Why laptop shuts down suddenly?

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Computer help: What's causing laptop to shut off suddenly?

Eyal Goldshmid | Special to TCPalm |4:00 am EDT April 7, 2019

Q: I have an HP Pavilion laptop with Windows 10. When composing emails, or creating documents in MS Word or Excel, my computer screen suddenly goes blank and then the system turns off. This can happen several times during the day. What's strange is that after I reboot, the computer takes me right back to where I was before the sudden shutdown. Any ideas what's going on and how to fix this?

Thomas A. Pombar, Vero Beach

A: Often, if a computer suddenly turns off, the issue has to do with the internal power supply.

This is a hardware component that essentially converts the power provided from an outlet into power for the parts inside the computer's chassis. If the power supply is damaged or past its lifespan, then the system won't get the power it needs to run and will shut down repeatedly and unexpectedly during use.

Typically replacing the power supply solves this problem and this can be done cheaply and easily either through a shop or by yourself.

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But you mention that when you reboot the system it takes you right back to where you were at the time of the shutdown. That means the system is not turning off but going into Sleep Mode without warning.

That's a different problem altogether.

Sleep Mode is a Windows power-saving option that pauses your session for an indeterminate period of time. Often, you enable Sleep Mode if you are going to step away from the computer for a while and want to resume the tasks you were working on beforehand upon your return.

Adjustments to Sleep Mode can be found in your Window Power and Sleep Settings. This can be accessed by clicking on the Cortana icon (the circle or search bar beside your Start Menu button) and typing "Power and Sleep Settings" into the bar that appears.

Once there, review the settings before you and see if Sleep Mode has been set to launch after an extremely short period of inactivity, like one minute. If that's the case, simply adjust the setting to something more fitting of your needs, such as a 20 or 30 minutes of inactivity, and see if the problem continues.

On a similar note, some research also has indicated turning off the "Laptop Lid" setting may solve this problem.

This is a setting that tells the computer to enter Sleep Mode if the chassis is open. Sometimes, this setting receives false positive notifications from its sensors (especially if you have a cell phone set near the computer) and causes the system to fall suddenly into Sleep Mode. Disabling the setting will stop this from happening.

To do this, return to your Power Settings panel (following the same instructions as written above) and click on "Choose what closing the lid does" in the left column. (Please note: This setting is only available on Windows 10 laptops, not with Desktops.)

From there, look for a line reading "When I close the lid" and select "Do nothing" from the drop down list beside it. Click Save Change and then see if the problem repeats.

If it does, or if your Sleep Mode settings appear normal, then turn the laptop over and see how dusty the underside is. Lots of dust may prevent the system from cooling itself, which in turn can cause it to overheat and enter Sleep Mode as a precautionary step.

Dust the computer well, let it cool for a little while (especially if it feels hot to you) and then see if the problem returns.

If it does, then consult a local technician for additional help.

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Contact Eyal Goldshmid @

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