emo hater là gì - Nghĩa của từ emo hater

emo hater có nghĩa là

People who have the sense to recognize the fact that the sterotypical Emo ethier needs to die, or leave this planet.

Also, an Emo hater could be someone who recognizes how HORRIBLE Emo music is. It is evident to such people that there is no punishment sever enough, in reality or imangination, that one could inflict upon the creators of this music.

Unfortunatly, the average Emo hater is no better then the ones they hate on. They tend to be ignorant ass-holes that are just as bad band-wagoners as those they despise so.


An Emo hater is pretty much anyone who isnt Emo.

emo hater có nghĩa là

Someone who hates another for being emo. one who hates on another for showing their feelings and letting their emotions show..


Jock Jason: Look at those emo kids with their girl jeans on listening to that stupid MCR..

Emo Eric: Look at those emo haters, why cant they accept everyone for who they are?

emo hater có nghĩa là

kids who don't understand emo kids, but see that they attract more attention from girls, so they emo haters become jeoulus, and have nothing to make fun of them for but calling thm gay or suicidal

not all emo kids cut
only the stupid ones
not all emo kids are gay
only the ones who like penis

i think people should calm down
and stop making fun of these kids
who you don't even understand


"look at that kid, with the girl pants, such a fag. haha"

emo hater có nghĩa là

Some one who has a lot of sense. They tend to be in a place with alot of emos. They either hate the emo music or the emo kids.


Emo Hater: Holy Shit they're fucking everywhere
Emo Kid: OMG Why do you hate me, you don't know what i've been through. I broke my Ipod yesterday.
Hater Hater: I hate you because you're a rich annoying bith.
Emo Kid: I'm so sad i have to go cut my self!!!!!!!!!

emo hater có nghĩa là

Normal people, no we aren't homophobic, ignorant conformists. We just don't like hearing about your problems. Also emo music is awful, it just talks about death and morbid stuff. I am an emo hater.


Emo: You don't get me! You conformist bitch. Your homophobic and jealous, and don't like our music! Emo hater!

Me: Okay I'm a conformist, what does that make you? A guy in girl's jeans that wears make up and writes poetry. Yea, real cool.

emo hater có nghĩa là

Someone who, 90% of the time, has music taste that is even worse than so called emo fans.

The most rabid emo haters usually listen to brainless mall metal, play World of Warcraft 19 hours a day, beat off to anime porn, wear clothing with dragons on them, are overweight, and envy emo fans because as pathetic as emo kids are, they still have more friends and are more likely to get laid more than them.

Either that or they're braindead wanksters who like ICP and that lot, spend all their rich parents money ricing out their hondas, think their tough, take pride in fucking STD-ridden skank whores, and will never amount to anything in life.

Cool people who dislike emo are usually apethetic about the genre as a whole, as there is much worse out there.


Emo haters need to reaize that there are at least half a dozen music scenes that are even worse than emo.

emo hater có nghĩa là

1. Intelligent people who hate Emo Kids, and everything else pertaining to the Emo "lifestyle". Emo Haters do not hate people that show emotions or feelings. Emo Haters hate Emo Kids exclusively.


Guy #1: "Man, look at that Emo faggot."
Guy #2: "Are you an Emo Hater?"
Guy #1: "Yeah, I am. That Emo kid thinks that displaying the Emo 'label' will make up for his lack of personality and social ineptitude."

emo hater có nghĩa là

Anyone who dislikes the emo trend for whatever reason. More often than not homophobic, occasionally prejudiced against transsexuals, ex-cutters, depressed people, and anyone on Livejournal. Emo haters are usually 20something and male, and so insecure in their masculinity they have to taunt teenage boys in tight jeans to make themselves feel better. Emo haters claim they dislike the trend but often label themselves- usually as punk or gangsta or something just as ridiculous as emo.


Emo Hater: U suck, u fag. Lol. Y do u listen to MCR THEY R SELLOUTS U SUCK

Emo Kid: WTF, u suck, MCR saved myy life, leave me aloen

Emo Hater: NO U SUCK cuz ur gay lolz im so kewl

emo hater có nghĩa là

A type of stereotype who thinks they know everything about emo kids, when they obviously don't. They typically think all emos cut themselves and go on and on about how horrible their life is. People who cut are called cutters, not emos. Another common stereotype is that they are always sad and upset. wrong. I know many emos that are happy most of the time. In my opinion, emos who cut (and tell other people about it), are sad all the time, and write poetry every chance they get are just posers looking for attention.


Emo Hater: Haha! Look at that emo kid! Hey emo, go and cut yourself because of your last breakup and go write a poem about it.

Emo Hater groupies: hahahaha.

Emo Kid: What a stereotype.

emo hater có nghĩa là

Someone who dislikes, with all sense of self, Emo. It is often caused by not being heard, and not being able to stop people from not following your view of “normal”. (A emo is someone who doesn’t follow the trends, it began as a trend, but is NOT simply that modern day, also related to bangs that cover half your face, and wearing black. Also neon blue is popular with the dark hair, and purple). This pisses of the modern emo hater, as they feel like these people are trying to attract attention, which I mean, isn’t that why you scream at us to screw ourselves? (I am a emo, and reading other definitions has got me pissed off, to piss you all off I WONT be cutting myself, cause that’s only a select few Emos) I hope this definition of Emo Hater has explained a bit, and the parts on the definition of emo is to explain background knowledge of what they hate.


That man over there, I heard him talking about us, he is a real emo hater...