two-hour refund period also applies, starting on the game’s release date.

Steam Wallet Refunds

You may request a refund for Steam Wallet funds within fourteen days of purchase if they were purchased on Steam and if you have not used any of those funds.

Renewable Subscriptions

For some content and services, Steam offers periodic (e.g. monthly, yearly) access that you pay for on a recurring basis. If a renewable subscription has not been used during the current billing cycle, you may request a refund within 48 hours of the initial purchase or within 48 hours of any automatic renewal. Content is considered used if any games within the subscription have been played during the current billing cycle or if any benefits or discounts included with the subscription have been used, consumed, modified or transferred.

Please note that you can cancel an active subscription at any time by going to your account details. Once cancelled, your subscription will no longer automatically renew but you will retain access to the content and benefits of the subscription through the end of your current billing cycle.

Steam Hardware

Within the applicable time frame and process identified in the Hardware Refund Policy, you may request a refund for Steam hardware and accessories purchased via Steam.

Refunds on Bundles

You can receive a full refund for any bundle purchased on the Steam Store, so long as none of the items in the bundle have been transferred, and if the combined usage time for all items in the bundle is less than two hours. If a bundle includes an in-game item or DLC that is not refundable, Steam will tell you if the whole bundle is refundable during check-out.

Purchases Made Outside of Steam

Valve cannot provide refunds for purchases made outside of Steam (for example, CD keys or Steam wallet cards purchased from third parties).

VAC Bans

If you have been banned by VAC (the Valve Anti-Cheat system) on a game, you lose the right to refund that game.

Video Content

We are unable to offer refunds for video content on Steam (e.g. movies, shorts, series, episodes, and tutorials), unless the video is in a bundle with other (non-video) refundable content.

Refunds on Gifts

Unredeemed gifts may be refunded within the standard 14-day/two-hour refund period. Redeemed gifts may be refunded under the same conditions if the gift recipient initiates the refund. Funds used to purchase the gift will be returned to the original purchaser.

EU Right of Withdrawal

For an explanation of how the EU right of withdrawal works for Steam customers, click here.


Refunds are designed to remove the risk from purchasing titles on Steam—not as a way to get free games. If it appears to us that you are abusing refunds, we may stop offering them to you. We do not consider it abuse to request a refund on a title that was purchased just before a sale and then immediately rebuying that title for the sale price.

You can request a refund or get other assistance with your Steam purchases at

Last updated 10 November, 2020

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Mua steam controller ở đâu

Flower girl 2

Casual, Sexual Content, Visual Novel, Nudity

Mua steam controller ở đâu


Simulation, Historical, Singleplayer, Strategy

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Realms of Magic

RPG, Open World Survival Craft, Adventure, Indie

Mua steam controller ở đâu


VR Only

Action, Roguelite, Indie, VR

Mua steam controller ở đâu

As Dusk Falls

Story Rich, Adventure, Co-op, Choices Matter

Mua steam controller ở đâu


Cats, Adventure, Cyberpunk, Cute

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Climber: Sky is the Limit - Free Trial

Action, Sports, Simulation, Walking Simulator

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Kanjozoku Game レーサー

Racing, Sports, Combat Racing, Driving

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Warframe: Khora Prime Access - Whipclaw Pack

Action, Free to Play, RPG, Gore

Mua steam controller ở đâu

House Party

Sexual Content, Mature, Life Sim, Sandbox

Mua steam controller ở đâu

PowerWash Simulator

Simulation, Indie, Relaxing, Singleplayer

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Rune Factory 5

RPG, Adventure, Farming Sim, Simulation

Mua steam controller ở đâu


Tactical, 2D, Pixel Graphics, Deckbuilding

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Urbek City Builder

City Builder, Building, Management, Simulation

Mua steam controller ở đâu

WARRIORS OROCHI 3 Ultimate Definitive Edition

Action, Strategy, Adventure, Hack and Slash

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Kayak VR: Mirage

VR Only

VR, Racing, Simulation, Realistic

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Circadian Dice

Roguelike Deckbuilder, Deckbuilding, Turn-Based Tactics, Singleplayer

Mua steam controller ở đâu

The Jackbox Party Starter

Casual, Trivia, 2D, Cartoon

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak

Action, Multiplayer, Co-op, Character Customization

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Tiny Tina's Wonderlands

Adventure, Loot, Shooter, Fantasy

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Good Company

Multiplayer, Management, Automation, Simulation

Mua steam controller ở đâu


Survival, Open World Survival Craft, Multiplayer, Co-op

Mua steam controller ở đâu

The Looker

Puzzle, Parody , Comedy, Funny

Mua steam controller ở đâu


3D Platformer, First-Person, Character Customization, Tutorial

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Starship Troopers: Terran Command

Strategy, Singleplayer, RTS, Military

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder's Revenge

Beat 'em up, Multiplayer, Pixel Graphics, Side Scroller

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak Demo

Action, Hunting, Co-op, Multiplayer

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Shinobi Warfare

RPG, 2D Fighter, Turn-Based Tactics, 2D

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Chivalry 2

Medieval, Multiplayer, Action, Swordplay

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Symphony of War: The Nephilim Saga

RPG, Story Rich, Tactical RPG, Fantasy

Mua steam controller ở đâu


Cats, Adventure, Cyberpunk, Cute

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Red Dead Redemption 2

Open World, Adventure, Story Rich, Western

Mua steam controller ở đâu


VR Supported

Horror, Online Co-Op, Multiplayer, Psychological Horror

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Marvel’s Spider-Man Remastered

Action, Superhero, Open World, Adventure

Mua steam controller ở đâu


Early Access, Adventure, Online Co-Op, Co-op

Mua steam controller ở đâu


Souls-like, Relaxing, Dark Fantasy, RPG

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Football Manager 2022

Sports, Management, Soccer, Simulation

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Call of Duty®: Black Ops III

Multiplayer, FPS, Zombies, Shooter

Mua steam controller ở đâu

No Man's Sky

VR Supported

Open World, Open World Survival Craft, Space, Exploration

Mua steam controller ở đâu


Action, JRPG, Action-Adventure, Hack and Slash

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Substance 3D Painter 2022

Game Development, Animation & Modeling

Mua steam controller ở đâu


Survival, Open World Survival Craft, Multiplayer, Co-op

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Warframe: Khora Prime Access - Venari

Action, Free to Play, RPG, Gore

Mua steam controller ở đâu

V Rising + DLC Bundle

Adventure, Action, Massively Multiplayer, Vampire

Mua steam controller ở đâu

STAR WARS Jedi: Fallen Order Deluxe Edition

Action-Adventure, Souls-like, Third Person, Swordplay

Mua steam controller ở đâu

DMC4SE Demon Hunter Bundle + DmC Complete Pack

Action, Hack and Slash, Great Soundtrack, Spectacle fighter

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Divinity: Original Sin 2 - Eternal Edition

RPG, Fantasy, Adventure, Singleplayer

Mua steam controller ở đâu

DCS: F-16C Viper

Simulation, Military, Realistic, VR

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak

Action, Multiplayer, Co-op, Character Customization

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Gang Beasts

Funny, Physics, Multiplayer, Colorful

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Baldur's Gate 3

Early Access, RPG, Choices Matter, Character Customization

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Titan Quest Bundle

RPG, Action, Hack and Slash, Action RPG

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak Deluxe Edition

Action, Multiplayer, Co-op, Character Customization

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Stardew Valley

Farming Sim, Life Sim, Pixel Graphics, RPG

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Warframe: Khora Prime Access - Whipclaw Pack

Action, Free to Play, RPG, Gore

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Dying Light 2 Stay Human

Open World, Zombies, Parkour, Co-op

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Overcooked! 2

Multiplayer, Online Co-Op, Local Co-Op, Casual

Mua steam controller ở đâu

CS:GO Prime Status Upgrade

FPS, Shooter, Multiplayer, Competitive

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Left 4 Dead 2

Zombies, Co-op, FPS, Multiplayer

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Divinity: Original Sin - The Source Saga

RPG, Fantasy, Tactical RPG, Turn-Based

See more: Top Sellers or Global Top Sellers

Mua steam controller ở đâu

The Manga Works

Choose Your Own Adventure, 2D Platformer, Education, Management

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Chaos Galaxy 2

Grand Strategy, Mechs, Turn-Based Strategy, War

Mua steam controller ở đâu


FPS, Retro, Medieval, Lovecraftian

Mua steam controller ở đâu

The Tarnishing of Juxtia

Action, RPG, Dark Fantasy, Souls-like

Mua steam controller ở đâu


Early Access, Level Editor, Racing, Multiplayer

Mua steam controller ở đâu


Early Access, City Builder, Colony Sim, God Game

Mua steam controller ở đâu

The Legend of Heroes: Kuro no Kiseki

RPG, JRPG, Interactive Fiction, Party-Based RPG

Mua steam controller ở đâu


Early Access, Sandbox, Exploration, Mining

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Captain Bones

Early Access, Survival, Crafting, Pirates

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Beasties - Monster Trainer Puzzle RPG

Indie, Creature Collector, Turn-Based Combat, Strategy

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Junkyard Truck

Simulation, Automobile Sim, Open World, Driving

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Fire Commander

Strategy, Simulation, Real Time Tactics, Singleplayer

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Richman 4

Casual, Tabletop, Trading, Family Friendly

Mua steam controller ở đâu


Early Access, RPG, Simulation, Life Sim

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Koumajou Remilia: Scarlet Symphony

Action, Adventure, Soundtrack, JRPG

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Autonauts vs Piratebots

Simulation, Strategy, Automation, Casual

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Vestaria Saga II: The Sacred Sword of Silvanister

Tactical RPG, Turn-Based Tactics, Strategy RPG, Wargame

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Yacht Mechanic Simulator

Sailing, Simulation, Naval, Relaxing

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Lord Winklebottom Investigates

Point & Click, Adventure, Detective, Narrative

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Bear and Breakfast

Cartoon, Economy, Life Sim, RPG

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Sweet Transit

Early Access, City Builder, Trains, Strategy

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Ghost Watchers

Co-op, Horror, Adventure, Survival Horror

Mua steam controller ở đâu

AI Dungeon

Adventure, RPG, Experimental, Character Action Game

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Tree of Life: Oddria!

Open World Survival Craft, Online Co-Op, Open World, Survival

Mua steam controller ở đâu


Racing, Combat Racing, PvP, Arcade

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Nyaruru Fishy Fight

Metroidvania, Anime, Exploration, 2D Platformer

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Shumi Come Home

Adventure, Exploration, Cute, Open World

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Spells & Secrets

Indie, Action, Action Roguelike, 3D

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Blind Fate: Edo no Yami

Souls-like, Roguelike, Cyberpunk, Hack and Slash

Mua steam controller ở đâu


Story Rich, Action-Adventure, Archery, Mythology

See more: Upcoming Releases

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Red Dead Redemption 2

Open World, Adventure, Story Rich, Western

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Call of Duty®: Black Ops III

Multiplayer, FPS, Zombies, Shooter

Mua steam controller ở đâu

No Man's Sky

VR Supported

Open World, Open World Survival Craft, Space, Exploration

Mua steam controller ở đâu


VR Supported

Horror, Online Co-Op, Multiplayer, Psychological Horror

Mua steam controller ở đâu

STAR WARS Jedi: Fallen Order Deluxe Edition

Action-Adventure, Souls-like, Third Person, Swordplay

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Left 4 Dead 2

Zombies, Co-op, FPS, Multiplayer

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Dying Light 2 Stay Human

Open World, Zombies, Parkour, Co-op

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Overcooked! 2

Multiplayer, Online Co-Op, Local Co-Op, Casual

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Dead by Daylight

Horror, Survival Horror, Multiplayer, Online Co-Op

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Gang Beasts

Funny, Physics, Multiplayer, Colorful

Mua steam controller ở đâu


Base Building, Automation, Open World, Crafting

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Human: Fall Flat

Co-op, Funny, Puzzle, Adventure

Mua steam controller ở đâu


Online Co-Op, Horror, Co-op, FPS

Mua steam controller ở đâu

DCS: F-16C Viper

Simulation, Military, Realistic, VR

Mua steam controller ở đâu


VR Only

VR, Physics, Action, Sandbox

Mua steam controller ở đâu

The Riftbreaker

Base Building, Strategy, Tower Defense, Survival

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Battlefield™ 2042

Shooter, Multiplayer, Action, FPS

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Going Under

Action Roguelike, Dungeon Crawler, Beat 'em up, Roguelite

Mua steam controller ở đâu

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim VR

VR Only

Open World, RPG, VR, Singleplayer

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Hell Let Loose

Action, Shooter, FPS, World War II

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Hardspace: Shipbreaker

Space, Sci-fi, Simulation, Physics

Mua steam controller ở đâu


RPG, Open World, Turn-Based Strategy, Adventure

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Nobody Saves the World

RPG, Action RPG, Hack and Slash, Action

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Battlefield 1 ™

FPS, Multiplayer, World War I, War

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Insurgency: Sandstorm

FPS, Realistic, Shooter, Military

Mua steam controller ở đâu

The Tenants

Design & Illustration, Management, City Builder, Life Sim

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Half-Life: Alyx

VR Only

VR, FPS, Story Rich, Horror

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Grand Theft Auto IV: The Complete Edition

Open World, Action, Automobile Sim, Multiplayer

Mua steam controller ở đâu


Mua steam controller ở đâu

Into the Radius VR

VR Only

VR, Survival, Atmospheric, Singleplayer

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Resident Evil 2

Zombies, Survival Horror, Horror, Remake

Mua steam controller ở đâu


VR Supported

Horror, Online Co-Op, Survival Horror, Co-op

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Golf Gang

Mini Golf, PvP, Multiplayer, Racing

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Call of Duty®: Black Ops III

Multiplayer, FPS, Zombies, Shooter

Mua steam controller ở đâu


Sports, Simulation, Local Multiplayer, Golf

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Pavlov VR

VR Only

VR, Shooter, Action, Multiplayer

Mua steam controller ở đâu


VR Supported

Adventure, Action, Time Travel, Puzzle

Mua steam controller ở đâu

WWE 2K22

Simulation, Sports, Wrestling, PvP

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Red Dead Online

Action, Multiplayer, Open World, Western

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Call of Duty®: Advanced Warfare - Gold Edition

Dog, FPS, Action, Multiplayer

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Valve respects the privacy of its online visitors and customers of its products and services and complies with applicable laws for the protection of your privacy, including, without limitation, the California Consumer Privacy Act ("CCPA"), the European Union General Data Protection Regulation ("GDPR"), the UK GDPR, and the Swiss and EU Privacy Shield Frameworks.

1. Definitions

Wherever we talk about Personal Data below, we mean any information that can either itself identify you as an individual ("Personally Identifying Information") or that can be connected to you indirectly by linking it to Personally Identifying Information. Valve also processes anonymous data, aggregated or not, to analyze and produce statistics related to the habits, usage patterns, and demographics of customers as a group or as individuals. Such anonymous data does not allow the identification of the customers to which it relates. Valve may share anonymous data, aggregated or not, with third parties.

Other capitalized terms in this Privacy Policy shall have the meanings defined in the Steam Subscriber Agreement ("SSA").

2. Why Valve Collects and Processes Data

Valve collects and processes Personal Data for the following reasons: a) where it is necessary for the performance of our agreement with you to provide a full-featured gaming service and deliver associated Content and Services; b) where it is necessary for compliance with legal obligations that we are subject to (e.g. our obligations to keep certain information under tax laws); c) where it is necessary for the purposes of the legitimate and legal interests of Valve or a third party (e.g. the interests of our other customers), except where such interests are overridden by your prevailing legitimate interests and rights; or d) where you have given consent to it. These reasons for collecting and processing Personal Data determine and limit what Personal Data we collect and how we use it (section 3. below), how long we store it (section 4. below), who has access to it (section 5. below) and what rights and other control mechanisms are available to you as a user (section 6. below).

3. The Types and Sources of Data We Collect

3.1 Basic Account Data When setting up an Account, Valve will collect your email address and country of residence. You are also required to choose a user name and a password. The provision of this information is necessary to register a Steam User Account. During setup of your account, the account is automatically assigned a number (the "Steam ID") that is later used to reference your user account without directly exposing Personally Identifying Information about you. We do not require you to provide or use your real name for the setup of a Steam User Account. 3.2 Transaction and Payment Data In order to make a transaction on Steam (e.g. to purchase Subscriptions for Content and Services or to fund your Steam Wallet), you may need to provide payment data to Valve to enable the transaction. If you pay by credit card, you need to provide typical credit card information (name, address, credit card number, expiration date and security code) to Valve, which Valve will process and transmit to the payment service provider of your choice to enable the transaction and perform anti-fraud checks. Likewise, Valve will receive data from your payment service provider for the same reasons. 3.3 Other Data You Explicitly Submit

We will collect and process Personal Data whenever you explicitly provide it to us or send it as part of communication with others on Steam, e.g. in Steam Community Forums, chats, or when you provide feedback or other user generated content. This data includes:

  • Information that you post, comment or follow in any of our Content and Services;
  • Information sent through chat;
  • Information you provide when you request information or support from us or purchase Content and Services from us, including information necessary to process your orders with the relevant payment merchant or, in case of physical goods, shipping providers;
  • Information you provide to us when participating in competitions, contests and tournaments or responding to surveys, e.g. your contact details.
3.4 Your Use of the Steam Client and Websites We collect a variety of information through your general interaction with the websites, Content and Services offered by Steam. Personal Data we collect may include, but is not limited to, browser and device information, data collected through automated electronic interactions and application usage data. Likewise, we will track your process across our websites and applications to verify that you are not a bot and to optimize our services. 3.5 Your Use of Games and other Subscriptions In order to provide you with services, we need to collect, store and use various information about your activity in our Content and Services. "Content-Related Information" includes your Steam ID, as well as what is usually referred to as "game statistics". By game statistics we mean information about your games' preferences, progress in the games, playtime, as well as information about the device you are using, including what operating system you are using, device settings, unique device identifiers, and crash data. 3.6 Tracking Data and Cookies

We use "Cookies", which are text files placed on your computer, and similar technologies (e.g. web beacons, pixels, ad tags and device identifiers) to help us analyze how users use our services, as well as to improve the services we are offering, to improve marketing, analytics or website functionality. The use of Cookies is standard on the internet. Although most web browsers automatically accept cookies, the decision of whether to accept or not is yours. You may adjust your browser settings to prevent the reception of cookies, or to provide notification whenever a cookie is sent to you. You may refuse the use of cookies by selecting the appropriate settings on your browser. The management of the use of cookies for each browser is further detailed on the following help page: However, please note that if you do this, you may not be able to access the full functionality of our websites.

When you visit any of our services, our servers log your IP address, which is a number that is automatically assigned to the network your computer is part of. 3.7 Content Recommendations We may process information collected under this section 3 so that content, products and services shown on the pages of the Steam store and in update messages displayed when launching the Steam Client can be tailored to meet your needs and populated with relevant recommendations and offers. This is done to improve your customer experience. You can prevent the processing of your data in this way by turning off the automatic loading of the Steam store page and of Steam notifications in the "Interface" section of the Steam Client settings. Subject to your separate consent or where explicitly permitted under applicable laws on email marketing, Valve may send you marketing messages about products and services offered by Valve to your email address. In such a case we may also use your collected information to customize such marketing messages as well as collect information on whether you opened such messages and which links in their text you followed.

You can opt out or withdraw your consent to receive marketing emails at any time by either withdrawing the consent on the same page where you previously provided it or clicking the "unsubscribe" link provided in every marketing email. Alternatively, you can select what kinds of emails you wish to receive on the email setting page.

3.8 Information Required to Detect Violations We collect certain data that is required for our detection, investigation and prevention of fraud, cheating and other violations of the SSA and applicable laws ("Violations"). This data is used only for the purposes of detection, investigation, prevention and, where applicable, acting on of such Violations and stored only for the minimum amount of time needed for this purpose. If the data indicates that a Violation has occurred, we will further store the data for the establishment, exercise or defense of legal claims during the applicable statute of limitations or until a legal case related to it has been resolved. Please note that the specific data stored for this purpose may not be disclosed to you if the disclosure will compromise the mechanism through which we detect, investigate and prevent such Violations.

4. How Long We Store Data

We will only store your information as long as necessary to fulfil the purposes for which the information is collected and processed or — where the applicable law provides for longer storage and retention period — for the storage and retention period required by law. After that your Personal Data will be deleted, blocked or anonymized, as provided by applicable law. In particular:
  • If you terminate your Steam User Account, your Personal Data will be marked for deletion except to the degree legal requirements or other prevailing legitimate purposes dictate a longer storage.
  • In certain cases, Personal Data cannot be completely deleted in order to ensure the consistency of the gameplay experience or the Steam Community Market. For instance, matches you have played that affect other players' matchmaking data and scores will not be deleted; rather, your connection to these matches will be permanently anonymized.
  • Please note that Valve is required to retain certain transactional data under statutory commercial and tax law for a period of up to ten (10) years.
  • If you withdraw your consent on which a processing of your Personal Data or of the Personal Data of your child is based, we will delete your Personal Data or respectively the Personal Data of your child without undue delay to the extent that the collection and processing of the Personal Data was based on the withdrawn consent.
  • If you exercise a right to object to the processing of your Personal Data, we will review your objection and delete your Personal Data that we processed for the purpose to which you objected without undue delay, unless another legal basis for processing and retaining this data exists or unless applicable law requires us to retain the data.

5. Who Has Access to Data Valve does not sell Personal Data. However, we may share or provide access to each of the categories of Personal Data we collect as necessary for the following business purposes. 5.1 Valve and its subsidiaries may share your Personal Data with each other and use it to the degree necessary to achieve the purposes listed in section 2 above. In the event of a reorganization, sale or merger we may transfer Personal Data to the relevant third party subject to applicable laws. 5.2 We may also share your Personal Data with our third party service providers that provide customer support services in connection with goods, Content and Services distributed via Steam. Your Personal Data will be used in accordance with this Privacy Policy and only as far as this is necessary for performing customer support services. 5.3 In accordance with internet standards, we may also share certain information (including your IP address and the identification of Steam content you wish to access) with our third party network providers that provide content delivery network services and game server services in connection with Steam. Our content delivery network providers enable the delivery of digital content you have requested, e.g. when using Steam, by using a system of distributed servers that deliver the content to you, based on your geographic location. 5.4 Google Analytics Our website uses Google Analytics, a web analytics service provided by Google, Inc. ("Google"). Google Analytics uses cookies to help the website operators analyze how visitors use the site. The information generated by the cookie about the visitors' use of the website will generally be transmitted to and stored by Google on servers in the United States. On this website, IP anonymization has been activated. The IP addresses of users visiting Steam will be shortened. Only in exceptional cases will a complete IP address be transferred to a Google server in the United States and shortened there. On behalf of the website operator, Google will use this information for the purpose of evaluating the website for its users, in order to compile reports on website activity, and to provide other services relating to website activity and internet usage for website operators.

Google will not associate the IP address transferred in the context of Google Analytics with any other data held by Google. You may refuse the use of cookies by selecting the appropriate settings on your browser. However, please note that in this case you may not be able to use the full functionality of this website. You can learn more about how Google Analytics collects and uses data at

Furthermore, you can prevent Google's collection and processing of data about your use of the website, by downloading and installing the browser plug-in through the following link: 5.5 We make certain data related to your Steam User Account available to other players and our partners through the Steamworks API. This information can be accessed by anyone by querying your Steam ID. At a minimum, the public persona name you have chosen to represent you on Steam and your Avatar picture are accessible this way, as well as whether you have received a ban for cheating in a multiplayer game. The accessibility of any additional info about you can be controlled through your Steam Community user profile page; data publicly available on your profile page can be accessed automatically through the Steamworks API. In addition to the publicly available information, game developers and publishers have access to certain information from the Steamworks API directly relating to the users of the games they operate. This information includes as a minimum your ownership of the game in question. Depending on which Steamworks services are implemented in the game it may also include leaderboard information, your progress in the game, achievements you have completed, your multiplayer game matchmaking information, in-game items and other information needed to operate the game and provide support for it. For more information on what Steamworks services a specific game has implemented, please review its store page. While we do not knowingly share Personally Identifying Information about you through the Steamworks API such as your real name or your email address, any information you share about yourself on your public Steam Profile can be accessed through the Steamworks API, including information that may make you identifiable. 5.6 The Steam community includes message boards, forums and/or chat areas, where users can exchange ideas and communicate with each other. When posting a message to a board, forum or chat area, please be aware that the information is being made publicly available online; therefore, you are doing so at your own risk. If your Personal Data is posted on one of our community forums against your will, please use the reporting function and the Steam help site to request its removal. 5.7 Valve may allow you to link your Steam User Account to an account offered by a third party. If you consent to link the accounts, Valve may collect and combine information you allowed Valve to receive from a third party with information of your Steam User Account to the degree allowed by your consent at the time. If the linking of the accounts requires the transmission of information about your person from Valve to a third party, you will be informed about it before the linking takes place and you will be given the opportunity to consent to the linking and the transmission of your information. The third party's use of your information will be subject to the third party's privacy policy, which we encourage you to review. 5.8 Valve may release Personal Data to comply with court orders or laws and regulations that require us to disclose such information.

6. Your Rights and Control Mechanisms

The data protection laws of the European Economic Area, United Kingdom, California, and other territories grant their residents certain rights in relation to their Personal Data. While other jurisdictions may provide fewer statutory rights, we make the tools designed to exercise such rights available to our customers worldwide. (When we talk about the GDPR in this section, we mean the version of the GDPR that applies to you in the EU or UK).

To allow you to exercise your data protection rights in a simple way we are providing a dedicated section on the Steam support page (the "Privacy Dashboard"). This gives you access to your Personal Data, allows you to rectify and delete it where necessary and to object to its use where you feel necessary. To access it, log into the Steam support page at and choose the menu items My Account -> Data Related to Your Steam Account. In most cases, you can access, manage, or delete Personal Data in the Privacy Dashboard, but you may also contact Valve with questions or requests via the contact processes described in sections 8 and 10 below.

As a resident of the European Economic Area or United Kingdom you have the following rights in relation to your Personal Data: 6.1 Right of Access. You have the right to access your Personal Data that we hold about you, i.e. the right to require free of charge (i) information whether your Personal Data is retained, (ii) access to and/or (iii) duplicates of the Personal Data retained. You can use the right to access to your Personal Data through the Privacy Dashboard. If the request affects the rights and freedoms of others or is manifestly unfounded or excessive, we reserve the right to charge a reasonable fee (taking into account the administrative costs of providing the information or communication or taking the action requested) or refuse to act on the request. 6.2 Right to Rectification. If we process your Personal Data, we shall endeavor to ensure by implementing suitable measures that your Personal Data is accurate and up-to-date for the purposes for which it was collected. If your Personal Data is inaccurate or incomplete, you can change the information you provided via the Privacy Dashboard. 6.3. Right to Erasure. You have the right to obtain deletion of Personal Data concerning you if the reason why we could collect it (see section 2. above) does not exist anymore or if there is another legal ground for its deletion. For individual items of Personal Data please edit them through the Privacy Dashboard or request the deletion via the Steam support page. You can also request the deletion of your Steam user account via the Steam support page. As a result of deleting your Steam User Account, you will lose access to Steam services, including the Steam User Account, Subscriptions and game-related information linked to the Steam User Account and the possibility to access other services you are using the Steam User Account for. We allow you to restore your Steam User Account during a grace period of 30 (thirty) days from the moment you request deletion of your Steam User Account. This functionality allows you not to lose your account by mistake, because of your loss of your account credentials or due to hacking. During the suspension period, we will be able to finalize financial and other activities that you may have initiated before sending the Steam User Account deletion request. After the grace period, Personal Data associated with your account will be deleted subject to section 4. above. In some cases, deletion of your Steam User Account, and therefore Personal Data deletion, is complicated. Namely, if your account has a business relationship with Valve, such as due to your work for a game developer, you will only be able to delete your Steam User Account after you have transferred this role to another user or have dissolved the business relationship. In some cases, considering the complexity and number of the requests, the period for Personal Data erasure may be extended, but for no longer than two further months. 6.4 Right to Object. When our processing of your Personal Data is based on legitimate interests according to Article 6(1)(f) of the GDPR / section 2.c) of this Privacy Policy, you have the right to object to this processing. If you object we will no longer process your Personal Data unless there are compelling and prevailing legitimate grounds for the processing as described in Article 21 of the GDPR; in particular if the data is necessary for the establishment, exercise or defense of legal claims. You also have the right to lodge a complaint at a supervisory authority. 6.5 Right to restriction of processing of your Personal Data You have the right to obtain restriction of processing of your Personal Data under the conditions set out in article 18 of the GDPR. 6.6 Right to Personal Data portability You have the right to receive your Personal Data in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format and have the right to transmit those data to another controller under the conditions set out in article 20 of the GDPR. Valve makes your Personal Data available in structured HTML format through the Privacy Dashboard as described above. 6.7 Right to Post-Mortem Control of Your Personal Data If French data protection legislation is applicable to you, you have the right to establish guidelines for the preservation, the deletion and the transmission of Personal Data after your death in accordance with article 40-1 of the Act No 78-17 of 6 January 1978 on Information, Technology, Data Files and Civil Liberties.

7. Children

The minimum age to create a Steam User Account is 13. Valve will not knowingly collect Personal Data from children under this age. Where certain countries apply a higher age of consent for the collection of Personal Data, Valve requires parental consent before a Steam User Account can be created and Personal Data associated with it collected. Valve encourages parents to instruct their children to never give out personal information when online.

8. Contact Info

You can contact Valve's data protection officer at the address below.

While we review any request sent by mail, please be aware that to combat fraud, harassment and identity theft, the only way to access, rectify or delete your data is through logging in with your Steam User Account at and selecting the menu items -> My Account -> View Account Data.

Valve Corporation Att. Data Protection officer P.O. Box 1688 Bellevue, WA 98009 EU representative for data protection questions: Valve GmbH Att. Legal Rödingsmarkt 9 D-20459 Hamburg Germany UK representative for data protection questions: RIVACY Ltd. 71, Warriner Gardens, Unit G1/G2 London, SW11 4DX United Kingdom

9. Additional Information for Users from the European Economic Area, U.K., and Switzerland

We may transfer and store your personal information outside the European Economic Area or United Kingdom, in countries which may not have equivalent data protection law. If we do so, we will take steps to ensure your personal information is protected by appropriate legal safeguards, like EU or UK standard contractual clauses, and that it is treated securely and in accordance with this privacy policy.

Although the EU-U.S Privacy Shield and the Swiss-US Privacy Shield have been ruled invalid as a legal basis for data transfers to the U.S., Valve and TR Technical Services Inc., its wholly-owned U.S. subsidiary (collectively "Valve") continue to comply with the Privacy Shield Principles with respect to any Personal Data transferred from the EU, UK, and Switzerland to the United States in reliance on the Privacy Shield. If there is any conflict between the terms in this privacy policy and the Privacy Shield Principles, the Principles shall govern. To learn more about the Privacy Shield program, and to view our certification, please visit

The Federal Trade Commission has jurisdiction over Valve's compliance with the Privacy Shield Principles. Under the Principles, Valve shall remain liable if third party agents process the personal information on our behalf in a manner inconsistent with the Principles, unless Valve proves it is not responsible for the event giving rise to the damage. EU, UK and Swiss individuals with inquiries or complaints regarding our compliance with the Principles should first contact Valve here. If we do not address your concern satisfactorily, please contact our U.S.-based third-party dispute resolution provider (free of charge) at As explained in the Privacy Shield documentation ( certain residual claims not resolved by other means may be subject to binding arbitration. In such event, an arbitration option will be made available to you.

10. Additional Information for Users from California

The CCPA grants California residents certain privacy rights regarding the Personal Data we collect. We are committed to respecting these rights and complying with the CCPA. The following explains these rights and Valve's practices with respect to them.

Right to Know. Under the CCPA you have the right to request that we disclose to you what Personal Data we collect, use, disclose, and sell.

Right to Request Deletion. You also have the right to request deletion of Personal Data that is in our possession, subject to certain exceptions. Please note that your request to delete data may impact your use of the Steam service in some cases, and we may decline to delete information for reasons set forth in this Privacy Policy or as permitted by the CCPA.

Other Rights. The CCPA also gives California residents a right to opt-out from the sale of their Personal Data. As described in section 5, we do not sell Personal Data and have not done so in the past 12 months. You also have a right to receive notice of our practices at or before collection of your Personal Data. Finally, you have a right to not be discriminated against for exercising your rights under the CCPA.

Exercising Your Rights. The primary means of accessing, managing or deleting your Personal Data is through the Privacy Dashboard, as described in section 6 of this Policy. Customers may also delete their Steam Account and associated Personal Data as described in section 6.3 of this Privacy Policy. If you are unable to access or delete data through the Privacy Dashboard, you can also contact us with a request to exercise these rights by using the form found at To verify your identity, you will need to log in with your Steam User Account to use the form. Finally, you can contact us with a request at , however, before providing access to, or deleting any, Personal Data, based on a request received via email, we will need to verify your identity utilizing the "Proof of Ownership" process described at

You may designate, in writing or through a power of attorney, an authorized agent to make requests on your behalf to exercise your rights under the CCPA. Before accepting such a request from an agent, we will require the agent to provide proof you have authorized it to act on your behalf, and we may need you to verify your identity directly with us.

Categories, Sources, Purposes, and Recipients of the Data We Collect. Over the preceding 12 months, we have collected the categories of Personal Data described in section 3 of this Privacy Policy. The sources from which we collect Personal Data, and the purposes for which we collect and process it, are described in sections 2 and 3. Over the preceding 12 months, we have disclosed for business purposes each of the categories of Personal Data with the categories of third parties as described in section 5.

Revision Date: February 16, 2022


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Valve respects the privacy of its online visitors and customers of its products and services and complies with applicable laws for the protection of your privacy, including, without limitation, the California Consumer Privacy Act ("CCPA"), the European Union General Data Protection Regulation ("GDPR"), the UK GDPR, and the Swiss and EU Privacy Shield Frameworks.

1. Definitions

Wherever we talk about Personal Data below, we mean any information that can either itself identify you as an individual ("Personally Identifying Information") or that can be connected to you indirectly by linking it to Personally Identifying Information. Valve also processes anonymous data, aggregated or not, to analyze and produce statistics related to the habits, usage patterns, and demographics of customers as a group or as individuals. Such anonymous data does not allow the identification of the customers to which it relates. Valve may share anonymous data, aggregated or not, with third parties.

Other capitalized terms in this Privacy Policy shall have the meanings defined in the Steam Subscriber Agreement ("SSA").

2. Why Valve Collects and Processes Data

Valve collects and processes Personal Data for the following reasons: a) where it is necessary for the performance of our agreement with you to provide a full-featured gaming service and deliver associated Content and Services; b) where it is necessary for compliance with legal obligations that we are subject to (e.g. our obligations to keep certain information under tax laws); c) where it is necessary for the purposes of the legitimate and legal interests of Valve or a third party (e.g. the interests of our other customers), except where such interests are overridden by your prevailing legitimate interests and rights; or d) where you have given consent to it. These reasons for collecting and processing Personal Data determine and limit what Personal Data we collect and how we use it (section 3. below), how long we store it (section 4. below), who has access to it (section 5. below) and what rights and other control mechanisms are available to you as a user (section 6. below).

3. The Types and Sources of Data We Collect

3.1 Basic Account Data When setting up an Account, Valve will collect your email address and country of residence. You are also required to choose a user name and a password. The provision of this information is necessary to register a Steam User Account. During setup of your account, the account is automatically assigned a number (the "Steam ID") that is later used to reference your user account without directly exposing Personally Identifying Information about you. We do not require you to provide or use your real name for the setup of a Steam User Account. 3.2 Transaction and Payment Data In order to make a transaction on Steam (e.g. to purchase Subscriptions for Content and Services or to fund your Steam Wallet), you may need to provide payment data to Valve to enable the transaction. If you pay by credit card, you need to provide typical credit card information (name, address, credit card number, expiration date and security code) to Valve, which Valve will process and transmit to the payment service provider of your choice to enable the transaction and perform anti-fraud checks. Likewise, Valve will receive data from your payment service provider for the same reasons. 3.3 Other Data You Explicitly Submit

We will collect and process Personal Data whenever you explicitly provide it to us or send it as part of communication with others on Steam, e.g. in Steam Community Forums, chats, or when you provide feedback or other user generated content. This data includes:

  • Information that you post, comment or follow in any of our Content and Services;
  • Information sent through chat;
  • Information you provide when you request information or support from us or purchase Content and Services from us, including information necessary to process your orders with the relevant payment merchant or, in case of physical goods, shipping providers;
  • Information you provide to us when participating in competitions, contests and tournaments or responding to surveys, e.g. your contact details.
3.4 Your Use of the Steam Client and Websites We collect a variety of information through your general interaction with the websites, Content and Services offered by Steam. Personal Data we collect may include, but is not limited to, browser and device information, data collected through automated electronic interactions and application usage data. Likewise, we will track your process across our websites and applications to verify that you are not a bot and to optimize our services. 3.5 Your Use of Games and other Subscriptions In order to provide you with services, we need to collect, store and use various information about your activity in our Content and Services. "Content-Related Information" includes your Steam ID, as well as what is usually referred to as "game statistics". By game statistics we mean information about your games' preferences, progress in the games, playtime, as well as information about the device you are using, including what operating system you are using, device settings, unique device identifiers, and crash data. 3.6 Tracking Data and Cookies

We use "Cookies", which are text files placed on your computer, and similar technologies (e.g. web beacons, pixels, ad tags and device identifiers) to help us analyze how users use our services, as well as to improve the services we are offering, to improve marketing, analytics or website functionality. The use of Cookies is standard on the internet. Although most web browsers automatically accept cookies, the decision of whether to accept or not is yours. You may adjust your browser settings to prevent the reception of cookies, or to provide notification whenever a cookie is sent to you. You may refuse the use of cookies by selecting the appropriate settings on your browser. The management of the use of cookies for each browser is further detailed on the following help page: However, please note that if you do this, you may not be able to access the full functionality of our websites.

When you visit any of our services, our servers log your IP address, which is a number that is automatically assigned to the network your computer is part of. 3.7 Content Recommendations We may process information collected under this section 3 so that content, products and services shown on the pages of the Steam store and in update messages displayed when launching the Steam Client can be tailored to meet your needs and populated with relevant recommendations and offers. This is done to improve your customer experience. You can prevent the processing of your data in this way by turning off the automatic loading of the Steam store page and of Steam notifications in the "Interface" section of the Steam Client settings. Subject to your separate consent or where explicitly permitted under applicable laws on email marketing, Valve may send you marketing messages about products and services offered by Valve to your email address. In such a case we may also use your collected information to customize such marketing messages as well as collect information on whether you opened such messages and which links in their text you followed.

You can opt out or withdraw your consent to receive marketing emails at any time by either withdrawing the consent on the same page where you previously provided it or clicking the "unsubscribe" link provided in every marketing email. Alternatively, you can select what kinds of emails you wish to receive on the email setting page.

3.8 Information Required to Detect Violations We collect certain data that is required for our detection, investigation and prevention of fraud, cheating and other violations of the SSA and applicable laws ("Violations"). This data is used only for the purposes of detection, investigation, prevention and, where applicable, acting on of such Violations and stored only for the minimum amount of time needed for this purpose. If the data indicates that a Violation has occurred, we will further store the data for the establishment, exercise or defense of legal claims during the applicable statute of limitations or until a legal case related to it has been resolved. Please note that the specific data stored for this purpose may not be disclosed to you if the disclosure will compromise the mechanism through which we detect, investigate and prevent such Violations.

4. How Long We Store Data

We will only store your information as long as necessary to fulfil the purposes for which the information is collected and processed or — where the applicable law provides for longer storage and retention period — for the storage and retention period required by law. After that your Personal Data will be deleted, blocked or anonymized, as provided by applicable law. In particular:
  • If you terminate your Steam User Account, your Personal Data will be marked for deletion except to the degree legal requirements or other prevailing legitimate purposes dictate a longer storage.
  • In certain cases, Personal Data cannot be completely deleted in order to ensure the consistency of the gameplay experience or the Steam Community Market. For instance, matches you have played that affect other players' matchmaking data and scores will not be deleted; rather, your connection to these matches will be permanently anonymized.
  • Please note that Valve is required to retain certain transactional data under statutory commercial and tax law for a period of up to ten (10) years.
  • If you withdraw your consent on which a processing of your Personal Data or of the Personal Data of your child is based, we will delete your Personal Data or respectively the Personal Data of your child without undue delay to the extent that the collection and processing of the Personal Data was based on the withdrawn consent.
  • If you exercise a right to object to the processing of your Personal Data, we will review your objection and delete your Personal Data that we processed for the purpose to which you objected without undue delay, unless another legal basis for processing and retaining this data exists or unless applicable law requires us to retain the data.

5. Who Has Access to Data Valve does not sell Personal Data. However, we may share or provide access to each of the categories of Personal Data we collect as necessary for the following business purposes. 5.1 Valve and its subsidiaries may share your Personal Data with each other and use it to the degree necessary to achieve the purposes listed in section 2 above. In the event of a reorganization, sale or merger we may transfer Personal Data to the relevant third party subject to applicable laws. 5.2 We may also share your Personal Data with our third party service providers that provide customer support services in connection with goods, Content and Services distributed via Steam. Your Personal Data will be used in accordance with this Privacy Policy and only as far as this is necessary for performing customer support services. 5.3 In accordance with internet standards, we may also share certain information (including your IP address and the identification of Steam content you wish to access) with our third party network providers that provide content delivery network services and game server services in connection with Steam. Our content delivery network providers enable the delivery of digital content you have requested, e.g. when using Steam, by using a system of distributed servers that deliver the content to you, based on your geographic location. 5.4 Google Analytics Our website uses Google Analytics, a web analytics service provided by Google, Inc. ("Google"). Google Analytics uses cookies to help the website operators analyze how visitors use the site. The information generated by the cookie about the visitors' use of the website will generally be transmitted to and stored by Google on servers in the United States. On this website, IP anonymization has been activated. The IP addresses of users visiting Steam will be shortened. Only in exceptional cases will a complete IP address be transferred to a Google server in the United States and shortened there. On behalf of the website operator, Google will use this information for the purpose of evaluating the website for its users, in order to compile reports on website activity, and to provide other services relating to website activity and internet usage for website operators.

Google will not associate the IP address transferred in the context of Google Analytics with any other data held by Google. You may refuse the use of cookies by selecting the appropriate settings on your browser. However, please note that in this case you may not be able to use the full functionality of this website. You can learn more about how Google Analytics collects and uses data at

Furthermore, you can prevent Google's collection and processing of data about your use of the website, by downloading and installing the browser plug-in through the following link: 5.5 We make certain data related to your Steam User Account available to other players and our partners through the Steamworks API. This information can be accessed by anyone by querying your Steam ID. At a minimum, the public persona name you have chosen to represent you on Steam and your Avatar picture are accessible this way, as well as whether you have received a ban for cheating in a multiplayer game. The accessibility of any additional info about you can be controlled through your Steam Community user profile page; data publicly available on your profile page can be accessed automatically through the Steamworks API. In addition to the publicly available information, game developers and publishers have access to certain information from the Steamworks API directly relating to the users of the games they operate. This information includes as a minimum your ownership of the game in question. Depending on which Steamworks services are implemented in the game it may also include leaderboard information, your progress in the game, achievements you have completed, your multiplayer game matchmaking information, in-game items and other information needed to operate the game and provide support for it. For more information on what Steamworks services a specific game has implemented, please review its store page. While we do not knowingly share Personally Identifying Information about you through the Steamworks API such as your real name or your email address, any information you share about yourself on your public Steam Profile can be accessed through the Steamworks API, including information that may make you identifiable. 5.6 The Steam community includes message boards, forums and/or chat areas, where users can exchange ideas and communicate with each other. When posting a message to a board, forum or chat area, please be aware that the information is being made publicly available online; therefore, you are doing so at your own risk. If your Personal Data is posted on one of our community forums against your will, please use the reporting function and the Steam help site to request its removal. 5.7 Valve may allow you to link your Steam User Account to an account offered by a third party. If you consent to link the accounts, Valve may collect and combine information you allowed Valve to receive from a third party with information of your Steam User Account to the degree allowed by your consent at the time. If the linking of the accounts requires the transmission of information about your person from Valve to a third party, you will be informed about it before the linking takes place and you will be given the opportunity to consent to the linking and the transmission of your information. The third party's use of your information will be subject to the third party's privacy policy, which we encourage you to review. 5.8 Valve may release Personal Data to comply with court orders or laws and regulations that require us to disclose such information.

6. Your Rights and Control Mechanisms

The data protection laws of the European Economic Area, United Kingdom, California, and other territories grant their residents certain rights in relation to their Personal Data. While other jurisdictions may provide fewer statutory rights, we make the tools designed to exercise such rights available to our customers worldwide. (When we talk about the GDPR in this section, we mean the version of the GDPR that applies to you in the EU or UK).

To allow you to exercise your data protection rights in a simple way we are providing a dedicated section on the Steam support page (the "Privacy Dashboard"). This gives you access to your Personal Data, allows you to rectify and delete it where necessary and to object to its use where you feel necessary. To access it, log into the Steam support page at and choose the menu items My Account -> Data Related to Your Steam Account. In most cases, you can access, manage, or delete Personal Data in the Privacy Dashboard, but you may also contact Valve with questions or requests via the contact processes described in sections 8 and 10 below.

As a resident of the European Economic Area or United Kingdom you have the following rights in relation to your Personal Data: 6.1 Right of Access. You have the right to access your Personal Data that we hold about you, i.e. the right to require free of charge (i) information whether your Personal Data is retained, (ii) access to and/or (iii) duplicates of the Personal Data retained. You can use the right to access to your Personal Data through the Privacy Dashboard. If the request affects the rights and freedoms of others or is manifestly unfounded or excessive, we reserve the right to charge a reasonable fee (taking into account the administrative costs of providing the information or communication or taking the action requested) or refuse to act on the request. 6.2 Right to Rectification. If we process your Personal Data, we shall endeavor to ensure by implementing suitable measures that your Personal Data is accurate and up-to-date for the purposes for which it was collected. If your Personal Data is inaccurate or incomplete, you can change the information you provided via the Privacy Dashboard. 6.3. Right to Erasure. You have the right to obtain deletion of Personal Data concerning you if the reason why we could collect it (see section 2. above) does not exist anymore or if there is another legal ground for its deletion. For individual items of Personal Data please edit them through the Privacy Dashboard or request the deletion via the Steam support page. You can also request the deletion of your Steam user account via the Steam support page. As a result of deleting your Steam User Account, you will lose access to Steam services, including the Steam User Account, Subscriptions and game-related information linked to the Steam User Account and the possibility to access other services you are using the Steam User Account for. We allow you to restore your Steam User Account during a grace period of 30 (thirty) days from the moment you request deletion of your Steam User Account. This functionality allows you not to lose your account by mistake, because of your loss of your account credentials or due to hacking. During the suspension period, we will be able to finalize financial and other activities that you may have initiated before sending the Steam User Account deletion request. After the grace period, Personal Data associated with your account will be deleted subject to section 4. above. In some cases, deletion of your Steam User Account, and therefore Personal Data deletion, is complicated. Namely, if your account has a business relationship with Valve, such as due to your work for a game developer, you will only be able to delete your Steam User Account after you have transferred this role to another user or have dissolved the business relationship. In some cases, considering the complexity and number of the requests, the period for Personal Data erasure may be extended, but for no longer than two further months. 6.4 Right to Object. When our processing of your Personal Data is based on legitimate interests according to Article 6(1)(f) of the GDPR / section 2.c) of this Privacy Policy, you have the right to object to this processing. If you object we will no longer process your Personal Data unless there are compelling and prevailing legitimate grounds for the processing as described in Article 21 of the GDPR; in particular if the data is necessary for the establishment, exercise or defense of legal claims. You also have the right to lodge a complaint at a supervisory authority. 6.5 Right to restriction of processing of your Personal Data You have the right to obtain restriction of processing of your Personal Data under the conditions set out in article 18 of the GDPR. 6.6 Right to Personal Data portability You have the right to receive your Personal Data in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format and have the right to transmit those data to another controller under the conditions set out in article 20 of the GDPR. Valve makes your Personal Data available in structured HTML format through the Privacy Dashboard as described above. 6.7 Right to Post-Mortem Control of Your Personal Data If French data protection legislation is applicable to you, you have the right to establish guidelines for the preservation, the deletion and the transmission of Personal Data after your death in accordance with article 40-1 of the Act No 78-17 of 6 January 1978 on Information, Technology, Data Files and Civil Liberties.

7. Children

The minimum age to create a Steam User Account is 13. Valve will not knowingly collect Personal Data from children under this age. Where certain countries apply a higher age of consent for the collection of Personal Data, Valve requires parental consent before a Steam User Account can be created and Personal Data associated with it collected. Valve encourages parents to instruct their children to never give out personal information when online.

8. Contact Info

You can contact Valve's data protection officer at the address below.

While we review any request sent by mail, please be aware that to combat fraud, harassment and identity theft, the only way to access, rectify or delete your data is through logging in with your Steam User Account at and selecting the menu items -> My Account -> View Account Data.

Valve Corporation Att. Data Protection officer P.O. Box 1688 Bellevue, WA 98009 EU representative for data protection questions: Valve GmbH Att. Legal Rödingsmarkt 9 D-20459 Hamburg Germany UK representative for data protection questions: RIVACY Ltd. 71, Warriner Gardens, Unit G1/G2 London, SW11 4DX United Kingdom

9. Additional Information for Users from the European Economic Area, U.K., and Switzerland

We may transfer and store your personal information outside the European Economic Area or United Kingdom, in countries which may not have equivalent data protection law. If we do so, we will take steps to ensure your personal information is protected by appropriate legal safeguards, like EU or UK standard contractual clauses, and that it is treated securely and in accordance with this privacy policy.

Although the EU-U.S Privacy Shield and the Swiss-US Privacy Shield have been ruled invalid as a legal basis for data transfers to the U.S., Valve and TR Technical Services Inc., its wholly-owned U.S. subsidiary (collectively "Valve") continue to comply with the Privacy Shield Principles with respect to any Personal Data transferred from the EU, UK, and Switzerland to the United States in reliance on the Privacy Shield. If there is any conflict between the terms in this privacy policy and the Privacy Shield Principles, the Principles shall govern. To learn more about the Privacy Shield program, and to view our certification, please visit

The Federal Trade Commission has jurisdiction over Valve's compliance with the Privacy Shield Principles. Under the Principles, Valve shall remain liable if third party agents process the personal information on our behalf in a manner inconsistent with the Principles, unless Valve proves it is not responsible for the event giving rise to the damage. EU, UK and Swiss individuals with inquiries or complaints regarding our compliance with the Principles should first contact Valve here. If we do not address your concern satisfactorily, please contact our U.S.-based third-party dispute resolution provider (free of charge) at As explained in the Privacy Shield documentation ( certain residual claims not resolved by other means may be subject to binding arbitration. In such event, an arbitration option will be made available to you.

10. Additional Information for Users from California

The CCPA grants California residents certain privacy rights regarding the Personal Data we collect. We are committed to respecting these rights and complying with the CCPA. The following explains these rights and Valve's practices with respect to them.

Right to Know. Under the CCPA you have the right to request that we disclose to you what Personal Data we collect, use, disclose, and sell.

Right to Request Deletion. You also have the right to request deletion of Personal Data that is in our possession, subject to certain exceptions. Please note that your request to delete data may impact your use of the Steam service in some cases, and we may decline to delete information for reasons set forth in this Privacy Policy or as permitted by the CCPA.

Other Rights. The CCPA also gives California residents a right to opt-out from the sale of their Personal Data. As described in section 5, we do not sell Personal Data and have not done so in the past 12 months. You also have a right to receive notice of our practices at or before collection of your Personal Data. Finally, you have a right to not be discriminated against for exercising your rights under the CCPA.

Exercising Your Rights. The primary means of accessing, managing or deleting your Personal Data is through the Privacy Dashboard, as described in section 6 of this Policy. Customers may also delete their Steam Account and associated Personal Data as described in section 6.3 of this Privacy Policy. If you are unable to access or delete data through the Privacy Dashboard, you can also contact us with a request to exercise these rights by using the form found at To verify your identity, you will need to log in with your Steam User Account to use the form. Finally, you can contact us with a request at , however, before providing access to, or deleting any, Personal Data, based on a request received via email, we will need to verify your identity utilizing the "Proof of Ownership" process described at

You may designate, in writing or through a power of attorney, an authorized agent to make requests on your behalf to exercise your rights under the CCPA. Before accepting such a request from an agent, we will require the agent to provide proof you have authorized it to act on your behalf, and we may need you to verify your identity directly with us.

Categories, Sources, Purposes, and Recipients of the Data We Collect. Over the preceding 12 months, we have collected the categories of Personal Data described in section 3 of this Privacy Policy. The sources from which we collect Personal Data, and the purposes for which we collect and process it, are described in sections 2 and 3. Over the preceding 12 months, we have disclosed for business purposes each of the categories of Personal Data with the categories of third parties as described in section 5.

Revision Date: February 16, 2022


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Mua steam controller ở đâu

Flower girl 2

Casual, Sexual Content, Visual Novel, Nudity

Mua steam controller ở đâu


Simulation, Historical, Singleplayer, Strategy

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Realms of Magic

RPG, Open World Survival Craft, Adventure, Indie

Mua steam controller ở đâu


VR Only

Action, Roguelite, Indie, VR

Mua steam controller ở đâu

As Dusk Falls

Story Rich, Adventure, Co-op, Choices Matter

Mua steam controller ở đâu


Cats, Adventure, Cyberpunk, Cute

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Climber: Sky is the Limit - Free Trial

Action, Sports, Simulation, Walking Simulator

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Kanjozoku Game レーサー

Racing, Sports, Combat Racing, Driving

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Warframe: Khora Prime Access - Whipclaw Pack

Action, Free to Play, RPG, Gore

Mua steam controller ở đâu

House Party

Sexual Content, Mature, Life Sim, Sandbox

Mua steam controller ở đâu

PowerWash Simulator

Simulation, Indie, Relaxing, Singleplayer

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Rune Factory 5

RPG, Adventure, Farming Sim, Simulation

Mua steam controller ở đâu


Tactical, 2D, Pixel Graphics, Deckbuilding

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Urbek City Builder

City Builder, Building, Management, Simulation

Mua steam controller ở đâu

WARRIORS OROCHI 3 Ultimate Definitive Edition

Action, Strategy, Adventure, Hack and Slash

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Kayak VR: Mirage

VR Only

VR, Racing, Simulation, Realistic

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Circadian Dice

Roguelike Deckbuilder, Deckbuilding, Turn-Based Tactics, Singleplayer

Mua steam controller ở đâu

The Jackbox Party Starter

Casual, Trivia, 2D, Cartoon

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak

Action, Multiplayer, Co-op, Character Customization

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Tiny Tina's Wonderlands

Adventure, Loot, Shooter, Fantasy

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Good Company

Multiplayer, Management, Automation, Simulation

Mua steam controller ở đâu


Survival, Open World Survival Craft, Multiplayer, Co-op

Mua steam controller ở đâu

The Looker

Puzzle, Parody , Comedy, Funny

Mua steam controller ở đâu


3D Platformer, First-Person, Character Customization, Tutorial

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Starship Troopers: Terran Command

Strategy, Singleplayer, RTS, Military

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder's Revenge

Beat 'em up, Multiplayer, Pixel Graphics, Side Scroller

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak Demo

Action, Hunting, Co-op, Multiplayer

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Shinobi Warfare

RPG, 2D Fighter, Turn-Based Tactics, 2D

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Chivalry 2

Medieval, Multiplayer, Action, Swordplay

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Symphony of War: The Nephilim Saga

RPG, Story Rich, Tactical RPG, Fantasy

Mua steam controller ở đâu


Cats, Adventure, Cyberpunk, Cute

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Red Dead Redemption 2

Open World, Adventure, Story Rich, Western

Mua steam controller ở đâu


VR Supported

Horror, Online Co-Op, Multiplayer, Psychological Horror

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Marvel’s Spider-Man Remastered

Action, Superhero, Open World, Adventure

Mua steam controller ở đâu


Early Access, Adventure, Online Co-Op, Co-op

Mua steam controller ở đâu


Souls-like, Relaxing, Dark Fantasy, RPG

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Football Manager 2022

Sports, Management, Soccer, Simulation

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Call of Duty®: Black Ops III

Multiplayer, FPS, Zombies, Shooter

Mua steam controller ở đâu

No Man's Sky

VR Supported

Open World, Open World Survival Craft, Space, Exploration

Mua steam controller ở đâu


Action, JRPG, Action-Adventure, Hack and Slash

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Substance 3D Painter 2022

Game Development, Animation & Modeling

Mua steam controller ở đâu


Survival, Open World Survival Craft, Multiplayer, Co-op

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Warframe: Khora Prime Access - Venari

Action, Free to Play, RPG, Gore

Mua steam controller ở đâu

V Rising + DLC Bundle

Adventure, Action, Massively Multiplayer, Vampire

Mua steam controller ở đâu

STAR WARS Jedi: Fallen Order Deluxe Edition

Action-Adventure, Souls-like, Third Person, Swordplay

Mua steam controller ở đâu

DMC4SE Demon Hunter Bundle + DmC Complete Pack

Action, Hack and Slash, Great Soundtrack, Spectacle fighter

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Divinity: Original Sin 2 - Eternal Edition

RPG, Fantasy, Adventure, Singleplayer

Mua steam controller ở đâu

DCS: F-16C Viper

Simulation, Military, Realistic, VR

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak

Action, Multiplayer, Co-op, Character Customization

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Gang Beasts

Funny, Physics, Multiplayer, Colorful

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Baldur's Gate 3

Early Access, RPG, Choices Matter, Character Customization

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Titan Quest Bundle

RPG, Action, Hack and Slash, Action RPG

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak Deluxe Edition

Action, Multiplayer, Co-op, Character Customization

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Stardew Valley

Farming Sim, Life Sim, Pixel Graphics, RPG

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Warframe: Khora Prime Access - Whipclaw Pack

Action, Free to Play, RPG, Gore

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Dying Light 2 Stay Human

Open World, Zombies, Parkour, Co-op

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Overcooked! 2

Multiplayer, Online Co-Op, Local Co-Op, Casual

Mua steam controller ở đâu

CS:GO Prime Status Upgrade

FPS, Shooter, Multiplayer, Competitive

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Left 4 Dead 2

Zombies, Co-op, FPS, Multiplayer

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Divinity: Original Sin - The Source Saga

RPG, Fantasy, Tactical RPG, Turn-Based

See more: Top Sellers or Global Top Sellers

Mua steam controller ở đâu

The Manga Works

Choose Your Own Adventure, 2D Platformer, Education, Management

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Chaos Galaxy 2

Grand Strategy, Mechs, Turn-Based Strategy, War

Mua steam controller ở đâu


FPS, Retro, Medieval, Lovecraftian

Mua steam controller ở đâu

The Tarnishing of Juxtia

Action, RPG, Dark Fantasy, Souls-like

Mua steam controller ở đâu


Early Access, Level Editor, Racing, Multiplayer

Mua steam controller ở đâu


Early Access, City Builder, Colony Sim, God Game

Mua steam controller ở đâu

The Legend of Heroes: Kuro no Kiseki

RPG, JRPG, Interactive Fiction, Party-Based RPG

Mua steam controller ở đâu


Early Access, Sandbox, Exploration, Mining

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Captain Bones

Early Access, Survival, Crafting, Pirates

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Beasties - Monster Trainer Puzzle RPG

Indie, Creature Collector, Turn-Based Combat, Strategy

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Junkyard Truck

Simulation, Automobile Sim, Open World, Driving

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Fire Commander

Strategy, Simulation, Real Time Tactics, Singleplayer

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Richman 4

Casual, Tabletop, Trading, Family Friendly

Mua steam controller ở đâu


Early Access, RPG, Simulation, Life Sim

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Koumajou Remilia: Scarlet Symphony

Action, Adventure, Soundtrack, JRPG

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Autonauts vs Piratebots

Simulation, Strategy, Automation, Casual

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Vestaria Saga II: The Sacred Sword of Silvanister

Tactical RPG, Turn-Based Tactics, Strategy RPG, Wargame

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Yacht Mechanic Simulator

Sailing, Simulation, Naval, Relaxing

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Lord Winklebottom Investigates

Point & Click, Adventure, Detective, Narrative

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Bear and Breakfast

Cartoon, Economy, Life Sim, RPG

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Sweet Transit

Early Access, City Builder, Trains, Strategy

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Ghost Watchers

Co-op, Horror, Adventure, Survival Horror

Mua steam controller ở đâu

AI Dungeon

Adventure, RPG, Experimental, Character Action Game

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Tree of Life: Oddria!

Open World Survival Craft, Online Co-Op, Open World, Survival

Mua steam controller ở đâu


Racing, Combat Racing, PvP, Arcade

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Nyaruru Fishy Fight

Metroidvania, Anime, Exploration, 2D Platformer

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Shumi Come Home

Adventure, Exploration, Cute, Open World

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Spells & Secrets

Indie, Action, Action Roguelike, 3D

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Blind Fate: Edo no Yami

Souls-like, Roguelike, Cyberpunk, Hack and Slash

Mua steam controller ở đâu


Story Rich, Action-Adventure, Archery, Mythology

See more: Upcoming Releases

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Red Dead Redemption 2

Open World, Adventure, Story Rich, Western

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Call of Duty®: Black Ops III

Multiplayer, FPS, Zombies, Shooter

Mua steam controller ở đâu

No Man's Sky

VR Supported

Open World, Open World Survival Craft, Space, Exploration

Mua steam controller ở đâu


VR Supported

Horror, Online Co-Op, Multiplayer, Psychological Horror

Mua steam controller ở đâu

STAR WARS Jedi: Fallen Order Deluxe Edition

Action-Adventure, Souls-like, Third Person, Swordplay

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Left 4 Dead 2

Zombies, Co-op, FPS, Multiplayer

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Dying Light 2 Stay Human

Open World, Zombies, Parkour, Co-op

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Overcooked! 2

Multiplayer, Online Co-Op, Local Co-Op, Casual

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Dead by Daylight

Horror, Survival Horror, Multiplayer, Online Co-Op

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Gang Beasts

Funny, Physics, Multiplayer, Colorful

Mua steam controller ở đâu


Base Building, Automation, Open World, Crafting

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Human: Fall Flat

Co-op, Funny, Puzzle, Adventure

Mua steam controller ở đâu


Online Co-Op, Horror, Co-op, FPS

Mua steam controller ở đâu

DCS: F-16C Viper

Simulation, Military, Realistic, VR

Mua steam controller ở đâu


VR Only

VR, Physics, Action, Sandbox

Mua steam controller ở đâu

The Riftbreaker

Base Building, Strategy, Tower Defense, Survival

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Battlefield™ 2042

Shooter, Multiplayer, Action, FPS

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Going Under

Action Roguelike, Dungeon Crawler, Beat 'em up, Roguelite

Mua steam controller ở đâu

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim VR

VR Only

Open World, RPG, VR, Singleplayer

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Hell Let Loose

Action, Shooter, FPS, World War II

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Hardspace: Shipbreaker

Space, Sci-fi, Simulation, Physics

Mua steam controller ở đâu


RPG, Open World, Turn-Based Strategy, Adventure

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Nobody Saves the World

RPG, Action RPG, Hack and Slash, Action

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Battlefield 1 ™

FPS, Multiplayer, World War I, War

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Insurgency: Sandstorm

FPS, Realistic, Shooter, Military

Mua steam controller ở đâu

The Tenants

Design & Illustration, Management, City Builder, Life Sim

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Half-Life: Alyx

VR Only

VR, FPS, Story Rich, Horror

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Grand Theft Auto IV: The Complete Edition

Open World, Action, Automobile Sim, Multiplayer

Mua steam controller ở đâu


Mua steam controller ở đâu

Into the Radius VR

VR Only

VR, Survival, Atmospheric, Singleplayer

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Resident Evil 2

Zombies, Survival Horror, Horror, Remake

Mua steam controller ở đâu


VR Supported

Horror, Online Co-Op, Survival Horror, Co-op

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Golf Gang

Mini Golf, PvP, Multiplayer, Racing

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Call of Duty®: Black Ops III

Multiplayer, FPS, Zombies, Shooter

Mua steam controller ở đâu


Sports, Simulation, Local Multiplayer, Golf

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Pavlov VR

VR Only

VR, Shooter, Action, Multiplayer

Mua steam controller ở đâu


VR Supported

Adventure, Action, Time Travel, Puzzle

Mua steam controller ở đâu

WWE 2K22

Simulation, Sports, Wrestling, PvP

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Red Dead Online

Action, Multiplayer, Open World, Western

Mua steam controller ở đâu

Call of Duty®: Advanced Warfare - Gold Edition

Dog, FPS, Action, Multiplayer