Gimp add text distance top and bottom not same unequal

Firstly, I suspect that images objects are (for some reason) set to automatically go behind the text. However, you state that this is not the problem as you have covered this when you mentioned having tried "other settings".

Secondly, I suspected that the opposite happened: your text is (for some reason) set to be in front of all other objects.

Finally, your default Word settings may set all pictures with an anchor which 'holds' it in place, behind all text.

Whichever it is, I would like to suggest the following:

  • Select the image with your cursor (single-click). If you cannot reach the image, Select the Home tab, then from the far right of the menu / ribbon, select 'Select' and select 'Select Objects'. Now, you may click on the image even if it is behind text and select it without any difficulties.
  • Cut (Ctrl + X)
  • Alt Gr + V or Home tab on ribbon, collapse Paste menu and Paste Special...
  • Select Picture (JPEG)
  • OK

If this fails to work, attempt it with the other picture formats. The reason I suggest JPEG is because it retains the most pixel information over all other formats and makes for the best-quality of image possible.

Another thought as to why this has happened could be linked to the program you pasted from (MS Paint). If you did a straight Copy / Cut & Paste, then it may have pasted some horrible formatting code along with it which hasn't been decoded properly by Word.

EDIT: turns out the below is not really a requirement for ACM - but still a good Latex exercise, I reckon :)

I have bumped into a problem with the Alternate ACM LaTeX2e Style File V2.4 (APRIL 2009 CLS) class file, and for the first time, I get a minimal example that demonstrates the issue which is simpler than my original problem :)

Here, I can demonstrate the issue simply by using the lipsum package; the example test.tex file is this:

% convert -density 200x200 "test.pdf[1]" test_pg2_.png
% crop: 0x1536 to bottom; then paint 0x458 size 1700x206
\title{De finibus bonorum et malorum}
\numberofauthors{1} %
Dr. Reinhardt Donnerkebab
\email{[email protected]}
% we're on first page
% ¶.7 goes one paragraph into second page
% NOTE: the below line is changed to show effect:

So, if I use the emphasized line as is, \lipsum[1-10], which generates 10 paragraphs, the bottom of page 2 (of 3) is:

Gimp add text distance top and bottom not same unequal
that is, bottom row in left column is lower than bottom row in right column.

If I instead use \lipsum[1-17], to generate 17 paragraphs, the bottom of page 2 (of 3) is:

Gimp add text distance top and bottom not same unequal
that is, bottom row in right column is lower than bottom row in left column.

Finally, is I use \lipsum[1-27], to generate 27 paragraphs, the bottom of page 2 (of 4) is:

Gimp add text distance top and bottom not same unequal
that is, bottom rows of both columns are finally balanced - but they are on the same level as the 'higher' rows in the previous examples!

(the red surface is added in GIMP, it is positioned the same in respect to bottom of page)

So, how do I persuade this class file to give me consistent, aligned (balanced) rows at the bottom of the page? NOTE: This is (I guess) slightly different from TeX Frequently Asked Questions -- question label "balance": Balancing columns at the end of a document, as this is about balancing columns in the "middle" of the document.

Thanks in advance for any answers, Cheers!

EDIT: Thanks to the help in Expanding (edef) a lipsum command? and Debugging - any packages that will draw individual line (and word) frame boxes?, I believe now I have a clearer example (code below) and a question:

Gimp add text distance top and bottom not same unequal

One can notice, that as long as the first section heading doesn't kick in, text rows/lines on both left and right column are aligned. As soon as the section heading is typeset (here on left column), the lines are shifted vertically and the left column doesn't match the right one (right side after mismatch emphasized in green; this coloring done in GIMP).

So I guess, the question is more exactly - how do I insert some sort of a vertical length/glue/strut(?) so that section heading is typeset in such a way, that the first next line "snaps" vertically to the position of the matching line in the other column?

How do I change text spacing in gimp?

Adjusting the Letter Spacing.

Highlight the text you want to work with..

Locate the letter spacing field in the floating control box. ... .

Use the arrows to change the letter spacing. ... .

While you alter the spacing, you an see boxes appear in your highlighting between the letters..