Page view controller with page control top ios stack

To start, let’s create a new application. It doesn’t matter which type you select, since we’re going to start with a clean slate anyway. Select a product name and be sure to select Swift for the language.

Remove all of the auto-generated files besides the ones listed.

Now remove all of the objects in Main.storyboard. If you did everything right, building the project [Cmd + b] should succeed.

Next, inside Main.storyboard, add a new

private[set] lazy var orderedViewControllers: [UIViewController] = {  
    return [self.newColoredViewController["Green"],  
private func newColoredViewController[color: String] -> UIViewController {  
    return UIStoryboard[name: "Main", bundle: nil] .  

1 object to the canvas.

Make sure to set the new UIPageViewController object as the initial view controller in the attributes inspector. That way, it will be initialized when the app launches.

Next, let’s create a custom UIPageViewController subclass…

…and assign it to the UIPageViewController object [which we created inside Main.storyboard earlier] in the identity inspector.

Now for the fun part–let’s create three view controller objects in

private[set] lazy var orderedViewControllers: [UIViewController] = {  
    return [self.newColoredViewController["Green"],  
private func newColoredViewController[color: String] -> UIViewController {  
    return UIStoryboard[name: "Main", bundle: nil] .  

6These will eventually be scrolled through in the page view controller.

Planning ahead a bit, let’s set Storyboard IDs in the identity inspector for each of the view controllers above. These will be used in code to instantiate the view controllers. Alternatively, you could create three separate

private[set] lazy var orderedViewControllers: [UIViewController] = {  
    return [self.newColoredViewController["Green"],  
private func newColoredViewController[color: String] -> UIViewController {  
    return UIStoryboard[name: "Main", bundle: nil] .  

7 subclass files and assign them to the objects in the storyboard.

All right, now that our storyboard is all set up, let’s write some code! To start, let’s set ourselves as the datasource and define the required methods.

//  TutorialPageViewController.swift  
//  UIPageViewController Post  
//  Created by Jeffrey Burt on 12/11/15.  
//  Copyright © 2015 Atomic Object. All rights reserved.  
import UIKit
class TutorialPageViewController: UIPageViewController {
    override func viewDidLoad[] {  
        dataSource = self  
// MARK: UIPageViewControllerDataSource
extension TutorialPageViewController: UIPageViewControllerDataSource {  
    func pageViewController[pageViewController: UIPageViewController,   
        viewControllerBeforeViewController viewController: UIViewController] -> UIViewController? {  
            return nil  
    func pageViewController[pageViewController: UIPageViewController,   
        viewControllerAfterViewController viewController: UIViewController] -> UIViewController? {  
            return nil  

Next, let’s add an array to reference the view controllers we want to page through. The view controllers will be shown in this order.

private[set] lazy var orderedViewControllers: [UIViewController] = {  
    return [self.newColoredViewController["Green"],  
private func newColoredViewController[color: String] -> UIViewController {  
    return UIStoryboard[name: "Main", bundle: nil] .  

Now, it’s time to load up the first view controller [green].

override func viewDidLoad[] {  
    dataSource = self  
    if let firstViewController = orderedViewControllers.first {  
            direction: .Forward,  
            animated: true,  
            completion: nil]  

Sweet, green is shown, but what about red and blue? Let’s go ahead and actually implement the

private[set] lazy var orderedViewControllers: [UIViewController] = {  
    return [self.newColoredViewController["Green"],  
private func newColoredViewController[color: String] -> UIViewController {  
    return UIStoryboard[name: "Main", bundle: nil] .  

8 methods to get swiping up and running.

func pageViewController[pageViewController: UIPageViewController,  
    viewControllerBeforeViewController viewController: UIViewController] -> UIViewController? {  
        guard let viewControllerIndex = orderedViewControllers.indexOf[viewController] else {  
            return nil  
        let previousIndex = viewControllerIndex - 1  
        guard previousIndex >= 0 else {  
            return nil  
        guard orderedViewControllers.count > previousIndex else {  
            return nil  
        return orderedViewControllers[previousIndex]  
func pageViewController[pageViewController: UIPageViewController,  
    viewControllerAfterViewController viewController: UIViewController] -> UIViewController? {  
        guard let viewControllerIndex = orderedViewControllers.indexOf[viewController] else {  
            return nil  
        let nextIndex = viewControllerIndex + 1  
        let orderedViewControllersCount = orderedViewControllers.count
        guard orderedViewControllersCount != nextIndex else {  
            return nil  
        guard orderedViewControllersCount > nextIndex else {  
            return nil  
        return orderedViewControllers[nextIndex]  

This gives us the following output:

This is great and all, but what if we wanted to loop the view controllers? Easy! Just convert the

private[set] lazy var orderedViewControllers: [UIViewController] = {  
    return [self.newColoredViewController["Green"],  
private func newColoredViewController[color: String] -> UIViewController {  
    return UIStoryboard[name: "Main", bundle: nil] .  

8 methods to the following:

func pageViewController[pageViewController: UIPageViewController,  
    viewControllerBeforeViewController viewController: UIViewController] -> UIViewController? {  
        guard let viewControllerIndex = orderedViewControllers.indexOf[viewController] else {  
            return nil  
        let previousIndex = viewControllerIndex - 1  
        // User is on the first view controller and swiped left to loop to  
        // the last view controller.  
        guard previousIndex >= 0 else {  
            return orderedViewControllers.last  
        guard orderedViewControllers.count > previousIndex else {  
            return nil  
        return orderedViewControllers[previousIndex]  
func pageViewController[pageViewController: UIPageViewController,  
    viewControllerAfterViewController viewController: UIViewController] -> UIViewController? {  
        guard let viewControllerIndex = orderedViewControllers.indexOf[viewController] else {  
            return nil  
        let nextIndex = viewControllerIndex + 1  
        let orderedViewControllersCount = orderedViewControllers.count  
        // User is on the last view controller and swiped right to loop to  
        // the first view controller.  
        guard orderedViewControllersCount != nextIndex else {  
            return orderedViewControllers.first  
        guard orderedViewControllersCount > nextIndex else {  
            return nil  
        return orderedViewControllers[nextIndex]  

Sweet, an infinite loop that we actually want!

But we’re making a tutorial. Let’s trash the page curl and replace it with a horizontal scroll. This can be done in the attributes inspector inside Main.storyboard. Be sure to click on the

override func viewDidLoad[] {  
    dataSource = self  
    if let firstViewController = orderedViewControllers.first {  
            direction: .Forward,  
            animated: true,  
            completion: nil]  

1 object since that’s what we’re editing.

There’s only one thing missing: the dots! Simply implement the following two

private[set] lazy var orderedViewControllers: [UIViewController] = {  
    return [self.newColoredViewController["Green"],  
private func newColoredViewController[color: String] -> UIViewController {  
    return UIStoryboard[name: "Main", bundle: nil] .  

8 methods inside our

override func viewDidLoad[] {  
    dataSource = self  
    if let firstViewController = orderedViewControllers.first {  
            direction: .Forward,  
            animated: true,  
            completion: nil]  

3 extension.

func presentationCountForPageViewController[pageViewController: UIPageViewController] -> Int {  
    return orderedViewControllers.count  
func presentationIndexForPageViewController[pageViewController: UIPageViewController] -> Int {  
    guard let firstViewController = viewControllers?.first,  
        firstViewControllerIndex = orderedViewControllers.indexOf[firstViewController] else {  
            return 0  
    return firstViewControllerIndex  

Build and run and you should be all set! And for the best part…the GitHub Download link!

Update: Be sure to check out my next post, where I explain How to Move Page Dots in a UIPageViewController.

What is Page View controller in iOS?

A container view controller that manages navigation between pages of content, where a child view controller manages each page. iOS 5.0+ iPadOS 5.0+ Mac Catalyst 13.1+ tvOS 9.0+ visionOS 1.0+ Beta.

How to use Page Control iOS?

iOS, iPadOS People interact with page controls by tapping or scrubbing [to scrub, people touch the control and drag left or right]. Tapping on the leading or trailing side of the current-page indicator reveals the next or previous page; in iPadOS, people can also use the pointer to target a specific indicator.

What is the difference between UICollectionView and UIPageViewController?

UIPageViewController: A container view controller often used for tutorial landing pages or feature lists. Most Apps use it. UICollectionView: An object that manages an ordered collection of data items presented in a customizable layouts.

What is the difference between navigation controller and view controller?

Navigation Controller consists of navigation bar and tool bar to move in and out from view controllers present in navigation stack. Therefore there can be many view controllers in Navigation Controller. In view controller we don't have this facility and it represents a single screen view.

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