Is serum more important than moisturizer?

If you’re using a serum (perhaps one of our best sellers, the Vitamin C Serum or Cellufirm Drops) you’re certainly doing your skin a favor. Serums are truly state-of-the-art skin care products because they are potent formulations that deliver beneficial high-performance ingredients such as antioxidants, humectants or other cell-communicating components to the skin.

As advantageous as serums may be, don’t be tempted to put good and faithful moisturizers on the back burner—especially if the consistency of the serum you’re using is lotion-esque. Moisturizing is a crucial part of skin care. Keep in mind that your skin has a very important job to do- it protects the entire body. Moisturizers work to protect our skin from the elements while adding moisture. Also, while some serums contain hydrating ingredients such as hyaluronic acid, you need to layer a moisturizer over the serum to seal it into the skin.

Which serum are you using?

Author: Lee Ann

I am a Licensed Esthetician and Freelance Professional Makeup Artist based in the Princeton, New Jersey area. My passions are all things beauty and I have an unhealthy obsession for anti-aging. When I'm not writing a plethora of articles, I enjoy indulging in shopping, music, fine dining and catching up on the latest celebrity gossip from the E channel to People Magazine. Email me if you have questions [email protected] Feel free to visit my Google+ page.

Skincare experts always recommend applying both serum and moisturizer as part of a healthy skincare routine – but what exactly is the difference between serum and moisturizer? Are both really needed? And if so, should serum be applied before or after moisturizer? We answer all of the above in our ‘serum vs moisturizer’ guide.

What is a serum?

A serum is a lightweight, highly concentrated formula infused with key ingredients that target specific skin concerns. As serums contain smaller molecules than moisturizers, their formulas can penetrate the skin’s surface and support the feel of healthy skin.

Known as emollients, moisturizers are designed to keep the skin’s outermost surface (the stratum corneum) hydrated. They form a protective barrier over the skin’s surface, helping to prevent moisture loss and shield against environmental stressors.

What is the difference between a serum and a moisturizer?

Serums penetrate the skin’s surface up to 10 layers deep, targeting the appearance of damage, while moisturizers (which have larger molecules) affect only the surface layer, helping to lock in hydration and create a shield against external stressors that can exacerbate existing skin concerns.

Should you apply a serum before or after a moisturizer?

Serum should be applied after cleansing and toning but before moisturizing.

As moisturizer forms a barrier over the skin’s surface, applying serum after moisturizer would prevent the ingredients in the serum from penetrating into the skin. However, applying moisturizer on top of serum helps to lock in its key ingredients.

How to choose the best face serum

When it comes to choosing the best face serum, opt for ingredients tailored to your specific skin concern. Vitamin C serum, for example, is perfect for dull skin, while hyaluronic acid is particularly beneficial for dry skin.

We’ve created a helpful guide to finding the best face serum for you:

Is serum more important than moisturizer?


How to Find the Right Serum for Your Skin Goals

Applied before your moisturizer, serums are fast-absorbing, power-packed formulas that easily penetrate skin to directly deliver anti-aging benefits.

2019-09-03 08:31:43 • By No7 Beauty

How to choose the best moisturizer

Moisturizers aren’t just intended for dry skin. All skin types can benefit from a good moisturizer, provided the right textures and formulas are applied.

Dry skin requires a richer gel-cream that helps to prevent water loss, while oily skin needs an oil-free face cream that hydrates and helps to balance sebum, and mature skin can benefit from a rich moisturizer that targets the key signs of aging. Read our guide below to find the best moisturizer for your skin type:

Is serum more important than moisturizer?


How to Find the Best Moisturizer

Discover the best face moisturizer for your skin type and concerns.

2021-04-01 16:18:27 • By No7 Beauty

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We’re so confident in the quality of our products that we guarantee you’ll love the results – or we’ll give you your money back. See for details.

Is serum better than Moisturiser?

Hydrating serums are thinner than hydrating moisturisers so they absorb into the skin quicker. Serums are also capable of seeping deeper into your skin, which means they're amazing at fighting skin damage and skin ageing at a cellular level.

Can I skip moisturizer and use serum?

Answer: You can but you don't have to. Serums and moisturizers help the skin in different ways. For some, particularly those who do not have dry skin, a serum alone will be enough. At other times, when your skin is dry or the environment is drying, you will find that you need both a serum and a moisturizer.

Is a serum the most important?

Serums are definitely important, and since they do so much heavy lifting, this is the product worth splurging on. Cleansers are "wash aways”. Do select a cleanser that works for your skin type, condition, and lifestyle, but if you have a limited budget, don't blow it on a cleanser.

Does your skin really need serum?

I definitely recommend serums for anyone who is concerned about aging. It's a really good way to get extra anti-aging effects, more than your typical moisturizer and sunscreen,” says Dr. Waldman.