Remote Desktop Manager reset password

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What qualifies me for a free transfer?

HostGator provides free transfers for new accounts within 30 days of sign-up, and to newly upgraded accounts. For upgraded accounts it must be an inter-server upgrade to qualify. Please note that downgraded accounts do not qualify for free transfers.

Depending on which type of account you sign up for, we offer differing numbers of free transfers. Please refer to the chart below to see what we include for new packages.

Full cPanel Transfers is the number of cPanel to cPanel transfers that are included.

Max. Manual Transfers is the maximum number of Manual Transfers that are included with your account.

Total Free Transfers is the total number websites that we will move for you.

Account TypeTotal Free TransfersFull cPanel TransfersMax. Manual Transfers
?VPSUnlimited1Unlimited210 per VPS level
?Dedicated [Basic]Unlimited1Unlimited275
?Dedicated [Standard, Elite, Pro]Unlimited1Unlimited2100

1While we can do unlimited cPanel to cPanel transfers for you, depending on your account, you will have a limited number of Manual Transfers.

2Full cPanel transfers include all domains, Addon Domains, Subdomains, and cPanel settings. This will also include your emails and email accounts. Please note that this does require that your old host's cPanel backup generator to be active.

A few examples: An Aluminium Reseller account includes up to 30 free transfers. Out of this 30, you can have 20 cPanel to cPanel transfers and 10 Manual Transfers, or any combination of the two that totals 30 or less websites. Another example: A Pro Dedicated server includes unlimited cPanel to cPanel transfers, this means you can have 150 sites [or even more] moved. Also since there is an unlimited total number of transfers, you can utilize up to 100 Manual Transfers.

For more information please see ourTransfers Support Article, contact our transfers department at , or call 866.96.GATOR


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After long vacation, celebrated christmas and new year, like most of people I have to go back to work. I’ve checked my emails and check some servers using Remote Desktop Manager. However when I needed to login to Azure Portal, I have to re-enter my credentials.. hmm. Looked at my one note [secure password 🙂 but the password seems to be not working. Went back to RDP Manager, however the password can’t be shown as clear text. Time for google.. How to decrypt the password from Remote Desktop Manager.

By using powershell script below [thanks to this link], you’ll be able to retrieve the password from the Remote Desktop Manager.

# Path to RDCMan.exe $RDCMan = “C:\Program Files [x86]\Microsoft\Remote Desktop Connection Manager\RDCMan.exe” # Path to RDG file $RDGFile = “{}”

$TempLocation = “C:\temp”

Copy-Item $RDCMan “$TempLocation\RDCMan.dll” Import-Module “$TempLocation\RDCMan.dll”

$EncryptionSettings = New-Object -TypeName RdcMan.EncryptionSettings

$XML = New-Object -TypeName XML $XML.Load[$RDGFile]

$logonCredentials = Select-XML -Xml $XML -XPath ‘//logonCredentials’

$Credentials = New-Object System.Collections.Arraylist $logonCredentials | foreach { [void]$Credentials.Add[[pscustomobject]@{ Username = $_.Node.userName Password = $[Try{[RdcMan.Encryption]::DecryptString[$_.Node.password, $EncryptionSettings]}Catch{$_.Exception.InnerException.Message}] Domain = $_.Node.domain }]

} | Sort Username

$Credentials | Sort Username

If you’re reading this, it most likely means that you’re looking for a way to change your Windows password remotely, i.e. from a Remote Desktop connection [RDP protocol]: this is a typical scenario for remote workers and system administrators who often have to access remote systems [such as Virtual Machines] through another Windows machine.

When such situation arises, the standard CTRL + ALT + DEL key combo cannot be used, because it would be captured by the local OS [the one used by the PC we’re using to access the remote environment], which will prompt its own change password screen: therefore, we would be able to change the local Windows account password instead of the remote one.

Using CTRL + ALT + END

Luckily enough, there is another key combo that we can use to trigger the change password screen on the remote system: CTRL + ALT + END. This command is specifically meant to be the “three-finger salute” equivalent for remote desktop connections and can be safely used to remotely change password, because it won’t be “intercepted” by the local OS in any way.

The END key is usually located close to the CANC key [that’s arguably why it was chosen as replacement hotkey].

Using the On-Screen Keyboard

If you don’t want [or you are unable] to use the CTRL + ALT + END key combo, you can still access the “change password” screen using the Windows On-Screen Keyboard. To activate it, just click to the Start menu, then type “ost” and click to the On-Screen Keyboard icon that will show up.

Now we can press CTRL + ALT using the hardware keyboard and then simultaneously click the third key [DEL / CANC] using the On-Screen Keyboard, thus determining the “three-finger salute” key combo on the remote PC.

What if it’s already too late?

In the unfortunate event that the password expires before you can change it, the remote access tool will give you an error message like this when you connect:

An authentication error has occurred. The Local Security Authority cannot be contacted. This could be due to an expired password. Please update your password if it has expired. For assistance, contact your administrator or technical support.

In this case, all we can do is contact your System Administrator [or IT help-desk support] and request a password reset: once this is done we’ll able to log back into the remote system and change the default password with a personal, secureone.

Why Windows doesn’t warn me?

As you most likely already know, if your Active Directory [or local group policy] has been configured with expiring passwords, all users will receive a dedicated warning some days before the expiration date to remind them about changing their passwords before it’s too late.

However, these warnings will only be shown when the user session is actually opened – i.e., when the user performs the login process.

To put it in other words, you need to “open” your user session to receive that warning: if you connect back to an existing session, you won’t receive such notice.

Unfortunately, when using Remote Desktop, most users don’t perform the logout / disconnect process, they just shut down the RDP client and then re-open it to reconnect whenever they need to: when they do this, the same AD user session is kept open and “recycled” over and over [the remote login process is used to “reconnect to it” instead of open a new session]; for that very reason, the system never get the chance to properly warn them. Such scenario doesn’t occur when those users physically work on their device, because their user session will also end whenever they perform a reboot, power off, or other maintenance activities that frequently occur during their daily activity at the office, yet often avoided when using RDP.

Anyway, the only possible “workaround” for this issue is to force the users to close their user session before closing the RDP client: this can be easily done using the Disconnect command available from the Windows Start menu.


That’s it: we hope that this post will help many Windows users who are looking for a way to remotely change their password through Remote Desktop connection [RDP].

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