By virtue of merely existing nghĩa là gì năm 2024


UK /kənˈtɪn[d]ʒ[ə]nt/adjective1. subject to chancethe contingent nature of the job▪[of losses, liabilities, etc.] that can be anticipated to arise if a particular event occurs▪ [Philosophy] true by virtue of the way things in fact are and not by logical necessitythat men are living creatures is a contingent fact2. contingent on/uponoccurring or existing only if [certain circumstances] are the case; dependent onhis fees were contingent on the success of his searchnoun1. a group of people sharing a common feature, forming part of a larger groupa contingent of Japanese businessmen attending a conference2. a body of troops or police sent to join a larger forcesix warships were stationed off the coast with a contingent of 2,000 marines



word origin

late Middle English [in the sense ‘of uncertain occurrence’]: from Latin contingere ‘befall’, from con- ‘together with’ + tangere ‘to touch’. The noun sense was originally ‘something happening by chance’, then ‘a person's share resulting from a division, a quota’; the current sense dates from the early 18th century While the virtues of country life were still stressed, the differences between town and country became less accentuated.

Natural philosophy was supposed to lead to moral virtue, to modesty and religious reverence.

However, in the case we are studying here, we believe that being underflagging is the essential virtue.

There was no guarantee that virtue would bring honour : it would have to be its own reward.

A final virtue of self-experimentation, it might be argued, is that it showed the practical value of basic behavioral research.

Bases of such changes include self-knowledge and self-critique of biases, stereotypes, and prejudices plus the virtues of openness and humility, as previously noted.

As yet this is only a working hypothesis but it has the virtue of directing investigation.

The problem of insufficient promotion possibilities, for instance, will disappear by virtue of the demographic swing.

Even if one did not make him responsible for his deeds by pledging insanity, the virtue of wisdom and therefore dignity would be lost.

Therefore, it endows wine with the same otherworldly, spiritual characteristics ordinarily associated with virtue.

Aside from being original, comprehensive, and up-to-date, this volume has a number of virtues.

It was a widespread idea that individuals, even whole groups, had intellectual and artistic qualities by virtue of their ancestry.

On behalf of people, the sage-king administers through moral construction and virtues and practices ren ["humanity, humaneness"].

It seems as though the subject has a special relation with what she believes, by virtue of which the belief has its particular content.

Phillips agreed with this, believing that the idea of ready-made virtues is incoherent.

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