What principle will an artist use to control which part of a work a viewers eye sees first?

Emphasis is a principle of art which occurs any time an element of a piece is given dominance by the artist. In other words, the artist makes part of the work stand out in order to draw the viewer's eye there first.


Why Is Emphasis Important?

Emphasis is used in art to attract the viewer's attention to a particular area or object. This is typically the focal point or main subject of the artwork. For instance, in a portrait painting, the artist usually wants you to see the person's face first. They will use techniques such as color, contrast, and placement to make sure that this area is where your eye is attracted to first.

Any piece of art may have more than one area of emphasis. However, one typically dominates over all others. If two or more are given equal importance, your eye does not know how to interpret it. This confusion may lead you to not enjoy an otherwise good piece of work.

Subordination is used to describe the secondary or accent elements of the artwork. While artists emphasize the focal point, they can also de-emphasize the other elements to ensure the main subject stands out. An artist may, for instance, use red on the subject while leaving the rest of the painting in very muted browns. The viewer's eye is automatically drawn to this pop of color.

One might argue that all worthy works of art employ emphasis. If a piece lacks this principle, it may seem monotonous and boring to the eye. However, some artists play with the lack of emphasis on purpose and use it to create a visually impactful piece.

Andy Warhol's "Campbell's Soup Cans" (1961) are a perfect example of the lack of emphasis. When the series of canvases are hung on the wall, the entire assembly lacks any real subject. Yet, the magnitude of the collection's repetition leaves an impression nonetheless.

How Artists Add Emphasis

Frequently, an emphasis is achieved by means of contrast. Contrast can be achieved in a variety of ways and artists often employ more than one technique in a single piece.

A contrast in color, value, and texture can certainly draw you to a particular area. Likewise, when one object is significantly larger or in the foreground, it becomes the focal point because the perspective or depth draw us in. 

Many artists will also strategically place their subject in the composition in areas that are known to attract attention. That may be directly in the center, but more often than not it is off to one side or another. It might also be isolated from other elements through placement, tone, or depth.

Yet another way to add emphasis is to use repetition. If you have a series of similar elements then interrupt that pattern in some way, that naturally gets noticed.

Looking for Emphasis

As you study art, remain mindful of emphasis. Look at how each piece of art naturally directs your eye around the piece. What techniques did the artist use to achieve this? What did they want you to see at first glance? 

Sometimes the emphasis is very subtle and at other times it is anything but. These are the little surprises that artists leave us and discovering them is what makes creative works so interesting.

Sources and Further Reading

  • Ackerman, Gerald M. "Lomazzo's Treatise on Painting." The Art Bulletin 49.4 (1967): 317–26. Print.
  • Galenson, David W. "Painting Outside the Lines: Patterns of Creativity in Modern Art." Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2001.
  • Mayer, Ralph. "The Artist's Handbook of Materials and Techniques." 3rd ed. New York: Viking Press, 1991.

Movement is the path the viewer's eye takes through the work of art, often to focal areas. Such movement can be directed along lines, edges, shape, and color within the work of art. Pattern is the repeating of an object or symbol all over the work of art.

Which principle of design produced paths that guide the viewer's eye through a work of art?

Rhythm. Rhythm is a principle of design that suggests movement or action. Rhythm is usually achieved through repetition of lines, shapes, colors, and more. It creates a visual tempo in artworks and provides a path for the viewer's eye to follow.

What principle of photography which refers to the rhythm that causes viewer's eye to move?


Pattern or rhythm is simply repeating an element in such a manner. This will cause the viewer's eye to move around to each element.

What principle will an artist use to control which part of a work a viewer's eye sees first?

Emphasis is the principle of art that helps the audience put the story of a painting together in their own minds. Any object or area of emphasis is called a focal point. The focal point is meant to be the part of an artwork to which the viewer's eyes are first attracted.

What is a principle of design that captures a viewer's attention and creates visual interest?

Emphasis. It is the part of the design that catches the viewer's attention.

Control A Viewers Eye For BETTER Graphic Designs (Professional Tips)

Which principle of art refers to how art elements help direct a viewer's eyes through a work of art group of answer choices?

In radial balance, the elements are arranged around a central point and may be similar. path the viewer's eye takes through the work of art, often to focal areas. Such movement can be directed along lines, edges, shape, and color within the work of art.

What is dominance in principle of design?

Dominance is the varying degree of emphasis in your design elements. You can create 3 levels of dominance in your work. Dominant: The element given the most visual weight, the element of primary emphasis. The dominant element will advance into the foreground in your composition.

Which technique catches the viewer's eyes?

Simply put, leading lines is an image composition technique that features line shapes—like, say, a road or river—to draw the viewer's eye to the intended subject of the photograph. Whenever people look at an image, our eyes are naturally drawn to the lines present within it.

How do you direct the viewer's eye?

Using a focus gradient can lead the eye to the important elements of the photograph. Setting up a shot in which the foreground is blurred and slowly recedes through the image to the point of sharp focus will draw viewers to specific objects within the frame.

How can you draw a viewer's eyes toward the focal point of your painting?

Actual and implied lines can direct the viewer's gaze to the focal point. Diagonal lines are particularly effective because they are more dynamic than vertical and horizontal lines and tend to swiftly carry the viewer's eye into the painting.

What is harmony in principle of design?

Principles of Design. Harmony is the visually satisfying effect of combining similar or related elements. Adjacent colors. Similar shapes.

Which of the following principles of art states that the underlying beat that leads your eye to view the artwork at a certain pace?

Rhythm: In much the same way music does, a piece of art can have a rhythm or underlying beat that leads your eye to view the artwork at a certain pace.

Which principle of design is when a designer arranges the elements of text according to its context?

Typography refers to the way text is arranged in a design. That includes the fonts used, their spacing, size, and weight, and the way different text elements relate to each other.

What is emphasis in principles of design?

Emphasis is a strategy that aims to draw the viewer's attention to a specific design element. That could be to an area of content, to an image, to a link, or to a button, etc.

What is unity in principles of design?

Unity is the principle of design that unifies all other principles within a piece of work, allowing each individual element to coexist with one another to form an aesthetically pleasing design.

What is proportion in principles of design?

Proportion refers to the relationship between one part of a design and another part or to the whole design. It is a comparison of sizes, shapes, and quantities.

What is something artists use to control the viewer's eye movement?

Movement in artistic compositions may refer to something called "eye movement". Eye movement is the way a viewer's eye moves through a work of art. By clever placement of objects in the picture plane of our artwork, we can control the eye movement of the viewer's of our artwork.

How can you draw the viewer's eye to areas that are important to your scenes?

Adding detail to an area of a drawing can help draw the viewer's eye to that area of the picture. The same thing with adding a texture. Your eye is drawn to the texture first because it's a contrast to the rest of the frame, which is all lines of the same weight and empty areas of white.

How do you do eye movement in art?

The easiest way of creating eye movement in art is to repeat a specific color throughout the canvas. The viewer's eye bounces from one color spot to another in the painting, and in the process ends up looking at all of the painting surface.

How do you guide the eye through a composition?

Creating levels of importance in a composition help the eye quickly understand the scene in front of them and suggest the order in which to take in specific information. We can use position, emphasis, movement, eye gaze, and other visual cues to help the eye find its way through a composition.

What phrases or design elements catch users eyes?

Color — Bright colors catch eyes ahead of muted, drab ones. Contrast — Stark differences between elements draw eyes to the brighter one. Alignment — Users expect to find certain elements in the same place. Repetition — A repeated quality (e.g.,colored parts of text) draws the user's eye.

Is the path our eyes follow when we look at a piece of artwork?

Movement. Movement is the path our eyes follow when we look at a work of art, and it is generally very important to keep a viewer's eyes engaged in the work. Without movement, artwork becomes stagnant.

What are dominant principles in art?

The principles of art and design are balance, contrast, emphasis, movement, pattern, rhythm, and unity/variety. The use of these principles can help determine whether a painting is successful, and whether or not the painting is finished. The artist decides what principles of art he or she wants to use in a painting.

What is emphasis in art?

EMPHASIS is used to attract a viewer's attention to the focal. point, or main subject, of an artwork. For example, in a portrait the artist usually wants you to see the subject's face first, so the artist will use color, contrast, and placement to direct where your eye is attracted.

What are the types of design principles?

What are basic design principles? There are twelve basic principles of design: contrast, balance, emphasis, proportion, hierarchy, repetition, rhythm, pattern, white space, movement, variety, and unity. These principles work together to create visually appealing and functional designs that make sense to users.

Which design principle is applied the viewers eyes?

Emphasis is the part of the design that catches the viewer's attention. Usually the artist will make one area stand out by contrasting it with other areas. The area could be different in size, color, texture, shape, etc. Movement is the path the viewer's eye takes through the work of art, often to focal areas.

Which line brings the eyes of the viewers through a work of art?

In a two-dimensional composition, diagonal lines can also indicate depth through perspective. These diagonal lines pull the viewer visually into the image. For example, in this photograph the diagonal lines lead the eye into the space to the point where the lines converge.

What principle will an artist use to carry the viewer's eye from one part of a work to the next?

Compositional movement: occurs when design elements lead the viewer's eye from one point to another through a composition.

What principle of arts that eye can be directed?

An Artist Can Direct Your Eye Anywhere Emphasis is a principle of art which occurs any time an element of a piece is given dominance by the artist. In other words, the artist makes part of the work stand out in order to draw the viewer's eye there first.