dennys là gì - Nghĩa của từ dennys

dennys có nghĩa là

The most amazing guy you'll ever meet. He's always there for you when you need him and he's someone you can count on. He doesn't know how special of a guy he is. He's like a warm snuggly blanket on a cold winter's night. He's the sexiest, handsomest most gorgeous guy! Anyone who knows him is lucky to have him in their life, I know I am, I'm thankful for him everyday. He's stubborn sometimes, but everyone is. He's the perfect guy to have in your life. Any girl is lucky to be able to call him hers...I love you Dennis!


What an amazing guy, I love him! He's such a Dennis!

dennys có nghĩa là

An extremely smart person who gets the job done better than anyone else. Name literally means "wild, crazy, strategic and smart". People never mess with this guy.


1. Hey man! What are you doing?

Tryin' to fix this damn lawn mower. I need to be a Dennis to figure this out.

dennys có nghĩa là

Generous, understanding, smart, and very talented. He is as sharp and as quick-witted as Jim Carrey on speed, but he can also sometimes be brooding like Marlon Brando. He's a strange one, but he will leave you laughing anytime you see him. He has a cute self-consciousness about him that is very charming. He is so gifted that everything just comes to him naturally and effortlessly, but he genuinely thinks he sucks at everything when in fact he doesn't. Which is fine, because that makes him try ten times harder than anybody else at anything that he does. He is also very tough. Stories tell of him wrestling a pack of hungry coyotes that were messing with his cat. Don't ask what happened to those coyotes. He's just one of those few people that have a commanding presence about them, and you instantly recognize him when he steps into a room. Mere mortals tremble by his very presence, but he doesn't see you this way. He is never judgmental towards others, which is refreshing to see. He is very empathetic and always wants to relate to others. I think he's an artist, and a damn good one, but he cringes when hearing that word. He has great difficulty receiving compliments, of all things, and I cannot figure out why. Did I mention he's handsome? He looks like Johnny Depp. On a bad day. His wit, humor, handsomeness, and all around awesomeness, makes me think that he is the reincarnation of Cary Grant.


Dennis: Why are you so good to me? You: Shall I climb up and tell you why? Dennis: Lol.

dennys có nghĩa là

Denny's is a 24-hour diner. They serve warm mediocre quality food, coffee, and the essential Meat-Lover's Skillet. To fully qualify as a Denny's however the diner must have:

1.] A waitress that has worked there way too long. She is missing a finger, a tooth, or maybe she has a 6th toe. In any case she's freaking tired and does not take any of your crap.

2.] One of the following non-conformists:
"To be a non-conformist, you have to dress in black, and listen to the same music we do."
a.] Goth kids. Black attire, hopped up on caffeine writing bad gothic poetry [i.e. "If a drop of blood would make you smile I would slash my wrists till I expired in a crimson puddle of my wasted love"]
b.] Wiccan kids. Not to be confused with Goth kids. They wear black too, but lean more toward the caped Halloween look. They must have bumper stickers on their car that read something like "My other car is a broomstick". They know magik so you better not mess with them.
c.] Emo kids. You will either have the tolerable ones who actually know something about music, or the lame ones that just discovered the fad out of Seventeen magazine. Availability varies by location. Dashboard anyone?

3.] The bitter kid that makes fun of those people in #2. This can be damn funny.

4.] The creepy midnight shift guy. No one knows much about him, but they wish he's take a shower.

5.] The people who drag their whining screaming brats out for an 11 pm dinner. Maybe if Mommy hadn't been turning tricks all day she would have made you a home cooked meal.

6.] The drunks. If need help spotting them they the person that just went into the booth headfirst. Also, the stoners. They never bothered to find the booth; they are sitting on the floor.

7.] An impossible to operate crane machine.

8.] Billowing clouds of smoke. What non-smoking section?

9.] Endless amount of coffee! Endless! *Sigh* and tea, for those types.


"Denny's exist for one purpose and that is to serve the completely exhausted an the totally wasted... and no one else. Because of that fact you can go in there an order anything without reading a single word, you just point to the photograph of the food you want." ~ Sabrina Matthews

dennys có nghĩa là

Probably the most amazing person you will ever meet. He's sweet, kind, funny, loving, and caring...and no matter what, he's always there for you during your hardest times. Whenever life seems impossible, he'll always be the one standing there telling you that everything's going to be okay. He's the type of guy who you can call in THE MIDDLE of the nite when you get scared when you have a bad dream, the guy who will hold you when you cry, and the guy who will do anything to keep you safe. He's the best friend anyone could ever ask for, and the most selfless person alive. Anyone would be lucky just to meet him and get to spend time with him. Den always knows how to cheer you up - a simple picture, funny message, text fuck up - idk he can always just find a way to make you laugh. He's been through a lot, though, and doesn't realize how amazing he is. He's a life saver. A giver. A listener. And a survivor. And he needs to remember that no matter how tough life gets, he will always have his music. The one thing that's been there for him, when people have not. It's a shame that we all can't be like him. He's inspirational and he changes lives. He just doesn't know it...I hope more than anything, though, that Dennis is forgiving.


You: heyyyy Dennis: hey how was your day You: not very good ]: DenDen: well, you can run away with me anytime you want You: way to quote lyrics there >.< DenDen: XDDDDDDDDDD

dennys có nghĩa là

The most amazing person in the whole entire world. Very easy to get along with. He makes you fall in love with him the first time you see him. He has huge muscles, crystal blue eyes, and a movie star smile. Dennis acts like a very tough guy, but he can do so because he is actually very tough. He lifts heavy weights and its so sexy. His good looks and skill can make you love him even more ; All the girls flock to Dennis when he is out on the town or anywhere in general. His good looks and his charmingness can have you melt before your eyes. He is the most determined, hardworking, funniest, sweetest guy I know, and he can make you very happy in an instant. He's also the bestfriend you will ever have. People are so blessed and lucky to have a Dennis in their lives, and should never let him go..he's a keeper.


Girl 1: Wow..look at that guy over there benching..I'm gona go talk to him. Girl 2: Wait, I talked to him yesterday. His name is Dennis. Hes so sweet. Girl 1: *walks away in jealousy*

dennys có nghĩa là

Hands down, the best human encounter one could possibly have in the entire universe. A dennis typically breaks out in song yelling in the middle of a grocery store. You can usually find a dennis in the least crowded places of the world. A Dennis also likes to pretend he is a hard ass with no heart, but in fact he actually has one of the biggest hearts in the world. Extremely intelligent, and musically inclined. And makes the absolute best soul mate. Very loyal. And very sexy. Most beautiful eyes in the planet. Some might even say that a dennis is out of this world. Quite possibly an alien.


Dude this guy is THE COOLEST, he is such a dennis!

dennys có nghĩa là

The sexiest and most attractive man you will ever meet. He is awesome and very cool. Everyone loves him and adore him for his kindness. He is the most intelligent but Dennis can also be very fun to hang out with. He is the best person you will ever meet in your life.


Dennis is the best and sexiest guy in the world

dennys có nghĩa là

Dennis - if you're looking for the name definition we'll here it is. Dennis' are super funny and sweet once you get to know them. They can be stubborn at times, but mostly they are loving. Dennis' are inappropriate but what middle school - high school boy isn't? If a Dennis ever likes you, he will give you every bit of attention he can give you. Also he is such a good listener, smiles and laughs a lot, and will make you laugh as well.


I wish Dennis would talk to me, not HER.

dennys có nghĩa là

An intense office plague that spreads rapidly to co-workers in spite of little to no contact with Dennis. Some people may not even be within the vicinity of the department or state and yet still be stricken by this mysterious virus. The virus is known to last over two weeks and sometimes over a month. It has similar symptoms to the common cold or flu with exceptionally increased mucus production, extreme sore throat and urge to cough. You would probably get rid of herpes before the Dennis.


I don't know how he did it, considering I haven't seen him in 2 weeks, but I'm pretty sure I have the Dennis, and I'm losing my will to live. I think I contracted the "Dennis" again.

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