Remote Desktop connection string

The search returns topics that contain terms you enter. If you type more than one term, an OR is assumed, which returns topics where any of the terms are found.

The search also uses fuzzy matching to account for partial words [such as install and installs]. The results appear in order of relevance, based on how many search terms occur per topic. Exact matches are highlighted.

To refine the search, you can use the following operators:

  • Type + in front of words that must be included in the search or - in front of words to exclude. [Example: user +shortcut –group finds shortcut and user shortcut, but not group or user group.]
  • Use * as a wildcard for missing characters. The wildcard can be used anywhere in a search term. [Example: inst* finds installation and instructions.]
  • Type title: at the beginning of the search phrase to look only for topic titles. [Example: title:configuration finds the topic titled “Changing the software configuration.”]
  • For multi-term searches, you can specify a priority for terms in your search. Follow the term with ^ and a positive number that indicates the weight given that term. A higher number indicates more weight. [Example: shortcut^10 group gives shortcut 10 times the weight as group.]
  • To use fuzzy searching to account for misspellings, follow the term with ~ and a positive number for the number of corrections to be made. [Example: port~1 matches fort, post, or potr, and other instances where one correction leads to a match.]

Note that operators cannot be used as search terms: + - * : ~ ^ ' "

You can connect to devices over an RDP connection if session management via Remote Desktop Sessions is preferred to normal login sessions.

Prerequisites To use RDP your environment must comply with the requirements for the Lock Screen feature. Steps to use RDP
  1. Install Desktop Automation Service on remote devices. Configure the service to work in single user mode and specify a token. See Configure the Desktop Automation Agent.

  2. In the Desktop Automation Workflow, insert the Open.

  3. In the Open step, select local in the Device list and specify the URI for the RDP connection, for example rdp://admin:AdminPassword@Server1.

    The Open step with an RDP connection waits until the connection is established before continuing robot execution. If remote connection fails, an error message is provided.

Keep RDP alive Windows may be configured to disconnect and terminate RDP sessions that are idle for too long. To prevent from disconnecting, the RDP connection service in the robot sends a dummy keystroke signal to the remote session every several seconds. The default value for the time interval between the key strokes is 30 seconds. To change the time interval specify the kapow-keep-awake option in the connection string in seconds, for example:


To turn off this option, specify zero in kapow-keep-awake, such as kapow-keep-awake=0.

Note Only one RDP connection to a specific device can exist at a time, but you can have several RDP connections to different devices. A new RDP connection to the same device closes any existing RDP connection on this device.

If the Device is a static reference, you can see available applications in the Recorder view after RDP connection is established.

If the Device is a dynamic reference, a Connect To Device is needed to automate the remote device. We recommend setting up timeout and some retry attempts to make sure the RDP connection is established. Once this step is executed, you should see available applications in the Recorder view.

Note To check that the RDP connection is established, look for the kapowlock process in the Windows Task Manager. If the process is present in the list of processes on the computer executing your robot, the connection is active.

Page 2

The search returns topics that contain terms you enter. If you type more than one term, an OR is assumed, which returns topics where any of the terms are found.

The search also uses fuzzy matching to account for partial words [such as install and installs]. The results appear in order of relevance, based on how many search terms occur per topic. Exact matches are highlighted.

To refine the search, you can use the following operators:

  • Type + in front of words that must be included in the search or - in front of words to exclude. [Example: user +shortcut –group finds shortcut and user shortcut, but not group or user group.]
  • Use * as a wildcard for missing characters. The wildcard can be used anywhere in a search term. [Example: inst* finds installation and instructions.]
  • Type title: at the beginning of the search phrase to look only for topic titles. [Example: title:configuration finds the topic titled “Changing the software configuration.”]
  • For multi-term searches, you can specify a priority for terms in your search. Follow the term with ^ and a positive number that indicates the weight given that term. A higher number indicates more weight. [Example: shortcut^10 group gives shortcut 10 times the weight as group.]
  • To use fuzzy searching to account for misspellings, follow the term with ~ and a positive number for the number of corrections to be made. [Example: port~1 matches fort, post, or potr, and other instances where one correction leads to a match.]

Note that operators cannot be used as search terms: + - * : ~ ^ ' "

This action requests another iteration in a repeat loop created using the Repeat action.

In each iteration of the repeat loop, another iteration can be requested using the Next action. The windows, pages, etc. at the Next step will be sent back to the Repeat step and will become the output from the Repeat step in the next iteration. If no Next step is executed in a given iteration, that iteration will be the last one, and the repeat loop will end.

See the Repeat action for further information.

Please see the Repeat - Next tutorial for more information.

Page 3

The search returns topics that contain terms you enter. If you type more than one term, an OR is assumed, which returns topics where any of the terms are found.

The search also uses fuzzy matching to account for partial words [such as install and installs]. The results appear in order of relevance, based on how many search terms occur per topic. Exact matches are highlighted.

To refine the search, you can use the following operators:

  • Type + in front of words that must be included in the search or - in front of words to exclude. [Example: user +shortcut –group finds shortcut and user shortcut, but not group or user group.]
  • Use * as a wildcard for missing characters. The wildcard can be used anywhere in a search term. [Example: inst* finds installation and instructions.]
  • Type title: at the beginning of the search phrase to look only for topic titles. [Example: title:configuration finds the topic titled “Changing the software configuration.”]
  • For multi-term searches, you can specify a priority for terms in your search. Follow the term with ^ and a positive number that indicates the weight given that term. A higher number indicates more weight. [Example: shortcut^10 group gives shortcut 10 times the weight as group.]
  • To use fuzzy searching to account for misspellings, follow the term with ~ and a positive number for the number of corrections to be made. [Example: port~1 matches fort, post, or potr, and other instances where one correction leads to a match.]

Note that operators cannot be used as search terms: + - * : ~ ^ ' "

Introducing the Repeat-Next Loop Tutorial Video.

Page 4

The search returns topics that contain terms you enter. If you type more than one term, an OR is assumed, which returns topics where any of the terms are found.

The search also uses fuzzy matching to account for partial words [such as install and installs]. The results appear in order of relevance, based on how many search terms occur per topic. Exact matches are highlighted.

To refine the search, you can use the following operators:

  • Type + in front of words that must be included in the search or - in front of words to exclude. [Example: user +shortcut –group finds shortcut and user shortcut, but not group or user group.]
  • Use * as a wildcard for missing characters. The wildcard can be used anywhere in a search term. [Example: inst* finds installation and instructions.]
  • Type title: at the beginning of the search phrase to look only for topic titles. [Example: title:configuration finds the topic titled “Changing the software configuration.”]
  • For multi-term searches, you can specify a priority for terms in your search. Follow the term with ^ and a positive number that indicates the weight given that term. A higher number indicates more weight. [Example: shortcut^10 group gives shortcut 10 times the weight as group.]
  • To use fuzzy searching to account for misspellings, follow the term with ~ and a positive number for the number of corrections to be made. [Example: port~1 matches fort, post, or potr, and other instances where one correction leads to a match.]

Note that operators cannot be used as search terms: + - * : ~ ^ ' "

This step helps you skip to next iteration in the Loop step. It must be used only inside the Loop step.

Page 5

Pages are linked to a subsequent page, typically with a link at the bottom to the next page.

Use the Repeat action to loop through such pages. This action loops through the pages that are supplied to it by another action named Next. See the Repeat-Next tutorial for more information.

Repeat and Next must be used collaboratively to have any effect.

  1. On the first page add a Repeat step.
  2. Insert additional actions as required.
  3. Insert a Next step.

    When the robot execution reaches the next step, it reverts back to the repeat step and executes another iteration of the steps. The page is transferred to the repeat step and a new page is loaded with each iteration.

    Note You can add other loops between the repeat and next steps to extract additional information from the page, as needed.

    Here, like before, we are looping through the result pages from a search request, symbolized by the Submit Form step.

    The form submission step will output the first result page, which we give to the Repeat action. In the first branch from the Repeat action, we process the current page. In the second branch, we load the next page by clicking its link. The Next action sends the page back to the Repeat action, which will output it in the next iteration. When the last page is reached, the Click action generates an error. To do this, the Click step is configured to terminate the loop. In the Click step, this is done in the Error Handling tab by setting the Then property to Break Loop.

  4. To terminate the loop, In the Error Handling tab, set the Then property to Break Loop.

    If the process does not find a Next page, the process terminates.

    See Handling Errors for more information.

    An alternative way of handling the last page is shown in the following robot excerpt:

    You can use a Test Tag action in a second branch to detect when the last page has been reached. The Test Tag action checks that the page contains a next-page link, for example by looking for an -tag containing the text Next. If the page contains such a link, we load this page and give it to the Next action. When the last page is reached, the Test Tag action stops execution down the second branch, and no new page is given to the Repeat action, causing the loop to end.

    Finding the link to the next page can be tricky. A common mistake is to find the previous-page link on some pages instead of the next-page link, because the layout of the pages changes slightly between the first page, the subsequent pages, and the last page. Another common mistake is to not detect the last page reliably. You may have to configure the tag finders of the steps carefully to make things work [see Using Tag Finders].

    Note When you are working with a robot in Design Studio, you may not always be able to step correctly back and forth between iterations of a Repeat action. If you are not sure whether Design Studio has gotten it right, click Refresh to update.

Page 6

The search returns topics that contain terms you enter. If you type more than one term, an OR is assumed, which returns topics where any of the terms are found.

The search also uses fuzzy matching to account for partial words [such as install and installs]. The results appear in order of relevance, based on how many search terms occur per topic. Exact matches are highlighted.

To refine the search, you can use the following operators:

  • Type + in front of words that must be included in the search or - in front of words to exclude. [Example: user +shortcut –group finds shortcut and user shortcut, but not group or user group.]
  • Use * as a wildcard for missing characters. The wildcard can be used anywhere in a search term. [Example: inst* finds installation and instructions.]
  • Type title: at the beginning of the search phrase to look only for topic titles. [Example: title:configuration finds the topic titled “Changing the software configuration.”]
  • For multi-term searches, you can specify a priority for terms in your search. Follow the term with ^ and a positive number that indicates the weight given that term. A higher number indicates more weight. [Example: shortcut^10 group gives shortcut 10 times the weight as group.]
  • To use fuzzy searching to account for misspellings, follow the term with ~ and a positive number for the number of corrections to be made. [Example: port~1 matches fort, post, or potr, and other instances where one correction leads to a match.]

Note that operators cannot be used as search terms: + - * : ~ ^ ' "

The Management Console is a web-based interface providing point and click monitoring and management of the Kofax RPA platform servers.

In the Management Console, you can:

  • Enable collaboration and sharing using the repository.

  • Manage user roles and permissions, and centrally administer the solution.

  • Schedule robots from the repository.

  • Browse extracted data and export to MS Excel.

  • Access detailed logs of production results and errors.

  • Configure clusters of multiple RoboServers.

  • Deploy robots from Design Studio to the repository.

  • Run Kapplets.

Before proceeding, you may want to take the Management Console Beginner's Tutorial.

Page 7

The search returns topics that contain terms you enter. If you type more than one term, an OR is assumed, which returns topics where any of the terms are found.

The search also uses fuzzy matching to account for partial words [such as install and installs]. The results appear in order of relevance, based on how many search terms occur per topic. Exact matches are highlighted.

To refine the search, you can use the following operators:

  • Type + in front of words that must be included in the search or - in front of words to exclude. [Example: user +shortcut –group finds shortcut and user shortcut, but not group or user group.]
  • Use * as a wildcard for missing characters. The wildcard can be used anywhere in a search term. [Example: inst* finds installation and instructions.]
  • Type title: at the beginning of the search phrase to look only for topic titles. [Example: title:configuration finds the topic titled “Changing the software configuration.”]
  • For multi-term searches, you can specify a priority for terms in your search. Follow the term with ^ and a positive number that indicates the weight given that term. A higher number indicates more weight. [Example: shortcut^10 group gives shortcut 10 times the weight as group.]
  • To use fuzzy searching to account for misspellings, follow the term with ~ and a positive number for the number of corrections to be made. [Example: port~1 matches fort, post, or potr, and other instances where one correction leads to a match.]

Note that operators cannot be used as search terms: + - * : ~ ^ ' "

The Management Console offers a small amount of information via the JMX protocol. The information exposed through JMX is experimental, and should not be considered a public API.

The Management Console exposes the following MBeans.




Information on executing schedules, and cluster configuration.


Information on exports created from the Data View.


Allows you to control the internal caching of Robot Libraries within the Management Console.


Allows you to profile the distributed Task queue between two clustered Management Console instances.

The MBeans are accessible via JConsole and Java VisualVM [+MBean plugin]. Both are included in JDK 1.6+ or any other JMX client.

Page 8

The search returns topics that contain terms you enter. If you type more than one term, an OR is assumed, which returns topics where any of the terms are found.

The search also uses fuzzy matching to account for partial words [such as install and installs]. The results appear in order of relevance, based on how many search terms occur per topic. Exact matches are highlighted.

To refine the search, you can use the following operators:

  • Type + in front of words that must be included in the search or - in front of words to exclude. [Example: user +shortcut –group finds shortcut and user shortcut, but not group or user group.]
  • Use * as a wildcard for missing characters. The wildcard can be used anywhere in a search term. [Example: inst* finds installation and instructions.]
  • Type title: at the beginning of the search phrase to look only for topic titles. [Example: title:configuration finds the topic titled “Changing the software configuration.”]
  • For multi-term searches, you can specify a priority for terms in your search. Follow the term with ^ and a positive number that indicates the weight given that term. A higher number indicates more weight. [Example: shortcut^10 group gives shortcut 10 times the weight as group.]
  • To use fuzzy searching to account for misspellings, follow the term with ~ and a positive number for the number of corrections to be made. [Example: port~1 matches fort, post, or potr, and other instances where one correction leads to a match.]

Note that operators cannot be used as search terms: + - * : ~ ^ ' "

On the Robots tab, click the API column to access the code generation window, where you can generate template code for Java or .NET.

Before you start using the API to execute robots, we recommend you to read the relevant chapters in the Kofax RPA Developer's Guide to understand how the API works.

Page 9

The search returns topics that contain terms you enter. If you type more than one term, an OR is assumed, which returns topics where any of the terms are found.

The search also uses fuzzy matching to account for partial words [such as install and installs]. The results appear in order of relevance, based on how many search terms occur per topic. Exact matches are highlighted.

To refine the search, you can use the following operators:

  • Type + in front of words that must be included in the search or - in front of words to exclude. [Example: user +shortcut –group finds shortcut and user shortcut, but not group or user group.]
  • Use * as a wildcard for missing characters. The wildcard can be used anywhere in a search term. [Example: inst* finds installation and instructions.]
  • Type title: at the beginning of the search phrase to look only for topic titles. [Example: title:configuration finds the topic titled “Changing the software configuration.”]
  • For multi-term searches, you can specify a priority for terms in your search. Follow the term with ^ and a positive number that indicates the weight given that term. A higher number indicates more weight. [Example: shortcut^10 group gives shortcut 10 times the weight as group.]
  • To use fuzzy searching to account for misspellings, follow the term with ~ and a positive number for the number of corrections to be made. [Example: port~1 matches fort, post, or potr, and other instances where one correction leads to a match.]

Note that operators cannot be used as search terms: + - * : ~ ^ ' "

Robots can initiate SOAP requests to communicate with programs installed on other computers, pass necessary information, and return a response.

On the tab click the SOAP column to access a window for editing and testing your SOAP request.

Use the Request pane in the service window to construct a request. Click Test Service to execute the robot. The result is then displayed in the Response pane.

Input Format

"Normal" or "flat" refers to the structure of a SOAP request message. For example, if a robot myRobot expects input variables var1 and var2, both of a type that has attributes attr1 and attr2, then "normal" would expect a SOAP message that looks like the following

Some value Another value More input and some more

The "flat" structure would require the SOAP message to look as follows:

Some value Another value More input and some more

The flat structure was introduced for compatibility reasons.


The URL for the WSDL of the project that this robot belongs to. Note that this URL is identical for all robots of the same project.

Request URL

When running a robot, an HTTP POST request should be sent to this URL.


When running a robot, a HTTP header called SOAPAction should be present with the value shown.


This field is pre-filled with an example SOAP message. All input attributes will have default/test values. It can be edited before pressing Test Service.


A non-editable field which contains output from a robot run.

If there are errors in the input parameters or errors during the robot run, a SOAP Fault message is shown [containing a reason and some details for the error].

Important Notes
  • Project names can contain characters that are not allowed in WSDL; therefore project names might be different in WSDL/SOAP messages. More specifically, all characters not a-z, A-Z, 0-9, or _ will be replaced by _.
  • Similarly, robot names may appear different. They are converted similarly to project names, but when a robot name is changed, a special suffix [such as _1234] is also added.
  • Currently SOAP 1.1 is supported.

Page 10

The search returns topics that contain terms you enter. If you type more than one term, an OR is assumed, which returns topics where any of the terms are found.

The search also uses fuzzy matching to account for partial words [such as install and installs]. The results appear in order of relevance, based on how many search terms occur per topic. Exact matches are highlighted.

To refine the search, you can use the following operators:

  • Type + in front of words that must be included in the search or - in front of words to exclude. [Example: user +shortcut –group finds shortcut and user shortcut, but not group or user group.]
  • Use * as a wildcard for missing characters. The wildcard can be used anywhere in a search term. [Example: inst* finds installation and instructions.]
  • Type title: at the beginning of the search phrase to look only for topic titles. [Example: title:configuration finds the topic titled “Changing the software configuration.”]
  • For multi-term searches, you can specify a priority for terms in your search. Follow the term with ^ and a positive number that indicates the weight given that term. A higher number indicates more weight. [Example: shortcut^10 group gives shortcut 10 times the weight as group.]
  • To use fuzzy searching to account for misspellings, follow the term with ~ and a positive number for the number of corrections to be made. [Example: port~1 matches fort, post, or potr, and other instances where one correction leads to a match.]

Note that operators cannot be used as search terms: + - * : ~ ^ ' "

This tab contains the OAuth applications and users that have been authenticated using the Management Console. The credentials of the users can be used as input to robots in a schedule, allowing them to access APIs on behalf of the authenticated user without having access to the username and password.

See the OAuth section for more information on how to create and manage robots that access APIs that are protected by OAuth.

The following information is displayed for each application.




Name of the application.

Service Provider

Provider of the web service.

Project Name

Name of the project the application belongs to [useful when viewing all projects].


Click to edit the added application.


Click to delete the application from the Repository.

Add User

Click to add the application user to the Repository.

Modified By [not shown by default]

User name of the user who last modified the application. This column only contains relevant information when running a stand-alone version of Kofax RPA that has an individual user login.

Commit Message

Summary describing the commit.

Revision Number

Number of the application revision.

The following information is displayed for each user.




Name of the user.


Application the user belongs to.


Click to delete the user from the Repository.

Page 11

The Data view allows you to view and export data extracted by Robots. It can only be used to show database tables created from types, either using Design Studio or Management Console.

In the upper left corner of the Data view, you can see the Database navigation tree along with a project selector. You can view data from the databases for each project. To view data from a given project, select it, and the database mappings defined in that project will be shown in the database navigation tree. Next to the project selector is a refresh button for use when the databases have changed, in which case it will re-populate the database navigation tree to show the new information.

When you click a database mapping name, the tree opens, and you can see the various schemas in the database. When you click a schema you can see the Kofax RPA tables in that schema. When you click a table, the contents of that table are loaded into the data grid on the right pane. Once the data is loaded, a number of filters become visible in the Filters window. The filters work exactly like the filters on the Logging Tab. Binary and longtext attributes are not filterable.

If you click the Delete column, a window will open allowing you to delete one or more rows for the table. Double clicking a row will bring up a window with the content of that row, allowing you to copy the data.

Above the data grid, you can see an Export bar, containing 4 buttons. The first 3 buttons allow you to export the table data to either Excel, XML, or CSV format. The fourth button allows you to see previous export, and download them again. The exports are automatically deleted the next time the Management Console starts, also the oldest exports are deleted when the number of exports exceeds 100. There is no limit to the number of rows you can export to CSV or XML, but Excel files are limited to 10000 records, to prevent the system from running out of memory.

The list of schemas/catalogs available under each database in the navigation tree, is controlled by the permissions of the user who's credentials are used [in the cluster settings database configuration].

Page 12

You can execute robots as RESTful services. This allows you to invoke a robot from any programming language, or directly from a browser using JavaScript.

On the tab you can find a column named REST. Clicking this column brings up a window that allows you to test your robot as a service.

Use the Request pane of the service window to construct a request. Click Test Service to execute the robot. The result is then displayed in the Response pane of the window.

The format buttons allow you to configure the formats of the request and responses while testing, but when you call the service from code, the format is controlled by the Accept and Content-Type HTTP headers. The Accept header specifies the desired response format, and the Content-Type header specifies the request format.

Robots that require input must be invoked using POST. Robots without input may be invoked using either GET or POST.

REST services are easily invoked from a robot by using the "Call REST Web Service" action.

If the project or robot name contains any non-ASCII characters, make sure that the URL is encoded properly [UTF-8 URL encoding]. This is automatically done in robots, but if the service is called from code, the developer is responsible for encoding the URL.

Note Robots that run as services will stop the first time the robot generates an API exception. This is different from scheduled robots, which will continue to run regardless of any API exception generated by the robot. You should think of REST services as something short-lived, such as a Google search or translating a sentence.

Each robot that is run as a service uses a request thread. When the Management Console is running embedded in a RoboServer, there is a maximum of 40 request threads. These 40 threads are used for all types of HTTP requests, such as users accessing the Management Console, uploads from Design Studio, and the Repository API. If you need to run a higher number of concurrent REST services, you will need to install a standalone version of the Management Console on Tomcat so that you can control the number of request threads.

Page 13

The search returns topics that contain terms you enter. If you type more than one term, an OR is assumed, which returns topics where any of the terms are found.

The search also uses fuzzy matching to account for partial words [such as install and installs]. The results appear in order of relevance, based on how many search terms occur per topic. Exact matches are highlighted.

To refine the search, you can use the following operators:

  • Type + in front of words that must be included in the search or - in front of words to exclude. [Example: user +shortcut –group finds shortcut and user shortcut, but not group or user group.]
  • Use * as a wildcard for missing characters. The wildcard can be used anywhere in a search term. [Example: inst* finds installation and instructions.]
  • Type title: at the beginning of the search phrase to look only for topic titles. [Example: title:configuration finds the topic titled “Changing the software configuration.”]
  • For multi-term searches, you can specify a priority for terms in your search. Follow the term with ^ and a positive number that indicates the weight given that term. A higher number indicates more weight. [Example: shortcut^10 group gives shortcut 10 times the weight as group.]
  • To use fuzzy searching to account for misspellings, follow the term with ~ and a positive number for the number of corrections to be made. [Example: port~1 matches fort, post, or potr, and other instances where one correction leads to a match.]

Note that operators cannot be used as search terms: + - * : ~ ^ ' "

This subsection lists the types that have been uploaded to the Management Console Repository. At the top of the Types tab, you can select the project which types should be displayed.

When a schedule runs, the robots linked to it are executed on RoboServer. Many robots require types as definitions of either input, output or both. These types must be added to the repository [in the same project as the robot] or running the robot will fail.

When you upload a type to the repository, it is copied into the repository. Thus, if changes are made later to the type in Design Studio, it needs to be uploaded again. Since each type name must be unique [within each project], uploading the type again overwrites the previous version.

You can create database tables from types.

Multiple types with the same name can be uploaded only if they are placed in separate projects.

Note You can filter the list of items in the table by applying filters in the Filter text box. See Filtering for more information.

The following information is displayed for each type.




Name of the folder specified to store types. By default, the files are stored in the Root folder. You can create a new folder to store the files. The folder name is displayed in the column if the selected folder is other than Root. When deleting a type, you can choose to delete an empty folder.


Name of the type.


Size of the type in bytes.

Project Name

Displays the project the type belongs to [useful when viewing all projects].


Click to delete the type from the Repository. If you do not have a copy of the type in the file system, it is irrevocably lost.

Last modified

Timestamp for the last change of this type.

Commit Message

Summary describing the commit.

Revision Number

Number of the type revision.

Imported By

User name of the user who imported the type that is part of the imported project or restored backup.

Imported At

Date of the importing of the type that is part of the imported project or restored backup.

Created By [not shown by default]

User name of the user who first uploaded the type. This feature is only available when running a stand-alone Kofax RPA using LDAP.

Modified By [not shown by default]

User name of the user who last modified the type. This feature is only available when running a stand-alone Kofax RPA using LDAP.


Click to download a copy of the type from the Repository and save it in the file system.

  1. To add a type to the Management Console, click Add Type in the upper left corner.

    The "Upload type" window appears.

    If you are uploading a type with the same name as an existing one, select Override if exist to replace the existing type.

    In the Commit Message field, you may add a description for the commit.

    Types can implicitly be uploaded from Design Studio. This happens when you use Design Studio to upload a robot that uses the type. As Design Studio knows about the dependencies between robots and types, it always uploads the necessary types along with the robot.

  2. To remove a type, click in the Delete column. You are prompted to confirm the deletion. If the type is used by a robot or snippet, the confirmation message includes the usage count. If you delete a type used by a robot or snippet, the robot [or robots using the snippet] will no longer be able to execute. You can also delete an empty folder.

Page 14

The search returns topics that contain terms you enter. If you type more than one term, an OR is assumed, which returns topics where any of the terms are found.

The search also uses fuzzy matching to account for partial words [such as install and installs]. The results appear in order of relevance, based on how many search terms occur per topic. Exact matches are highlighted.

To refine the search, you can use the following operators:

  • Type + in front of words that must be included in the search or - in front of words to exclude. [Example: user +shortcut –group finds shortcut and user shortcut, but not group or user group.]
  • Use * as a wildcard for missing characters. The wildcard can be used anywhere in a search term. [Example: inst* finds installation and instructions.]
  • Type title: at the beginning of the search phrase to look only for topic titles. [Example: title:configuration finds the topic titled “Changing the software configuration.”]
  • For multi-term searches, you can specify a priority for terms in your search. Follow the term with ^ and a positive number that indicates the weight given that term. A higher number indicates more weight. [Example: shortcut^10 group gives shortcut 10 times the weight as group.]
  • To use fuzzy searching to account for misspellings, follow the term with ~ and a positive number for the number of corrections to be made. [Example: port~1 matches fort, post, or potr, and other instances where one correction leads to a match.]

Note that operators cannot be used as search terms: + - * : ~ ^ ' "

This subsection lists the snippets that have been uploaded to the Management Console Repository. At the top of the Snippets tab, you can select the project which snippets should be displayed.

When a schedule runs, the robots linked to it are executed on RoboServer. Some robots use snippets, which must be available in the repository [in the same project as the robot] or running the robot will fail.

When you upload a snippet to the repository, it is copied into the repository. Thus, if changes are later made to the snippet in Design Studio, it needs to be uploaded again. Since each snippet name must be unique [within each project], uploading the snippet again overwrites the previous version.

Note You can filter the list of items in the table by applying filters in the Filter text box. See Filtering for more information.

The following information is displayed for each snippet.




Name of the folder specified to store snippets. By default, the files are stored in the Root folder. You can create a new folder to store the files. The folder name is displayed in the column if the selected folder is other than Root. When deleting a snippet, you can delete an empty folder.


Name of the snippet.

Project Name

Name of the project the snippet belongs to [useful when viewing all projects].

Input Types

Types used in input variables in the snippet. To use this snippet in a robot, the .type files corresponding to each of these types must be present.

Returned Types

Types of values returned by the snippet. To use this snippet in a robot, the .type files corresponding to each of these types must be present.

Stored Types

Types of values stored in a database by the snippet. To use this snippet in a robot, the .type files corresponding to each of these types must be present.

Snippets used

Name of the snippets used by this snippet. If a snippet uses snippet A and snippet A uses snippet B, only snippet A will be listed here.


Size of the snippet in bytes.


Click to delete the snippet from the Repository. If you do not have a copy of the snippet in the file system, it is irrevocably lost.

Created By [hidden by default]

User name of the user who first uploaded the snippet. This feature is only available when running a stand-alone Kofax RPA using LDAP.

Modified By [hidden by default]

User name of the user who last modified the snippet. This feature is only available when running a stand-alone Kofax RPA using LDAP.

Commit Message

Summary describing the commit.

Revision Number

The number of the snippet revision.

Last modified

Timestamp for the last change of this snippet.

Imported By

User name of the user who imported the snippet that is part of the imported project or restored backup.

Imported At

Date of the importing of the snippet that is part of the imported project or restored backup.


Click to get a copy of the snippet out of the Repository and save it in the file system.

  1. To add a snippet, click Add Snippet in the upper left corner.

    The "Upload snippet" window appears.

    If you are uploading a snippet with the same name as an existing one, select Override if exist to replace the existing snippet.

    In the Commit Message field, you may add a description for the commit.

    Snippets may implicitly be uploaded from Design Studio. This happens when you use Design Studio to upload a robot that uses the snippet. As Design Studio knows about the dependencies between robots and snippets, it always uploads the necessary snippets along with the robot.

  2. To remove a snippet, click in the Delete column.

    You are prompted to confirm the deletion. If the type is used by a robot or snippet, the confirmation message includes the usage count. If the snippet is used by other snippets or robots, the confirmation message includes the usage count. If you delete a snippet that is used by a robot [or a snippet used by this robot], the robot will no longer be able to execute. Any robot that is missing a required snippet, is listed with its name in a red font on the Robots tab. When deleting a snippet, you can delete an empty folder.

Page 15

The search returns topics that contain terms you enter. If you type more than one term, an OR is assumed, which returns topics where any of the terms are found.

The search also uses fuzzy matching to account for partial words [such as install and installs]. The results appear in order of relevance, based on how many search terms occur per topic. Exact matches are highlighted.

To refine the search, you can use the following operators:

  • Type + in front of words that must be included in the search or - in front of words to exclude. [Example: user +shortcut –group finds shortcut and user shortcut, but not group or user group.]
  • Use * as a wildcard for missing characters. The wildcard can be used anywhere in a search term. [Example: inst* finds installation and instructions.]
  • Type title: at the beginning of the search phrase to look only for topic titles. [Example: title:configuration finds the topic titled “Changing the software configuration.”]
  • For multi-term searches, you can specify a priority for terms in your search. Follow the term with ^ and a positive number that indicates the weight given that term. A higher number indicates more weight. [Example: shortcut^10 group gives shortcut 10 times the weight as group.]
  • To use fuzzy searching to account for misspellings, follow the term with ~ and a positive number for the number of corrections to be made. [Example: port~1 matches fort, post, or potr, and other instances where one correction leads to a match.]

Note that operators cannot be used as search terms: + - * : ~ ^ ' "

In the Management Console, Kapplets are separate entities you can manage on the Kapplets tab.

Select this tab to view the subsections.


View all Kapplets you are currently allowed to use. From here you can install Kapplets to be available in My KappZone. See Invoking Kapplets.


View a list of currently defined Kapplets . Here you can view, delete, and edit Kapplet definitions. To create new Kapplets, open the Kapplets User area. See Creating Kapplets.


Kapplet Administrators use the Branding tab to customize the basic appearance of Kapplets. See Customizing Kapplet Branding.

Note Not all Management Console users can use or administer Kapplets. Rights are assigned in the project Permissions tab. Note that security options are not as strict for the Standard edition, which gives all users permission to view and edit Kapplets.

See Kofax RPA Kapplets for information about building and using Kapplets.

Page 16

The search returns topics that contain terms you enter. If you type more than one term, an OR is assumed, which returns topics where any of the terms are found.

The search also uses fuzzy matching to account for partial words [such as install and installs]. The results appear in order of relevance, based on how many search terms occur per topic. Exact matches are highlighted.

To refine the search, you can use the following operators:

  • Type + in front of words that must be included in the search or - in front of words to exclude. [Example: user +shortcut –group finds shortcut and user shortcut, but not group or user group.]
  • Use * as a wildcard for missing characters. The wildcard can be used anywhere in a search term. [Example: inst* finds installation and instructions.]
  • Type title: at the beginning of the search phrase to look only for topic titles. [Example: title:configuration finds the topic titled “Changing the software configuration.”]
  • For multi-term searches, you can specify a priority for terms in your search. Follow the term with ^ and a positive number that indicates the weight given that term. A higher number indicates more weight. [Example: shortcut^10 group gives shortcut 10 times the weight as group.]
  • To use fuzzy searching to account for misspellings, follow the term with ~ and a positive number for the number of corrections to be made. [Example: port~1 matches fort, post, or potr, and other instances where one correction leads to a match.]

Note that operators cannot be used as search terms: + - * : ~ ^ ' "

Use this section to configure Kapplet results settings.



From address

Sets the e-mail address used to send results emails. Note that results e-mails also require a properly configured SMTP server.

Page 17

The search returns topics that contain terms you enter. If you type more than one term, an OR is assumed, which returns topics where any of the terms are found.

The search also uses fuzzy matching to account for partial words [such as install and installs]. The results appear in order of relevance, based on how many search terms occur per topic. Exact matches are highlighted.

To refine the search, you can use the following operators:

  • Type + in front of words that must be included in the search or - in front of words to exclude. [Example: user +shortcut –group finds shortcut and user shortcut, but not group or user group.]
  • Use * as a wildcard for missing characters. The wildcard can be used anywhere in a search term. [Example: inst* finds installation and instructions.]
  • Type title: at the beginning of the search phrase to look only for topic titles. [Example: title:configuration finds the topic titled “Changing the software configuration.”]
  • For multi-term searches, you can specify a priority for terms in your search. Follow the term with ^ and a positive number that indicates the weight given that term. A higher number indicates more weight. [Example: shortcut^10 group gives shortcut 10 times the weight as group.]
  • To use fuzzy searching to account for misspellings, follow the term with ~ and a positive number for the number of corrections to be made. [Example: port~1 matches fort, post, or potr, and other instances where one correction leads to a match.]

Note that operators cannot be used as search terms: + - * : ~ ^ ' "

Password Store is designed to grant access to different systems without disclosing sensitive information. This tab shows available and assigned Password Store entries. You can create new and edit existing entries. You can grant access to Design Studio and Management Console robots by creating new Password Access entries.

This tab contains two panes:

  • Passwords
  • Password Access

The following are general steps for using Password Store.

  1. On the selected Management Console, create Password entries on the Passwords pane of the tab.
  2. On the Management Consoles tab of the Design Studio Settings window, specify the Management Console to store passwords and select Use as Password Store.
  3. Create a new Password Access entry on the Password Access pane of the tab using the access token from Design Studio provided by the user.

    In Design Studio, the access token can be copied from the About window.

  4. Once the robot is ready for deployment, it can be uploaded to the Management Console. When the robot is uploaded, perform the security check of the robot and creates a new Password Access entry for the uploaded robot.

    Important Every time you upload your robot or any of its components, such as types, snippets, and so on to the Management Console, a new Password Access entry must be created for the robot. Previous entries are kept in the Password Access list and you can delete them manually.

Page 18

The search returns topics that contain terms you enter. If you type more than one term, an OR is assumed, which returns topics where any of the terms are found.

The search also uses fuzzy matching to account for partial words [such as install and installs]. The results appear in order of relevance, based on how many search terms occur per topic. Exact matches are highlighted.

To refine the search, you can use the following operators:

  • Type + in front of words that must be included in the search or - in front of words to exclude. [Example: user +shortcut –group finds shortcut and user shortcut, but not group or user group.]
  • Use * as a wildcard for missing characters. The wildcard can be used anywhere in a search term. [Example: inst* finds installation and instructions.]
  • Type title: at the beginning of the search phrase to look only for topic titles. [Example: title:configuration finds the topic titled “Changing the software configuration.”]
  • For multi-term searches, you can specify a priority for terms in your search. Follow the term with ^ and a positive number that indicates the weight given that term. A higher number indicates more weight. [Example: shortcut^10 group gives shortcut 10 times the weight as group.]
  • To use fuzzy searching to account for misspellings, follow the term with ~ and a positive number for the number of corrections to be made. [Example: port~1 matches fort, post, or potr, and other instances where one correction leads to a match.]

Note that operators cannot be used as search terms: + - * : ~ ^ ' "

The Management Console keeps a repository of robots, types, snippets, resources and OAuth credentials. Topics in the Repository chapter help you manage your assets.

Note You can filter the list of items in the table by applying filters in the Filter text box. See Filtering for more information.

Page 19

This page helps you manage the robots in the repository on a per project basis. In order for robots to be able to run in a schedule, they have to be uploaded to the repository. When the robot is uploaded, it is copied into the repository. Thus, if changes are later made to the robot in Design Studio, it needs to be uploaded again [this can easily be done from within Design Studio]. Doing so will not remove the robot from schedules with which it is already associated. Rather, these schedules will use the new version of the robot the next time they run.

Each robot belongs to a project. At the top of the Robots tab, you can select the project for which robots are shown.

Within a given project, you cannot have two different robots with the same name in the repository. They will be considered the same robot, and the one you upload last will overwrite the previous one. Different projects can contain robots with the same name. You can assign tags to your robots that can be the same and can be used to search and filter the list.

The robots are displayed in a table, with a default of 40 robots per page. The information is structured in columns as follows.

Note You can filter the list of items in the table by typing a robot name, a tag name, or by selecting a project. See Filtering for more information.



Robot ID

Automatically generated ID of the robot.


Name of the folder specified to store the robot files. By default, the files are stored in the Root folder. You can create a new folder to store the files. The folder name is displayed in the column if the selected folder is other than Root. Folders are also shown as part of the robot name in the Robot Runs view on the Log View tab. When deleting a robot, you can delete an empty folder.


Name of the robot. If the robot uses a type or a snippet which is not present in the repository, the name will be marked in red.

Project Name

Name of the project that the robot belongs to [useful when viewing all projects].


Tags assigned to robots.


Kofax RPA version last used when editing the robot.


Size of the robot in bytes.


Names of the schedules that will run the robot.


Click to delete the robot from the repository. The robot is automatically removed from any schedules used to run it. If you do not have a copy of the robot in the file system, it is irrevocably lost.

Input Types

Types used in input variables in the robot. To execute the robot, .type files corresponding to each of these types must be present

Returned Types

Types of values returned by the robot. When executing the robot via the API, it may return values of these types. To execute the robot, .type files corresponding to each of these types must be present.

Stored Types

Types of values stored in a database by the robot. To execute the robot, .type files corresponding to each of these types must be present.


The trigger names associated with the robot.


The label names the robot is mapped to.

Snippets used

Names of the snippets used by this robot. If a robot uses snippet A and snippet A uses snippet B, only snippet A will be listed here.


Shows robot's user and label mappings.

Created By [hidden by default]

User name of the user who first uploaded the robot. This feature is only available when running a stand-alone Kofax RPA.

Modified By [hidden by default]

User name of the user who last modified the robot. This feature is only available when running a stand-alone Kofax RPA.

Commit Message

Summary describing the commit.

Revision Number

Number of the robot revision.

Last Modified

Date of the most recent modification of the robot.

Imported By

User name of the user who imported the robot that is part of the imported project or restored backup.

Imported At

Date of the importing of the robot that is part of the imported project or restored backup.

Run Now

Click this button to start immediate execution of the robot on RoboServer. This feature is not available for robots that take input.


Click this button to see an example Java or C# code for executing the robot on RoboServer.


This will open a window that allows you to invoke the robot as a REST service.


This will open a window that allows you to invoke the robot via SOAP.


Click to download a copy of the robot from the repository and save it to the file system.

Right-clicking a robot opens the following menu:

The Delete, Set Folder, and Create Schedule options are available when multiple robots are selected. If you have multiple robots selected and create a schedule, the New Schedule dialog box will open with all the selected robots added. If any robot added this way requires input, you will have to add it later.

Map to user, Suspend triggers, and Activate triggers are available for robots with triggers in the Desktop Automation workflow.

To add a robot to the Management Console, click Add Robot in the upper left corner. If you are uploading a robot with the same name as an existing one, select Override if exist to replace the existing robot. If you upload a new robot, it is not added to a schedule automatically, and you need to do it yourself. In the Commit Message field, you may add a description for the commit.

An alternative way of uploading a robot is to use the Upload function in Design Studio. This works in exactly the same way, except that Design Studio also uploads the necessary types and snippets. If your Management Console Repository contains multiple projects, you are prompted to choose the project to upload the robot.

Page 20

Use the Projects section of the Admin tab to configure which projects are available in the Management Console.

Projects are a way to segment robots, types, snippets, resources and schedules. Robots only have access to the type, snippets and resources contained in the project they belong to. Names of robots, types, etc. also need only be distinct within a project.

Note that if you delete a project, all of the robots, types, snippets, resources, and schedules associated with it are deleted as well.

By default, the Management Console contains a single project.

To edit the project, either click Details [

] or double-click the project. The Edit project dialog box with the following tabs appears.

  • Basic: Specify a name of the project and its description.

  • Permissions: Set project permissions if user management is enabled in the Management Console.

    When deploying the Management Console on a standalone web container, you can also configure project permissions for users based on their group membership [for instance LDAP groups]. For details, see the "Tomcat Management Console" section of "Project Permissions" in the Kofax RPA Administrator's Guide.

    Notice that option of configuring Device Mappings and Databases is provided by default for all groups of users.

  • Services: Select the cluster to execute robots for this project when robots are invoked as RESTful services. See Rest and SOAP Services for details.

  • Repository: Enable the use of and specify the repository to use in a Git version control system for the project. For details, see "Configure Robot Lifecycle Management" in the Kofax RPA Administrator's Guide.

The project name is used as a foreign key in the log tables to determine who has permission to view the log files. This means that when you rename a project, all existing Robot Runs and Robot Messages belonging to this project must be updated to reflect the new name. Otherwise they will not show up when the logs are filtered by project. If the Management Console is connected to the logging database when you rename a project, the Management Console will automatically rename the Robot Run/Message entries in the log database. However if it is not connected, or the connection is lost during the update, the administrator must manually run the following SQL to update the log tables.

UPDATE ROBOT_RUN SET projectName = '' where projectName = ''; UPDATE ROBOT_MESSAGE SET projectName = '' where projectName = '';

Where is the old project name, and is the new project name.

Page 21

This tab is used to view the logs created by the Management Console and by the RoboServers' database logging. The Schedule Runs and Schedule Messages are Management Console logs that report information on schedules. The remaining logs are RoboServer logs containing information on the status of the RoboServers and on robots and robot runs. Both the Management Console logs and the RoboServers logs are written to the logging database, thus requiring that a logging database be set up in the Management Console settings [see Log Database] and that database logging is enabled on the RoboServers via the logging cluster settings.

Select one of the log views, by clicking the

icon next to the log to view.

The page layout for each log is identical. When you click the

a number of filters are displayed in the left pane, and the logged data is loaded into the grid to the right. A "Results per page" field is available under the filters.

  • More Columns adds columns to and removes columns from the grid to the right.

  • Reset clears any filter configuration entered.

  • Update loads the grid with data based on the configuration of the filters.

  • The list box controls the number of results per page [for the next update].

    If there are more results than the number selected per page, you can navigate to the next page using the controls under the data grid. Pressing Enter in any filter text field triggers an update of the grid.

You can set up the retention policy for your logs in the RoboServer Log Database by specifying a number of days to keep the logs and a number of messages in the robot run. The logs are cleaned on a daily basis by deleting the oldest messages first. The default values are 10 days and 500 messages.

Schedule Runs

Displays execution information for each schedule that executes, such as when the schedule started and when it finished.

Use the context menu to navigate to the individual schedule message, or to the robots that were executed as part of this schedule run.

If you click in the Delete column, a window opens to delete the run and messages. When deleting, you always have to delete the messages, but you can keep the run information if you like. You can delete this run and messages, or all runs or messages matching the current filter. Deleting many runs or messages might take some time.

Schedule Messages

Displays individual message entries for a given schedule run. This allows you to see exactly why a schedule failed to run.

Note To find robot errors for a given schedule run, select "View robot view errors" from the context menu.

You can delete one or more records by clicking the Delete column. This will open a window in which you can select to delete only this message, all messages matching the current filter, or all RoboServer log messages [the option to delete message matching a filter is disabled if there are more than 500 matching results. This is due to performance].


Displays general messages from RoboServer or the Management Console. Double-click or use the context menu to open the message in a separate window, making it easier to copy the error message.

You can delete one or more records by clicking the Delete column. This will open a window in which you can select to delete only this message, all messages matching the current filter, or all RoboServer log messages [the option to delete message matching a filter is disabled if there are more than 500 matching results. This is due to performance].

Robot Runs

Displays information for each robot run. This log contains a number of extra fields that are not shown by default, but can be added by clicking the Add Column below the filters. Double-clicking a row takes you to all messages logged during this run, which is also available through the context menu. The context menu also allows you to view all runs for the same robot, or view the input this robot was given when this run was executed.

If you click the Delete column, a window opens allowing you to delete the run and messages. When deleting, you always have to delete the messages, but you can keep the run information if you like. You can delete this run and messages, or all runs or messages matching the current filter. Deleting many runs or messages might take some time.

Robot Messages

Displays individual error messages belonging to a robot run. Double-clicking a row brings up a window that allows you to easily copy the error message. Using the context menu, you can navigate to the run this message belongs to.

For robot errors, the Location Code column in the data grid contains a link. When you click the link a small .robotDebug file is downloaded. If you open the file with Design Studio, the robot will be loaded, the input from the run will be set, and the robot will navigate to the location of the error, allowing you to quickly debug errors.


This is a simple summary view of all robots ever run [for as long as data is available]. If you double-click a row or use the context menu, you will navigate to all runs for the given robot.

DAS Displays events received from Desktop Automation Service. You can filter the list by the information displayed in this log. See Logging for Desktop Automation Service for details.

Page 22

The search returns topics that contain terms you enter. If you type more than one term, an OR is assumed, which returns topics where any of the terms are found.

The search also uses fuzzy matching to account for partial words [such as install and installs]. The results appear in order of relevance, based on how many search terms occur per topic. Exact matches are highlighted.

To refine the search, you can use the following operators:

  • Type + in front of words that must be included in the search or - in front of words to exclude. [Example: user +shortcut –group finds shortcut and user shortcut, but not group or user group.]
  • Use * as a wildcard for missing characters. The wildcard can be used anywhere in a search term. [Example: inst* finds installation and instructions.]
  • Type title: at the beginning of the search phrase to look only for topic titles. [Example: title:configuration finds the topic titled “Changing the software configuration.”]
  • For multi-term searches, you can specify a priority for terms in your search. Follow the term with ^ and a positive number that indicates the weight given that term. A higher number indicates more weight. [Example: shortcut^10 group gives shortcut 10 times the weight as group.]
  • To use fuzzy searching to account for misspellings, follow the term with ~ and a positive number for the number of corrections to be made. [Example: port~1 matches fort, post, or potr, and other instances where one correction leads to a match.]

Note that operators cannot be used as search terms: + - * : ~ ^ ' "

Use the License tab to enter a new license or view the current license. The Management Console has room for two license keys: A Production and a Non-Production key. If your production environment is completely separated from your development/QA environment, you need to install two Management Consoles: one contains the Production license key, while the other contains the Non-Production license key. In mixed environments, a single Management Console should contain both keys.

This tab also shows information on the Design Studio seats currently in use [Design Studio clients that have received a license from this Management Console and are currently active].

Note Some items in the list are shown only if you have appropriate license. For example, if you have a license for Analytics, the Kofax RPA Analytics: Yes item appears in the About the Current License table.

Page 23

The search returns topics that contain terms you enter. If you type more than one term, an OR is assumed, which returns topics where any of the terms are found.

The search also uses fuzzy matching to account for partial words [such as install and installs]. The results appear in order of relevance, based on how many search terms occur per topic. Exact matches are highlighted.

To refine the search, you can use the following operators:

  • Type + in front of words that must be included in the search or - in front of words to exclude. [Example: user +shortcut –group finds shortcut and user shortcut, but not group or user group.]
  • Use * as a wildcard for missing characters. The wildcard can be used anywhere in a search term. [Example: inst* finds installation and instructions.]
  • Type title: at the beginning of the search phrase to look only for topic titles. [Example: title:configuration finds the topic titled “Changing the software configuration.”]
  • For multi-term searches, you can specify a priority for terms in your search. Follow the term with ^ and a positive number that indicates the weight given that term. A higher number indicates more weight. [Example: shortcut^10 group gives shortcut 10 times the weight as group.]
  • To use fuzzy searching to account for misspellings, follow the term with ~ and a positive number for the number of corrections to be made. [Example: port~1 matches fort, post, or potr, and other instances where one correction leads to a match.]

Note that operators cannot be used as search terms: + - * : ~ ^ ' "

This tab shows available Automation Devices that are registered with the Management Console. To register an Automation Device in the Management Console, specify the Management Console's details and set the "singleUser" option to false in the Desktop Automation Agent configuration file. For more information, see Automation Device Mapping.

The following information is displayed for each device.




For Clusters

The name of the cluster.

For Devices

Either IP address or name of the Automation Device and a port used to connect to the device.


For Clusters

Current cluster state. The state can be as follows.

See Change the Cluster State for details.

For Devices

Current status of the device. The status can be as follows.

  • Available: The Desktop Automation Agent is running and no one is connected to the device.
  • In Use: The Desktop Automation Agent is running and either a Design Studio or a RoboServer is connected to the device. Note that only one connection can be established with the automation device.
  • Offline: Either the remote device is off or the Desktop Automation Agent is not started.


Label of the device mapping. You can use the labels to filter the devices you want to automate with your robot.


The Kofax RPA version last used when editing the robot.

Execution Id

The robot run Id using a given automation desktop.

Robot Name

The name of the running robot.

Page 24

The search returns topics that contain terms you enter. If you type more than one term, an OR is assumed, which returns topics where any of the terms are found.

The search also uses fuzzy matching to account for partial words [such as install and installs]. The results appear in order of relevance, based on how many search terms occur per topic. Exact matches are highlighted.

To refine the search, you can use the following operators:

  • Type + in front of words that must be included in the search or - in front of words to exclude. [Example: user +shortcut –group finds shortcut and user shortcut, but not group or user group.]
  • Use * as a wildcard for missing characters. The wildcard can be used anywhere in a search term. [Example: inst* finds installation and instructions.]
  • Type title: at the beginning of the search phrase to look only for topic titles. [Example: title:configuration finds the topic titled “Changing the software configuration.”]
  • For multi-term searches, you can specify a priority for terms in your search. Follow the term with ^ and a positive number that indicates the weight given that term. A higher number indicates more weight. [Example: shortcut^10 group gives shortcut 10 times the weight as group.]
  • To use fuzzy searching to account for misspellings, follow the term with ~ and a positive number for the number of corrections to be made. [Example: port~1 matches fort, post, or potr, and other instances where one correction leads to a match.]

Note that operators cannot be used as search terms: + - * : ~ ^ ' "

This tab shows mapped Automation Devices available for robots. You can create mappings to the devices on this tab from the Design Studio.

Note You can filter the list of items in the table by applying filters in the Filter text box. See Filtering for more information.

The following information is displayed for each device mapping.




Name of the device mapping.


Label of the device mapping. You can use the labels to filter the devices you want to automate with your robot.



to modify mapping settings in the Edit Device Mapping dialog box.



to delete the mapping from the Management Console.

To create a new Automation Device mapping, click New Device Mapping on the Device Mappings tab, specify the new mapping name and labels, and click Save.

How it works

When a Desktop Automation robot starts, it does not have direct access to the IP addresses or host names of the devices listed under Management Console > Admin > Devices.

The robots use the device mapping name and label. If multiple devices with the same label are available, the robot picks a random one from the ones that are currently listed as Available.

The call asking for an available device is made via Hazelcast that might return the same device each time if it is available. The Management Console or robot do not force or control the order.

The use of labels offers redundancy because the robot is not tied to a single device [which would lead to an error if the device is down or in use], but it can use any of the devices associated with the label from the device mapping specified in the robot.

Page 25

The search returns topics that contain terms you enter. If you type more than one term, an OR is assumed, which returns topics where any of the terms are found.

The search also uses fuzzy matching to account for partial words [such as install and installs]. The results appear in order of relevance, based on how many search terms occur per topic. Exact matches are highlighted.

To refine the search, you can use the following operators:

  • Type + in front of words that must be included in the search or - in front of words to exclude. [Example: user +shortcut –group finds shortcut and user shortcut, but not group or user group.]
  • Use * as a wildcard for missing characters. The wildcard can be used anywhere in a search term. [Example: inst* finds installation and instructions.]
  • Type title: at the beginning of the search phrase to look only for topic titles. [Example: title:configuration finds the topic titled “Changing the software configuration.”]
  • For multi-term searches, you can specify a priority for terms in your search. Follow the term with ^ and a positive number that indicates the weight given that term. A higher number indicates more weight. [Example: shortcut^10 group gives shortcut 10 times the weight as group.]
  • To use fuzzy searching to account for misspellings, follow the term with ~ and a positive number for the number of corrections to be made. [Example: port~1 matches fort, post, or potr, and other instances where one correction leads to a match.]

Note that operators cannot be used as search terms: + - * : ~ ^ ' "

This tab shows robots with triggers and trigger mappings. Triggers are a part of Attended Automation functionality in the Desktop Automation Workflow. Kofax RPA supports user and label mappings for robots. User mapping is only available for robots with triggers.

Note You can filter the list of items in the table by applying filters in the Filter text box. See Filtering for more information.

The tab is divided into two panes: Users and Labels. Users pane shows robots with assigned user mapping. Labels pane shows robots with assigned labels. You can only assign user mappings to robots with triggers. The following information is displayed for each mapping.



Robot name

Name of the robot.


Available trigger names.

Project Name

Name of the Kofax RPA project.

User name

Name of the user the robot is mapped to.


Label name the robot is mapped to.



to modify mapping settings in the wizard.



to delete the mapping from the Management Console.

Work with trigger mappings
  • To create a new mapping, click New trigger-user mapping or New trigger-label mapping on the Trigger Mappings tab and follow the steps of the wizard to create a new mapping.

  • To modify mapping settings in the wizard, either right-click a robot and select Edit or click

    in the Edit column.

  • To delete the mapping, either right-click a robot and select Delete or click

    in the Delete column.

  • To disable triggers in robots, select one or more robots with triggers, right-click the selected robots, and click Suspend triggers.

  • To enable triggers in robots, select one or more robots with suspended triggers, right-click the selected robots, and click Activate triggers.

Page 26

The search returns topics that contain terms you enter. If you type more than one term, an OR is assumed, which returns topics where any of the terms are found.

The search also uses fuzzy matching to account for partial words [such as install and installs]. The results appear in order of relevance, based on how many search terms occur per topic. Exact matches are highlighted.

To refine the search, you can use the following operators:

  • Type + in front of words that must be included in the search or - in front of words to exclude. [Example: user +shortcut –group finds shortcut and user shortcut, but not group or user group.]
  • Use * as a wildcard for missing characters. The wildcard can be used anywhere in a search term. [Example: inst* finds installation and instructions.]
  • Type title: at the beginning of the search phrase to look only for topic titles. [Example: title:configuration finds the topic titled “Changing the software configuration.”]
  • For multi-term searches, you can specify a priority for terms in your search. Follow the term with ^ and a positive number that indicates the weight given that term. A higher number indicates more weight. [Example: shortcut^10 group gives shortcut 10 times the weight as group.]
  • To use fuzzy searching to account for misspellings, follow the term with ~ and a positive number for the number of corrections to be made. [Example: port~1 matches fort, post, or potr, and other instances where one correction leads to a match.]

Note that operators cannot be used as search terms: + - * : ~ ^ ' "

Use this tab to configure the Management Console.

Note After changing and saving the configuration settings, make sure to restart the Management Console for the changes to take effect.

Additional options that affect how you connect to the Management Console [such as port numbers and security settings] are configured in the RoboServer Settings application as described in the Embedded Management Console Configuration topic of the Kofax RPA Administrator's Guide.

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