mall goths là gì - Nghĩa của từ mall goths

mall goths có nghĩa là

People, generally between the ages of 13 and 17, that think they are uber cool because they shop exclusivly at Hot Topic. Run around the mall in black jnco's, band shirts, bad make-up, and even worse homemade peircings. Truely believe that they are goth as fuck. See also- "poser"


mall goths có nghĩa là

These pricks hang outside of Hot Topic. Waiting for it to open so they can spend more of Mommy's and Daddy's money. They can be seen walking around the mall (obviously), looking down at the ground faking depression. sporting bad ICP make-up and wearing a Slipknot shirt. Laughing at Abercrombie, Cause obviously laughing and pointing at a clothing store is SOOO hardcore and rebellious. Age group for this abomination of a subculture is usually 12-15. Usually after 15 they grow up and realise how stupid they looked. But some people never grow up.


Mallgoth sarah: I HATE LIFE!! ::crying in the corner of her room::
Mother: C'mon dear, I'll give you money to spend at Hot Topic
Mother: But we always bought you everything you wanted. a Laptop, the pony you picked out, your stereo, you get a 100$ a week allowance..

mall goths có nghĩa là

Damn kids. They usually hate corporations and the machine...or the they topple the corporations, the man, and the machine by going to hot topic and BUYING...yes BUYING a $40.00 anarchy t-shirt.......I makes no sense.


DAMN THESE MALL GOTHS...damn them to hell.

mall goths có nghĩa là

An individual calling themself "goth"/"gothic" that ,in actuality, is not involved in the subculture.
They listen to overhyped nu-metal/emo bands that they like for the simple fact that they believe it will make them 'cool',or more 'gothic'.
Usually between the ages of 12-17, they have a very blatant fashion sense; commonly wearing baggy, black pants with chains draped from them, spiked wristbands/collars, beanies, and especially Slipknot, HIM, or Korn tees.
Their chief source of fashion is Hot Topic (owned by Abercrombie & Fitch)
Some will don a depressed visage, never smile or speak, and others will don a moody, angry tone.
None of these 'goths' are generally 'gothic' at all. None of these people understand the origins, roots, or influences of the subculture, nor would they likely to be interested in any of its true aspects.


"You're indefinitely not involved in the gothic subculture; you would appear to be a mall goth."
"My friend only listens to HIM and Slipknot, and pretends to be depressed all the time; he's a mall goth."

mall goths có nghĩa là

One of the most digusting types of people that exist on this world. Their hair looks like it began dreading, and is dyed in various mix-matching colors.

They were eyeliner that is thincker than a racoon's black fur around their eyes. ERRRM, thats not attractive, sorry to break it to you.

Usually found around Hot Topic, they try things on, and wait for it to open every morning so they can talk about how harcore they are, and make fun of stores such as Abercrombie and Hollister California.

They associate themselves as being major fans of bands such as:
-or Insane Clown Posse (ICP)

Technically, they are a bunch of posers who come to their realization when they hit the age of 16. They look back to see how stupid they looked trying to actually look "HardCore"


Mall Goth Sarah: -Laughing- Abercrombie is go gay!!

Mall Goth Tim: I know! Lets hurry and ger to Hot Topic before it closes!

Current time, 2:00pm.
Hot Topic closes at 9:00pm

You do that Mall Goth Tim and Sarah..


mall goths có nghĩa là

Mall Goths - Wannabes - The kids with bad excessive make-up equipped with Manson or Cradle of Filth shirts. They hate their parents for buying them everything and they shop at hot topic. Usually seen lerking around the local Shopping malls.


I fucking hate mall goths.

mall goths có nghĩa là

The single most annoying type of poser. %30 are poor white trash with supposed "dye jobs" that are probably the product of them coloring their hair with magic marker. They are also too poor to afford the overpriced ugly chain linked pants from Hot Topic so they usually wear goodwill jeans dyed black with some shitty band (slipknot, korn, ICP, Mandon) t shirt that is 2 sizes too big. Another %60 are spoiled suburban kids who think their lives suck even though mommy and daddy buy them everything they want. Usually sport better, but still shitty dye jobs because mommy and daddy pay for it to be done at the JC Penny salon at the mall. They buy extremely overpriced clothing from Hot Topic, but still shop at Goodwill, becuase goths are supposed to be poor. The other %10 have no specific social class, but still carry most of the previously stated characteristics.

All mallgoths whine about their 'shitty' lives. If anyone is mean to them about anything they automatically scream "DON'T HATE ME BECAUSE I'M GAWTHYCKCKC!!!! I'M NOT A SOUP CAN!" but will immediately turn around and make fun of a groups of girls for wearing American Eagle clothes, which makes them 'preps'. If a mallgoth is actually harassed for being 'gothic' they suddenly start crying because they are too pussy to really take the criticism.

Mallgoths will also come up with stupid meaningless nicknames for each other because they think it's cool.
These nicknames often change daily and a log must be kept to ensure currency. IE. Skittles, Sprinkles, Squeegy, Skippy, Muffin, Kitty, Pancake, Cupcake....ect.
Most are often considered to be 'ironic' because everyone knows that mallgoth aren't cute so it's clever to give them cutesy nicknames with no meaning behind it.

Mallgoths also listen to pop music or mainstream emo rock and assume it's goth and metal.

Faking mental illness and sexual orientation is often very common among mallgoths.


Mall goth: LAWLZ New Hot Topic pants? Cool! Come help me color my hair with this blue Crayola marker!

Mall goth: Hey KittyCakeSprinklePantsFace! Lets go take out meds and then go lesbian all over each other! We're so mallgoth we're goth!

Mall goth: OMGZ?!!! Did you just call me GAWTH? I'm not a soup can! Don't label me you stupid PREP!

Did you see that mallgoth swallowing Smarties in front of Hot Topic saying they were Anti-Psychotic drugs?

mall goths có nghĩa là

A pathetic excuse for real gothic. They claim they are totally goth and try to dress as such, when they know nothing about the subculture.


Joe is a Mall Goth. He hangs out at the mall and claims he listens to the most "gothic" bands out there, when all he really listens to is nu metal and other mainstream music.

mall goths có nghĩa là

a mallgoth also known as a "juggalo" is a wannabe goth, usually straight up white-trash. A typical mallgoth outfit consists of a poser band shirt(evanescence,Korn,HiM,Cradle of filth,insane clown posse etc.),skater shoes, tripp pants,studded belt a pentagram as well as eyeliner all over their face. They are the ones responsible for making Marilyn Manson look like a bad man, they misinterpret his lyrics and sometimes even shoot up schools in his name, Manson most likely never intended for this. They do not listen to real gothic music, besides maybe the cure. Most of them have never heard of siuxsie & the banshees,Bauhaus,sisters of mercy, christian death,alien sex fiend,joy division or any of the other real goth band there are. many claim to be "wiccan" this offends most pagans. they also love anime more than anything on earth... i could never find an explanation for this...
"I'm goth because I'm a wiccan who wears tripp pant,likes anime and listens to evanescence" - mallgoth


"really? who was the first goth band" - true goth "um...uh... i cant tell you cause it's a goth only secret, i swore i wouldn't with my own blood" - mall goth "you mean you actually cut yourself cause you thought it would make you goth?" - goth "um...yeah... Amy Lee told me too" - mall goth

mall goths có nghĩa là

Lame ass Kids who chill out on the stairs in front of school just to get in everyone's way. Very obnoxious and loud. All of them listen to shitty ass music like ICP\ and other shit, while a few of them are somewhat cool and listen to Dream Theater. They're poor choice of music should be replaced by good music such as Rush, Dragonforce, and Megadeth.


Big Boss-"Oh, man! I gotta get up the stairs, but I don't wanna be near the Mall Goths"
Freddy-"Good Point. Take the long way around."
Big Boss-"Yeah, man. I better."