fangirl là gì - Nghĩa của từ fangirl

fangirl có nghĩa là

A rabid breed of human female who is obesessed with either a fictional character or an actor. Similar to the breed of fanboy. Fangirls congregate at anime conventions and livejournal. Have been known to glomp, grope, and tackle when encountering said obesessions.


Hugh Jackman: 'ello.
Fangirl: SQUEEEEEE! *immediately attaches to Jackman's leg*
Jackman: Security!

fangirl có nghĩa là

A female who has overstepped the line between healthy fandom and indecent obsession


Fan: Hakkai from Saiyuki is really cool, he's smart and nice and hey, he's pretty cute.
Fangirl: Lyke OMG!!!11!one! Hakkai iz so lke totly my huzbend!
Fan: You DO realize he is a two dimensional image on your television screen right?
Fangirl: NOOO!! He'z reel and he iz al myne!

fangirl có nghĩa là

fangirl, n.
1. (derogatory) a female fan, obsessed with something (or someone) to a frightening or sickening degree. Often considered ditzy, annoying and shallow.
2. (playful, good-natured) less extreme, a female fan who can laugh at their own passion for their particular interest (or even obsession).


1. Fangirl: OMG!!!1! i luv {insert celebrity's name} to!!!!!!!!! hes got a hot ass! ive spent teh last 6 munths planin our weding!!

2. Fangirl 1: Haha, I've been spending too much time with my Doctor Who merchandise. Ooh, look at that lovely picture of David Tennant! *glomp* Hee hee, I'm such a fangirl!
Fangirl 2: *manic grin* I'm a bit of a Doctor Who fangirl myself! Yeah, that is a nice pic, but I've got my eyes in other places... *ogles pic. of Peter Davison* ;)
Fangirl 1: LOL, mind if I join you? ;)

(David Tennant and Peter Davison are actors who have held the leading role in Doctor Who.)

fangirl có nghĩa là

A teenage girl who is kind of obsessed with a band, footballer, singer, actor etc. They are perfectly normal girls , dont look fat or ugly and most of them are cool people. There are a few who are completely crazy and scarily obsessed but most of us are just normal people who enjoy talking about hot guys and reading fanfics about them. Yes, we use words such as glomp and squee alot and maybe we slightly overuse punctuation sometimes but its fun! And we cant help it - if you fangirl over something its actually an emotion. You just literally cant help it.


Normal Fangirl 1: OMG!!! *hyperventilates* That is officially the hottest picture ever. Guh. ♥ Spanish footballers are ♥
Normal Fangirl 2: *also hyperventilates* Agreed, that is definately THE hottest picture ever. apart from maybe the Stevie/Xabi kiss XD And yeah, spanish guys are gorgeous.

Crazy Obsessed Fangirl: OMG!! Thats my husband!!! I married him last week and I love him so much and I would die without him!!! OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Normal Fangirl: Okay... But yeah he is really hot =
Crazy Obsessed Fangirl: OMG you Bitch!!! Hands off my husband!!!! Im gonna come and murder you if you ever talk about him again!!!!!! Evil Bitch!!!!!!!! I know hes hot thats why I married him!!!!!! Now fuck off and leave me alone with my husband!!!!!

fangirl có nghĩa là

1. A fan of something (female) who is obsessed with the said subject to a certain degree (normally unhealthy).

2. A general term for a female fan of something.

A fangirl is a (female) fan of a character from a movie, anime, video game, etc. or a real life actor or singer. Usually they have an obsession with their "idol" and do various activities to show their love for the said idol. Such activities include ranting about them, making shrines or fanlistings, creating graphics (wallpapers, layouts, etc) that feature the "idol", writing fanfics and making fanart. Some also make plushies or collect posters and other merchandise of their beloved idol.

Usually, members of this label are seen as 1) insane; 2) idiotic; or 3) scary.

However, not all fangirls are like this. Quite a few of them are just an average fan of something, and just call themselves such. But, there are three types of commonly seen fangirls:


This fangirl is the least likely to cause chaos or mayhem, insult or annoy someone else who is not a fangirl (or boy, if they happen to be male). They admit that they have a slight obsession for something/one, and are mature about it. While they might use smilies (XD, XP, ^_^) and occasionally rant, they try not to go overboard about it.


This fangirl is the most commonly seen fangirl across the Internet, and are generally harmless. They are prone to making shrines, annoying people with their "fantasies" of meeting or marrying their idol, bad grammar, and just being immature about the object of their obsession/affection. Many of these also write fanfics, causing such places as to be cluttered with stories that could use a good editing and rewriting all together. Another common trait about them is their tendency to rant, be easily insulted, and excessively "glomp", squeal and use chat speak in places where it is not appropriate.


This fangirl is above the previous fangirl, and has thus let her obsession go beyond healthy levels. They tend to rant a lot more than other fangirls, and are more easily to insult or anger if you tell them that their "idol" is just a two-dimensional character, or someone whom they will most likely never meet. Their fantasies go beyond the fantasies of the "average" fangirl, along with all of their other tendencies. These are the fangirls most dislike and tend to stay away from due to their ability to easily annoy others, and their high levels of immaturity.


Below Average Fangirl: "I like Jack Sparrow a lot - he is just such a cool character! Look at the wallpaper I made featuring a picture of him! What do you think? :D"

Average Fangirl: "I <3 2 Jack Sparrow! *glomps him* He's so awesome! OMG, you all should like him too! XD" Above Average Fangirl: "I luv Sparrow sooooo much! We r going get married! I LUV HIM SOOOO MUCH! Stay away! He is mine!"< div>

fangirl có nghĩa là

A girl whom has a intense interest or obsession with a certain person, or character, whether in fiction or reality.

It can be a 'epidemic' victimizing those of ALL ages. And often cannot be helped..

This can go from mild fangirl tendency of knowing their profile, joining fansites/news sites, having pictures and watching/reading/listening to everything by themm

to the extremes of overpossessiveness and jealousy of their chosen fangirling whom may have a outside life (aka a girlfriend etc)Also these fans can become so interested by their celebrities as to stalk them in reality or bash other celebrities around their 'chosen one'...
though by the time stalking becomes a common time..the fineline between a fangirl and a stalker is crossed..

this is not a derogatory term...there are many obsessions/hobbies all over the world. Fangirling is just any other interesting out there..

And contrary to popular belief, fangirls do have lives outside of their celebrity interest *rolls eyes*


Normal Fangirling
= files of music/pictures/shows/books from the person of interest on their computer or in their room
=keeping up with the latest news on their celebrity interest
= being aware of their obsessive nature

Extreme Fangirling
= Kame and the Yarakashi incident (google)
= "No you can't like him he is mine!!"

fangirl có nghĩa là

A term that can apply to a wide variety of things.

1. The Stereotype
Stereotyped fangirls are, as the name suggests, a caricature of a fangirl's main traits; these being a complete and total obsession with their fandom. They tend to rant on forums, draw really bad fanart and drool over online fanfiction describe messy slash rapage. And Mpreg. *shudders*

2. By Far More Realistic Fangirl.
These fangirls are not quite as disturbingly devoted to their obsessions. Sure, they will write and read fanfiction and discuss characters on forums, but they understand the utter futility of declaring that Riku, or Cloud Strife, Orlando Bloom or who the hell is their fandom is THEIRS for eternity, and they will disembowel you with their katana if you touch their pixelated lovers.
Normal fangirls also don't stalk. Because stalking is bad and an easy way to get arrested.



2. Did you see Johnny Depp in the new Pirates movie? He was hotter than usual...Shame about the fangirls. *watches as a stereotyped fangirl glomps a cardboard cutout of johnny depp*

fangirl có nghĩa là

A Fangirl is a female who obsesses over some form of media. It could be Musical artists, Actors, presenters, people, Anime, Manga.

Most fangirls are normal girls who just really enjoy what their fandom over. Most of them are mature about their fandom and respect others opinions.

They may write fanfiction or draw fanart but not necessarily all of it is automatically bad. Some may like Gay, Lesbian, Shonen-ai, Shoujo-ai, Yaoi, Yuri and so on but not all do.

Even though many of the fangirls are normal people there are a few idiots who have to ruin the image of our fangirlism and give us fangirls a bad name.

The normal fangirls call this other species of fangirl the N00bfangirl.

These fangirls are the ones that have an unhealthy obsession over their fandom (such as claims on that character, death threats, marriage claims, I'm going to have their babies) and therefore ruin the image of fangirls.


The Generic fangirl (myself): Hey did you see that cool picture of Xigbar and Demyx?

Generic Fangirl 2: Oh yeah! It was very sexy! I mean those guys look so fine! I can't wait till the third lot of Kingdom hearts games come out! I mean the gameplay in the second was awesome!

Generic Fangirl 1: Agreed! They are very sexy.



fangirl có nghĩa là

A girl who uselly is about 10-18, who obsesses over something. Normally, it's a celebrity, band, or anime charecter. There are three stages of fangirl. Stage 1: Normal
Normal fangirls are the sanest of the fangirls. They tend to like things because of the quality of the music, animation, and so on.When it's anime, they watch it because they like the story. When it's music, they listen to it, because they love the music Stage 2: Slightly obsessive
These fangirls are quite tolarable, because they arn't completly obsessed. When it's anime, they tend to like the story, but they also think one of the characters is hot. When it's music, they tend to know about an album of songs, but they may like it, because the singers hot. Stage 3: Absolutly crazy
These fangirls are pretty annoying if you know one.
They tend to lurk around anime conventions and they leap out on somebody who is dressed as their favorite charecter.
When it comes to music, they probably don't know more then one song of the band, because they just think one of the members is hot, and they tend to believe that they are gonna marry them someday.


Normal fangirl:"I love the band My Chemical Romance. Their music is just amazing and really inspiring" Slightly obsessive:"I love the band My Chemical Romance. Their music is awesome, and Gerard Way is so hot :)" Crazy fangirl: "I LOVE THE BAND MY CHEMICAL ROMANCE!!! GERARD WAY IS SO HAWT!!!! I KNOW I'M GONNA MARRY HIM ONE DAY!"

fangirl có nghĩa là

Known to be the deadliest breed of humans. During summer time they are known to become nocturnal. They spend their time on tumblr reblogging, shipping, promo-ing. ect. They survive mostly off of pizza, nutella, and pictures of hot boys. Fangirls are very rare to see out in the daylight.


"Kiera is such a fangirl over One Direction!"