What is the purpose of a reference list in APA Quizlet

Which is [are] true of the Method section?

a] All materials that were used including pencils, the type and color of paper, etc, should be described at length in this section

b] the Method section should include a results subsection

c] the Method section must satisfy the criteria for replication

d] The hypotheses are stated

e] A & C



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Terms in this set [49]

In the APA Manual, in the section "Citing References in Text", what is the correct citation for three, four, or five authors [page 175].

all of the above

A. after the first citation, include only the surname of the first author followed by et al.
B. cite all authors the first time the reference occurs
C. include the year if it is the first citation within a paragraph

In the APA Manual, in the section "Citing References in Text" [pg. 175], which examples follow the APA rules for correct in-text citation of a work with three, four, or five authors. Please select ALL that are correct.

Kisangau, Laruu, Hosea, and Joseph [2007] found [Use as first citation in text.]


Kisangau et al. [2007] found [Use as first citation per paragraph thereafter.]

In table 6.1, in the APA Manual [pg. 177], what is the correct citation provided as an example for parenthetical format, first citation in text?

[National Institute of Mental Health [NIMH], 2003]

In APA style, a separate title page is required for a research paper or an essay.


What is a running head in APA style?

It's an abbreviated form of the title which is up to 50 characters long. It is capitalized and included at the top of each page, including the title page.

What would an in-text citation include when the author of a source is unknown?

It would include the first few words of the Reference list entry of that work and the year. It would only include the word "anonymous" if the work's author is stated as anonymous.

When should et al. be used in APA style? [Select all that apply]

It should be used when the work has more than 6 authors


If the work has more than two authors, both authors' names should be used the first time; later, et al., can be used after the first author's name.

When citing multiple sources for the same idea/sentence, one of the APA citation rules to follow for listing multiple references in a single parenthetical citation is that listed references...

...are separated by a semicolon

What would an APA in-text citation include in parentheses when the source is quoted directly and the author's name is not mentioned in the text?

Author, followed by year of publication and page number preceded by p.: [Doe, 2017, p. 25]

Which of the following is cited correctly in APA style?

H. M. Dietel and P. J. Dietel [2017] define pointers as "variables that contain as their values addresses of other variables" [p. 294].

In APA style, a long quotation which is more than 40 words long, must follow the rules for APA formatting which include:

... to be double-spaced, indented half an inch, and not enclosed in quotation.

In APA style, personal communications [e-mail, memos, letters]...[Select all that apply]

... need to include the author's initials, surname, and exact date of communication.


... are not included in the Reference list.

Each source listed in the Reference list must be cited in text.


In APA style, the first name of the author in a Reference list...

....is not spelled out

How are entries ordered in a Reference list?

By author's last name first, then date of publication, then title.

If an entry in a Reference list is longer than one line, second and all subsequent lines need to be indented half an inch.


How are two or more works by the same author cited in a Reference list in APA style?

Doe, J. [2016]. Title of Book 1. Location: Publisher
Doe, J. [2017]. Title of Book 2. Location: Publisher.

Which of the following is the correct APA Reference list entry?

Reese, G. [2016]. Database programming for computer saavy clients. Beijing: O'Reilly Media.

The references at the end of your paper should appear...

... in alphabetical order by authors' surname or by title [if there is no author], regardless of type of reference [book, film, journal article, website, etc.].

Identify the correct parenthetical citation for a quote that comes from page seven in this book:
Tannen, D. [2018]. The argument culture. Toronto, Ontario, Canada: Random House.

Every issue we see discussed on television appears to be set up as an argument: "In the argument culture, criticism, attack, or opposition are the predominant if not the only ways of responding to people or ideas" [Tannen, 2018, p. 7].

Identify the correct parenthetical citation for this source the first time it appears in your paper:
Ashcroft, B., Griffiths, G., & Tiffin, H. [2015]. The empire writes back: Theory and practice in post colonial literatures. London, England: Routledge.

Therefore, readers need to remember that "the first post-colonial society to develop a 'national' literature was the USA" [Ashcroft, Griffiths, & Tiffin, 2015, p. 15].

When citing a publication in APA in-text citation with more than 2 and less than 6 authors, which APA rules are required to follow.

The first time you mention the source, cite all authors, in subsequent citations cite only the surname of the first author followed by et al.

A journal article is called Workshops Increase Students' Proficiency at Identifying General and APA-Style Writing Errors by Terrence D. Jorgensen and Pam Marek. It was published in a journal in 2013. Specifically, Volume 40, Issue 4 of Teaching of Psychology on pages 294 through 299. The digital object identifier [DOI] is 10.1177/0098628313501037.
How should it appear as a reference at the end of your paper?

Jorgensen, T. D. & Marek, P. [2013]. Workshops increase students' proficiency at identifying general and APA-style writing errors. Teaching of Psychology, 40[4], 294-299. doi: 10.1177/0098628313501037

According to the IRIS tutorial, what types of information don't have to be cited:

common knowledge


your own ideas

According to the IRIS tutorial, who can students seek help from when he/she has questions about using information:

all of the above

A. librarians
B. instructors
C. writing center

The CUCON Writing Resources page is linked with in each nursing course. On this page there is an APA sample paper/template. Who is the author of this document?

Student A. Sample

The CUCON Writing Resources page includes resources on which of the following topics [Select All that Apply]:



how to develop an argument


APA formatting



In the "Examples of Secondary Sources" document on the CUCON Writing Resources page, who is the PRIMARY author cited in text?


Which of the following is true regarding developing an outline [select all that apply]?

It is important to first read the assignment instructions and rubric before formatting an outline.


An outline assists in organizing and synthesizing literature on a common subject or variable.


Outlining helps to organize and give structure to thoughts and ideas for more purposeful and successful paper writing.

Placing concerted effort on correct APA formatting, paraphrasing, and accurate citations during the development of an outline facilitates greater ease in paper writing.


Matching for writing resources for distance students vs. Omaha students

Health Sciences Library = Both
Creighton Edge Smartthinking Tutors = Distance
On-campus writing center = omaha

What should NOT be included in a conclusion?

a new idea relevant to the subject discussed

Analyzing audience is important because knowing who the readers are determines...

all of the above

the level of detail to give; the amount of background information; the type of language to choose

A well-written paragraph [select all that apply]...

has unity, coherence, and adequate development


gives readers a break


has transitions that link this paragraph with the rest of the composition

The purpose and thesis statements are usually found...

in the introduction

What is a thesis statement?

it is the central idea of a written assignment

Using resources like Spellcheck and TurnItIn save time in revisions and prevent loss of points on a final draft submission.


A successful purpose statement [select all that apply]...

is interesting to the readers


narrows the scope of the topic

which of the following terms reflects correct spelling?


which of the following terms reflects correct spelling?


which of the following terms reflects correct spelling?


Which of the following sentences is correctly punctuated:

I wrote letters to my aunt, the cable company, and my close friend Bernice, who moved to Boston four years ago.

Which of the following sentences is correctly punctuated:

"The university gave the two top scholars, Janet and Brian, gold medals and framed certificates of merit."

The following sentence is correctly punctuated:
"His form was excellent his dive was superior to his other competitors attempts."


Choose the following term that would best fit in the following sentence:
"Mom was furious when she arrived home from work. __________ were muddy paw prints on the huge white sofa and a grape juice stain on the carpet."


The following sentence is written correctly:
"When a dancer which is talented performs the best-known numbers, the entire audience becomes involved."


Read the following sentence:
"Betty left their jacket in the theater."
Which of the following choices correctly reflects how the above sentence should be written?

"Betty left a jacket in the theater"

Which of the following sentences are stated correctly? Select all that apply:

"The nurses and nurse practitioners are completing specialized training to care for patients."


"The International Club, as well as the Choral Society and the Rowing Club, needs to submit a new constitution."


"Williams et al. [2016] are currently researching the importance of healthcare collaboration."

could do all but Scholarship and References Basics Quiz: Must retake if 100% not achieved 1st try and Grammar, Punctuation, Spelling PreQuiz: Must Pass with 100% To Open Grammar, etc. Quiz


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How is an APA reference entry formatted quizlet?

How are entries ordered in a Reference list? By author's last name first, then date of publication, then title. If an entry in a Reference list is longer than one line, second and all subsequent lines need to be indented half an inch.

What does the reference list provide?

What to Include on a Reference List. When you provide a list of professional references to an employer, you should include: Your name at the top of the page. List your references, including their name, job title, company, and contact information, with a space in between each reference.

How is the reference list arranged in APA format?

Order of references:.
For APA the reference list is arranged in alphabetical order of authors' surnames..
Arrange by first author's name, then by second author if you have the same first author, etc. ... .
If a reference has no author, list it alphabetically according to the title..

Which is the correct APA reference list entry for a book with one author quizlet?

In APA style, the first name of the author in a Reference list: Should not be spelled out. cited in text. author[s] last name, as well as date of article/published.

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