GitHub Desktop roadmap

GitHub Desktop roadmap

Announcing the GitHub public roadmap

Shanku Niyogi

In the last year, weve released more than 200 new features, including:

  • New products to support your workflow like Actions, Packages, and Codespaces;
  • A complete end-to-end security solution;
  • New and updated clients for Mobile, Desktop, and CLI to collaborate anywhere;
  • And many other features and improvements

Were also building many of our features iteratively with the open source community, including the recent GitHub Discussions beta. As customers have gotten used to us shipping new things, weve also heard you clearly tell us that youd like more visibility into what were working on, what were going to be shipping, and when.

Today, were excited to announce the GitHub public roadmap. The public roadmap is designed to give your team more information about what features and functionality you can expect from GitHub over the coming quarters. With more transparency into what were building, you can also plan better and share feedback earlier to influence what were building.

What were launching

The GitHub public roadmap is a new public repository on GitHub that anyone can access. There, youll find a project board that lays out upcoming releases. Each item on the board links to a detailed issue with more information about what were planning, why its important, when we expect to deliver it, and a bit about how we expect it to work.

GitHub Desktop roadmap

For example, if you filter the project board using the beta, server, and security & compliance labels youll see which quarter we plan to bring code scanning and secret scanning to GitHub Enterprise Server in beta. You can also watch the repository or subscribe to individual roadmap issues to be notified about changes directly within GitHub.

GitHub Desktop roadmap

Historically, GitHub has shared forward-looking product announcements at major events or in the occasional blog post, and well continue to do this. While the public roadmap isnt exhaustive, it will include most aspects of our product plans, and will be regularly updated.

Share your feedback

If you have questions or comments, share them publicly on the GitHub Community Forum or privately via the Share feedback page, as you already do today. We look forward to keeping you informed and to hearing your feedback about whats on the roadmap.

Besides the content of the roadmap being updated regularly, were also planning to iterate on the format of the roadmap itself. We see the potential of reactions, issue comments, and even GitHub Discussions being valuable additions to the repository for receiving direct signals back from the community about what weve planned. If you have feedback about the roadmap repository itself, such as how the issues are presented, let us know through this Share feedback page.

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