Trong Minecraft có bao nhiêu block

Có rất ít những tựa game mang tới sự tự do cho người chơi giống như Minecraft cho dù người chơi là một người thích xây dựng các công trình khổng lồ hay chỉ đơn giản là muốn sinh tồn và khám phá các vùng đất ở trong Minecraft một cách ngẫu nhiên.

Tựa game sandbox mang tính biểu tượng của Mojang vẫn chứa đầy những thứ hay ho nhất mà game thủ tha hồ khám phá.

forceload command. It has a level of 31, so its propagation can be seen in the table above.

Chunks remain force-loaded even after closing and opening the game.

Start ticketsetworldspawn command. It has a level of 22, the lowest in the game. In singleplayer worlds, they are active whenever the player is in the Overworld, and on multiplayer servers they are permanently active.

Portal ticket

Ticket created when an entity is teleported through a nether portal, given to the chunk at the other side of the portal. It has a level of 30, so it is stronger than the player/force loaded ticket.

It expires after 300 game ticks [equivalent to 15 seconds]. Because they are created each time an entity passes through the portal, it is possible to create a "chunk loader". Perpetually keeping chunks loaded without the player being near, which can be used for various in-game mechanics such as farms, but can create lag.

Dragon ticket

Ticket created at the start of the battle with the ender dragon and is given to the 0,0 chunk [the one that contains the exit portal]. It has a level of 24.

It expires if there are no players within a Euclidean distance of 192 blocks from [0.0, 128, 0.0], or the dragon dies.

Post-teleport ticket

Ticket created when entity is teleported either by going through the end portal or using /teleport or /spreadplayers commands. The /teleport command has a level of 32, whereas, for /spreadplayers and the end portal, it has a level of 33.

It expires after 5 game ticks.

Temporary ticket

Ticket created when an arbitrary piece of game code calls getChunk. If the game code says the chunk should be loaded, it places this ticket on that chunk [after possibly creating it].

The load level depends on what kind of chunk the game attempts to load [a fully world-generated chunk or not]. It is always level 33 [border] or greater. In many cases, it involves world generation in some way.

For example, when a generic mob wandering AI is executing, it asks if a certain block has a solid top surface. As part of that check, that chunk has an "unknown" ticket with level 33 placed on it. Similarly, commands such as /clone, /data, /forceload0 /forceload1, /forceload2 and /forceload3 generate a temporary ticket when reading data from or writing it to a previously loaded chunk; if run every tick, they can prevent the chunk from unloading until the world is reloaded.

It expires after 1 game tick.

Light ticket

Unknown, possibly world-generation related.


  • Idle timeout
Each dimension has its own idle timeout. If there are players or forceloaded chunks in the dimension, the timeout is disabled. When entity leaves or enters this dimension, the timeout is reset.If the timeout reaches 300 game ticks, the dimension stops processing certain actions. These include entity and block entity ticking, ender dragon fight, and global entities [lightning].
  • Some game aspects don't always get processed in loading chunks because there may be other conditions for their progress, which includes the following:
    • Chunk tick
      • Only chunks with centers within 128 blocks of a player are ticked on every game tick. See also Tick.
    • Entities
      • Hostile mobs instantly despawn if they spawn more than 128 blocks from any player.
        • This includes zombified piglins at Nether portals and witches in witch huts.
      • Passive mobs do not spawn naturally outside a 240 block X 240 block area around a player.
        • The passive mob spawn cap is limited by the number of friendly mobs loaded into memory, which means that any passive mobs present in the spawn chunks count toward the mob cap and usually prevents friendly mobs from naturally spawning anywhere else in the world. The only exception is when passive mobs spawn as part of a newly generated chunk.
      • See also Spawn.


Events in a chunk may affect blocks in outside chunks. If the outside chunk is inactive, the effects are suspended in most cases. Specifically,

  • Block changing on the edge of a ticking chunk can spread updates to blocks outside the ticking chunk and make them respond appropriately. The update may be propagated block by block until outside the border chunks, at which time it creates a temporary ticket to continue propagation.
  • Block in a chunk with a 33 level can request a scheduled tick, but it does not get processed until the chunk gets a load level of 32 or below.
  • Flowing water or lava can spread to the first adjacent block outside a ticking chunk, but the flow becomes suspended there until the border chunk has a greater load level.
  • Fire can spread to the first adjacent flammable block outside the ticking chunk. Like water and lava, it becomes suspended there. It cannot spread further until the outside chunk gets a level of 33 or below.
  • Grass and mycelium can spread to the first adjacent block outsider an entity ticking chunk.
  • Pumpkin and melon stem growing on the edge of an entity ticking chunk can place their fruits on an adjacent block outside an entity ticking chunk.
  • An entity [mob, minecart, arrow, etc.] that attempts to move into a ticking chunk from an entity ticking chunk becomes suspended as soon as it leaves the entity ticking chunk. When the ticking chunk gets a greater level, the entity resumes moving.
  • Exploding TNT in entity ticking chunks can damage or destroy blocks in a non-entity-ticking chunk.

Bedrock Edition chunk loading[]

Main article: Ticking area

All game aspects are active in loading chunks, including chunks within a player's simulation distance and chunks loaded by Commands/tickingarea. Unloaded chunks are unprocessed by the game and do not process any of the game aspects.


PlayerA round-like shape[more information needed].Chunks within the simulation distance of a player are loading.CommandCreate with the /forceload4 command.


  • Entities
    • Mob spawning is evaluated for every chunk within a 6 chunk cylindrical radius of the player that is loaded.


Events in a ticking area may affect blocks in outside chunks. If the outside chunk is inactive, the effects are suspended in most cases. Specifically,

  • Block changing on the edge of a ticking area can spread updates to blocks outside the ticking area and respond appropriately.
  • Flowing water or lava can spread to the first adjacent block in an outside chunk, but the flow becomes suspended there until the outside chunk becomes active.
  • Fire can spread to the first adjacent flammable block outside the ticking area. Like water and lava, it becomes suspended there; although visible, its animation does not run, and it cannot spread further until the outside chunk becomes active.
  • Grass and mycelium can spread to the first adjacent block in an outside chunk, but the affected block does not actually change its appearance until its chunk becomes active; it then changes instantly. Grass and mycelium cannot spread beyond the first such block, nor from such a block into the ticking area until the outside chunk becomes active.
  • Pumpkin and melon stem growing on the edge of a ticking area can place their fruits on an adjacent block in an outside chunk.
  • An entity [mob, minecart, arrow, etc.] that attempts to move into an outside chunk becomes suspended as soon as it leaves the ticking area. It remains visible but motionless. When the outside block becomes active, the entity resumes moving.
  • Exploding TNT can damage or destroy blocks in an inactive chunk, and unlike other events, its effects are not limited to adjacent blocks. However, secondary effects in the outside chunk are suspended until the chunk becomes active. For instance, if an explosion destroys a block that supported sand or gravel, the sand or gravel does not fall immediately. The same thing happens with items that were attached to destroyed blocks, such as item frames and Redstone torches; they do not drop until the chunk is activated.
  • Primed TNT launched into an inactive chunk is suspended in mid-air within the first outside block it enters. It disappears until the outer chunk becomes active, at which time it resumes its flight and countdown.

Finding chunk edges[]

forceload5, and /forceload6 are 32-bit integers [ints].

Bedrock Edition[]

The slime chunk algorithm in Bedrock Edition is different from in Java Edition. The algorithm doesn't depend on the world seed, thus the chunks that slimes can naturally spawn in are the same for every world.

Minecraft bao nhiêu block?

Mà đó chỉ là nơi mà các thuật toán bị lỗi của Minecraft tạo ra, làm cong vênh địa hình và gây ra những vết nứt lớn. Sự cố chỉ xuất hiện trong các phiên bản cũ của game [Beta version 1.7.3] và cách xa khoảng 12.550.821 block so với khoảng cách mà game thủ thường spawn trong game.

1 block trong Minecraft bằng bao nhiêu mét vuông?

"Công thức của mình là dựa vào tỷ lệ của nhân vật trong game. Nếu nhân vật cao 170 cm, hai block trong game sẽ tương đương hai mét, từ đó sẽ tính toán được tỷ lệ chuẩn, vừa phù hợp với nhân vật vừa đúng kích thước công trình thật", Đạt nói.

Bản Minecraft 1.0 ra đời vào ngày nào?

Minecraft lần đầu tiên được phát hành cho công chúng vào ngày 17 tháng 5 năm 2009, như là một phiên bản phát triển trên diễn đàn TIGSource, sau đó trở nên nổi tiếng như là phiên bản cổ điển. Bản cập nhật lớn đầu tiên, được gọi là phiên bản alpha, đã được phát hành vào ngày 28 tháng 6 năm 2010.

Minecraft ra đời vào năm bao nhiêu?

Minecraft là một trò chơi điện tử thuộc thể loại game sandbox, 1 nhánh của thế giới mở. Markus “Notch” Persson - một lập trình viên người Thụy Điển đã khai sinh ra nó và phát hành phiên bản đầu tiên trên TIGSource vào ngày 17/5/2009. Về sau game tiếp tục được phát triển và phát hành bởi Mojang vào năm 2011.

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