Nutrition topics for college students

Dear Readers, In this blog post I am sharing a list of various examples of titles and topic ideas for research projects in both qualitative and quantitative approaches to nutrition thesis and dietetics.

Examples of nutrition and dietetics thesis topic ideas:

  1. Promotion of healthy eating and physical activity: a qualitative examination of obesity interventions based on the community of Corona.
  2. Promote health for family members with home-cooked meals: Evaluation of a social marketing program aimed at low-income mothers.
  3. Pilot nutrition and intervention plan to increase fruit and vegetable intake among older adults participate in the healthy grandfather program.
  4. Evaluation of Diabetes in self-management of the program for Hispanics in countries with few possibilities of public health policies.
  5. Nutrition intervention of the color plate: Using exposure interventions to increase the consumption of fruits and vegetables in the elderly.
  6. Comparison of rapid methods to determine body composition in university athletes and obese women.
  7. Provision of good nutrition in rural public schools.
  8. Evaluation of the composition of the pediatric cancer survivor diet as a need for nutrition.
  9. Stress perceived, caffeine consumption and an average of undergraduate students in a large public university.
  10. Associations between the consumption of fruits and vegetables among the biggest consumers and farmers in the market.
  11. Factors of food safety affect growth in young children in an indigenous community.
  12. Nutritional evaluation of preschool children in an urban community.
  13. The perceptions, knowledge, advantages, and obstacles of Hispanics with respect to dietary guidelines for Chileans.
  14. The effect of training and nutrition on the body composition of college football players.
  15. Consumption of fruit and vegetables of the Division I collegiate football and volleyball players pre and nutrient deregulation.
  16. Nursing habits and knowledge of college-age students.
  17. The role and impact of cooperative extension in diabetes education in self-care.
  18. Perceptions of students who eat organic food in relation to health, environment.
  19. The relationship between BMI and waist circumference, weight loss, health indicators.
  20. Link to home and neighborhood food environments regarding dietary intake among rural teens.
  21. Impact of the law of healthy children and without changes in the phytochemical content of school lunch menus and the implications of education based on the science of nutrition in the promotion of student identification of food rich in phytochemicals.
  22. Explore the relationship between emotional brain formation, stress, depression, food addiction, and weight.
  23. Study abroad opportunities for students of human and dietetic nutrition: Expectations, benefits, and barriers.
  24. Factors in the initiation of breastfeeding.
  25. Promote healthy, homemade food: formative research for a healthy eating program.
  26. Farmers and their shopping behaviors and the Association of fruit and vegetable intake.
  27. Examine the reasons for low fidelity to educational programs in patients with gestational diabetes: a qualitative study.
  28. The effect of a nutrition education program on the performance of knowledge of nutrition, diet, body composition and perceived sport among athletes.
  29. Cortisol, physical activity and weight loss in a randomized clinical trial.
  30. Exploring new approaches to maintaining weight loss: Eat intuitive and emotional.
  31. Habits of food purchases and association with diet.
  32. Disorders of eating habits and behaviors among university athletes.
  33. Entrepreneurship: Perceptions of Chiles growers and benefits of barriers.
  34. The overall quality of the diet of university athletes.
  35. Practical management of adult low-income adults food and feeding behaviors and the association with diet.
  36. Celiac disease: a gluten-free diet and the quality of the diet.
  37. Optimal feeding program for future elite athletes.
  38. Evaluation of the corporal composition of university athletes.
  39. AN analysis of the influence of nutrition information on menu options of the consumers restaurant.
  40. Cross-cultural Comparison of perceptions about school feeding programs.
  41. Obesity related to perceptions and practices among educators in food and nutrition-
  42. Perception and use of electronic media streaming video in nutrition education for individuals.
  43. Knowing the nutrition of consumers and health professionals and the use of calories from the labeling menu.
  44. Knowledge, attitudes and beliefs regarding whole grains.
  45. Conditions chronic health of people in public housing.
  46. Practice and application of knowledge by nutrition students.
  47. Evaluation of the natural antimicrobial phenolic compounds against food pathogens.
  48. Trends of breast cancer among women in Chile.
  49. The healthy Monday campaign: On health in elementary schools.
  50. Evaluate the perception of environmental contaminants, health and nutrition behavior to improve risk communications.
  51. THE association between emotional intelligence, body mass index and eating behavior among university students.
  52. The characterization and calculation of the quality of the diet of a low-income population in Chile.
  53. Vegetarians and VEGAN in UK.
  54. Impact of a week 16 behavior-weight loss program changes physical activity and diet.
  55. Relationship between cigarette consumption and weight loss.
  56. Examine the relationship between quality of weight, food insecurity, food stamps and perceived diet in children of school age.
  57. Use and perceptions of nutritional screening tools for the elderly.
  58. The prevalence of nutritional problems in L.A women living in affordable housing.
  59. Intake of nutrients and medications of children with neuro-developmental disorders.
  60. The effectiveness of school welfare policies.
  61. A descriptive study of diet and physical activity practices of overweight and obese students of the University enrolled in a weight loss program.
  62. Challenges and opportunities for rural nutrition education programs in communities of corona.
  63. Parental Perception of the nutritional status of children with autism.
  64. Comparing the nutritional intake of home school children and public school children: A comparison study.
  65. Regional differences and associations with factors related to obesity in overweight and obese Americans.
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