Teenage bucket list UK

Since I finally put pen to paper and wrote up an extensive Ultimate Bucket List for Families, I thought, why not add in one for the teens in the family as well? When I googled bucket list for teens, I didnt find very many ideas. So to make it even more specific, I decided to make a summer bucket list for teens, as that is when my teens are laying around the house either with their ear stuck to their phone or saying Im bored! twenty times a day. So no worries, Mom and Dad, get out this extensive bucket list of things for teens to do this summer. I know for me, this summer bucket list helped me keep my sanity during those days my teens had off from school.


Teenage bucket list UK
Teenage bucket list UK

Do your teens ever say Im bored? What about I dont have anything to do this summer? We know the feeling. Thats why we put together this Summer Bucket List Ideas for Teens, just in time for all of the summer days that are ahead of us. Get ready to spend some quality time with your kids; theyll thank you later!

Summer Bucket List for Teens

To do with Family and Friends on a Trip:

Take a Road Trip

As with most families, we always took an annual road trip to somewhere where we could get into vacation mode in about 2-5 hours. Our typical road trips led us down many paths, but one we never stopped loving was going to Rocky Point (Puerto Penasco) Mexico down near the Sea of Cortez. We rented a house right on the beach and had plenty of endless summers there! The sea, the sand, the sand dunes, the ATVs, the fireworks, the shopping, the food it was always pretty spectacular every year we did this!

Teenage bucket list UK
Teenage bucket list UK

So for you, pick a spot on a map that you want to go, and get your parents in gear for a drive. Pack the car and just go. There are very few activities in this world that are as exhilarating as going on a road trip with your family. The open road calls to all of us. Ask to invite a friend with you!

Go to a Renaissance Festival

Take a Deep Sea Fishing Trip with the Family

I will never forget the time we rented a deep-sea yacht for the day in Puerto Vallarta Mexico and took our kiddos for the time of their lives out to try to catch some mahi-mahi fish in the Pacific Ocean near the Bay of Banderas. We had a blast, and I reeled in quite a beauty!

Attend a Comic-Con

Learn How to Paddleboard or Surf

Teenage bucket list UK
Teenage bucket list UK

Visit a Nearby City you Havent Been To

Go barefoot on the beach

Teenage bucket list UK
Teenage bucket list UK

Go Camping with the Family

Study Abroad

Look into camps or other things that interest you to study abroad in a different culture. Maybe do it with a friend, so you will have each other while you learn about different cultures. My son did study abroadfor two summers while in high school, he went to Jamaica, Spain, to Chile. In Jamaica, he was a lacrosse coach for underprivileged kids, in Spain he studied Spanish, and in Chile, he was a ski instructor during the summer (their winter). Honestly, he loved them all and loved learning about different cultures and places. He was always a geography buff, so when the opportunities arose, he took them. Once in college, he did a study-abroad program in Barcelona Spain.

Attend an Outdoor Concert

Teenage bucket list UK
Teenage bucket list UK

Summer Bucket List for Teens

To do with Family or Friends in Your Hometown:

Ride in a Limo

Have an epic Water Gun Fight

Teenage bucket list UK
Teenage bucket list UK

Have a Water Balloon Fight

Go Treasure Hunting with a Metal Detector

Go on a Long Bicycle Ride

Teenage bucket list UK
Teenage bucket list UK

Visit the Local Zoo

Visit a Cool Museum

Go to an Aquarium

Teenage bucket list UK
Teenage bucket list UK

Go to a park and play frisbee (Frisbees are cool!)

Go on a Hike

Go Geo-cashing

Join the worlds largest treasure hunt called Geo-cashing. As I am sure there are some geo-caching sites near you. Geocaching is an outdoor recreational activity for everyone, where you use a Global Positioning System (GPS) receiver or mobile device (like your phone) to hide and seek containers, called geocaches or caches, at specific locations marked by coordinates all over the world! My kids loved doing this and I think you will too!

Visit a Waterpark

Teenage bucket list UK
Teenage bucket list UK

Go Thrift Store shopping

I dont know about your hometown, but our hometown of Phoenix has a few stores called Buffalo Exchange. My kids love to go in there and look for anything vintage. At first, I didnt get it as an adult, but now I know. We also take our clothes there and drop them off when we get tired of our old clothes, so now we usually always have a credit there!

Go to the Dollar Movie Theater

Go to a Drive-In Movie

Teenage bucket list UK
Teenage bucket list UK

Go on a Scavenger Hunt in your Neighborhood

Roast Marshmallows and have S mores on your backyard grill

Go roller skating or rollerblading

Teenage bucket list UK
Teenage bucket list UK

Become a tourist in your hometown

Eat at In & Out Burger

Summer Bucket List for Teens

To do at Your Home:

Tie-Dye a T-shirt, Shorts, or a Scarf

Teenage bucket list UK
Teenage bucket list UK

Make Your Own YouTube Video

Complete a 1000-piece Jigsaw Puzzle

Ok, so this is a fun one. I remember as a kid, we always used to get out or buy new 1000 piece jigsaw puzzles, put them on the main dining table, and each night we would sit around as a family or with friends and see what we could put together. Some of them were easy, other ones were hard, but in the end, we always finished it. Then my Mom would flip it over onto a bedsheet, spray it with lacquer or decoupage and hang it in our garage. Sometimes we even a piece (or a few) missing, but she didnt care! Even today, when I go home, I see all the jigsaw puzzles that we finished! You can do this too!

Teenage bucket list UK
Teenage bucket list UK

Learn to make Jewelry

Learn to Cook One Thing Really Good

It doesnt really matter what it is, as long as it is something that you can make really good. Then you can call it your signature dish and make it every time you have friends over. Or even when the family is hungry and Mom doesnt feel like cooking. As you grow up, you will discover that it is often your go-to item to make, because you perfected it so well that you didnt even need the recipe anymore, as you knew it by heart. For me, mine is Lemon-Pepper Chicken, I can still make it without a recipe!

Have a Garage Sale

Learn a Foreign Language

Give Your Room a Makeover

This is a super fun one! Sometimes you just get bored with your room. So go to the paint or hardware store and pick out your favorite color. Buy a few cans of paint, paintbrushes, and a bucket, and get started. Invite a friend (or your sibling) to make the time pass faster. Before you know it, you will have a room makeover! And you are going to love it. Then go out to Target or your favorite online store and buy a few accessories to match the color and wa-la! you have a brand new room! Now the hard part will be keeping it clean!

Have an Outdoor Picnic

Learn to Use Chopsticks For Fun!

Figure Out How to Unlock a Rubiks Cube

This way, when you go to Budapest Hungary, you can show your trick to your friends, as Budapest was where the Rubics Cube was founded in 1974. ErnõRubik, a professor from Budapest wanted to help his students understand three-dimensional problems. So he created the Rubiks Cube!

Teenage bucket list UK
Teenage bucket list UK

Sleep Outside Under the Stars

If you are lucky enough to travel the world with your parents like my kiddos, then I would suggest that you try to sleep under the stars. Maybe you can make it to Jordan in the Arabian Desert, as that place and its stars are amazing. But if not, what about your own backyard? On those warm summer evenings, get a bunch of your friends and sleep outside under the stars. But if it gets too cold, just come in the house!

Get a High Score on a Video Game

Make an Origami (The Art of Paper Folding)

Teenage bucket list UK
Teenage bucket list UK

Summer Bucket List for Teens

To Do In Your Local Community:

Get a Makeover

Volunteer a Local Animal Shelter

My teen boys volunteered at Home Fur Good. They loved taking these dogs for a walk, cleaning their cages, and overall just playing with the puppies. By the end of the summer, we adopted a puppy that we named Shasta! We love her so much!

Teenage bucket list UK
Teenage bucket list UK

Work as a Lifeguard

Participate in a Flash mob

Send sill emails

Send an email with silly words that you learned today in school (sometimes its fun to just goof around!)

Go on a Summer Picnic

Go to a drive-through Safari

Take Photographs

Take photos with your phone of the sunset and sunrise so you can compare them side by side, its really cool to see how different they are.

Teenage bucket list UK
Teenage bucket list UK


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