A real load off my mind là gì năm 2024

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Relief from a mental burden or anxiety, as in Good news about the baby took a load off my mind. This expression uses load in the sense of "a figurative burden." [Mid-1800s]

The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer. Copyright © 2003, 1997 by The Christine Ammer 1992 Trust. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

[take] a load/weight off somebody’s mind

great relief, because a problem has been solved: Selling the house was an enormous weight off my mind. ♢ ‘I’ve finished all my essays.’ ‘I bet that’s a load off your mind.’ ♢ It took a load off my mind when the doctor said I was free from infection.

Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary © Farlex 2017

load off one's mind, a

A great relief. This cliché, transferring a physical burden to mental anxiety or anguish, dates from the mid-nineteenth century. In slightly different guise, however, Shakespeare used load in this figurative sense, as in “Those that wring under the load of sorrow” [Much Ado about Nothing, 5.1].

Knowing that all of my reminders are safe and can be checked easily from one place definitely takes a load off my mind.North AmericanIn the meantime, pop in your favorite movie and take a load off your mind, because you deserve it.North AmericanIt would certainly take a load off the actor's mind that he/she may have lost Oscar because he wasn't funny enough or couldn't reach that high C, or been able to emote enough to bring out the tears. 'A weight off one's mind' = một gánh nặng đã ra khỏi đầu -> những vấn đề mà bạn bận tâm, lo lắng đã giải quyết xong và bạn không phải lo lắng nữa, giống như hay nói 'nhẹ cả đầu' đó :D.

Ví dụ

Mr Doherty said: “It’s a weight off my mind now. Our landlord [chủ nhà], Ollie Taggart, says he’s looking forward to the challenge [thách thức] now of opening the bar with a big season for Arsenal ahead.”

“It is good, front players need goals and of course I’m sure it is a weight off his mind, but the biggest weight off his mind must be that in tandem [cùng lúc] with Wilf [Zaha], he gave such a good performance [biểu diễn].

I don’t explicitly [rõ ràng, dứt khoát] need a car here—I have the train, and my job puts me in new cars all the time—but I feel like the guy who runs Jalopnik should own one and not depend on press testers. Still, I won’t lie and say it’s not a weight off my mind for right now.

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