Quantitative research topics for gas students

The Scorpion and the Frog [a fable] A scorpion and a frog meet on the bank of a stream and the scorpion asks the frog to carry him across on its back. … The frog asks, "How do I know you won't sting me?" The scorpion says, "Because if I do, I will die too." The frog is satisfied, and they set out, but in midstream, the scorpion stings the frog. The frog feels the onset of paralysis and starts to sink, knowing they both will drown, but has just enough time to gasp "Why?" Replies the scorpion: "Its my nature..."1. What do you think are the symbolic elements of this fable? Who does the Scorpion represent to you? Who does the Frog represent to you? 2. How do you feel about what happened to the Frog? How do you feel about the Scorpion?​

report my all questions I am leaving now ​

how can you improve the strengths and talents that you have?​

Directions: In the given excerpts of an article, give the meaning of the highlighted academic terms as used in the excerpt. Also, give the meaning of … the terms when used in other disciplines. Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy In response to the growing understanding of this danger, the National Football League [NFL] has revised its safety regulations. Players who have suffered a head injury on the field must undergo a "concussion sideline assessment"—a series of mental and physical fitness tests—before being allowed back in the game. In an effort to diminish the amount of head and neck injuries on the field, NFL officials have begun enforcing stricter penalty calls for helmet-to-helmet contact, leading with the head, and hitting a defenseless player. Furthermore, as of 2010, if a player’s helmet is accidentally wrenched from his head during play, the ball is immediately whistled dead. There is hope that these new regulations, coupled with advances in helmet design, will reduce the number of concussions player endure, and thus curb the number of CTE cases. 1. Assessment 2. Amount 3. Design​lagyan ko Brainiest ang maka sagot ng tama.

Does anyone even use brainly anymore?​

read the poem carefully then answer the question that follow

Investigate a societal issue before making a judgment​

In the spaces indicated by numbers, write down the following: 1 and 2 two things I do very well 3 and 4 my two greatest achievements in life 5 what in … myself am I proudest of 6 my happiest moment 7 positive words that my friends use to describe me 8 a personal goal that I have already achieved 9 three blessings for which I am most thankful to God 10 three of my positive qualities 11 difficulties, challenges and problems that I was able to solve and overcome​

hi po pwede po ba kayu magbigay ng image na folk tale place ba yun? wala po kase ako mahanap na image eh report ko yung nonsense na answer​

Approximately proficient

Are you looking for ideas in making a title for your research? That could be the reason why you are here. The following might help you get an idea. It may save your time researching about possible topics for your research.

It is worth to note that having a research is really a great responsibility not only because it is a major requirement in school but also because it is essential in making a solution to a certain problem. 

For General Academic Strand

For this strand, the following are the possible research titles.


Academic Grades

Sample Title:

The Effect of Online Schooling to the Academic Grades of General Academic Strand Students of Example School.


Online Truancy

Sample Title:

A Study on the Online Truancy of Students under the New Mode of Learning


Academic Performance

Sample Title:

Home Factors: Its Effect on the Academic Performance of Students


Learning Strategy and Learning Beliefs

Sample Title:

Learning Strategy and Learning Beliefs of GAS Students


Coping Strategies

Sample Title:

Coping Strategies of GAS Students under the New Normal

Please note that these topics and titles are just sample.

If you found this post helpful, feel free to share it to your friends and classmates! If you have any suggestions and/or queries you can write it on the comment section below.

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Sample Research Topics and Titles for:

Sample Research Topics and Titles for Senior High School Students

Are you having a hard time in formulating a title for your research? If yes, the following might help you get an idea. It might save your time researching about possible topics for your research.

It is undeniable that having research is really a great responsibility not only because it is a major requirement in school but also because it is essential in making a solution to a certain problem. 

  • For Accountancy, Business and Management Strand
  • For General Academic Strand
  • For Humanities and Social Studies Strand
  • For Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Strand

If you’ve always had a thing for statistics and figures, you’d be wise to consider a number of quantitative research proposal topics when it comes to your dissertation. The whole point of quantitative research is to explain particular events according to mathematical analysis of data points. Also one of the most related research results you can use is PhD research proposal in computer science ideas. There have to be numbers involved in some format for it to be considered quantitative research.

It’s not so easy to put together a research proposal quantitative that relies on numbers alone to demonstrate a point one way or another. When it comes to writing a quantitative research proposal, you need expert advice if you are to achieve the grades you deserve. Use this extensive list to give yourself a few ideas about what you might want to study.

  • The relationship between unemployment and inflation rates
  • The link between climate adaptation and mitigation funds allocation
  • The relationship between job satisfaction and employee turnover
  • The relationship between poor households and members becoming entrepreneurs
  • The link between child welfare and home ownership
  • The relationship between educational achievement and economic status
  • The link between urbanization and economic growth
  • The effect of solar electricity on the wholesale energy market
  • The relationship between innovation and fiscal decentralization
  • The relationship between micro-financial participation and expectations
  • The link between debt accumulation and retirement
  • The relationship between symptoms of psychiatric disorder and independent living skills
  • The relationship between children’s nutrition and cognitive development
  • The link between subjective well being and relative income
  • The link between news consumption and individual perception of events
  • The relationship between number of products and number of brand names
  • The effect of parental involvement on childhood academic achievement
  • The link between consumer confidence and electoral results
  • The relationship between social status and somatic complaints
  • The link between income disparity and happiness levels
  • The relationship between immigration and crime statistics
  • The relationship between social welfare and business performance
  • The link between income and occupation
  • The relationship between materialism and national happiness
  • The effect of siblings on social skills
  • The link between welfare and social support
  • The relationship between crime rates and concern for crime
  • The link between video games and school achievement
  • The relationship between college study and future job satisfaction
  • The effect of education on obesity

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  • The relationship between scientific evidence for abortion and the definition of viability
  • The effect of positive discrimination of company culture
  • A comparison between educational placement by age and by academic aptitude
  • A comparison between disabled students in the mainstream and those taught separately
  • Does internet access increase childhood sociability?
  • Compare the weight loss benefits of low carbohydrate versus high carbohydrate diets
  • Compare the benefits of weight training versus cardio regimes
  • How much exercise leads to a lasting physical benefit?
  • To what extent are fast food restaurants responsible for obesity?
  • The relationship between emotional stability and overall well being
  • Compare the use of nutritional therapy with modern medical approaches
  • To what extent has technology affected communications?
  • The relationship between school prestige and academic standards
  • The link between military support and economic development in developing nations
  • The relationship between crime rates and gun ownership
  • The link between sugar intake and diabetes diagnosis
  • The relationship between high fat diet and heart disease
  • The link between educational attainment and crime rates
  • The link between high carbohydrate diets and pancreatic cancer
  • The relationship between childhood socioeconomic status and future income
  • The link between obesity and cancer rates

Obtaining Data for Quantitative Research

One of the first things you’ll be wondering when you embark upon a quantitative research project is how it is possible to turn seemingly qualitative data into numerical format. One of the most widely used methods is the Likert scale which asks participants to rate their opinions on a 5-point scale. Conducting surveys in this manner can help you get to the bottom of all sorts of social and psychological questions.

The analysis of quantitative data as part of your research project is not necessarily easy and it requires a significant amount of statistical knowledge. Particularly if you’re trying to identify a relationship between two variables without a particular hypothesis in mind, you’re going to have to rely on numbers. There’s plenty of expert advice around if you need help with your research project.

Make Sure Your Question Fits Your Methods

You have to be certain that you can answer your question by means of quantitative methods before you embark on what could be a very lengthy research project. You can’t use open ended queries and have to be specific about topics that may not have a simple answer. You’ll need to be able to replicate your inquiries many times with many different subjects. This is particularly important as you will need a certain predefined number of participants in any study you conduct in order for it to meet standards of statistical significance.

Check out engineering research proposal topics for more inspiration!

As you will be generating reams of data, you need to make sure that it’s all as relevant to your question as possible. They may also generate data over many years and actually continue doing so for long after you’ve finished your PhD. Use expert advice to make sure you get the most of out of this data and apply it to your research appropriately. Quantitative research proposal topics vary in their usefulness to the furthermost of science and human knowledge. Use this extensive list to help you choose a topic that suits your unique academic strengths. Combine your research proposal quantitative with expert advice on your chosen topic and you’ll be moving onwards and upwards with ease.

Select your subject of interest from this jam-packed list of quantitative research proposal topics. Conducting unique research will help you forge a path to great success.

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