identifys là gì - Nghĩa của từ identifys

identifys có nghĩa là

Psychology term describing an individual, usually a child or teen, in a dysfunctional family who:

1] Gets scapegoated and blamed for a family's problems
2] Has emotional problems that are not a mental illness, but a normal response to the stress of dealing with an unhealthy family in denial
3] Blows the whistle on a dysfunctional family's problems

Phrase originated because family therapists recognized that the child "identified" as the patient is not necessarily the one who is sick.


1] John is dropping out of school and doing drugs and his parents want him institutionalized, but it turns out his mother is an abusive alcoholic and his father is chronically absent. John is the identified patient.

2] Becky is extremely depressed and fearful. She accuses her father, correctly, of molestation, but the parents deny it and accuse Becky of being sick for reasons that have nothing to do with them. Becky is the identified patient.

identifys có nghĩa là

A member of the female gender who defends and protects problematic men and blames women for men's wrongdoings. Examples are women who blame girls for wearing short skirts for being sexually assaulted, who attack teenage girls sleeping with adult men instead of the creepy adult men, who say that the woman deserved to be beaten etc. Normally have low self esteem and live for male validation and opinions. Also known as "pick-mes".


Male identified woman: "That stupid little slut was asking to be assaulted wearing that outfit showing her cleavage"

identifys có nghĩa là

Sharing similarities with someone[or some'thing'].


I can SOOOO identify with Ben right now!

identifys có nghĩa là

What androids say to intruders. This allows them to determine whether or not the intruder is an android himself, as android-non android relations is frowned upon in the Commonwealth. Upon detection of a non-android body within the range of his visual scanners, an android may sound the alarm, whereupon the intruder will be instantly vaporized by alarm-response androids. As such, it is recommended that if a non-android wishes to "learn the ways" of the android, that he or she must follow the following directions: Step 1: Crouch outside of the range of the android's visual scanner. Step 2: Sidle up to the android in question, being sure not to look it in the eye. Step 3: If the android does not detect an intruder, commence learning the ways of the android. Note: This works best in close proximity to the Commonwealth Public-Use Industrial Capacitive Reactive Surface #36, colloquially known as the "Boss Door."


Android #1 is minding his own business, guarding a resting Mobile Grinder. Intruder: "Why hello there Android #1! Might you direct me to the nearest Boss Door, or perhaps to a checkpoint?" Android #1: "Halt! Identify!" Intruder: "Oh dear, I must have offended his delicate sensibilities. Time to block and release."

identifys có nghĩa là

n. family therapy lingo indicating which child is causing all the problems in a family and whom, unless cured or removed, prevents the family from an otherwise wonderful life. often shortened to: IP


All my heroes were probably the identified patients in their families.

identifys có nghĩa là

Trans Identified female is a slur commonly used by the terf to invalidate trans boys or trans men. The short version of this word is TIF what is also short for the girl's name Tiffany. Transgender people who are born female and haven't medically transitioned obviously are biologically female but there is no need to point that out in such a disrespectful way as you do when you call someone a tif. Obviously this is a mockery of trans people so when you hear someone refer to an afab trans person please correct them to trans boy or non binary person and explain why it is harmful if they don't know.


Terf: I saw this tif entering the wrong bathroom hnghngfgjuf Respectful person: you mean a trans boy Person: what's a tif? Terf: a trAnS IdEntifIEd fEmale ! A gIrl who thInks she's a bOy because of misogyny Respectful person: trans-identified female or tif is a slur terfs use for afab people, it's very disrespectful Respectful person: trans boys are boys regardless of whether or not they are female Terf: *head explodes*

identifys có nghĩa là

A Trans-Identified Male, or TIM, is an unfavourable term used to describe transgender people who were assigned male at birth [AMAB] but don't identify as male: such as trans women. It is typically used with the intent of insulting and discrediting trans women as unfeminine and delusional, especially since its acronym, TIM, is a male name.


Guy 1: This Blaire chick is hot
Guy 2: Blaire White? Nooo man, he's a TIM. You don't want that! Guy 1: What's a TIM? Guy 2: Trans-Identified Male. He's a dude in a dress! Guy 1: looks like a woman to me.

identifys có nghĩa là

For those who sexually identify as submarines


I sexually identify as a submarine! Respect my periscope you bigot!
Shoot your torpedo inside me USS Wahoo [SS-238]

identifys có nghĩa là

A fart with a distinctive odor to allow its smellers to identify the person who produced it based on its familiarity and association with the producer's former proven farting incidents.


Dude, did that pungent odor waft from you? Nah, man. It was definitely Freddy. I can tell by his identifying fart. Man, you should see a doctor about that fowl stench.

identifys có nghĩa là

To not identify as any specific race, gender, sex, etc. We are humans. Fuck you.


I identify human sir.

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