Smash Bros Ultimate tier list smashboards

Super Smash Bros Ultimate features a growing roster of more than 80 fighters in the game. The DLCs are expanding the character roster, and as a result, new fighters are being added every year since 2018. The growing library of characters is the reason for diversity in playstyle, gameplay value, and overall game appeal. Moreover, not all fighters play out the same, and that is why we have curated a Smash Ultimate tier list to categorize the fighters based on their performance in the game.

The five tiers we choose to categorize the game’s vast character pool are based on how we think each character fits into a respective tier. We spent a reasonable amount of time with each fighter, and this tier ranking reflects a blend of our perception and experience about each character. When it comes to ranking Super Smash Bros Ultimate fighters, we understand that everyone’s viewpoint differs. That is why the tier ranking we’ve put up is entirely based on our taste and experience and is not up for discussion or criticism.

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All the fighters belonging to the S-ranking Smash tier list are the absolute best in the game. Their learning curve is not difficult and is easy to master as well. Winning matches online and offline is not challenging while playing with these fighters in Super Smash Bros Ultimate.

Super Smash Bros Ultimate S-Tier List


Joker is by far the best character in Super Smash Bros Ultimate. His fighting style heavily relies on combos, and he has great mobility on the ground and reasonable aerial control. Moreover, his combos are given an advantage by Arsene, which effectively increases Joker’s overall damage.


Pikachu is another excellent fighter in the game. The most significant attribute about this fighter is that his hitbox is considerably small compared to other fighters falling in the same category. Pikachu is not easy to hit. Moreover, he has the best aerial recovery, giving him a more significant advantage to come back. Other than that, Pikachu has got fast ground speed, and his thunder jolt projectile is a pretty useful attack.


Palutenia is an excellent fighter for a zoning playstyle. It is because she has got fast air and dash speed. Moreover, Palutenia has also got fast aerial attacks with less landing lag, giving her more time to get out of invulnerable spots. Most of her attacks have great range and are very powerful.

Zero Suit Samus

Zero Suit Samus is one of the fighters who possess excellent mobility in the Super Smash Bros Ultimate. Not only has she got a fast dash on the ground, but Zero Suit Samus has also got a fantastic aerial game as well. She can mix up her combos and have multiple KO setups. Her down smash and paralyzer are powerful and can stun/paralyze opponents, giving enough time to land more combos.

Peach [Daisy]

Even though Peach has a slow fall and airspeed, she makes up for it in the combos and recovery department. Not only does she have a good set of combos on the ground, but Peach can also execute and mix-up aerial combos. Her horizontal recovery and the ability to float sometimes become a life saver.


Wolf is another excellent fighter in the S-rank Smash Ultimate tier list. His blasters are one of the many reasons he is an ideal pick in the game. Wolf’s blasters fire a laser that has a long duration and lands a powerful attack. His blasters also deal a good amount of hit stun damage and can knock back opponents pretty quickly. Other than that, Wolf’s air game is by far the best in Super Smash Bros Ultimate.


Mario is a very well-balanced fighter in the game when it comes to switching between offensive or defensive strategies on the fly in a fight. He is an excellent close combat fighter. Because of the fast frame data associated with Mario, most of his moves end quickly are also fast enough while startup. Moreover, he is the perfect fighter to learn and master the game for beginners and professionals.


Snake is better suited for a zoning and camping playstyle in Super Smash Bros Ultimate. His jab, hand grenade, back aerial, down aerial, down smash, and many other movesets have very fast startups. Other than that, Snake has also got a very powerful knockback and many options to KO an opponent. Moreover, taking him out is not as easy as the fighter has high survivability due to the heavyweight.

Pyra & Mythra

Pyra and Mythra are two in one fighter who have the same standard attacks. However, their overall damage output, specials, and how they play out in specific scenarios are entirely different. Pyra is a heavy hitter fighter whose basic to advanced attacks are powerful, but they slow the fighter down. On the other hand, Mythra is an agile fighter with versatile combo moves to confuse opponents. 

Pokémon Trainer

Pokemon Trainer is another excellent pick when it comes to confusing opponents by dealing unpredictable moves. This is one of the many advantages the fighter has in Super Smash Bros Ultimate. The ability of the Pokemon trainer to switch Pokemon on the fly makes the fighter highly unpredictable. Hence most of the time, the opponent will not know whether to attack or defend and will most likely use a shield. Also, the Pokemon change can be made while mid-air, making the overall combat of the fighter highly dynamic in nature.

Mr. Game & Watch

The most significant advantage Mr. Game & Watch in Super Smash Bros Ultimate has is that he has the lowest crouch in the game, allowing the fighter to dodge most of the incoming attacks. Mr. Game & Watch’s most of the smash attacks pack a heavy punch, and he has some of the powerful KO options to execute while fighting a one-versus-one fight.


Lucina is another excellent fighter with incredible mobility, disjointed reach, and gives an opponent good pressure. One of the many good things about this fighter is that her disjointed reach allows her to disrupt an enemy’s attacks and launch attacks quickly. Lucina’s Dancing Blade move offers a great source of damage dealing and combo starter. Other than that, her Dolphin Slash acts as an out of shield option, which is also great to surprise the enemy.


Besides Joker, R.O.B is probably the only fighter in our S-ranking of smash tier list who is the best at horizontal and vertical recovery. Since R.O.B has a very high weight by design in the game, giving the robot extra recovery makes it a great fighter in the game. Other than that, R.O.B can use its Arm Rotor as a reflector as well, just in case the shield is depleted. The robot also comes with two projectile-based attacks that are an excellent choice for zoning playstyle.


Shulk is the master of attacking opponents from a distance thanks to Monado’s energy blade extending ability. He has a very high weight which makes launching him into the air by opponents a challenging task. Besides that, using the Monado Arts, Shulk can amplify his overall performance and come out of difficult situations.


Like Shulk, Wario is also a heavy-weight fighter in Super Smash Bros Ultimate. As a result, launching him into the air is not that easy. Due to his very high weight, Wario has good survivability as he is not that easy to knockback. Other than that, Wario has excellent air acceleration and a good movement speed. The Wario Waft is an extraordinary KO move of Wario that makes him an overpowered fighter in certain situations.

Min Min

Min Min is great at doing ranged attacks using her ARM attacks. She has a tether grab which can be used using both ARMS. However, Min Min does not have a decent range at this attack type. She is a decent fighter, especially in the current meta, which brought a few changes and made her a great fighter in Super Smash Bros Ultimate.


Sephiroth, from Final Fantasy VII, uses his iconic sword called Masamune, which is the longest blade in the game. He is also the lightest fighter in the game, which makes him launching into the air much easier than other fighters. However, during his winged form, Sephiroth gains super armor and a third mid-air jump, compensating for being a less-recoverable fighter in Super Smash Bros Ultimate.


For a swordfighter, Roy is an excellent pick in Super Smash Bros Ultimate. His close combat game is strong as his combos are powerful the close he is to an opponent. Moreover, Roy’s counterattack is also a very powerful move that can deal good damage. His down aerial can meteor smash an opponent, essentially knocking them back.


Pac-Man is another great fighter in our S-ranking of tier list. When it comes to mixing playstyle between rushdown and zoner, this fighter is a perfect fit for it. Moreover, he has multiple recovery methods to get back to the stage. Pac-Man is a pretty agile fighter on the ground as well as aerial.

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The A-tier fighters are very close to the S-tier ones. However, they have at least one or two flaws, so they are not the absolute best in the game. Regardless of it, dominating fights online and offline is relatively easy with A-tier fighters.

Super Smash Bros Ultimate A-Tier List


Sonic has the fastest dash speed in Super Smash Bros Ultimate. Most of his fighting style involves basic moves to advanced combos on the ground and aerial attacks; he also has good tilt attacks, ground, and aerials. Sonic’s down aerial can land a meteor smash attack on an enemy. His Spin Charge and Spin Dash are the best special moves most players use while zoning opponents.


Fox is another excellent pick when it comes to combo versatility, amazing horizontal and vertical recovery, and getting in and out of combat. His attacks are very fast in Super Smash Bros Ultimate, and Fox has one of the most potent Up Smash attacks. He has a rapid-firing blaster to deal ranged damage on an opponent, making him a great fighter at close combat and at range as well.


Chrom is a great swordfighter in the game as he has a good combo game and high agility on the ground and aerial. His counterattack allows the fighter to retaliate. Moreover, when it comes to pressuring an enemy, Chrom’s aerial attacks are the go-to movesets. The greatest strength of the fighter is the powerful attacks, basic and advanced. However, Chrom is strictly a close combat fighter, so he may not be a great fit for players who look for a ranged fighter.


Inkling is another great fighter in the A-ranking Smash Ultimate Best characters. She can buff her damage whenever she inks an opponent and later deals extra damage. Inkling also uses the ink to slow the opponent’s movement as she sprays the ground with ink. However, she does not consumes ink whenever she super jumps. The only drawback related to Inkling is that she needs to regenerate ink which takes time and is not a sound strategy fighting brawling one-versus-one with an opponent.

Young Link

Young Link is slightly better than Link in terms of smaller hitbox and a great tether. His arrows, while striking an enemy, deal fire damage. Other than that, Young Link’s bombs detonate automatically. His down aerial attack can also meteor smash an enemy. The only problem with Young Link is that he does not land a great knockback attack range on an enemy. It makes doing KO a tad bit difficult while playing with Young Link.

Diddy Kong

Diddy Kong is another good fighter in Super Smash Bros Ultimate. Most of his attacks have a decent range and can maintain a distance while attacking the opponent. Diddy Kong can juggle and land good combos in the air, making him an excellent choice for aerial fighter playstyle. By using his Rocketbarrel Boost, the fighter can recover by projecting himself in a particular trajectory.


One of the many strengths of Cloud is that he can double jump and achieve a greater height than most fighters in the game. His Special and Smash attacks are powerful and can KO an opponent during the mid-game if used properly. Cloud is amazing in close combat. However, the Buster Sword allows the fighter to deal a ranged attack as well. The only downside is that he gets a bad recovery if his limit is not active while fighting an opponent.


Ness is an excellent pick for the players who want to pressure opponents consistently. It is because he has a good combo and ranged attacks game. The best part about the fighter is that his grab attack can KO an opponent at low percentages. Since Ness is a small-sized fighter, he has a small hitbox. His aerial game is more substantial than the ground one.


Greninja has excellent agility on the ground as well as in the air. If used right, he can confuse enemies using his swift movement speed and combo mix-ups. Another significant aspect of Greninja is that he has got the best recovery in Super Smash Bros Ultimate. Using his Hydro Pump, he covers the vertical distance and the horizontal distance via Shadow Sneak. Other than that, Greninja has also got great edge-guarding.


Olimar uses five different kinds of Pikmin to confuse opponents. He has a good grab range and can build up percentage quickly by mixing Pikmin and grab-based attacks. Pikim attacks also act as ranged damage since Olimar does not have to be near an opponent to land the damage directly. Other than that, the fighter also has a good recovery, making him overall a better fighter.


Terry is a heavyweight fighter in the A-rank Smash Ultimate tier list. Due to his high weight, he is not easy to launch in the air for aerial combos. Also, Terry has good survivability because of his high weight. Moreover, his projectiles are powerful enough to pressure an opponent into getting close. The only downside is that Terry must be over 100% percent to use his Super Specials.


Steve is a DLC fighter in Super Smash Bros Ultimate. Overall, he is a decent close combat fighter and does not do much-ranged damage. Just like in Minecraft, Steve can craft and gather materials in Super Smash Bros Ultimate as well. Although, the availability of resources is dependant on the type of stage as well. This puts the fighter at a severe disadvantage in a location with only one gatherable resource.

Mega Man

Mega Man in Super Smash Bros Ultimate relies heavily on projectile-based attacks. For this reason alone, he is an excellent pick when it comes to zoning opponents. Since he is a small-sized fighter, he has got a small hitbox. Mega Man can also mix up a variety of multi and single-hit attacks.


Yoshi’s fighting style revolves around landing combo attacks on the opponent. He is a very agile fighter in the air and on the ground both. Most Super Smash Bros Ultimate fighters have meteor smash on down smash; Yoshi has it on forward aerial. Despite all the advantages, the fighter does not have good vertical recovery.

Captain Falcon

Captain Falcon is yet another great fighter in the A-rank tier list. He has an excellent running speed which can be used at an advantage to confuse the opponent. Most of Captain Falcon’s attacks have minimal ending and landing lag while executing aerial-based attacks. He also has versatile KO moves, which can be executed during mid-percentage


Pichu is the small-sized fighter in Super Smash Bros Ultimate. Due to his low height, he can avoid most of the incoming attacks pretty quickly. Pichu also has a small hit box, which makes hitting the fighter tad more difficult than the heavy ones. His small size also comes with a few disadvantages; he is easy to KO and has little endurance.


Ken is an excellent close combat fighter in Super Smash Bros Ultimate. He has got above-average agility which is decent for a melee combat-focused fighter. His Heavy Shoryuken is an excellent kill option while fighting in a one-versus-one scenario. The only downside with Ken is that his recovery is predictable, which most opponents can exploit.


Link uses a variety of close combat to range-based attacks, making him a versatile fighter in our A-rank Smash tier list. He is also a heavy-weight fighter which is good for increased survivability. Link’s attacks are pretty much balanced, and they pressure an opponent to maintain a distance.

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All the fighters that come in the B-tier category perform more or less close to A-tier characters. However, they have two or more flaws attached to their playstyle, which weighs down the overall potential and performance of the fighters.

Super Smash Bros Ultimate B-Tier List


Sheik has a variety of combos and good agility in Super Smash Bros Ultimate. Most of his attacks have a minimal startup or end lag. Sheik even has an excellent jump height. Other than smash attacks, he does not have a good number of kill options.

Samus [Dark Samus]

Samus has great recovery as he can tether the surface. He is a heavy fighter in the game, which has the longest grab. Dark Samus’s Bombs attack allows the character to hover in the air for a while, which is an excellent setup for recovery and attack both.


Bowser is probably the heaviest fighter in Super Smash Bros Ultimate. He is a close-combat fighter whose attacks are immensely powerful. Bowser’s Smash attack can KO an enemy at half or below percentages. Not only is he a great brawler in the game, but he also has a decent grab range.


Falco is an agile fighter in executing combos and overall movement speed on the ground and air. He is a good close-combat fighter with good combo setups. Other than that, he also has a blaster to deal with ranged projectile-based attacks. Since he is a lightweight fighter, he can be launched in the air pretty easily.


For a sword fighter, Ike is a high damage heavyweight player in the B-rank Smash tier list. Not only can he execute decent combos on the ground, but he can also do the same in air. Since he is a heavyweight fighter, launching and doing KO on him will not be easy. However, he also has pretty bad recovery.


Luigi has a slow fall speed which allows the fighter to deal aerial combos efficiently. He has got a good variety of combos on the ground and in air both. Luigi uses equipment for offense and defense purposes. He also has a tether grab; however, it can latch onto the ledges.


Hero uses a shield to block incoming projectiles. His combos are good for close combat; however, Hocus Pocus and Metal Slash attacks sometimes depend on the situation. Hero has an excellent vertical recovery while he is at full charge.


Ryu has got a variety of combo moves to mix up and confuse an opponent. He has decent agility in the air and on the ground. Most of his attacks have minimal ending lag, which is perfect for chaining more combo attacks.

Wii Fit Trainer

Like Ryu, Wii Fit Trainer also has decent agility and minimal lag while executing attacks. The downside with the fighter is that he is lightweight and has a pretty bad grab range.

Rosalina & Luma

Rosalina & Luma are large, lightweight, and agile fighters in Super Smash Bros Ultimate. They have a decent zoning capability to apply pressure on an opponent. However, managing both fighters on the fly requires skill and control, which can sometimes become frustrating.

Mii Brawler

Mii Brawler is much better than other Mii fighters, and that is why he sits in the B-rank tier list. They are better suited for close-combat fighting style since they do not have decent projectile-based range attacks.

Toon Link

Since Toon Link wields a sword, most, if not all, of his attacks have disjointed hitboxes, making the fighter a good choice for melee encounters. His down aerial does a Meteor Smash attack on an enemy. Toon Link’s throw is arguable the strongest in Super Smash Bros Ultimate.


Like Toon Link, Marth too wields a sword and therefore has disjointed attacks. His sword does high knockback and combo damage. Marth has got a variety of combo attacks to pressure an enemy. 


As a DLC fighter, Byleth fighters have got strong offensive and defensive game. They can do shield damage on an opponent using the down aerial and down smash attack. They have a short grab range and poor horizontal recovery.


Lucas is not only an agile fighter but also deals heavy damage on an opponent. He has an above-average zoning playstyle as well. Lucas has a good number of combos and powerful smash attacks.


Since Corrin is a sword fighter, most of his attacks have disjointed hitboxes, giving the fighter more room to continue combo or evade. A good number of his attacks launch the opponent into the air, giving the fighter more opportunities for the aerial game.

Banjo & Kazooie

Most of the hitboxes are associated with Banjo, while Kazooie does not have one except for Talon Trot. This gives the fighter more room to attack an opponent without worrying about being attacked back. Banjo & Kazooie can also do three jumps, which are great for recovery.


Bayonetta is a fantastic fighter in the B-rank Smash Ultimate tier list for close and ranged combat style. She has a good ground and aerial game, and her grab attack has got a high range. Bayonetta’s throws can also be connected to smash attacks.

Duck Hunt

Duck Hunt’s trick shot attack is excellent for setting traps and is also a projectile-based attack. The Wild Gunmen is to maintain distance. The downside with Duck Hunt is that they are lightweight and can easily be launched by a mid-to-heavy fighter.

Meta Knight

Like Kirby, Meta Knight, too, has got six jumps with not enough overall height. The fighter wields a sword which gives him much better range than other fighters of the same universe. Meta Knight has got excellent combos and multi-hit attacks. 


Mewtwo has above-average agility, which is evident from its incredible dash speed and air dodging. Using the backward aerial, teleport, and Shadow Ball, the fighter can achieve a good recovery and is difficult to counter.


Robin is an excellent choice for a ranged damage dealer playstyle. He/she also has a good grab range. Since Robin has ranged combos, the fighter is excellent choice of zoning and putting pressure on the enemy.


Villager has an above-average knockback attack, and he can KO an enemy if the percentage is more than 55%. He also has decent vertical and horizontal recovery.


Zelda overall is a decent and reliable fighter in the game. However, she has only a limited number of combos that are effective against a mid to high-weight opponent.

Mii Gunner

Mii Gunner is a ranged fighter in the B-rank tier list. He is great at putting pressure on an enemy to get close. However, Mii Gunner does not have great close combat setups.

Ice Climbers

Ice Climbers use their equipment for offensive and recovery measures. They have a decent jump height. However, Ice Climbers lack good horizontal air movement. Moreover, if Nana dies, Popo will also die.

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All the fighters coming under C-tier are below-average performers in the game. They have complex combo mechanics, and most, if not all, attacks are not effective as well.

Super Smash Bros Ultimate C-Tier List

Bowser Jr

Bowser Jr has a strong zoning playstyle which makes this fighter a great pick against mid-sized opponents. He also has good combo variety, and if they are used right, it can confuse an opponent. Unfortunately, an enemy can pick up Bowser Jr’s Mechakoopa and attack back at the fighter. He also has pretty low range on some of his attacks. Since Bowser Jr’s attacks and combos utilize a variety of weapons, opponents can easily predict the incoming attacks and play out accordingly.

Simon [Richter]

Simon’s whip-based attacks allow him to deal damage from a distance, and the weapon is also used to tether and recover pretty easily. Players can utilize the axe to attack an enemy that is directly above the fighter. Simon’s holy water-based attacks burn an enemy, dealing small damage over time. Despite the great usage of the whip for the recovery, Simon does not have a lot of setups to recover. Moreover, his overall mobility is also low.


Ridley is a large-sized lightweight fighter. He comes with three jumps which cover a decent amount of height. Most of Ridley’s attacks and combos utilize the fighter’s tail, which is why he has good ranged-attacks setups. He is also an excellent pick when it comes to edge-guarding. Unfortunately, despite the advantages, the fighter’s lightweight and size weigh him down; his hitbox is big and can be launched easily due to low weight. 

Mii Swordfighter

Mii Swordfighter is an average fighter in the C-rank Smash Ultimate tier list. Most of his attacks and combos are focused on close combat. However, he also comes with a few projectiles-based attacks, which makes the fighter the best of both worlds. Other than that, Mii Swordfighter is lightweight and is easy to launch and knockback, especially at a mid-to-high range of percentage buildups.

Piranha Plant

Piranha Plant is a decent fighter in Super Smash Bros Ultimate. Most of his basic to advanced attacks connect well and deal good damage on an opponent. Piranha Plant has a good recovery and stalls it as well using the down special, side special, and neutral special moves. However, regardless of the many good things about the fighter, his low agility, slow melee, and projectile attacks weigh him down.

King K. Rool

One of the few good things about King K. Rool is that, like Bowser, he too has the highest weight in Super Smash Bros Ultimate. This is why launching this fighter into the air or landing a knockback attack is challenging. King K. Rool’s down aerial and back aerial attack can meteor smash an opponent. He also has two long projectiles, which becomes effective to carry out attacks from a decent range. However, even though King K. Rool has got belly super armor, it does not resist the grabs. Also, the speed of projectiles is considerably slow.

Donkey Kong

Donkey Kong is a high-weight fighter who deals powerful close combat and knockback attacks. Due to his long arms, the fighter has a good range of attacks. Not only his attacks are strong, Donkey Kong has also got powerful throws, making his movesets pretty good for a heavy fighter. Other than that, since he is a big-size fighter, he has a large hitbox. Moreover, Donkey Kong does not have any projectile-based attacks whatsoever.


Kirby’s strength lies in his small-sized appearance, six jumps, and low crouch. All these reasons give the fighter advantage in a fight, but they also come with disadvantages. Kirby is a lightweight fighter, making him easy to launch in the air and can also be KO quickly. Even though he has got a high number of jumps, the overall height is not up to the mark. Also, Kirby does not have decent range while attacking an enemy.


Like Kirby, Jigglypuff is also another lightweight fighter who is easy to KO. He can jump six times in the air, but the overall height achieved by the jumps is not decent. Kirby’s Sing and Rest are two effective means to KO an opponent if the fighter has a high percentage. Even though the airspeed of the fighter is above-average, he is pretty slow on the ground.

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All the fighters belonging to the D-rank Smash Ultimate tier list are difficult to learn. They also do not offer much to the table, and mastering their moveset and setups to beat the fighters of higher tiers is a challenge.

Super Smash Bros Ultimate D-Tier List


Lucario can deal powerful damage and deal a high damage output knockback attack at higher percentages build of his own by using the Aura mechanic. He also has terrific edge-guarding moves, giving him enough room to recover. However, Lucario is a pretty weak fighter without his Aura and higher percentage buildup. Moreover, he also has a pretty bad recovery if his percentage is not high.

King Dedede

King Dedede has a very powerful smash and dash attack that can turn the tide of a fight if used properly. Other than that, he has very high weight, making it difficult for an opponent to launch King Dedede into the air. The increased weight also gives the fighter high survivability. Unfortunately, due to high frames, King Dedede has got a large hitbox that makes the fighter easy to land damage. Other than that, he is not an agile character on the ground and aerial both.


One of the greatest strengths of Isabelle is that using Balloon Trip, she gets recovery quickly, and the Lloid Trap allows the fighter to keep an enemy at bay from her. She has pretty functional zoning abilities and a useful counter-attack. However, she is very lightweight, and hence Isabelle is easy to knock back or launched into the air. She also does not have projectiles which can become frustrating while playing with her.


Incineroar has low mobility, but he makes up for it in the frames department. He is also very high in weight which increases his chance of survivability a tad bit better than other lightweight fighters in our D-ranking fighters in our Smash Ultimate tier list. However, like Isabelle, Incineroar also does not have any projectiles to attack enemies. He, too, like her, relies heavily on close combat to deal damage on opponents.   


Despite being one of the high damaging fighters in Super Smash Bros Ultimate, Ganondorf suffers terribly because of the worst recovery system. Moreover, since he has an extremely high weight, it is also why he has got the slow movement speed on the ground and in the air. Ganondorf suffers from ranged attacks as well, and to attack an enemy, he must rely on close combat only.

Dr. Mario

Unlike Mario, a top-tier fighter in the game, Dr. Mario suffers heavily in the combo department; the former has more combo variety than the latter. Other than that, Dr. Mario, like Ganondorf, is also weighed down by the worst recovery system in the game. He can be edge-guarded pretty easily, making him vulnerable to incoming combo attacks. On top of that, since Dr. Mario is a small-sized character, he has slow speed compared to his counterparts of the same size fighters.

Little Mac

Little Mac is a heavy hitter but does not take enough punch from the opponent due to its low weight. He is a poor fighter when it comes to approaching an opponent via aerial-based attacks. Furthermore, like most fighters in our D-tier, Little Mac too suffers from poor recovery. On the bright side, his K.O punches can not be shielded and hit an opponent hard. Little Mac’s smash attacks also grant the fighter super armor whenever it lands on an enemy.

That is pretty much everything you need to know about the Super Smash Bros Ultimate tier list. We will update the tier list as soon as new fighters join the roster and we get hands-on experience. Till then, this tier ranking will do.

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