Why cant i send emails from my ipad

These instructions apply to any

If you can’t send email try the following:

  1. On your iPhone or iPod Touch screen tap Settings and then Mail, Contacts, Calendars.

  2. Select your email account from the list, and then select it again on the next screen.

  3. Scroll down to the bottom and tap on the SMTP field under Outgoing Mail Server.

  4. Makes sure mail.telnetmail.ca is selected as the Primary Server. If it isn’t shown, tap Primary Server and select mail.telnetmail.ca from the list.

  5. If it is the primary server, tap it on the current screen and then next one, and make sure:

    Use SSL is On
    Authentication is set to Password
    Server Port is set to 465

  6. If everything is correct try turning Use SSL off and setting the port to 25 or 587.

    Your email will not be encrypted with these settings.

  7. Tap Done, and then Account on the next screen, and Done on the third screen.

  8. If you still can’t send email, call 1-855-835-6381.

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