Which ethical system defines acceptable behavior as that which maximizes benefits for the individual quizlet?

Excessive emphasis on short-term revenues over longer-term considerations

Failure to establish a written code of ethics

Desire for simple, "quick fix" solutions to ethical problems

Unwillingness to take an ethical stand that may impose financial costs

Consideration of ethics solely as a legal issue or a public relations tool

Lack of clear procedures for handling ethical problems

Responsiveness to the demands of shareholders at the expense of other constituencies

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  1. Arts and Humanities
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  3. Ethics

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Terms in this set [53]


The system of rules that governs the ordering of values.

ethical issue

Situation, problem, or opportunity in which an individual must choose among several actions that must be evaluated as morally right or wrong.

business ethics

The moral principles and standards that guide behavior in the world of business.

moral philosophy

Principles, rules, and values people use in deciding what is right and wrong .


The ethical system stating that all people should uphold certain values that society needs to function.

Caux Principles

Ethical Principles established by international executives based in Caux, Switzerland, in collaboration with business leaders from Japan, Europe, and the United States.


An ethical system defining acceptable behavior as that which maximizes consequences for the individual


An ethical system stating that the greatest good for the greatest number should be overriding concern of decision makers.


Philosophy that bases ethical behavior on the opinions and behaviors of relevant other people.

Virtue Ethics

Classification of people based on their level of moral judgement.

Kohlberg's Model of Cognitive Moral Development

Perspective that what is moral comes from what a mature person with "good" moral character would deem right

Sarbanes-Oxley Act

An act passed into law by Congress in 2002 to establish strict accounting and reporting rules to make senior managers more accountable and to improve and maintain investor confidence.

Ethical Climate

In an organization, the processes by which decisions are evaluated and made on the basis of right and wrong.

Ethical Leadership

One who is both a moral person and a moral manager influencing others to behave ethically.

Compliance-Based Ethics

Company Mechanisms typically designed by corporate counsel to prevent, detect, and punish legal violations

Integrity-Based Ethics Programs

Company mechanisms designed to instill in people a personal responsibility for ethical behavior

Corporate Social Responsibility [CSR]

Obligation toward society assumed by business

Triple Bottom Line

Economic, social, and environmental performance.

Economic Responsibilities

To produce goods and services that society wants at a price that perpetuates the business and satisfies its obligations to investors

Legal Responsibilities

To obey local, states, federal, and relevant international laws

Ethical Responsibilities

Meeting other social expectations, not written as law.

Philanthropic Responsibilities

Additional behaviors and activities that society finds desirable and that the values of business support.

Transcendant Education

An education with five higher goals that balance self-interest with responsibility to others

Ecocentric Management

Its goal is the creation of sustainable economic development and improvement of quality of life worldwide for all organizational stakeholders

Sustainable Growth

Economic Growth and development that meet present needs without harming the needs of future generations

Life-Cycle Analysis [LCA]

A process of analyzing all inputs and outputs, through the entire cradle-to-grave life of a product, to determine total environmental impact.

Carbon Footprint

The output of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases


Living and working together for a common good, allowing cooperation and mutual prosperity to coexist with healthy and fair competition

Human Dignity

Concerns the value of each person as an end, not as a means to the fulfillment of other's purposes

Which ethical system bases ethical behavior on the opinions and behaviors of relevant other people?

A. Egoism
B. Utilitarianism
C. Relativism
D. Virtue Ethics

C. Relativism

Making Ethical Decisions takes:

Moral Awareness
Moral Judgement
Moral Character

Moral Awareness

Realizing the issue has ethical implications

Moral judgement

Knowing what actions are morally defensible

Moral Character

The strength and persistence to act in accordance with your ethics despite challenges

Integrity Based Ethics Programs

Company mechanisms designed to instill in people a personal responsibility for ethical behavior

Self Governance

Guiding Principles

Employees embrace the guiding principles

Companies that use misleading marketing claims about the green attributes of their products are most likely to be accused of _____.

A] green marketing
B] greewashing
C] relativism
D] whistleblowing
E] greenscreening

B] greewashing

Excessive production of hazards and ecologically unsustainable consumption of natural resources are considered:
A] fundamental sources of risk in modern society.
B] danger signs that an organization may be allowing unethical behavior.
C] unsolvable problems, according to most experts.
D] the framework foundation for life-cycle analysis.
E] the outcomes of a cradle-to-cradle approach to business.

A] fundamental sources of risk in modern society

The Caux Principles are most closely associated with which of the following ethical systems?
A] Universalism
B] Relativism
C] Humanism
D] Egoism
E] Utilitarianism

A] Universalism

Which of the following best describes a moral philosophy that bases ethical behavior on the opinions and behaviors of relevant other people?
A] Relativism
B] Utilitarianism
C] Universalism
D] Egoism
E] Humanism

A] Relativism

Philanthropic Responsibility

Do what is desired by global stakeholders
Be a good global corporate citizen

Ethical Responsibility

Be ethical
Do what is expected by global stakeholders

Pyramid of Global Corporate Social Responsibility and Performance

Philanthropic responsibility
Ethical Responsibility
Legal Responsibility
Economic Responsibility

Legal Responsibility

Do what is required by global stakeholders
Obey the Law

Economic Responsibility

Do what is required by global capitalism
Be profitable

In Kohlberg's model of cognitive moral development, people who see beyond authority, laws, and norms and follow their self-chosen ethical principles are categorized under the _____ stage.
A] conventional
B] principled
C] unconventional
D] operational
E] preconventional

B] principled

Preconventional Stage

Make decisions based ob rewards and punishments and immediate self interest

Conventional Stage

Conform to the expectations of ethical Behavior held by groups or institutions such as society, family, or peers

Principled Stage

See beyond authority, laws, and norms and follow their self-chosen ethical principles

Which of the following is most likely to be a danger sign of unethical behavior by employees?
A] Excessive emphasis on long-term revenues over short-term revenues
B] Willingness to take an ethical stand that may impose financial costs
C] Not responding to the demands of shareholders at the expense of other constituencies
D] Consideration of ethics solely as a legal issue or a public relations tool
E] Clear procedures for handling ethical problems

D] Consideration of ethics solely as a legal issue or a public relations tool

In an ideal ethical decision making process, which of the following is most likely to be the first step?
A] Define complete moral problem
B] Understand all moral standards
C] Propose convincing moral solution
D] Consider legal requirements of the solution
E] Determine the economic outcomes

B] Understand all moral standards

Steps of making an ethical decision

1. Understand all moral standards or Recognize all moral impacts
2. Define complete moral problem
3. Determine the economic outcomes, consider legal requirements, and Evaluate the ethical duties
4. Propose convincing moral solution

Whistleblowing refers to:
A] meeting societal expectations, not written as law.
B] obeying local, state, federal, and relevant international laws.
C] seeking the greatest good for the greatest number of people.
D] punishing wrongdoers, and taking steps to prevent offenses in the future.
E] telling others, inside or outside the organization, of wrongdoing.

E] telling others, inside or outside the organization, of wrongdoing.

In the pyramid of global corporate social responsibility and performance, doing what is required by global capitalism forms the base and is known as _____ responsibility.
A] legal
B] ethical
C] philanthropic
D] economic
E] moral

D] economic

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Which ethical system defines acceptable behavior as that which maximizes benefits for the individual?

According to egoism, acceptable behavior is that which maximizes benefits for the individual. According to its proponents, if everyone follows this system, the well-being of society as a whole should increase.

Which ethical model typically advocate seeking the greatest good for the greatest number of people?

Utilitarianism promotes "the greatest amount of good for the greatest number of people." When used in a sociopolitical construct, utilitarian ethics aims for the betterment of society as a whole. Utilitarianism is a reason-based approach to determining right and wrong, but it has limitations.

Which ethical system defines ethical behavior according to how others behave?

Relativism defines ethical behavior based on the opinions and behaviors of relevant other people.

Is the ethical system stating that the greatest good for the greatest number should be the overriding concern of decision makers?

Utilitarianism is centered around the idea that: E. the greatest good for the greatest number should be the overriding concern of decision makers.

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