Cách mute trong CSGO

Có thấy biểu tượng loa voice hiện lên khi tụi team nó voice  không ? Hay là do không có ai voice? Gõ lệnh : voice_enable 1

vào console để bật voice lên, voice_enable 0 là tắt , sẽ không nghe thấy ai nói nữa.

mình chỉ nghe voice team thôi được k v ??

Nếu chơi conpetitive mode thì chỉ nghe team thôi chứ đâu nghe dc team địch nói gì . 🙂

bị \” You need to wait before playing addititional competitive matches \” là sao vậy giúp mình với

Since its release in 2012, CS:GO garnered a massive following worldwide, especially after the 2018 decision to make it free to play to any registered Steam user. When the number of players grows over three-quarters of a million[1], it’s getting hard to perform any crowd control and make sure that everyone is following a common sense of conduct. Of course, massive offenses result in a ban, but it’s impossible to trace every swear word or hyperactive voice chat. This, in turn, means that global servers are full of misbehaved users who will not hesitate to call you names or just keep on shouting anything that comes to their head. This obviously ruins the gameplay experience.

At some point, there is no other way but to mute the players who bother you or totally silence the voice messages. Fortunately, with the help of this guide, you can discover how to mute someone in CSGO without blocking them, as the user interface allows for a couple of simple ways to do this.

What are the methods of muting someone in CSGO?

First of all, the most straightforward and easily controllable method of muting another player is to do it in the scoreboard. You can do this at the beginning of the round or while you’re waiting for the next one, so you don’t waste time clicking in the score list while in the heat of the battle. If the general voice chat is being a problem, you can use a line of command to disable it completely. This also has some downsides, as it might cut you off from the good part of the communication. Fortunately, there is also a way to bind the command responsible for turning the voice chat on and off to a certain key. This way, if you are in a clutch situation, it’s enough to push one key to cut off the noise, so you can focus on the skirmish, and once it’s over, push it once more to enable the voice chat back.

So how do you mute someone in CSGO?

Now we’ll talk about how to mute someone in CSGO in detail. If you’re going with the scoreboard option, here’s what you should do step by step.

  1. Hold TAB to show the scoreboard.
  2. Right-click to release the cursor.
  3. Point the cursor on the player you would like to mute and click them.
  4. From the pop-up menu, choose “Block Communication”.
  5. Release TAB to hide the scoreboard.

This way, you will not hear the voice messages from that person and, additionally, you will not receive their chat messages.

Is there a CSGO auto-mute?

It’s a relatively new feature, but since February 2020 Valve collects information on abusive users and in case of multiple reports ban them from using voice chat for a time. It’s possible to use the in-game function to report a player with a specific note that they’re being abusive on the voice chat. In the less severe cases, for instance by the first abuse threshold, a player will be able to resume using voice chat when they gain the next EXP level. It’s also possible to funnel a banned player’s voice if you want to continue listening to him despite other people’s reports. The system is still being tested, so make sure to feedback Valve on anything that seems out of line.

Can you disable voice in the game completely?

Yes, easily. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Open the console by pressing `
  2. When you’re there, type voice_enable 0 and hit enter. This way all the voice is muted.
  3. To turn it back on, you can just type the same command, but change “0” to “1”.

It might be a little clumsy to do this mid-game. Imagine trying to operate in console command while being surrounded by the enemy team. Luckily, it’s possible to assign this command to one key by binding. You can do it as follows:

  1. Open the console by pressing `
  2. Now, instead, type bind * „voice_enable 0″, where * is the key you want to use to disable voice chat. Hit enter.
  3. You should also bind a key that allows you to turn it on again. Type bind ^ „voice_enable 1″, where ^ is the key you will use to enable voice chat. Hit enter to confirm.

Also, if you prefer not to turn the voice chat completely off, you can change the command to voice_scale #, # being a number from 0 [muted] to 1 [full volume]. This way, you can use the bound key to turn chat volume down to, say, 0.2 [20%], so it remains there just in case but doesn’t disturb that much. It’s also a good answer to how to mute someone in the CSGO lobby, as this parameter also works outside the match, so remember about it while you’re getting ready to play with your friends.Unfortunately, there’s no good news for those wondering how to mute someone in your queue in CSGO completely. The only way you can protect yourself from spam is to change the settings of your lobby so that only invited people can join.

Also, there are also some methods that use commands to disable the chat display if you’re ultimately fed up with the communication system. This is better performed by people who are very familiar with CSGO console commands, as you can easily destabilize your user interface this way.

Đã trả lời

Trong phiên bản Beta hiện tại, mình không thể nào tìm được cách tắt tiếng những người chơi phiền phức sử dụng bộ giao tiếp bằng giọng nói trong game.

Trong các phiên bản trước của CS [Source],bạn có thể làm hiển thị một danh sách người chơi bằng cách nhấn vào Escape, sau đó chọn người chơi đó và bấm nút Mute player. tuy nhiên, giờ mình không thể tìm được nút này trong phiên bản hiện tại.

Có phải mình chưa tìm ra một menu nào đó không, hay chỉ đơn giản là nó không tồn tại?

hieunguyen Đã hỏi vào August 25, 2016 Tổng hợp.

Chấp nhận

Cách làm như sau:

  1. Bật bảng điểm.
  2. Bấm chuột phải để bật con trỏ chuột
  3. Nhấp chuột trái vào người chơi bạn muốn tắt tiếng trong bảng điểm.
  4. Chọn “Block Communication”

Giữ TAB cho đến khi hiển thị danh sách người chơi. Sử dụng các phím mũi tên để di chuyển lên/xuống trong danh sách đến người chơi bạn muốn tắt tiếng. Bấm phím ENTER để làm xuất hiện một hộp thoại của người chơi được chọn. Bạn có thể tắt tiếng, khen ngợi hoặc báo cáo người chơi này.

Ngay sau khi yêu cầu tắt tiếng một người chơi, biểu tượng của người chơi đó trên danh sách sẽ là một biểu tượng bị tắt tiếng nhỏ, như trong bức tranh này:

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