Essay topics Reddit

I have been continuously trying to write something. Nothing. Nothing feels good enough to pem down. I've read sample, watched videos. Nothing worked for me. Please help how you got motivation or an idea.

Hello everyone, I am a writer from Nigeria and I just created my Reddit account today. I am looking for a community of writers to talk to, share ideas with, and grow together. I write essays on whatever catches my fancy. Most of my essays are about ideas at the intersection of writing, creativity, technology, philosophy, football, business, and culture.

This quarantine got me doing anything to kill the boredom so give me some wack essay topics for me to write about. Argumentative essay which can be done at a high school level.

Persuasive essay topics 2021 from Essays

I was thinking about doing the US government should continue to research global warming and solutions.

However, one bullet point of the assignment is this "*AVOID clichéd English Composition topics like drug legalization, legal drinking age, childhood obesity, steroids, abortion, gun control, school uniforms, etc. You should choose something much more original and interesting. Propose something that would better the world, but it doesn’t have to be global in scale."

I felt that topic was Cliche, but what topics do you guys suggest I look into? I need at least 5 sources.

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In the academic vocation, understudies are bound to write a few argumentative essays. Writing an argumentative essay isn't a lot troublesome. In any case, tracking down a proper topic for an argumentative essay is regularly tricky for an essay writer. At the point when I was an understudy, I used to go through hours looking for a specific and noteworthy topic for my essay.

However, you do not have to stress over this as you have come to the opportune spot. We will give some significant argumentative essay topics that will help you to develop a particular essay.

How about we examine these moving argumentative essay topics;

Who ought to direct early termination issues?

For what reason are humans so inhumane?

For what reason cannot humans treat animals as equivalents?

PCs cannot make us more brilliant

Human mortality isn't associated with innovation

Men are wiser than women

South Asia is bound to start another universal conflict

Labor ought to be restricted to control overpopulation

We are not prepared to contact outsiders

There is no sex imbalance on the planet

The US isn't advancing sex imbalance

Kid's mentality is influenced by same-sex nurturing

Same-sex marriage is consistently a decent choice

Same-sex marriage can help accomplices to accomplish internal harmony

The government ought to forbid promoting by youngsters

Genuine correspondence is obliterated by web-based media

Education helps understudies to prepare for proficient life

Religions carry all the greater to a local area

Individuals cannot remain content with long haul connections

The creation of the cotton gin is a progressive point

Prussia prevailing with regards to making Germany a solitary country

The disintegration of British principle in sub-landmass end up being powerful

Indicting a youngster ought not to be sanctioned

The laws in regards to the assortment of metadata should be changed

Fourteenth ought not to be changed

Security issues ought to be considered by the government

Man-made consciousness is calamitous for the world

The unemployment rate is expanding because of computerized reasoning

The government should cancel citizenship by birth

Supreme Court's force ought to be monitored

Owing guns ought to be restricted

The government should make rules in regards to guns possession

Judges are qualified to settle on choices that are agreeable to the general public

Nobody has the internal ability, everybody put in an incredible effort

Kids ought to confine their time via online media as it can thwart their innovative abilities

Blood and gore films ought to be banned

Watching a TV arrangement is totally an exercise in futility

Compositions with nakedness ought not to be edited

Electronic reading material is not successful

Schools should monitor the exercises of instructors

The conduct of understudies can be controlled through appropriate oversight

Comprehensive education is superior to different frameworks

Motion pictures with historical occasions are very little precise

One ought not compensation for his/her music

The lowest pay permitted by law ought to be raised

Strict oppression exists in the public arena

Minorities ought to be given positions, for example, cops

The European education framework is more viable

US education should have to think about comprehensive education

Non-public school educational cost ought to be brought down

Wages ought to be given on performance as opposed to encounter

Movement ought to be smoothed out

Environmental change is human-instigated

Consuming fossils fuel is the significant issue

Tectonic movement can be exceptionally disastrous for some locales

Deforestation is expanding an Earth-wide temperature boost

Environmental change brings about ocean fermentation

Sustainable power is our solitary choice for a superior future

Is rivalry great?

Is style truly important

Religion isn't the reason for war

Nobody should buy a lottery ticket

We are too subject to innovation

Every English lesson American eighth-graders begin with a warm-up – they write an essay. This develops critical thinking and presentation techniques. In this article, you can choose from over 60 exciting topics.

Foreign language exams are distinguished by a large volume of work and a variety of essay writing tasks. The candidates must prove complete proficiency in speech, and this includes several factors: reading, translation, listening comprehension, pronunciation, and writing. We will talk about the last point today since it causes the most significant difficulties for students.

In the article, we will talk about the content of the texts and analyze in detail the topics for the essay in English in the exam. Such preliminary work will provide an opportunity to understand the format of the written part of the exam, teach you how to draw up a text plan quickly, and help you gain confidence in your abilities before the exam. So join the reading!

Always choose the topic that interests you the most since it will be challenging to write an essay on a topic that you do not like and hardly get something good. Most essay writing websites agree that after choosing a topic, you need to search for information yourself for inspiration and write an essay yourself. Let’s understand the structure of this writing assignment:

Introduction. With an introductory paragraph, you give the proper context to highlight your position. Also, here you should provide the reader with a quick reference. In the introduction, you set out those basic thoughts that help you understand your point of view.

The introduction should end with the central thesis, which will sound your statement [the idea for which you are writing an essay] and the reasons for your position on this issue.

Argumentation of the position and things to argue about. All the facts provided in this section should strengthen your position. This is the core of your essay. Typically, you start with a general statement, which you then back up with essential details and powerful examples. Depending on the length of your arguments, there will be one or two paragraphs in this part, which should clearly state the reasons for your position and the evidence for them.

Objections expected. An indication of common objections to your submission indicates that you have worked through the topic thoroughly and are familiar with different points of view. Having this type of information will only make your work stronger! Typically, this paragraph comes just before the conclusion.

Conclusion. In conclusion, the essay should come to a logical conclusion. Try to show the reader the issue under discussion in a broader context. Also, in conclusion, you need to reiterate why this problem is essential.

Don’t make up facts. Fictional statistics and facts will not fool readers. Do not try to come up with some information just because you lack in-depth knowledge of the topic.

Don’t be overly emotional. A deductive essay is not a page from a diary, not a review of a film or a personal letter. It is not about your feelings! There is no need to write such an essay in the spirit of praise or complaint. You can always buy argumentative essay from us if you don’t feel like doing a particular task yourself.

Essays of this type are one of the most common types of written work. Such essays are written at school in preparation for exams, at the institute, and in language exams. For example, when taking TOFEL, you must write a text that will reflect your opinion on a given topic. Let’s take a look at the example argumentative essay topics

How the attitude towards nature has changed during the pandemic.

How the format of distance learning has changed.

Pros and cons in the issue of distance learning and work.

Global changes during a pandemic.

How art and culture changed the format of sales, exhibitions, and events.

Political relationships against the backdrop of a pandemic.

How human values have changed during the pandemic.

How the tourism industry has changed during the pandemic.

How the sphere of sports has changed during the pandemic.

How the sphere of sales and international business relations has changed.

Husbands and wives.

Problems of youth.

A burning problem of our time.

The relationship between parents and children.

Fathers and children.

Friendship in our lives.

Friendship is the joy of life.

Secrets of gestures and body language.

What body language hides.

Questions of religion in the life of a teenager.

If you had the opportunity to eradicate either crime or environmental pollution, what would you choose and why?

Imagine that you have become invisible for a day. Describe this day. Do you think this will be fun, or will you create more problems? Explain.

Imagine that you won a shopping spree [a short moment when you can borrow everything for free] for 5 minutes in any store of your choice and you can take whatever you want. Which store will you choose and what will be your shopping strategy?

What do you think is more important: freedom of speech, right to a fair trial, or right of privacy? Explain.

If you were lucky enough to travel with any explorer in the world, who would it be and why?

Do you think it is worthwhile for scientists to test drugs on animals to combat human diseases such as cancer?

Write down why keeping promises is essential.

At the request of the post office, you have to choose the hero of the new stamp. Who could it be and why?

Do you believe that people are naturally more good or bad? Explain.

What reward [real or imaginary] would you most like to receive in your life?

Unrequited love in the world famous books.

Correct upbringing of children and adolescents.

Patriotism in the United States.

Choosing a future profession.

The role of art and culture in the life of every person.

US culture in the 21st century.

What a man is capable of for the sake of love.

Does love always make a person happy?

Spiritual and mental strength.

The role of the family in the United States in the 21st century.

How to spend your free time competently.

Time management skills in the life of every student.

Is it impossible or possible to live in society and be free from society?

Dream and reality. How to achieve balance?

Money should be managed, not served. What should every student prepare for after graduation?

Social networking pros and cons.

Only a healthy nation has a future. Example of the USA.

Time is the best test for fidelity.

Terrorism is a problem of the 21st century. An example at the Gemini Towers and the September 11 terrorist attack.

The power of money in the modern world.

American character in literature [the character of the American person].

The Internet is an integral part of our life. How the internet has affected people.

The Internet is the most important innovation of the late 20th century. History of origin.

Teens, parents, and the Internet. How can you restrict children from the unhealthy amount of the Internet?

About the manifestation of the moral principle in history, in life, in fate.

A teacher in every child’s life. How to find teachers for yourself in adulthood.

Life in the depths of space. Does alien life exist?

Modern society: progress or degradation

The impact of modern technology on our lives

The phenomenon of cloning. The era of computers has already arrived.

Well, you have a work plan and a list of tasks. Now it’s time to practice. In conclusion, we just note that, regardless of the topic, essays and essays in English are written in the official style and contain about 200-250 words. Be sure to adhere to these criteria when doing the work. Otherwise, even a flawless text will receive an underestimate.

As you can see, there are many interesting topics for writing essays, but is there always enough time and opportunity for a busy student to write an essay. Not always. There is an exit!

You can choose a topic and order an argumentative essay from the professionals of our service.

After completing the application, you will quickly receive help and will be able to free up time for essential activities!

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