Out of debt out of danger là gì

'Out of danger' nghĩa là thoát nạn, thoát khỏi cảnh/tình huống nguy hiểm/hiểm nghèo [[of a person who has suffered a serious injury or illness] not expected to die].

Ví dụ

Bullet-hit newborn is still not out of danger.

South Korea declared on Tuesday it is effectively out of danger from Middle East Respiratory Syndrome [Hội chứng hô hấp Trung Đông, MERS], more than two months after the first case was reported and began spreading in hospital settings to kill 36 people.

It’s so quick that should a toad [con cóc] set its eyes on a trap-jaw and fire its tongue, the ant can launch itself clear out of danger before the tongue can fully unravel out of the toad’s face.

The life of wounded Armenian contract serviceman Samvel Kharazyan is out of danger: Samvel Kharazyan, 39, a resident of Kurtan village of Armenia’s Lori province, was wounded when the Azerbaijani side opened fire at his frontline position near Barekamavan village in Tavush province on August 5.

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