jedward là gì - Nghĩa của từ jedward

jedward có nghĩa là

The blended word formed from the Xfactor finalists, 18 year old twins, John and Edward Grimes, with their spiked up electric style quiffs.


1. I love Jedward! Jedward to win, dude! 2. God, your hair is such a Jedward hair-do today! Lay off the gel.

jedward có nghĩa là

two of the most beautiful people ever to walk the planet.
John Paul Henry Daniel Richard Grimes and Edward Peter Anthony Kevin Patrick Grimes Known for their AMAZINGLY high hair and GORGEOUS personalities.


Jedward: yo VIP, lets kick it!
Everyone in the entire world: *sigh* WE LOVE YOU!!

jedward có nghĩa là

The Irish twins, also known as John and Edward Grimes, are famous because of their fabulous quiffs, dazzling personalities and their ability to turn tedious, lacklustre “music” into unbelievably heartening, classy Pop. The 18 year old boys are uniting people and nations as we speak, and they have an endless number of followers, all of which find themselves with an inescapable form of Obsessive Jedward Disorder, resulting in wondering off topic when speaking; the use of the word ‘deadly’ a lot more often and the uncontrollable need for cereal. Jedward have many nicknames, including ‘Jedders’, ‘The Jed’ and ‘Eddie and JJ’. Also, if you hear someone using the words ‘hottest boys on the planet’, they are most probably talking about the twins. Nothing can beat the unstoppable force that is Jedward.


Girl No.1: "Woww, i just met the most perfect guy in the world!"
Girl No.2: "Omg, you met a Jedward?!"

jedward có nghĩa là

The combination of the names "John" and "Edward" who are the twins that appeared on the X Factor 2009 in England. They look really stupid. They can't sing for shit. They both dance like bell-ends. But everybody loves them for the above mentioned reasons.


Louis Walsh: "Do you want to come back to my place boys?" Jedward: "No because were scared you may try to bum us."

jedward có nghĩa là

the combination name of John and Edward, two irish joke contestants of the X factor 2009. no words can describe the absolute hatred and loathing the viewer feels as soon as their little smiley twatish faces are seen on saturday/sunday night. they remain to exist in the competition because biased irish prick of a judge Louis Walsh noticed their familiar accents and said that they "have potential", but the reason they remain in the competition is a mystery, whether its if people like listnening to classic Queen songs get murdered by these talentless gimps or its good ol' fashioned desire to see them crushed as they get further and further into the competition before failing at the end, i dont know


person 1 :"you know who i really want to Knock the fuck out?"
person 2 :"dunno, Jedward?"
person 1 :"yeah they're twats"

jedward có nghĩa là

the combination of the john and edward the irish joke contestants on x factor, these two have faces u want to smack, there is no way of describing how much normal people hate them. the reason they are in is because some irish twat named louis walsh relised they have v same accent as him and put them through, most people were releved when simon cowell hated them saying they were awful, that is until when lucie jones and jedward were in the bottom 2, with 2 votes sending jedward home and only 1 for lucie, simon could have sent jedward home (hopefully never to be seen again), but somehow he decided to take it to a public vote, we all know what happened after why he did it remains a mystery, some people think he was doing it for the ratings and getting more money, others think he felt she was threatening his acts chances, we will never know, all we know is they are both twats. why people are voting for them is also a mystery, origanaly most people did it to piss off simon, but now that is not the case, so i hope u people see sense and kick there twatish faces out as soon as possible and remember, if they win wtf would be their winning single


person1: jedward are twats
person2: i agree, they have faces u want to smack don't u think
person1: ye
person3: ye they are twats, i wanted lucie to win but thats not going 2 happen because of them

jedward có nghĩa là

the name for two people who are gay and like to try and sing, prefrebly irish they try to act cool for everyone, but because of this they end up trying to be killed, loved by lou walsh anyone wanting to be a jedward can be bummed by the man


"ure such a jedward"

jedward có nghĩa là

a quote or tweet from jedward which shows their completely random and cool take on everyday things. No one else can even begin to think of similar things.


Some of my favourite jedwardism's:
What makes people have curly hair? And people having straight hair? Did god have a curling machine thing Probably the gravity’s pushing down on all the plumbing and that’s why there is no water up here THE QUEEN IF YOU ARE READING THIS WE NEED TO MEET YOU! WE THINK YOU ROCK AND YOU KNOW HOW TO WAVE SO GOOD AND YOU OWN THAT TEA DRINKING Who is ever scared of a kettle? it boils water so scary, what if the steam is the water crying we need to save the water it has feelings

jedward có nghĩa là

An officer of the British Army, who in the late 1800s journeyed with a merry companion across Afghanistan to Kafiristan ("land with no gods"), went up the first chief he met and said, "Would you like to defeat your enemies?" "Of course!" He said. Jedwards made him king, and then deposed him, and looted the country six ways from Sunday.


And then he said, "jedwards"

jedward có nghĩa là

One helluva MOTHERFUCKER who knows how to do FREESTYLES and likes to TALK ABOUT HIS 19382818 EXES. Is a tryhard and bad at commitment. Born in pakistan to indian parents.


"I just did a really shitty freestyle"
"HaHa! What a Jedward."