Dystopian hellscape meaning

China's Xinjiang a 'dystopian hellscape' for Muslims, new Amnesty report says

By Max Walden
PostedThu 10 Jun 2021 at 3:01pmThursday 10 Jun 2021 at 3:01pmThu 10 Jun 2021 at 3:01pm, updatedFri 11 Jun 2021 at 1:46amFriday 11 Jun 2021 at 1:46amFri 11 Jun 2021 at 1:46am
Chinese authorities have overseen a crackdown on Muslims under the guise of combatting terrorism.(Supplied: Amnesty International/Molly Crabapple)

Even after Mahabbat* wasreleased from a Chinese detention camp, the camp "followed" her.

"Evenwhen I went to buy a meal, I had to fill in a form saying I had been in a camp," she said.

Key points:

  • Amnesty International has accused the Chinese Communist Party of committing crimes against humanity in Xinjiang
  • More than 50 ex-detainees of internment camps have described practices amounting to torture
  • Mass detention, forced labour and a surveillance state threaten to eradicate Uyghur culture, Amnesty says

Mahabbat was one of more than 50 former detainees of internment camps which the ruling Chinese Communist Party (CCP) insists are vocational education centres who was interviewed by Amnesty International for a landmark new report by the rights group.

The reason Mahabbat was detained for one yearwas simply because she was travelling to Kazakhstan. Foreign travel or links to people overseas are amongmany reasons ethnic minorities in Xinjiang can be caught in the dragnet of a crackdown against alleged Muslim"extremism".

"The fear is palpable, of course in Xinjiang, but also among the Uyghur community here in Australia," Kyinzom Dhongdue, a campaigner for Amnesty International, told the ABC.

Overseas Uyghurs face consequences if they speak publicly about the situation in Xinjiang, routinely reporting harassment by Chinese officials.

Nurmuhammad Majid says his family hasbeen targeted by Chinese authorities because of his activism.(Supplied)

"There are hundreds of community members [in Australia] who are deeply affected by the genocidal policies of the Chinese government," Nurmuhammad Majid, a Uyghur community leader in Adelaide, told the ABC.

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Mehray Mezensof speaks out for the first time about her husband, an Australian permanent resident, who has been jailed inXinjiang, China.

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"In Australia we are unable to do anything to save our family members," he said, stating that being connected to an overseas activist could lead to detention and other abuses in China.

"My older brother, my younger brother, my two sisters and their families are targeted by the Chinese authorities.

"We are unable to secure any credible information about their safety whether they are alive or not."

Apart from choreographed press tours, Chinese authorities severely restrict journalists' access to the region, meaning much of the information known about the facilities comes from former detainees.

"China thinks that out of sight is out of mind," Ms Dhongdue said.

In the "information black holes" of Xinjiang and Tibet where Ms Dhongdue is originally from "China has been able to commit these human rights abuses with impunity", she told the ABC.

Uyghurs who have travelled overseas or have connections to other countries say they have been targeted by Chinese authorities.(AP:Mehmet Guzel)

A 'dystopian hellscape' in Xinjiang

In line with research and reporting by academics, think tanks and journalists, the Amnesty report said that since 2017, Chinese authorities hadoverseen a crackdown in Xinjiang under the guise of combating terrorism.

Authorities hadeffectively criminalisedmainstream Muslim practices, including praying or possessing pictures with a religious theme, the report said.

"The Chinese authorities have created a dystopian hellscape on a staggering scale in the Xinjiang Uyghur autonomous region," Agnes Callamard, Amnesty International's secretary-general, said.

AgnesCallamard says the situation in Xinjiang should "shock the conscience of humanity".(Reuters:Denis Balibouse)

The policies "threaten to erase their religious and cultural identities", she said.

"It should shock the conscience of humanity that massive numbers of people have been subjected to brainwashing, torture and other degrading treatment in internment camps, while millions more live in fear amid a vast surveillance apparatus."

Inside the camps, detainees were "monitored at all times, including when they ate, slept, and used the toilet", and were forced to speak in Mandarin, the Amnesty report said.

Satellite images of various "vocational education"camps in Xinjiang.(ABC News)

Chinese state media reports about Uyghurs in Xinjiang routinely feature them speaking Mandarin rather than Uyghur,which is a Turkic language.

Ex-detainees quoted by Amnesty described having to wear heavy shackles and being shocked by camp guards with electric batons or being sprayed with pepper spray.

Some reported having to sit for prolonged periods in so-called "tiger chairs" steel chairs with handcuffs and leg ironsused by police and other security forces across China.

Ex-detainees say they were forced to sit in tiger chairs.(Supplied: Amnesty International/Molly Crabapple)

"One day they told us journalists were coming. And that when you see them to smile. And to say what you were told or you will be taken to an underground room [where people are tortured]," one former detainee, Ibrahim*, told Amnesty.

"And we practised answering questions for journalists for more than 10 days We practised saying that the food is good and the Chinese Communist Party is great."

Blacklist identifies Uyghurs living in Australia

Australian citizens are among thousands of Uyghurs in China and abroad who are listed in an official Chinese blacklist as "suspected terrorists" for surveillance and interrogation.

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Outside of the camp, Uyghurs and other minorities are subject to mass surveillance including biometric data collection, regular searches by "ubiquitous" security officers, and "homestays" by officials, the report said.

Amnesty's interviewees described an environmentin Xinjiang that was "extraordinarily hostile" to the practice of Islam, with people abandoning fundamental tenets of their religion out of fear of detention.

"Without a doubt, genuine fear of disappearanceis so strong that most Uyghurs won'tdare to engage in any Islamic practice that could be interpreted by authorities as somehow abnormalor extremist," Tim Grose, an expert on ethnic minorities in China at the Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology in the US, told the ABC.

"The line separating 'normal' and 'illegal'ishazy and constantly shifting.Therefore I'm confident that many Uyghurs have simply decided not to take the risk of engaging in any religious activities."

Amnesty's report reinforces an image of Xinjiang as a surveillance state where Muslims are scared to practise their religion.(Reuters:Thomas Peter)

Researchers allege campaign to uproot Uyghurs from their land

Amnesty interviewees described being put into labour schemes after their release from Xinjiang camps, characterised by low pay, poor working conditions and a discriminatory work environment.

Uyghurs sit in a classroom at the Xinjiang Islamic Institute, as seen during a government-organised visit for foreign journalists.(AP: Mark Schiefelbein)

Australian Strategic Policy Institute research based on publicly available Chinese documents previously reported that between 2017 and 2019, 80,000 Uyghur workers were effectively "bought" and "sold" by local governments and commercial brokers.

"The internment and now coerced or forced labour is meant to weaken, uproot, and eventually sever Uyghur ties to that land they claim indigeneity," Dr Grose said.

'Cultural genocide' of Uyghurs

China's campaign in Xinjiang is targeting Uyghur music, religion, language and even food but in Australia, the community is using melodic art to fight back.

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"I see many frightening parallels between the US government's strategy to 'assimilate'Native Americans with the CCP's efforts to 'de-radicalise'Uyghurs.One of the most obvious is removing these groups from their land."

Ms Dhongdue explained that China's crackdown on the Uyghurs hademerged in a post-9/11 context.

"The Uyghurs have been peacefully fighting for their freedom, peacefully fighting to preserve their cultural identity, maintain religious traditionsfor many decades," she said.

Duration: 5 minutes 32 seconds5m
Inside China's media war on Xinjiang

"With this rise of Islamophobia, China has been able to basically make that an excuse and target the Muslim minorities in Xinjiang."

Calls for unfettered access to the region

Amnesty concludes that based on the evidence it has gathered in the 160-page report, the Chinese government hascommitted "at least" the crimes against humanity of forced imprisonment, torture and persecution.

A sombre Eid for Australia's Uyghurs

It's meant to be a time for reunion, but some Uyghur Muslims in Australia with familiestrapped in Xinjiang feel guilty about celebrating the holy Islamic month of Ramadan.

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A number of Western parliaments, including those of the US, UK, Canada, Belgium and the Netherlands,have already declared Beijing is perpetrating crimes against humanity and committing genocide in Xinjiang.

"The onus is now on China to prove that there is no genocide which is why we are calling upon China to open Xinjiang up, to allow unfettered access to Xinjiang for independent observers, for diplomats, and for journalists,"Ms Dhongdue said.

"Now is the time to resist China's assault on the human rights of the Uyghurs, of the Tibetans, of ordinary Chinese citizens."

The Chinese embassy in Australia did not respond to the ABC's request for comment.

*Amnesty International changed the real names of interviewees to protect their identities.