Lined up nghĩa là gì

Sắp chữ. Photo courtesy The Cookiemonster.

'Line up' có từ line là hàng, lối; vì thế cụm từ này có nghĩa là xếp hàng, sơ đồ thi đấu [cầu thủbóng đá]; ngoài ra còn có nghĩa khác là tổ chức, thực hiện, chuẩn bị sẵn sàng [to organize or make ready].

Ví dụ
Thousands line up for Google's 'Super Bowl of Android'.

Texans line up to rescue animals from flooded shelters.

France say no to Sir Clive Woodward as Les Bleus line up Toulouse coach Guy Noves.

With mortgages [khoản vay mua nhà]defaulting [viước]in record numbers, the firm was facing cash calls [rút tiền mặt]for at least $85 billion that it did not have. If the company didnt come up with the money immediately, it would not only fail, it would bring down major financial institutions [tổ chức tài chính]and international investors with it. The New York Fed had tried to line up a private-sector solution. But no bank could raise the kind of money AIG needed in such little time.

Phạm Hạnh

Bài trước: "Rat out" nghĩa là gì?

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