Be miles away là gì

be miles away Idiom, Proverb

a dead giveaway

a clear signal, an obvious sign The smile on her face was a dead giveaway that she got the job.

a faraway look

the eyes show thoughts of a distant place or friend When I mention horses, you get a faraway look in your eyes.

an apple a day keeps the doctor away

eat one apple each day for good health "Mom gave me an apple, saying, ""An apple a day... ."""

An apple a day keeps the doctor away.

Eating an apple every day can help to keep you healthy. Other interpretation : A small preventive treatment wards off serious problems.

An empty purse frightens away friends.

When one's financial situation deteriorates, friends tend to disappear.

argue away

1.argue continuously连续争论
They sometimes argue away for hours.他们有时一争论就是几小时。
2.dismiss with a plausible argument以似是而非的理由驳回;不考虑
He tried to argue the matter away.他想方设法要把这件事辩解过去。
You can't argue away this problem.你不能不考虑这个问题。


see back away; bang away; blow away; break away; by far; carry away; cart off; cast away; clear out; die away; do away with; draw away; eat away at; explain away; fade out; fall away; fire away; fool away; fritter away; get away; get away with; give away; go away; hammer away at; lay aside; make away with; out and away; pass away; peg away at; piss away; plug away at; pull away; put away; right away; run away; run away with; salt away; send away; shy away from; slink away; slip out; sock away; spirit away; square away; squirrel away; stow away; take away from; take one's breath away; tear away; throw away; tuck away; turn away; walk away from; walk off with; waste away; wear off; whale away; when the cat's away, the mice will play; while away.

away from one's desk

Idiom(s): away from one's desk


not available for a telephone conversation; not available to be seen. (Sometimes said by the person who answers a telephone in an office. It means that the person whom the caller wants is not immediately available due to personal or business reasons.)
I'm sorry, but Ann is away from her desk just now. Can you come back later?
Tom is away from his desk, but if you leave your number, he will call you right back.

away out

(See way out)

away out of line

(See way out of line)

away to the races

going without a problem, smooth sailing When they approve our business loan, we'll be away to the races.

Away with the fairies

If someone is away with the fairies, they don't face reality and have unrealistic expectations of life.

back away

draw back ; move backwards后退;移开
The crowd backed away to let the queen's carriage pass through.人群退开了,好让女王的车子过去。

back away|back

v. To act to avoid or lessen one's involvement in something; draw or turn back; retreat. The townspeople backed away from the building plan when they found out how much it would cost.

bang away

shoot continuously连续射击
The soldiers were banging away at the target.士兵们不停地向靶子射击。

bargain away

1.continue talking about a price 讨价还价
Women like to bargain away in the market.妇女们喜欢在市场上讨价还价。
2.allow sth. to be sold or lost(at a low price)for sth.of little vaLue; lose through bargaining为获取某物廉价出售;通过讨价还价而失掉
It was foolish of them to bargain away a vast area of their territory for a sum of money.为了一笔钱,他们竟轻易地放弃了大片领土,真是太蠢了。
He bargained away his property.他贱卖了自己的财产。
They have bargained away all hope of success.他们因讨价还价而丧失了所有成功的希望。

blow away

1. to kill
2. to amaze; seeblow your mind

blow away the cobwebs

literally to get rid of the webs that spiders make, this idiom means to do something which makes your mind "cleaner" and fresher: "After sitting in the same chair for five hours, I wanted to go out for a walk to blow away the cobwebs."

Blow the cobwebs away

If you blow the cobwebs away, you make sweeping changes to something to bring fresh views and ideas in.

blow them away

defeat them badly, kick butt The Russians blew them away in the first game of the series.

blow you away

defeat you easily, beat the pants off You're going to play chess with Boris? He'll blow you away.

blunder away

move unsteadily or confusedly away;waste or loseby mismanaging or carelessness踉跄地或慌忙地离去;由于管理不善或粗心而浪费或失去
She came up to guide him when he was blundering away.他踉踉跄跄地离开时,她上前为他引路。
To blunder away state property is a grave crime.浪费国家财产是极大的犯罪。

break away

move away, go away from, stop doing or using She tried to break away when the cult leader asked for her savings.

break away|break|break loose|loose

v. phr. To liberate oneself from someone or something. Jane tried to break loose from her attacker, but he was too strong.

bring away

learn or gain (from an experience)
"My trip across the Sahara was difficult, but I brought a new appreciation for life away from the experience."

brush away

treat as neither important nor desirable 既不重视也不觉得称心
He brushed the whole business away.他对整个事情不予理会。
You can't just brush away our opinions.你不能这样置我们的意见而不顾。

burn away

continue burning 不断地燃烧
The forest fire burned away for days.森林大火一连烧了好多天。

carried away

Idiom(s): carried away


excited or moved to (extreme) action (by someone or something).
The crowd got carried away and did a lot of damage to the park.
I know that planning a party is fun, but dont get carried away.

carry away

1.take something away;remove带走;冲走
The flood has carried away the bridge.洪水把桥冲走了。
2.excite;cause to lose self control使着迷,使失去自制
Take your time and think carefullydon't get carried away.别着急,仔细想想,不要鬼迷心窍。
Don't be carried away by success.不要被胜利冲昏头脑。
The whole crowd were quite carried away by the young singer's performance.那位青年歌手的演唱深深地打动了所有的听众。
The scenic beauty has carried her away.美景使她陶醉了。

carry away|carry

v. To cause very strong feeling; excite or delight to the loss of cool judgment. The music carried her away. He let his anger carry him away.
Be miles away là gì
Often used in the passive, She was carried away by the man's charm. He was carried away by the sight of the flag.

cart off|cart|cart away

v., informal To take away, often with force or with rough handling or behavior. The police carted the rioters off to jail. When Bobby wouldn't eat his supper, his mother carted him away to bed.

cast away

1.throw away 丢掉
They cast away the equipment they would not need.他们扔掉了他们不再需要的设备。
He cast away an advantage.他失去了优势。
2.wreck(a ship)(船)遇难;使(船)失事(常用被动语态)
The new ship was cast away during the storm.这条新船在暴风雨中沉没。
A good many ships have been cast away in the Arctic Ocean.在北冰洋,曾有许多船只失事。

clear away

remove completely清除;驱散
We must clear away such ideas among ourselves.我们必须消除我们中间的这些想法。
The police cleared the crowd away.警察把人群驱散了。
Please clear away the dinner things.请把餐具撤去。

come away empty-handed

Idiom(s): come away empty-handed


to return without anything.
All right, go gambling. Don't come away empty-handed, though.
Go to the bank and ask for the loan again. This time don't come away empty-handed.

dance the night away

dance all night long: "Those two danced the night away."

dead giveaway

(See a dead giveaway)

die away

(of sound,wind,light)become weaker or fainter until it ceases 渐渐消失
The noise of the plane died away in the distance.飞机的声音渐渐地在远方消逝了。
The sound of the music died away.音乐声渐渐消失了。
The colors of the sunset died away.落日的余晖消失了。

die away|die|die down

v. To come slowly to an end; grow slowly less or weaker. The wind died down. The music died away. He waited until the excitement had died down. His mother's anger died away.

do away with

throw out, dispose of We want to do away with nuclear weapons - to dispose of them.

do away with|do|do away

v. 1. To put an end to; stop. The teachers want to do away with cheating in their school. The city has decided to do away with overhead wires.
Compare: RID OF. 2. To kill; murder. The robbers did away with their victims.

don't go away mad; just go away

"do not be angry, but leave; you are not welcome here" "He said to the heckler, ""Don't go away mad; just go away."""

draw away

1.move off;pull away离开;拉开;引走
The car drew away as we approached.当我们走近时,车开走了。
The arrival of the teacher drew away the children from their play.老师来了,孩子们不做游戏了。
2.move ahead;move away from one's opponent in a race,etc.跑到前头;在赛跑中跑到对手前面并与之拉开距离
The old man ran faster and faster and at last he started to draw away from others.这位老人跑得越来越快,终于超过别人并且拉开了距离。
The car was faster and soon drew away.小车速度比较快,一会儿就跑到前面去了。
3.isolate oneself孤立自己
She has drawn away lately and we can't find out why.她近来不跟人们来往,我们也搞不清是什么原因。

draw one's fire away from

Idiom(s): draw (one's) fire (away from sb or sth)


to make oneself a target in order to protect someone or something. (Refers literally to gunfire or figuratively to any kind of diversionary attack.)
The mother bird drew fire away from her chicks.
The hen drew the hunter's fire away from her nest.
The president drew fire away from Congress by proposing a compromise.

dream away

pass one's time idly虚度光阴
She dreams the time away.她虚度时光。
If you go on like this, when you get old you'll regret for dreaming your life away.如果你继续这样,当你年老时,你会因虚度年华而悔恨。

drink away

1.drink continuously不停地喝酒
In the hotel, the old man was drinking away for hours.这位老人在旅馆里一连喝了几个小时的酒。
2.relieve by taking alcoholic drink 饮酒消愁解闷
You can't drink your sorrow away.借酒消愁愁更愁。
He tried to drink the memory away.他力图借饮酒来忘却这件事。
3.waste(money,time,etc.)by drinking alcohol把(钱、时间等)浪费在饮酒上
Tom drank the whole of his father's fortune away.汤姆喝光了他父亲的家当。

drive away

1.leave in a vehicle乘车离去
The boy began to cry when his parents drove away.父母开车离去时,那个男孩子哭了。
2.make go away驱走;驱散
She can't drive away her feelings of sadness.她驱散不了心头的悲哀。

drive away at

work very hard at(one's work,etc.)努力做(工作等)
We are driving away at this subject.我们正在埋头研究这个课题。
He is still driving away at the dictionary.他仍在孜孜不倦地编那本词典。

drop away

get away;become less走掉;减少
It was a tedious lecture.The listeners dropped away one by one.演讲冗长乏味,听众一个个都走掉了。
The attendance has dropped away in recent months.最近几个月的出勤率下降了。

eat away

rot, erode, destroy The mildew has been eating away at the window frame all summer.

eat away at

Idiom(s): eat away at sb or sth


to remove parts, bit by bit.
John's disease was eating away at him.
The acid in the rain slowly ate away at the stone wall.