art thou là gì - Nghĩa của từ art thou

art thou có nghĩa là

Great movie with George Clooney, John Turturro, Tim Blake Nelsn, etc. Adventure of a few bumbling hick crooks becoming famous musicians.

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Last night, I watched the movie "O Brother, Where Art Thou?"

art thou có nghĩa là

Great movie starring George Clooney. It's based on Homer's Odyssey but is set in Mississippi during the depression.

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Last night, I watched the movie "O Brother, Where Art Thou?"

art thou có nghĩa là

Great movie starring George Clooney. It's based on Homer's Odyssey but is set in Mississippi during the depression. The One-Eyed Bible Salesman in O Brother, Where Art Thou? is definetly polyphemus the cyclops from the Odyssey. It means "Where Are You?" , "Art thou" was used also in Shakespeare's "O Romeo, Romeo! wherefore art thou Romeo?"

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Last night, I watched the movie "O Brother, Where Art Thou?"

art thou có nghĩa là

Great movie starring George Clooney. It's based on Homer's Odyssey but is set in Mississippi during the depression.

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Last night, I watched the movie "O Brother, Where Art Thou?"

art thou có nghĩa là

Great movie starring George Clooney. It's based on Homer's Odyssey but is set in Mississippi during the depression. The One-Eyed Bible Salesman in O Brother, Where Art Thou? is definetly polyphemus the cyclops from the Odyssey. It means "Where Are You?" , "Art thou" was used also in Shakespeare's "O Romeo, Romeo! wherefore art thou Romeo?" "Thou shalt" and "thou shalt not" are used in the King James version of the Bible in translating the Ten Commandments. O Brother, Where Art Thou? means (O Brother, Where Are You?) Archaic form of "are you" (singular).

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Art thou finished pooping yet? 1. When you're bored and realise you might as well get off your ass and go look for your asshole friend.

2. Something to ask your asshole friend over the cellphone when you want to meet up.

3. A great movie about by St. John the Baptist De La Salle.

art thou có nghĩa là

4. When you sober up and realise that your asshole friend ditched you in the middle of a boring party.

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1 - Shit the TV is broken. FRAAAANK?! FRAAAANK.

art thou có nghĩa là

When Who's your daddy? gets tired, change it up with a little "Who art thou father?" Can also be embellished with a chaser, as in "Who art thou father... biotch?!?"

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2 - Hey, is Zob there? Zob, that you? O Fucker, Where Art Thou? GET YOUR ASS HERE PRONTO.

3 - The joke is on you guys, the joke is on you! The uppers are leaving and so are you!

4 - Meglhlghlg. Ugh. Đầu của tôi. Where are my pants? FRAAAAAANK. Two words written together to form an adjective, meaning a combination of what Art is; and for, with, and from You. In a sentence, these two words without the well-known Shakespearean play written "Romeo & Juliet" verse that precedes "art thou" with "wherefore", "art thou" is a statement alone that acts as an adjective catalyst to boost each sentence in which it is used, offering a greater meaning. With my pen in hand, my mind free and fanciful, let it be that I'd reach my reader ("alas!" ), art thou becoming so just as free ? When Who's your daddy? gets tired, change it up with a little "Who art thou father?" Can also be embellished with a chaser, as in "Who art thou father... biotch?!?" Vader: "Luke"
Luke: "Yes?"

art thou có nghĩa là

Vader: "I am your father."

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Luke: "No, that's not true... that's impossible..."
Vader: "Who's your daddy?"
Luke: "NOOOO!"

art thou có nghĩa là

Vader: "Who's your daddy? Who's your daddy? Who's your daddy? Who's your daddy?"

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Luke: "I'll never join you!"

art thou có nghĩa là

Vader: "Didn't you show up here with two hands? Who art thou father?"

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Luke: "Well played."