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Bạn đang xem: Date of availability là gì

Học những tự bạn cần tiếp xúc một bí quyết sáng sủa.

availability of sth Many companies choose to lớn produce abroad because of the low labour costs và the availability of skilled labour.
limited/widespread/growing availability Prices were driven up due khổng lồ the limited availability of key raw materials.

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lachồng of availability Customers complained about the increased insurance premiums và the lachồng of availability of chất lượng coverage.
availability for sth Union workers were asked about their attitudes toward a strike & their availability for picket-line duty.
In a language-learning situation with restricted availability to lớn the target language, such a system would likely be predicted purely on the grounds of transfer.
We take these different aspects to correlate with a representation"s availability to both phenomenal experience & khổng lồ control processes.
Is the synthesis of rumen bacterial protein limited by the availability of pre-formed amino acids and/or peptides?
This scheduler searches through specific tables & relations for part and fixture pallet availability.
One of the major stumbling blocks may be the availability of sufficient capital khổng lồ fund the company"s start up operations.
The studies presented in table 3 consistently indicate that local forest availability and accessibility influence the number of trees households grow on their private lvà.
Contrasting responses khổng lồ mycorrhizal inoculation và phosphorus availability in seedlings of two tropical rainforest tree species.
Unfortunately, due to data availability it was only possible lớn obtain a series of current net prices for the 1985-1996 period.


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