Just so so nghĩa là gì

just so Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

able to take just so much

Idiom[s]: able to take just so much


able to endure only a limited amount of discomfort. [Able to can be replaced with can.]
Please stop hurting my feelings. Im able to take just so much.
I can take just so much.

just so

with great care, very carefully She always makes sure that her hair is just so before she goes out.

just so|just

just so1 adj. Exact; exactly right. Mrs. Robinson likes to keep her house just so, and she makes the children take off their shoes when they come in the house.
just so2 conj. Provided; if. Take as much food as you want, just so you don't waste any food.
Synonym: AS LONG AS2.
just so3 adv. phr. With great care; very carefully. In order to raise healthy African violets you must treat them just so.

just so

1. Very neat and organized. Everything in the house has to be just so when my mother gets here, or we'll never hear the end of it.2. To the same extent as someone or something else. Geez, you drive just so slow as Dad. Let's pick up the pace!3. As long as; provided that. A: "Is it OK if I take the train? "B: "Sure, just so you get here by 8."4. expression Yes, that's right; I agree. A: "We really need to work hard on this project." B: "Just so!"Learn more: just

just so

1. in perfect order; neat and tidy. Her hair is always just so. Their front yard is just so.
2. Precisely right!; Quite right! [Usually Just so!] Bill: The letter should arrive tomorrow. Tom: Just so! Jane: We must always try our best. Martin: Just so!Learn more: just

just so

1. Precisely in that way, very carefully and appropriately, as in The children had to be dressed just so for their aunt's wedding. [Mid-1700s]
2. I agree, that is correct, as in The house was a mess.-Just so; I told her to clean the place up. [Mid-1700s]
3. See just as, def. 2.
4. See as long as, def. 3. Learn more: just

just ˈso

1 as it should be; with everything in its proper place or with everything done properly: He likes his office to be just so, with everything in its place.
2 [old-fashioned, formal] yes, I agree: This must never happen again. Just so.Learn more: just
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