Delete profile outlook 2013 trên windows 10

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When you use Microsoft Outlook as your primary email application, you might come across a time when you need to delete an Outlook profile. This could be due to the profile becoming corrupt, and you find that you receive errors every time you try to access your account. Sometimes you can correct a corrupt file by adding a different profile with a new name, but otherwise, you can delete it through the Control Panel. Occasionally, you may need to delete Outlook profiles through your computer's registry.

Manually Delete Outlook Profiles From the Control Panel

To use the Control Panel to delete Outlook profiles [or delete Office 365 accounts]:

  1. Right-click the Start menu and open the Control Panel.
  2. Select User Accounts, followed by Mail.
  3. From the Mail Setup window, select the option to Show Profiles.
  4. Click on the profile you want to delete and choose Remove.
  5. Click Yes to confirm in the pop-up window and when it's done, click OK to finalize.

You have now deleted your Outlook profile.

If this method doesn't work and you receive a pop-up informing you that you aren't able to delete the Outlook profile until you remove all other Exchange accounts, you need to go into your computer's registry directly via the Registry Editor and delete it there.

Launching the Registry Editor

Your PC's registry is a single hub where information on your computer's attached hardware, systems options, memory and application programs are stored. When you use the Control Panel, you can edit the registry indirectly, but by using your computer's Registry Editor, you are able to view and edit the registry directly. You can delete Outlook profiles directly from the registry.

To access the Registry Editor, use the Run command as a shortcut to launch it by going to the Start menu and typing Run into the search bar. In the Run command box, type regedit and click OK to launch the Registry Editor.

Deleting Your Outlook Profile Using the Registry Editor

Inside the Registry Editor, you encounter a series of cascading folders. Follow these steps to find the file you need to edit to delete your Outlook profile:

  1. From the Computer tab, click on the arrow next to the HKEY_CURRENT_USER folder. This should collapse it, revealing another series of folders.
  2. Click on the arrow next to the Software folder.
  3. Select the arrow next to Microsoft and then the arrow next to Office.
  4. Pick the folder for your current version of Microsoft Office. The latest should be 16.0 for Microsoft Outlook 2016. Outlook 2013 is in the 15.0 folder, and 2010 won't be in the Office folder at all, but instead in the WindowsNT/CurrentVersion folder.
  5. Click the arrow next to Outlook, or for Office 2010, the arrows next to the WindowsMessagingSubsystem folder, and then click the Profiles folder, which displays all available Outlook reg profiles labeled by their profile name.
  6. Select the file for the Outlook reg profile you want to delete.

Before you delete your profile's Outlook registry key, you should make a backup of it. If you don't, it could potentially corrupt your entire operating system, so it's better to be on the safe side and create a backup.

Creating a Registry Backup

Before you make any manual edits to the registry via the Registry Editor, create a manual backup of the registry entry of your profile. Here's how:

  1. Follow the steps above to get to the Outlook Profiles registry entry.
  2. Click on the profile name of the Outlook profile you want to make a backup of to select it.
  3. With the profile selected, click File, followed by Export.
  4. An Export Registry File window pops up. Pick a location to save the exported backup and name it accordingly. Then, click Save.

Delete the Registry Entry for Your Outlook Profile

Now that the backup is saved, right-click on the Outlook registry profile file and click Delete. You are asked to confirm the deletion. Confirm that you want to delete it and all of its keys, and the registry entry is then deleted. Close the Registry Editor.

Creating a New Outlook Profile

Even if you had to go all the way into the Registry Editor to delete your account, you should be able to create a new one simply. To create a new Outlook profile, follow these steps:

  1. From the Windows Start menu, go to the Control Panel.
  2. From the Control Panel, choose User Accounts, followed by Mail.
  3. Inside the Mail Setup window, choose Show Profiles.
  4. From the Show Profiles screen, click the option to Add a profile.
  5. Name the new profile and click OK.

From there, follow any accompanying steps necessary to add your email account to your Outlook profile, and you should be good to continue using your new Outlook profile without any problems.

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