Why is my laptop getting restarting on its own?

If youre a regular PC or laptop user, there may be nothing as annoying as your device restarting on its own periodically. This is not only unpleasant, but it also causes you to lose important work in progress.

Why is my laptop getting restarting on its own?

If youre having issues with your computer randomly restarting and want answers, youve come to the right spot. This article will share tips to resolve the problem on Windows 10, 7, and Mac. Learn how to regain control of your device with ease.

Windows 10 PC Randomly Restarting

If your Windows 10 reboots as soon as you open a program, dont worry. Many users experience the same issue. Below are the most common fixes to the Windows 10 randomly restarting issue.

Disable the Automatically Restart Feature

A common reason for a computer randomly restarting is a feature is telling it to do so. Check if this is the issue by following the steps below:

  1. Enter This PC/My Computer/computer into the search box next to Start.
    Why is my laptop getting restarting on its own?
  2. Right-click on the result.
    Why is my laptop getting restarting on its own?
  3. Go to Properties.
    Why is my laptop getting restarting on its own?
  4. Navigate to Advanced System Settings, then Settings.
    Why is my laptop getting restarting on its own?
  5. Uncheck the Automatically Restart feature and press OK.
    Why is my laptop getting restarting on its own?

You have now disabled the feature that makes your computer restart randomly. Continue working on your PC to see if the issue is solved.

Disable Automatic Driver Updates

Maybe theres an automatic driver update that requires your PC to restart every time. If youre sure your drivers are correctly installed, you can disable the automatic driver update feature.

  1. Navigate to the Windows Search Bar and enter Advanced Settings.
    Why is my laptop getting restarting on its own?
  2. Select View Advanced Settings from the results.
    Why is my laptop getting restarting on its own?
  3. Navigate to Hardware, then Device Installation Settings.
    Why is my laptop getting restarting on its own?
  4. Check No (your device might not work as expected) and select Save Changes.
    Why is my laptop getting restarting on its own?

Tweak the Power Settings

Another reason your computer may be restarting is that the power settings are configured incorrectly. Heres how to reconfigure the setting to hopefully solve the issue:

  1. Enter Power Options in the search box on your Windows 10.
    Why is my laptop getting restarting on its own?
  2. Select Edit Power Plan or similar items in the power settings.
    Why is my laptop getting restarting on its own?
  3. Select Change advanced power settings.
    Why is my laptop getting restarting on its own?
  4. Stay on the Balanced section and click on the Processor power management.
    Why is my laptop getting restarting on its own?
  5. Select Minimum processor state and set it to 5% or even 0%.
    Why is my laptop getting restarting on its own?
  6. Click on Apply, then OK.
    Why is my laptop getting restarting on its own?

If your computer keeps restarting after editing the power options, proceed with the next section.

Update Your BIOS

Updating BIOS is another way to solve random Windows glitches. Just navigate to your motherboard manufacturers website and get the latest BIOS version. Its essential to check the motherboard manual, so you get the right version. Otherwise, you risk damaging your computer. If youre not sure about which BIOS you need, its best to contact a professional.

Check for Overheating

If your PC is overheating, it may result in occasional restarts. You can check your computers temperature by accessing the BIOS or with any third-party software. Additionally, your device may need some pressurized air or dust cleaning to clear vents or other openings of debris.

Inspect Your Computer for Hardware Issues

If none of the suggestions above work, a hardware issue might be giving you random restarts. Check the CPU (central processing unit) or power supply and make sure they are in perfect order. If your laptop or PC is still under warranty, have it checked out at your local repair shop.

Mac Computer Keeps Restarting Randomly

Mac computers are known for being resistant to many issues common for the Windows OS. However, theyre not perfect. If youre experiencing a reboot issue with your Mac, try the suggestions below.

Check Your Software

Make sure you install all software updates on your Mac. If the operating system indicates an app is causing the restart, you may see a notice suggesting moving it to Trash. Do so and see if the issue is fixed.

Also, you can isolate the cause by running your Mac in safe mode.

Finally, you can reinstall the macOS. If the issue doesnt get resolved, check the hardware as detailed below.

Check Mac Hardware

You want to start by checking your peripheral devices. If you dont have any, skip the steps below and continue to the next section.

  1. Turn off your Mac.
    Why is my laptop getting restarting on its own?
  2. Disconnect all printers, hard drives, and other devices. For desktop Mac users, leave the keyboard, display, and mouse connected.
    Why is my laptop getting restarting on its own?
  3. Turn on the Mac.
    Why is my laptop getting restarting on its own?
  4. Check if the device keeps restarting.
  5. If it does, check the internal RAM and third-party hardware from the section below.
  6. If it doesnt, reconnect each peripheral device until you figure out whats causing the issue.

Check RAM and Third-Party Hardware

Some Mac models come with removable RAM. Maybe the SSD you recently installed isnt compatible with your system, or its installed improperly. Remove it if possible and run a test with the original disk or memory.

If none of the steps above help, contact Apple Support.

Windows 7 Computer Restarting Randomly

Has your Windows 7 been failing on you whenever you open a particular program or simply browse the web? Try the suggestions below to fix the issue.

Turn Off the Automatic Restart Feature

  1. Navigate to Start, then Computer.
  2. Right-click on Properties and move to Advanced System Settings.
    Why is my laptop getting restarting on its own?
  3. Click on Settings in the Startup and Recovery section.
    Why is my laptop getting restarting on its own?
  4. Uncheck the box next to Automatically restart under System failure.
    Why is my laptop getting restarting on its own?
  5. Select OK and proceed with using the computer normally.
    Why is my laptop getting restarting on its own?

Should the issue reappear, continue with the suggestions below.

Check for RAM Issues

If theres an issue with your RAM, it may result in random restarts of your PC. Use MemTest86 or perform a benchmarking test to discover whether RAM is causing the issue.

To use MemTest86, simply download it on your computer, and the app will run automatically. Run six or seven scans for accurate results. The red result means faulty RAM.

Run a benchmarking test by following the steps below:

  1. Open your Performance Monitor by pressing the Windows Key + R and typing perfmon /report.
  2. Wait for 60 seconds for the system to collect data.

The results will be visible in the Diagnostic Results tab. There will be three sections Informational, Basic System Checks, and Resource Overview. If theres any severe issue your PC is facing, youll also see the Warning section. If not, look for RAM issues under Resource Overview.

Check or Replace the Power Supply

Use this step if you believe dust or dirt may be affecting your power supply.

  1. Turn off the computer and unplug the system.
  2. Open the PC casings side cover or your laptops back cover by unlatching or unscrewing. There will be a small box in one corner featuring a fan and a rating sticker. This is the power supply.
  3. Disconnect the wires connected to your motherboard.
  4. Unscrew and unlatch the power supply once you disconnect the cables.
  5. Look for blocked air paths or dust in the power supply. Clean it and put everything back.

Check for Overheating

Have you noticed that your computer restarts randomly after running a specific program? If so, your CPU may be working too hard and causing the device to overheat, leading to random restarts. You can use third-party software such as CPUID or your PCs built-in sensors to investigate the issue.

You can download HWMonitor PRO here. Simply install it on your computer and run it. Youll see a list of processes and their value in terms of temperatures. Check for temperatures after running a task-intensive program.

You can also use your built-in sensors. To do so, follow the steps below:

  1. Reboot your PC or laptop.
    Why is my laptop getting restarting on its own?
  2. Press F2 when the Windows logo appears. For Dell devices, press F10.
    Why is my laptop getting restarting on its own?
  3. Youll be transferred to BIOS. If not, youll see a menu with different options. Select BIOS using your arrow keys and hit Enter once youre there.
  4. Use the arrow keys to choose H/W monitor and hit Enter. Alternately, select Status and hit Enter.

The system will show temperature and voltage readings for your PC. The readings should be within limits. If not, it means your device may have an overheating issue.

To solve the overheating issue, clean your system and make sure the cooling (fan) system is in order. You may have to replace your thermal paste (a gel-like substance) or clean your heat sinks (small objects that attract and evenly distribute heat).

Computer Randomly Restarting While Gaming

If your computer keeps restarting while youre gaming, you may want to try one of the suggestions below.

Prevent Overheating

One of the most common reasons a PC restarts during gameplay is because the CPU gets too busy. To keep this from happening, you need to clean your computer. Clean the dust in the PC and make sure fans work properly. If nothing changes after cleaning the fans, and the CPU keeps overheating, consider changing the CPU cooler.

Check for GPU Issues

If your computer mainly restarts as youre playing a game, the issue may be in your GPU (graphics processing unit). Unplug your GPU from the device and use the systems integrated graphics. If the computer doesnt restart anymore, it means you should have your graphics card checked.

Also, always make sure you have a proper cooling system and perform regular driver updates.

Regaining Control Over Your PC

Theres hardly anything more annoying for computer users than random restarts. The issue is irritating but also easily solvable in most cases. This article has provided you with solutions for your Windows or Mac devices to prevent the restarts from happening again.

Which method worked best for you? Did you have to replace your GPU? Share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below.