migged là gì - Nghĩa của từ migged

migged có nghĩa là

1.Russian made fighters that show how minorities could change the fate of Russian/Soviet weapon technology (Mikoyan was Armenian and Gurevich was Jewish). The initial fighters were fast, but little else....meaning they could escape from the Germans but not stay and shoot. MiG improved their fighters and started to build top of the line fighter aircraft. The MiG-21 is the most mass produced fighter in the world with 21,000 in service. The MiG-25 can go mach 2.8. However, the MiG company was bought out in 1996 and mainly makes stunt aircraft and corporate jets now. MiGs also pale in comparison to the mighty Sukhoi fighters that now make up a lot of Russia's arsenal.
2. Slang for any Russian fighter.


I've got a MiG on my tail!

migged có nghĩa là

Short slang for milligrams.


I tell you what, Randy was downed and on the nod after forty migs of oxycodone.

migged có nghĩa là

MiG is the design initials for Mikoyan(formerly Mikoyan-Gurevich), a Russian design Bureau-turned-manufacturer. Founded in 1938 by Artem Mikoyan and Mikhail Gurevich, MiG primarily designs fighter aircraft for soviet/russian service. MiG made some pretty good fighters in WW2 but really became legendary during the Korean War with the MiG-15, which was at least equal with the best of contemporary western fighters. After the vietnam war, however, MiGs have been consistently whooped by American fighters such as the F-15. However, this is probably due to the fact that most MiGs involved in wars since the 1970s were downgraded export models flown by poorly trained pilots.

During the Cold War, MiG fighters were the types that American fighters were designed against, due to the fact that dozens of countries around the eastern bloc and third world used the type. "MiG Diplomacy" was a coin termed to describe the Soviet practice of giving newly formed countries a gift of MiG fighters. All production MiG fighters have odd-numbered designations, because stalin said so back in the 1950s. Stalin's long dead, but MiG keeps up the tradition.

Since the 1990s, MiG hasn't seemed to be doing much, thanks to economic hard times in russia and having the spotlight stolen by the well-connected Sukhoi corporation. Nonetheless, MiG managed to pop out the weird looking but kickass MiG-1.44 prototype, as well as several upgraded Fulcrums.


MiG fighters include the
MiG-15(a nasty shock to the USAF in Korea)
MiG-17(an even more embarassing shock to the USAF and USN in vietnam)
MiG-21(the most produced jet fighter ever)
MiG-25(Superfast mystery plane)
MiG-29(A good airplane... thats gotten its ass kicked in every war its seen)

migged có nghĩa là

Metal Inert Gas. A form of gas shielded arc welding that consists of a gun which feeds metal wire into an arc shielded by an inert gas or gas mixture. Produces high quality welds compared to SMAW (stick welding) but not as good as TIG welds. Also, like TIG, MIG cannot be used in an environment with heavy winds as this dissipates the shielding gas.The exception to this rule is if flux core wire is used, then little or no shielding gas is needed.


Many steel and aluminum bicycle frames are MIG welded.

migged có nghĩa là

Nickname for "Miguel". Totally Mexican, likely crazy, and 100% badass. Crafty, slightly psychotic, and definitely not someone you want to get in a fight with. He can get a big head sometimes, but really, he's a lot better than he gives himself credit for. He's tough as iron on the outside, but he has his soft spots inside. For instance, when it comes to chivalry, he's definitely old-school. In a good way. Migs would beat the crap out of anyone who picked on the innocent or defenseless. Or a chick. Oh God... don't even go there.


Migs: great opponent, greater ally, greatest brother.

migged có nghĩa là

MIG is an acronym for 'Most Inappropriate Guest'. This term is used to designate the person at a party or event who is the most inappropriate based on their actions. MIG can be a noun or a verb depending on the usage.


Jill: Could you believe Leroy at the wedding last night?
Tara: I know! He was definitely the MIG. (verb)
Dave: Are you going to the party at Fairmount tonight?
Steph: Yeah, I've been pre-gaming since Noon. I'm going to MIG the hell out of that party.

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similar to dope or lit, it means fun or outrageously cool


Last night was mig! We partied all night long!

migged có nghĩa là

MIG is an acronym for a girls day. It stands for Movies, Ice Cream, Gossip.


Emma: You want to hang out tomorrow?
Amber: Yeah we can have a MIG day!

migged có nghĩa là

To ejaculate seminal fluid. From the noun "to migg"


Dave: "Jeeze man, did Molly give you a blowy last night at Kev's party?"
Randy: "Oh yeah man, totaly, and just as she finished I migged all over her face"
Dave: "Sweet"

migged có nghĩa là

Mig Migs are creatures that help make a video game (made by Brex Studios) run smoothly. By helping prevent bugs, and making sure every NPC is in the right place. The player will never see the Mig Migs, that is not their purpose. Mig Migs work behind the scenes 24/7 to make sure everything in all games to come from Brex Studios run smoothly. If you are ever to see a Mig Mig, you are to take a bottle of Code Red Mtn Dew, put it inside a spray bottle, remove cover panel of PC, and spray thoroughly, making sure to get the RAM, they like to hide in shame there, if seen. However, this is not enough, please report all sightings to Brex Mig Migs Helpline, so that the sighted Mig Mig can be... let go. If you are caught smuggling the Mig Migs outside of the game files, you will be cursed.
Make sure NOT to use Baha Blast when attempting to prevent a Mig Mig uprising, this will make them act inebriated


Mig Migs are really helpful!