Research topics in health policy and management

HPM500a or b, Independent Study in Health Policy and Management  Abigail Friedman

Student-initiated directed readings or supervised research under the direction of a Health Policy and Management faculty member. Enrollment requires the development of a term plan approved by a primary faculty mentor and the HPM independent study director. A term plan for directed readings shall include (a) topic and objectives, (b) applicable YSPH or departmental competencies, (c) 13 weeks of readings, (d) a schedule for meetings between the student and supervising faculty mentor, and (e) a description of a culminating written assignment to be completed by the conclusion of the term. A term plan for a research project shall include (a) a project description, (b) weekly benchmarks and activities for 13 weeks, and (c) a description of a final project or other written product to be produced by the conclusion of the term. The student and faculty mentor are expected to meet regularly throughout the term. This course is designed for M.P.H. students but is also open to other students at Yale with approval of a supervising HPM faculty mentor and the HPM independent study director. M.P.H. students may enroll in this course no more than twice for credit; each independent study must meet all requirements described above.

HPM502b, Foundations of Accounting and Valuation  Zeqiong Huang

Distinguishing value creation from redistribution is a key problem faced by any economy. Modern accounting practices are focused on this problem, and knowledge of them is extremely useful. Further, value creation activities in a modern society can become complex and abstract, and accounting practices have developed accordingly. While the subject is worthy of a lifetime of study, the purpose of this course is to enable the student to gain a foundation upon which a deep understanding of accounting can be built. One cannot have a sensible discussion of accounting as assessing value without having some idea of what value means and how to think about it. Therefore, this course begins by exploring the basic determinants of value and the techniques used to assess it: discounting cash flow and risk/return analysis. These techniques are based on the timing and statistical properties of cash flow. With this introduction, the course then turns to the more fundamental processes of generating cash flow by creating value through the production and delivery of goods or services and then converting that value into cash flows. The basic financial statements, balance sheets, income statements, and cash flow statements as well as the accounting mechanics with which they are built are introduced in this context.

HPM514a, Health Politics, Governance, and Policy  David Johns and Emily Mrig

This course is designed to familiarize students with the various processes by which governmental health policy is made in the United States, and with current policy debates. One focus of the course is to understand the politics underlying the successes and failures of health policy making during the course of the twentieth century. This includes a discussion of the relevant governmental institutions, political actors, the major national programs that have been established, and how political actors use resources and set their strategies.
T 10am-11:50am

HPM531a / EHS531a, Systematic Reviews, Meta-Analyses, and Meta-Research  Joshua Wallach

This course introduces the theory and tools necessary to synthesize evidence and evaluate the quality, validity, and reproducibility of research. Every year, several million new research papers are published, and in biomedicine alone, the number has been increasing exponentially. The rapid accumulation of scientific studies provides an opportunity to conduct meta-research. Meta-research, which cuts across all disciplines and relies on a wide range of methodological approaches, is the study of research itself (i.e., research methods, results, reporting, reproducibility, and incentives). The overall goals of meta-research are to accumulate and synthesize evidence, assess key research characteristics, and determine how to improve and inform research practices, evidentiary standards, and policies. While individual systematic reviews and meta-analyses fall under the umbrella of meta-research, this course also introduces a broad range of review study designs and data sources (e.g., regulatory documents, registries, and data-sharing platforms) that can be utilized to answer questions across different biomedical/public health fields (e.g., environmental epidemiology, health policy and regulatory science, etc.). Key topics covered in this course include: (1) the philosophy of science and meta-research, (2) statistical inferences and the reproducibility crisis, (3) systematic review, scoping review, mapping review, and umbrella review methodology, (4) database characteristics and searches, (5) meta-analyses and evidence synthesis, (6) scientific biases and risk bias assessments, and (7) advanced review methodology. Throughout the course, students design their own meta-research project that can be turned into a thesis and/or eventual publication in a peer-reviewed journal. Prerequisite: one graduate-level biostatistics (e.g., EPH505) or epidemiology (e.g., EPH508, CDE534) course. Other equivalent courses require the permission of the instructor.
F 1pm-2:50pm

HPM536b, Narratives in Health Media on the Social Internet  James Hamblin

This course is a study of methods of communication that will equip students to engage with the public to share findings and insights, influence policy, identify problems, and maximize the effectiveness of their work. While the challenges in health policy demand ever more complex academic study, some 100 million Americans do not know, for example, that the Affordable Care Act is the same thing as Obamacaremuch less what the law includes and means. The gap between those driving the conversation and those alienated and excluded from it is growing daily. This severely limits systemic improvements, and even rational discussion of improvement. Traditionally, public health experts have had a limited array of tools at their disposal to engage in public discourse, to reach people outside of their immediate circles of professional contacts, and to inform, hear from, react to, and influence the lives of many. This course is predicated on the idea that science cannot be conceived as a system by which knowledge emanates outward (much less downward) from academia, or it will cease to reach people and affect the world, only exacerbating distrust, division, and claims of elitism. Public health can only exist as an active process of communication between practitioners, researchers, and the public. Trust is built when science happens as a shared endeavor.  ½ Course cr

[ HPM541E, Leading Transformational Change ]

Leading transformational change within institutions and organizations is one of the most challenging and critically important endeavors of our time. This course provides real-life examples, experience-based insights, and practical guidance on how to maneuver through the minefields and effect positive disruptive change within health care organizations. Open only to students enrolled in the Executive Online M.P.H. Program.  1 Course cr

HPM542b, Health of Women and Children  Mary Alice Lee

The focus of this course is womens and childrens health and health care in the United States. Emerging health issues and related health policy are presented and discussed in terms of epidemiology, including racial/ethnic disparities and effects of poverty; utilization and financing of childrens health care; and existing programs and public policies that facilitate access to care. Data sources and data needs are identified. Topics may include history of MCH programs and policy, Medicaid and SCHIP, low birth weight and infant mortality, maternal mortality, reproductive health, breast and cervical cancer screening, pediatric oral health, pediatric asthma, childhood obesity, adolescent health care and teen pregnancy, children with special health care needs, childhood injuries and injury prevention. Students are expected to critically evaluate the public health implications of selected conditions and the effect of public policy on availability, accessibility, acceptability of services, and accountability in health care for women and children.
W 3pm-4:50pm

[ HPM545, Health Disparities ]

This seminar explores our nations striking inequities in morbidity, mortality, and injury (including by race, ethnicity, socioeconomic and immigration status, gender and gender identity, and geography), placing particular focus on the structural and social determinants of these inequities. Through readings drawn from multiple disciplines, it examines such topics as the impacts on health of poverty and inequality in income, wealth, and education; overt and implicit discrimination; residential segregation and concentrated poverty and their associated differential exposures to environmental hazards and health-promoting resources; differential access to, and quality of, health care; and the role of law as a determinant of, and tool to address, health inequities. A variety of community-based interventions to address health inequities are reviewed and critiqued, as are some of the ways law and policy are now being used as a tool to promote health justice.  1 Course cr

HPM555b, Health Policy or Health Care Management Practicum  Staff

This course is one of the options available to HPM students to fulfill the M.P.H. applied practice experience requirement. The practicum is a project-based learning experience in which students work 810 hours each week in their placement. The Health Care Management Practicum (section 1) allows students to focus on current issues confronting a hospital department while working under the guidance of a departmental administrator. Students are required to attend the first week of class to enroll. The Health Policy Practicum (section 2) allows students to work on current state and/or local health policy issues while placed with state and/or local legislative or executive agency policy makers, or with senior staff at a nonprofit health policy or advocacy group. Prerequisite: permission of the instructor.

HPM556a, Advanced Health Policy Practicum  Shelley Geballe

This course is designed for students who wish to deepen their practice-based learning and develop additional research, communication, and advocacy skills through continuing work in a particular practicum placement and/or on a particular health policy topic. Students are placed with state and/or local legislative or executive agency policy makers, or with senior staff at nonprofit health policy or advocacy groups. Prerequisites: completion of HPM555 and permission of the instructor.
F 12pm-12:50pm

[ HPM558, Quality and Safety in Health Care Organizations ]

This course introduces students to the science and implementation of quality improvement, error reduction, and patient safety initiatives in health care organizations. We discuss how medical errors occur and are ascertained, the current tools used to evaluate quality and safety initiatives, ethical and institutional challenges, and strategies to improve quality and safety from multiple perspectives. The course also gives an overview of policy-level quality improvement initiatives and their impact on quality improvement in health care organizations. Case-based studies are included to encourage discussion of complex topics in real-world settings. In particular, students are asked to consider the challenges created by the different perspectives of patients, health care providers, public health professionals, and risk-management and insurance structures on quality and safety in health care organizations. The class is structured as a mix of didactic lectures and seminar discussions.  1 Course cr

HPM559b, Big Data, Privacy, and Public Health Ethics  Jennifer Miller

This course provides an introduction to ethical theory and decision-making applied to real-world cases at the intersection of big data and public health. The first part of the course focuses on patient medical information held by hospitals and health systemsexploring the ethics concerns and public health goals of hospitals sharing these data with technology companies like Google and Amazon, drug companies, and others. The role of informed consent in data sharing, whether patients have a duty to share medical information to benefit others, the ethics of paying people for their data, and whether data should be considered a public good are discussed. The second part centers on pharmaceutical industry datadiscussing concerns around demographic inclusion and representation in clinical trial data; the ethics of providing patients access to experimental medicines (with limited efficacy data) outside of trials, particularly during pandemics; whether drug companies have a duty to advance seemingly unprofitable (or less profitable) but medically promising drugs, by sharing data; and companies post-trial responsibilities for access to medicines from a population health perspective. We wrap up the course exploring the role of venture philanthropy by patient groups in generating clinical trial data and advancing drug development. This includes a discussion on conflicts of interest. The course is intended primarily for M.P.H. students but is open to all Yale students, including undergraduates.
M 1pm-2:50pm

HPM560b, Health Economics and U.S. Health Policy  Zack Cooper

This course introduces students to the organization and operation of the American health care system. The course examines systems of health care delivery and finance and recent trends in their organization, including the growth of managed care. The course seeks to provide students with an understanding of the existing structure of the system and with conceptual frameworks.
M 5pm-6:50pm

HPM564b, Vaccination Policy and Politics  Jason Schwartz

This course explores critical topics in vaccination policy in the United States and internationally. It does so by examining the interconnected political, regulatory, social, cultural, ethical, economic, legal, and historical issues that contribute to ongoing debates about the design and implementation of vaccination programs and policies. Students acquire an understanding of the scope and design of contemporary vaccination programs and policies in the United States and worldwide; the policy and political landscapes in which vaccination programs are developed, funded, and implemented; the positions, evidence, and arguments of both proponents and critics of contemporary vaccine policy; and the application of principles and concepts from health policy and policy analysis to the study of vaccination policy.
W 1pm-2:50pm

HPM570a, Cost-Effectiveness Analysis and Decision-Making  A. Paltiel

This course introduces students to the methods of decision analysis and cost-effectiveness analysis in health-related technology assessment, resource allocation, and clinical decision-making. The course aims to develop technical competence in the methods used; practical skills in applying these tools to case-based studies of medical decisions and public health choices; and an appreciation of the uses and limitations of these methods at the levels of national policy, health care organizations, and individual patient care.
T 5pm-6:50pm

HPM573b, Advanced Topics in Modeling Health Care Decisions  Reza Yaesoubi

This course develops students technical competencies in computer simulation modeling and medical decision-making using Python. The course aims to enhance skills in developing and analyzing decision models to guide health care resource allocation, technology assessment, and clinical decision-making. Particular emphasis is placed on using object-oriented programming features of Python to develop efficient, scalable, and transparent simulation models. Students also acquire skills in conducting, presenting, and critically evaluating modeling studies. The course consists of lectures, in-class labs, practical exercises, and a final project through which students gain experience in developing health care decision models. No previous programming experience is required.
W 8am-9:50am

[ HPM576, Comparative Health Care Systems ]

This course examines the basic structure of health care systems across countries, with a focus on how system design can impact the provision of care. Health care systems evolve within distinct cultures; consequently, these systems vary substantially in the ways they finance, organize, and deliver care. In spite of these differences, the aims of health care systems worldwide are often quite similar: chiefly, to facilitate access to high-quality care that improves health at a reasonable cost. Over the course of the term we identify themes in how countries organize their health care systems, examine the strengths and weaknesses of various approaches to the payment and delivery of health care, and explore specific examples of ongoing efforts to reform health systems. Recurring concepts include the role of public and private systems in financing and delivering health care, the impact of the local environment on the structure of health care systems, and the effect of health system design on patient and provider behavior.  1 Course cr

HPM580a / EMD580a, Reforming Health Systems: Using Data to Improve Health in Low- and Middle-Income Countries  Robert Hecht

Health systems in low- and middle-income countries are in constant flux in the face of myriad pressures and demands, including those emanating from the current COVID-19 pandemic. Under such conditions, how can senior country officials and their international partners make the best decisions to reform health systems to achieve universal coverage and improve the allocation and use of resources to maximize health gains, including on scale-up of programs to fight infectious diseases and address other health problems? The course provides students with a thorough understanding of health systems, health reforms, and scaling uptheir components, performance, and impactsby teaching the key tools and data sources needed to assess options and make coherent and effective policy and financing choices. Using these frameworks, students analyze case examples of major country reforms and of scaling up of national disease programs (e.g., AIDS treatment, immunization, safe motherhood, mental health services, cardiovascular illness prevention, etc.) and prepare a paper applying what they have learned to real-world health systems challenges. This course is open to all Yale students with interest in the topic. A knowledge of global health, health policy, and health economics and financing is desirable but not required.
Th 10am-11:50am

HPM583b, Methods in Health Services Research  Jacob Wallace

This course introduces students to quantitative social science methodswith an emphasis on causal inferencefor health services research. The statistical concepts and methods are illustrated using data and examples primarily from the fields of health services research and health economics. The course begins with a refresher on linear regression (with a focus on intuition), progresses to causality and experimental research design, and then finishes with a tour of quasi-experimental techniques common in health services research: matching, difference-in-differences, regression discontinuity, instrumental variables, and synthetic control methods. Students learn to apply these techniques to data in the programming language of their choice (e.g., Stata/R) as well as gain general experience analyzing and visualizing data. Prerequisite: EPH505.
T 1pm-2:50pm

HPM586a, Microeconomics for Health Policy and Health Management  Abigail Friedman

This course introduces students to microeconomics, with an emphasis on topics of particular relevance to the health care sector. Attention is paid to issues of equity and distribution, uncertainty and attitudes toward risk, and alternatives to price competition. This course is designed for students with minimal previous exposure to economics.
M 1pm-2:50pm

HPM587a, Advanced Health Economics  Susan Busch

This course applies the principles learned in HPM586 to the health of individuals, to health care institutions and markets, as well as to health care policy. The economic aspects of health behaviors, hospital markets, cost-benefit analysis, regulation, and the market for physician services are covered. Prerequisite: microeconomics or permission of the instructor.
T 1pm-2:50pm

HPM588a, Public Health Law  Shelley Geballe

This course provides an introduction to the multiple ways the law acts as a structural and social determinant of health and health inequity, as well as ways the law can be used as a tool to promote health in individuals and health justice among populations. It is designed specifically for students with no legal training. The course first provides background on the powers and duties of federal, state, and local governments to equitably promote and protect community health, as well as structural constraints on those powers, such as protection of individuals constitutional rights. Then, using case examples, it focuses on law as a tool to promote population health, including through direct and indirect regulation to alter the information and built environments, through measures to control communicable disease and reduce chronic disease and injury, and through the use of governments power of the purse to fund public health programs and services and influence individual and corporate behavior. Throughout the term, the course examines the role of courts in interpreting law and resolving disputes among branches and levels of government as well as among individuals, businesses, and government. Students gain basic proficiency in finding and interpreting primary legal sources, applying the law to public health problems, and identifying ways to most effectively influence the legislative, administrative, and judicial lawmaking processes. Prerequisite: HPM514 (or current enrollment in HPM514), or permission of the instructor.
WF 10am-11:50am

HPM590b, Economics, Addiction, and Policy  Jody Sindelar

This course aims to enable students to understand and then develop solutions to the public health problems of addictions in the United States and globally. The two problems addressed this year are (1) the opioid crisis; and (2) harmful health behaviors and habits, e.g., use of tobacco, overeating, and alcohol abuse. The first part of the course builds the knowledge base about these problems. In the second part, students actively participate in debates, panels, etc., and in developing and scaling (in theory) solutions. The course focuses on establishing the causes of and then solutions to these behaviors and problems. It covers facts and findings from the literature; analytic methods used in the literature to establish causality and evidence on effectiveness of alternative solutions; rational and behavioral economic models of behaviors; methods to evaluate social impact; and how to scale through government policies, social entrepreneurship, start-ups, and collaborations with foundations or businesses. Solutions are based on analyses of the problems, evidence on the effectiveness of related or parallel solutions, and efforts to innovate and perhaps even disrupt. Students must analyze the problem and propose solutions, which could bebut do not have to bepursued; that is, the proposals can be on paper only, but nonetheless there must be a plan for scaling the project or policy to have important social impacts, at least in theory. Weekly assignments and a final project are required.
T 1pm-2:50pm

HPM595a, Food and Drug Administration Law  Aaron Kesselheim

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is the premier consumer protection agency in the United States, with control over the availability and public discourse about potentially lifesaving therapeutics, foods, supplements, and related consumer products. Its authority has been built in response to public health crises and is constantly under scrutiny from all sides of the political spectrum. The class reviews the history of the FDAs regulation over the health care products market, the noteworthy legislation that has shaped its oversight in this area, Supreme Court and other cases that have impacted its authority, and an introduction to key current controversies related to the FDA that affect health care delivery. (This course does not cover food law.) The enduring theme is how the FDA balances its vital public safety role against countervailing forces of personal autonomy and the rights or interests of consumers, patients, physicians, and corporations. Each class is organized around interactive discussion introducing students to the material, including hypothetical cases that require students to apply the days lessons and themes in determining legal and policy solutions. Students with high-quality papers will be given specific guidance in submitting them for publication in the peer-reviewed medical/public health/policy literature. A paper of 2,5004,000 words is required.
M 1pm-2:50pm

HPM597b, Capstone Course in Health Policy  Jamie Tam

This course is designed as the capstone educational experience for students concentrating in health policy. It integrates previous course work in health policy and public health and facilitates students transition from the academic setting into the world of professional policy analysis. Students practice different approaches to policy formulation, policy analysis, and policy implementation. As part of their course assignments, students use various strategies to frame policy debates to promote desired outcomes. There is extensive work on improving oral and written presentation skills pertinent to current, applied policy dilemmas. Prerequisite: EPH510 or equivalent.
T 10am-11:50am

HPM600a or b, Independent Study or Directed Readings  Staff

Independent study or directed readings on a specific research topic agreed upon by faculty and student. By arrangement with faculty. For Ph.D. students only.

[ HPM601, The Science of Science Communication ]

The simple dissemination of valid scientific knowledge does not guarantee it will be recognized by non-experts to whom it is of consequence. The science of science communication is an emerging, multidisciplinary field that investigates the processes that enable ordinary citizens to form beliefs consistent with the best available scientific evidence, the conditions that impede the formation of such beliefs, and the strategies that can be employed to avoid or ameliorate such conditions. This course surveys, and makes a modest attempt to systematize, the growing body of work in this area. Special attention is paid to identifying the distinctive communication dynamics of the diverse contexts in which non-experts engage scientific information, including electoral politics, governmental policy making, and personal health decision-making.  1 Course cr

HPM610b, Applied Area Readings  Staff

Required of HPM Ph.D. students, in preparation for qualifying exams. Readings arranged with specific faculty in related research area. By arrangement with faculty.

HPM611a, Policy Modeling  Edward H Kaplan

How can one evaluate the effectiveness of HIV prevention programs? How many drug treatment slots are required to provide treatment on demand? Does capital punishment deter homicide? And what do the above questions have in common? The answer to the last query is simple: these problems and more are considered in Policy Modeling. Building on earlier course work in quantitative analysis and statistics, the course provides an operational framework for exploring the costs and benefits of public policy decisions. The techniques employed include back of the envelope probabilistic models, Markov processes, queuing theory, and linear/integer programming. With an eye toward making better decisions, these techniques are applied to a number of important policy problems. In addition to lectures, assigned articles and texts, and short problem sets, students are responsible for completing a take-home midterm exam and a number of cases. In some instances, it will be possible to take a real problem from formulation to solution, and compare your own analysis to what actually happened. Prerequisite: a demonstrated proficiency in quantitative methods.
MW 10:10am-11:30am

HPM617a and HPM618b, Colloquium in Health Services Research  Staff

This seminar focuses on the analysis of current issues in health policy and on state-of-the-art methodological issues in health services research. The format includes guest speakers and presentations of ongoing research projects by YSPH and other faculty and graduate students. Students participate in critical discussions of the issues that arise in both types of sessions. Prerequisite: doctoral status or permission of the instructor.  0 Course cr per term
W 12pm-1:20pm

HPM620b, Readings in Health Services Research  Staff

In-depth readings, discussion, and analysis of topics specific to health policy research. Optional for Ph.D. students choosing this area of depth. By arrangement with faculty.

HPM621b, Managing Social Enterprise Organizations  Kathryn Cooney

This course provides the opportunity to examine, through a set of case studies, key issues related to managing social enterprise organizations. Following initial content reviewing perspectives on the trend of social enterprise, topics covered include industry analysis for organizations with a double or triple bottom line, stakeholder analysis, organizational design (choosing the right organizational legal form), the challenge of integrating interdisciplinary human resources, using metrics for performance management, calculating an SROI (social return on investment), raising capital at different stages of the organizational life cycle, scaling a social innovation/product, and protecting social mission during exits.

HPM630b, Advanced Readings in Health Services Research  Staff

In-depth readings, discussion, and analysis of topics specific to health services research. Optional for Ph.D. students choosing this area of depth. By arrangement with faculty.

HPM631a, Public Health Entrepreneurship and Intrapreneurship  Teresa Chahine

This course aims to familiarize students with the principles and practice of innovation and entrepreneurship in the context of public health, as defined by the well-being of society, focusing on social and environmental determinants of health. We examine a set of public health challenges within the context of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), using a hybrid method combining case studies and assignments. Case studies provide an opportunity to analyze cross-cutting challenges faced by innovators and entrepreneurs in the field of public health. Assignments allow students to dig deeper into specific topic areas within public health innovation and entrepreneurship. The target audience for this course includes graduate and undergraduate students in the M.B.A., M.A.M., M.P.H., and other programs at Yale SOM, the School of Public Health, and across campus. The course is a precursor, but not a prerequisite, for ENV632/MGT612, where students design ventures tackling social challenges through new or existing organizations.  ½ Course cr

[ HPM644, Applied Quasi-Experimental Analysis for Health Policy ]

This course builds on HPM 514 and HPM 583 to develop students proficiency leveraging quasi-experimental research designs to answer empirical health policy questions. We focus on two quasi-experimental research designs: Difference-in-Differences and Instrumental Variables. Lectures and lab sessions address the practicalities and nuances of implementing these approaches to estimate the causal effects of health policies. Students discuss published work that uses these approaches as a class and with guest researchers, in order to better understand the key strengths and limitations of each approach in context. Each student develops an original paper using one of the covered research designs to consider a concrete health policy question, and presents their work at the end of the term. As the fundamental purpose of health policy research is to inform policy decisions, multiple lectures are devoted to research dissemination, with a particular focus on (1) translating quasi-experimental research results for lay audiences and the media, and (2) identifying and connecting with key stakeholders. Prerequisites: HPM 514 and either HPM 583 or, with permission of the instructor, asimilar quantitative course.  1 Course cr

HPM645b, The Chinese and U.S. Health Systems in Comparative Perspective  Xi Chen

This course aims for an in-depth understanding of the Chinese and American health systems, the two largest health systems in the world. While the two countries are in very different stages of development, their health systems have much in common, and the recent reform of Chinese health systems has largely followed the United States. This course summarizes principles regarding health systems and reform that may apply to both countries and explains why they are different in other main aspects. The course discusses well-crafted research that adopts appropriate research designs and techniques to evaluate health policies and reform in both countries through lectures, writing referee reports, and designing individual research projects. The course highlights the importance of causal inference in evaluating and guiding health policies and reform. Students also learn skills in transforming research findings to policy and propose viable solutions to address key health challenges in China, the United States, and globally when applicable. Prerequisite: familiarity with basic statistics/econometrics. The formal requirement is one term of statistics/econometrics (EPH505, HPM583, or a similar course) or permission of the instructor. First-year M.P.H. students are permitted to take this course and HPM583 (or another methods course) concurrently, providing them opportunities to work with health care data companies in funded summer internships.
W 10am-11:50am

HPM688b, Managing Health Care in Complex Systems  Leslie Curry

This course serves as a capstone for students in the Health Care Management Program and is intended to prepare students for leadership roles in diverse health care organizations domestically and internationally. Drawing on theories, concepts, and tools from prior course work, students address complex challenges in health care leadership and management to improve functioning of teams, organizations, and agencies in health systems. Students apply principles and practices of grand strategy (e.g., a comprehensive approach to achieving large ends with limited means) to address a consequential problem in health. An interdisciplinary lens is essential. Disciplinary foci include: leadership/management; organizational behavior; finance/accounting/economics; policy and regulations; operations; marketing; negotiations; epidemiology; and research methods including literature reviews. Students engage with the content through in-class exercises, facilitated discussions, readings, cases (from U.S. domestic and international settings), guest experts, working in a team, and written and oral presentations.
Th 1pm-2:50pm

HPM697a, Health Policy Leadership Seminar  Shelley Geballe

This seminar introduces students to innovative health policy leaders working in federal, state, and local government, nonprofit policy/advocacy organizations, business, and/or health policy-oriented foundations. The speakers present on a variety of current health policy issues and also reflect on their own career paths. The seminar, required of Health Policy students, meets biweekly at the end of the day with a light dinner served. Although no credit or grade is awarded, satisfactory performance will be noted on the students transcript.  0 Course cr
M 5pm-6:20pm

HPM698b, Health Care Policy, Finance, and Economics  Howard Forman

This course teaches students the critical skills for analyzing and working within the health care industry. The first part of the course focuses on the economic and financial drivers of the domestic health care system, including private and public financing and delivery models. In the latter part of the course, students learn about current issues of importance to this $3 trillion industry. The course is part didactic/part seminar in style, with team projects and presentations as a major component of the grade. Open to M.P.H. students in Health Care Management, SOM students, and others with permission of the instructor.

HPM699a and HPM700b, Colloquium in Health Care Leadership  Howard Forman

This seminar series, meeting on the medical school campus, introduces students to leading figures in health care: public sector, private sector, and third sector executives and leaders discuss their career paths and current insights into the evolution and revolution in health care delivery and services. The course provides 0 credit in the fall term and 0.5 credit in the spring term for a full year of attendance. Only students who have been attending fall sessions can enroll in the spring.  0 Course cr per term
Th 6:30pm-7:30pm

HPM995b, Sustainable Innovations in Health Care  Gregory Licholai

This course explores the practical issues of managing ongoing innovation in the health care industry through the lens of analyzing how executives meet the need for continuous advancements in quality, technology, and efficiency in the development, marketing, and sales of pharmaceutical products, health technology, and patient service delivery. The course combines case discussion, lectures, seminar-style interactions, and guest executive speakers. Students are expected to actively participate in classroom discussions and prepare for each class by completing assigned readings and discussion questions. One group assignment requires students to work in small teams and prepare a short presentation analyzing innovation at a public company or other health care organization.  ½ Course cr