Act in accordance with là gì

Không hẹn ngày gặp lại... Photo by Tim Mossholder from Pexels

"In accordance with [something]" = phù hợp với, đồng tình với.

Ví dụ
The extended closure [gia hạn đóng cửa] is in accordance with Governor Eric Holcombs stay-at-home recommendations [khuyến nghị] for Indiana.

Ensuring [đảm bảo] that all associates entering the facilities are doing so in accordance with the social distancing [giãn cách xã hội] guideline of 6 feet-clearly marked-in accordance with the CDC's guidelines.

In accordance with the CARES Act the newly lowered leverage ratio [tỷ lệ đòn bẩy] will be effective [hiệu lực] either until the earlier of December 31, 2020 or sixty [60] days following the end of the COVID-19 national emergency declaration [tuyên bố khẩn].

In accordance with Gov. Gretchen Whitmers April 30 extension [gia hạn] of the states stay-at-home order [lệnh], the Capital Area Transportation Authority will continue its suspension [đình chỉ] of regular-route [tuyến thường] bus service through the end of April.

Thu Phương

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